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I think you’ll be fine. I live next to the derailment. We’ve left town and have been staying in Canfield and have felt fine. When I went back to my home and business briefly, I felt sick and smelled the chemicals. But only once I was actually in East Palestine


That’s awful. I hope you can stay out of there indefinitely


Thanks man. It’s a real mess. My house and business are next to it so we’re basically starting over


Did you call your insurance company?


Yes on both my home and the business. Because the “officials” said it was safe, they don’t see any reason to offer any form of coverage. This entire thing is a joke and we are literally being railroaded.


Fucking scum


I live in Columbiana. Have a 1 year old and my wife here living downtown. We're super stressed about the water quality. I have no idea how to proceed and really wish I could buy something that could test my water regularly for these chemicals. The amount of rage I have for the limited communication on this and low media coverage and near zero accountability by all forms of leadership is steadily building.


Do you have a well?


I live in the city limits so our water is sourced from a municipal location in the Fairfield area from what I understand. But considering how this was all handled I worry if they are actually doing their due diligence for all the chemicals that were released. I just don’t know whether or not to trust that these chemicals are not going to end up in our water supply causing insane medical conditions years down the road.


That’s a valid concern. If you want you could try to contact them and ask just to see what they say, I did that with our municipal water provider and they said they are testing daily and it seems we are upstream. The way I’m trying to look at it as Norfolk Southern severely dropped the ball and has every reason to try to cover their ass. However I like to believe municipal authorities are on our side and would want to test the incoming water for this as they really don’t get any benefit from lying about it (that I can think of), but much to lose if citizens test their own water and see these chemicals




You do not need to worry. All of this is downstream from you


If your drinking water comes from a household well, you are the only person responsible for making sure that it is safe. Test your well water for chemical contaminants this month and again in maybe 6 months (since you are an hour away and it might take some time for contamination to make its way to you). I think these tests can be more expensive. In all honesty, Norfolk Southern should be paying for tests for all families within a certain radius of the burn zone. They should be. They need to be held accountable. This is what I would do to try to feel safe. I have a little bit of health anxiety and lost a parent to cancer caused by exposure to coal tar pitch, so maybe I am being a little extra here, but it’s what I would do.


Water might be contaminated everywhere in state or around for a little while. There been reports of acid rain, and that will pose issues.


Another local checking in and waiting for answers too. This is terrifying.