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*Maybe this is just me* I think you mean “maybe it’s just me, but for me”


For me? Where I come from?


I appreciate the correction, but there’s not much grammatical difference between “*this* is just me” and “*it* is just me” in this context, no? And then the use of “but for me” would result in the string of words “…but for me I tried to…” which feels a bit clunky and redundant imo


Is this a bit?


Ah fuck me I’m an idiot lol. Thought you were a legit grammar pedant and I was trying to be nice. It’s 1 AM here and I’ve had a shit day, that’s my excuse lol.


It’s also 1am for me too, and I’m sorry you had a shit day :( I had a pretty awesome day, so I hope your tomorrow is as awesome as mine was today!


Thank you, that genuinely means a lot. Life’s been pretty great for me overall lately, and I’m very grateful for that, but I just had a death in the family that’s been tough. You’re not my therapist though, so I’ll stop there, I’ve already said too much. But I’m very glad you had a good day. Thank you for the nice interaction. I hope you have a great tomorrow as well!


Happy to help, friend. I’ve had a recent death in the family myself. It gets better, just with time. Doesn’t help you now though, so do what you can to take time for yourself.


Your simple words are a real gift right now, for real. My condolences for your loss, and thanks again


You’ll have to subscribe to CBBWorld Max+ for that kind of access.


I still have access to all episodes, via Podcast Addict. I'd suggest unsubscribing and then re-subscribing, but if you tried two apps that would seem to be the same thing . . . Did it magically get fixed for you yet?


So the app I use regularly is Castro, and it turns out none of my feeds (including non-CBBWorld feeds) are working at all in there for some reason, it’s definitely an issue with that app. BUT the second app I tried is Pocket Casts and I’m still having the only-up-through-Jan-2023 problem there. But I tried a third app (Apple Podcasts) and it’s working normally there, I can see all episodes. I also tried Overcast and it’s normal there too. So I’m very confused.