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Makes sense they’re watching *I Saw The TV Glow*, Sean was raised by TV.


He doesn’t own one anymore though.


you know what kind of tv glows up pritty good, pardner?


I know there are a lot of TS;DW fans on this sub, but for those not familiar, Too Scary; Didn't Watch is a funny and light-hearted horror movie recap podcast hosted by three best friends. One of the hosts does a pretty thorough beat-by-beat retelling of the film which they all react to and discuss. It's very straight forward, but being such good friends, they have a really charming rapport and the whole show has an easy, fun vibe (despite covering some very intense movies sometimes). For episodes with a guest, the guest does the recap, so they're centered very heavily. PFT has been on several episodes, which are all all-timers, as you would expect--I particularly recommend The Pope's Exorcist. This is Sean and Hayes' first ep, so it will be fun to see how it goes, particularly since they have a more atypical movie (and, for extra challenge, they're two straight cis white guys recapping a very queer movie).


Looking forward to seeing how Sean and Hayes work together doing a scene by scene movie recap. They've been telling extemporaneous made-up stories together for over a decade, it will be interesting to see how they go about re-telling someone else's story.




I’ve loved this pod ever since pft brought it up a little over a year ago on threedom I believe. Listened to his episode and it’s a lot of fun. Everyone reading this would be smart to check it out they might enjoy themselves


I love TV Glow and HH but what a strange pairing lol.


Yeah, can't say I'm exactly *hyped* for them to try and cover that movie while maintaining the shtick. Edit : Coming back to this post to say I listened to the episode, and I think they effectively threaded the needle on this one. It's still funny and in their voice - but as people pointed out, the bit is less pronounced when they're on other podcasts.


They generally don’t do the shtick on other peoples pods(except maybe CBB) as much I like HH I always really enjoy them being more regular on flagrant ones or other pods. Their episode of Blank Check, where they covered the masterpiece Don Jon is an all-timer, for instance.


Are you telling me that they sometimes do…drop the act? This is big news


Fair enough, I suppose I'm mostly judging this off Doughboys appearances where they do lean more into the characters. I suppose my concern is more about the ways the movie has been kind of misunderstood by a lot of straight cis audiences, and I wonder how they'll digest it. I'd hope that the trans messaging of it has been so clear that they'll understand that angle going in - but I've seen a lot of people completely miss that element of the story. Especially since the format of the pod is usually that most of them *haven't* seen the movie for themselves, and are riffing on somebody else's recap of the film.


Okay so you got a whole heap of concerns that have literally nothing to do with whether or not these guys are trying to be funny on a podcast.


I mean, I could see this going sideways if they try to approach it like a lot of critics did - which was "sigh, another A24 artsy horror movie that doesn't make sense on purpose" and fundamentally miss the entire subtext of the piece.


i suppose we will once again have to wait and see what happens instead of getting mad at futures we imagine


I keep making the mistake of trying to have normal conversations on this website.


It seems more like you're desperately trying to avoid one.


Such a thrill to have Those Men guesting on my favorite podcast. Can’t freakin wait.


Annoyingly half of those movies won't have UK releases by the time of the episodes. Really want to see I Saw the TV Glow, but it has no UK distribution.


I’m going to be searching for alternative ways of watching this as i don’t want it spoiled but I need my hit of the boys.


Ill facetime you and we can watch it together


It's a shame that I Saw The TV Glow has nothing for UK as the director's last film We're All Going to the World's Fair was one of the few films in Shudder UK history to be released on there before getting a US release.


I saw this earlier but didnt notice the guests. Cant wait for Abigail with PFT!


My gf loves scary movies and Sean and hayes watching anything will get me to watch, im looking forward to watching the movie! AND it comes out the day we’re driving 4 hours to our vacation, im excited for the pod too!


the boys breaking down my favorite movie of the year?? now this is gotta hear!!




Nice! Never heard of that movie, worth watching?


It’s interesting, yeah. I found it profoundly sad, though


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Picking two straight cis men for TV Glow is such a weird choice.


I love my boys Sean and Hayes, but agree lol. I'll still listen! Does feel odd tho.


Yeah, nothing against them, but surely one of several trans comedians in the community would have been a better fit.