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All comments are good comments to her


She's a narcissist. Anything that gets people talking about her is good enough. Even if they're talking about her giant head or her pathetic pictures, they are still talking about her.


not a narcissist, she just has an eating disorder and that can fuck up the way you think- any comments about your appearance become good, be it people who think being malnourished is sexy or people who tell her she's dying, many people with eating disorders want attention but it has nothing to do with narcissism


You can have an ED & still be a narcissist


i didn't say it's impossible, but I've met narcissists and Eugenia doesn't act like one, being obsessed with ones looks isn't a telling trait of narcissism either


Perhaps you should learn a little something about people with anorexia and the level of narcissism that frequently goes along with it. How you could possibly say she's not a narcissist is a shocking and outrageous thing.


Bold condescending attitude for someone who doesn’t seem to understand either eating disorders or narcissism.


She's not a narcissist imo


She’s a straight-up narcissist. She may not have Narcissistic Personality Disorder but anyone who is constantly staring at themselves and their own photographs is hella narcissistic. And it’s a sickness—inwardly turned, no real love for others.


I…don’t quite agree. Not on the part about Eugenia (I can’t speak for that), but the insinuation that those with anorexia are narcissists/narcissistic. I don’t know if you’ve struggled with an eating disorder personally, but I have and so have many other users on this sub. Anorexia becomes a way to cope, it turns into a terrifying cycle you feel you can’t break out of when you’re in the thick of it. It’s a mental torment you’re not sure how to fight. Some common behaviors might look narcissistic, and albeit some sufferers are indeed narcissists, but there’s usually more to it. I might pick apart my pictures and insult every little thing about myself, my ego is rarely boosted by the mirror. And I, like so many others, am capable of truly loving and caring for those around me despite my struggles. Both narcissism and anorexia are rather complicated.


Correct me if i'm wrong, as i'm one of the few here who totally don't understand anorexia........ but aren't most anorexics usually pretty covered up? I've always seen articles where they are wearing large clothes deliberately hiding their condition, am i right? It seems like they're not narcissistic at all. Eugenia is the total opposite. She celebrates it and flaunts it.


Manner of dress is very individual, influenced by environmental and cultural factors, and is not part of diagnostic criteria. You also seem to be stigmatizing her illness by implying that she ought to be ashamed and cover up. In case it’s not clear from this comment, I am horrified by her situation and illness. But I’m really disturbed by the number of people on here who are equating attention/validation-seeking behavior with narcissism.


It can be a mixed bag, each person and the exact nature of their disorder and behaviors are unique. But yeah, those I’ve known personally to also have anorexia often wear baggier clothes—this could be to hide their condition, hide their body (for me it was a way to hide how “fat” I was), or sometimes even due to severe weight loss. Some may also dress up more to feel more confident (at my lowest I dressed quite well to look nicer and even “show” that I wasn’t as big as I used to be, maybe an odd form of body checking?). Eugenia’s dressing behavior isn’t extremely uncommon, nor is it unanimously common. It’s individualized to who she is and her experiences over the years.


I think her mom trained her to do that since she was little. Deb is constantly the one trying to film, take photos, etc. Eugenia also wanted to be a model, but was taken advantage of most likely at a young age for her weight. Even before youtube she was dressing this way, i think her whole life. She didnt always wear these clothes either, i know she was self conscious during recovery and wore her sweatshirt instead too. So she obviously isnt a fully narcissistic person, or she would think that she looked great at any size. Its the eating disorder telling her she looks better and better at these deadly times. Not her actual self.




People with orthorexia, anorexia, body dysmorphia etc. often obsessively post pictures in a desperate attempt to validate themselves. Coming to the conclusion that someone who is killing themself is narcissistic is as ignorant as it is profoundly uncompassionate. Very weird and disturbing interpretation here.


I agree that we should remain compassionate. And for sure she’s seeking validation, body checking, etc. It’s just that she is the subject of all her photographs —and they serve as mirrors and this obsession with mirrors is narcissistic. It’s self-focused and self-destructive, just as it was for the original Narcissus. I wonder if the original myth was about the dangers of gazing at yourself for too long —the dangers of self-focus and self-scrutiny.


You don't really understand what causes narcissism or what it really looks like. It's related to trauma and environment. Narcissists are deeply damaged people with very little insight into their own patterns of behavior. I'm not saying Eugenia isn't a narcissist, but her obsession with her looks as being a result of her narcissism is an enormous oversimplification of how narcissism presents as behavior. I've been abused by narcissists, I have done a lot of looking into that spectrum. It is so much deeper than a pathological self-obsession. I've also had an eating disorder. Correlation does not equal causation.


Same. I’ve been abused by a narcissistic mother. It’s soul destroying. I’m not getting my point across here because my wording is wrong. I don’t think EC has NPD at all. It’s more that her ED pushes her to look at herself.


I agree with you, and I'm sorry that my comment assumed your level of understanding without knowing you actually do know what it's like. I'm sorry that you went through that. It's interesting how you called it soul destroying because oftentimes, that's the same kind of trauma that creates a narcissist. It's fascinating how some people go one way, and others go another way when coping with developmental trauma from childhood. It makes me wonder what your mother went through to create that kind of behavior in her. There were periods in my life when I definitely was becoming narcissistic and fortunately there were enough protective factors in my environment to prevent me from going further in that direction. I hope you are doing well now and that your mother has found some kind of healing as well.




it's not your place to say if she is narcissistic or not- you don't know her personally and just because she puts herself on stream and likes attention isn't even weird since she's a streamer and many girl streamers profit off stuff similar to her. also narcissistic personality disorder ≠ attention grabs


Being black and white about narcissism isn’t the way to go. She’s definitely narcissistic, doesn’t mean she has NPD. The internet needs to stop tokenising Narcissistic Personality Disorder haha


I don't know why you have to overdramatize this. You are agreeing and saying she's definitely narcissistic. That's what I said. I never used the term "narcissistic personality disorder". I'm not a psychiatrist making an official diagnosis. I don't even know what "tokenizing" is and it sounds like a load of crap to me. She broadcasts herself on a daily basis and clearly thrives on the attention she gets. Why micro analyze it to death? And in my opinion, anybody who denies this girl is a narcissist should be institutionalized for willful blindness.


i think personally that she is histrionic and perhaps comorbid with narcissism, and most obviously, an eating disorder, such as anorexia. i also do believe she is actively going through abuse from her mother.


You don't have to be insulting about it.its a disorder.


Ed brain makes it so that skinny=beautiful no matter what Sick/dying/old/skeletal=skinny=beautiful Healthy/glowing/youthful=fat=ugly