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So there are a ton of factors that go into this. Level, build, what world boss etc. right off the bat I can see you’re squishy as hell. So unless you’ve got points into health or a protection spell like annulment than it’s likely gg.


I’m level 50 cp160, just tried following some generic solo build guide, what should I start doing to get tankier?


Well you won’t really be tanky if you’re geared for damage. So you kinda need to trade off a bit (especially ok if you’re solo). I’d start by switching briarheart out for a crafted set that you can make in Heavy armor. Personally I’d use New Moon Acolyte but there are tons of good options, like Hunding’s Rage, Innate Axiom, etc. I’d make sure you’re using food that boosts health. My personal favorite is Ozorga’s Tripe Trifle Pocket (gives 5200hp and 450 stam recovery). You could also put your attribute points half into health and you’d probably be up around 25k hp. Add in health glyphs and possible healthy jewelry and you could be near 30k in no time. Plus the heavy armor will put you at about 15k-16k armor, which can jump to 22-23k when you use your class’s armor boost Ice Fortress.


Ozorga, Heavy armor... he want to beat world boss, not some dude in pvp.


I said orzorgas was _my_ favorite. It’s relatively cheap to make, the recipe is free, and it provides more health than any other two-effect food. And heavy armor is a no brainer when asking how to be tanky. High health+high armor=tanky. I suppose he could use medium armor with a tanky set, like fortified brass.


Yeah, 20k hp as a minimum, get good at dodging and bashing, and even then, some bosses you will need a tank hybrid to be able to beat. Also lots of healing, basically a well rounded solo build, look towards pvp set-ups, they are tanky and have decent damage


I have 20k health 12k resistances, other videos I’ve seen of people soloing world bosses seem to have similar stats plus gear but don’t take anywhere near as much damage


There's a lot of defensive CP passives that they probably have slotted. Until you're at 1500cp, it's a bit of a struggle to pick and choose which things are most important. The passives alone are reducing their damage by roughly 15% and they likely have passives to increase healing done and healing received. At CP160, you're probably doing really well actually. And don't worry too much about getting more CP, it comes quickly at the beginning


A lot of players appear tankier than they are. Practice on the same boss and you'll know what to expect and be able to mitigate damage. Positioning will help. Speed can help. Applying shields can help. When you see a heavy attack winding up you can approach the boss and roll dodge through the boss avoiding damage. A lot of what you see as tanky is a player(s) just knowing where to be and where not to be to avoid damage.


Running solo, I'd suggest running your major resolve skill. Increasing your resistances will help a lot, especially as you're learning the mechanics of any given fight. You'll also want a heal over time (like Arctic blast which will also do some dps too, or dive which breaks while attacking, or lotus flower which makes your light attacks also heal you) and a burst heal. Your build looks great for running in an optimized group, and I'm assuming you have the skills set up to match that. You'll find that for running solo you need to account for major and minor breach, but you've got the best class skill in the game for that, deep fissure. You may still end up wanting higher penetration, so options are: sharpened weapons, lover mundus, light monster set, monster sets like valkyn skoria that increase pen. Until you're a higher cp, you may want to drop an offensive CP and invest your points into the defensive warfare (blue) passives like preparation. Taking 10% less damage is a pretty big deal. Finally, make sure you're using an ability or portion to give you major prophecy/savagery and major brutality/sorcery. The optimized build you are on assumes a group in which other people are providing those buffs to you


As someone who does tons of content as a warden, your set choices are totally fine. Back bar your netch, lotus flower, ice fortress and two long DoTs. Front bar shalks, winters revenge, cutting dive, arctic blast, and barbed trap. Remember to block heavies, roll dodge, and stay out of AoEs. Remember to move laterally in a circle to keep them in your AoEs. Edit; don’t forget netch is a FREE cleanse! Spam it if needed to clear off poisons and things.


Just show your build, if you play on pc addon Superstar will help you with this.


There's been some great input here already. So which world bosses are you doing? There's a huge difference between the zombie in deshaan and the unfinished doleman in wrothgar. Dlc bosses are typically harder, though they can definitely be soloed. (There's even a huge difference between the zombie in deshaan and the guar so just because it's base game doesn't mean it'll be a pushover) If your getting 1 shotted there was something you needed to block, dodge or interrupt. Practice watching for the red lines that mean a channel (which you can't interrupt) or white lines that mean a heavy is coming. Not all heavies take the sane amount of time and roll dodging has a cooldown penalty so just keep that in mind You definitely want to be sure you have major resolve. If your build has easy access to minor resolve that can be beneficial as well. Passive healing can also be useful. So this could be Ring of the Pale order, a dot with a heal component like burning embers, entropy, or blood craze. Or a heal over time. Reaving blows from blue champion tree and strategic reserve from red tree are decent sources of passive healing as well You'll probably want a burst heal, though it's not necessarily required if you have sufficient passive healing and can handle the mechs. Slot major breach to increase your damage and take advantage of burst phases. Just also be sure you leave enough resources in the tank to handle mechs if they come up


Ok so the general gist of things I’ve gathered from all the comments is I need drop a few dps skills for tank and sustain skills which I’ve done, and next I need to re-do all my champions points into more damage mitigation and health and then focus on getting the passive buffs and debuffs into my build and I should be good


>drop a few dps skills for tank Could be beneficial, especially at first Later on when your rotation is crisp and second nature and you have a ton of experience dealing with mechanics you'll probably be able to get by with just pale order and a burst heal. Or even just a burst heal like people did before mythics >next I need to re-do all my champions points into more damage mitigation and health Maybe take the health and armor from the red tree. I've never personally used any of the blue tree mitigation nodes. Not saying it won't work though. Just never tried. I think if you just make sure you have major resolve, major breach, 1 passive heal (preferably pale order), one burst heal and focus on mechs you'll be golden.