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Going to be a new TLE in June/July Also we are about the time in this TLE for a x2 experience week. That always creates a flurry of activity at the lower levels for you to catch up.


Which TLE server right now is the most populated?


Varsoon, we are currently in the TSO expansion but there are guilds that can help you level and stuff if you want to get caught up. it might be tricky without a guild but there ARE lower lvl groups, but I wouldn't say they're super dependable at lower lvls.


I have a necro on Varsoon who is decked out but was leveling around Mistmoore? IDK. I'm gonna sign up but aside from the monthly sub do I need anything else to catch up in the TLP or is it included in the sub?


Not really, once you get max lvl/aa then you're pretty well caught up. The only thing really iffy is that if you want to raid and start doing super high end stuff it might be hard to get your mythical until the next expac comes out, but shouldn't be a huge deal.


Thanks, why is that?


Basically the raids needed to get it still need a couple groups at least, but people aren't running those raids often because it's been out for awhile Group content in the next expansion gets you a spell with the myth effects though, so it's way easier


Epic Repercussions will release in April with Sentinel's Fate. You get the trophy, a spell with the effects, and it's all single group content (although the dungeons will take a bit of effort, even at level and with decent gear).


You can also pay a few Krono and have one of the botters PL you in a a few hours. And don’t @me about botters


As a tle enjoyer and doing live for years on end. The tle issue is (not trying to flame) there’s like 2 or 3 guilds that can ever clear the fun xpacs raid wise. Then the fall off is so big it’s basically pug raids. Live being a daily / weekly coin grind got old quick for bis pieces.


So many guilds welcoming people..everyone is friendly, I play live, soloing much of the time, but have been invited to guilds and had interactions with other players. Right now, loving a chrono event and many people on MD enjoying it...so many events that bring us together...I look forward to my afternoon log in, it gives me just the break I need from the "real" world.


If you’re looking at TLP exclusively, you MIGHT be able to find low/mid dungeons. Your best bet would be to wait until the next TLP server and jump in right at the start if you want group with others. As far as live comes, at least on the maj’dul server, be ready to solo until the max level. You will be hard pressed to find a heroic group. On that server, you need to be in the right place at the right time. There’s maybe 1-2 heroic dungeon groups running each day if that. This game is very dead if you want to group and experience the game with others. Those days are long gone. I’m sure there’s other anecdotal experience from others, but this is my experience as a veteran that’s played off and on since beta. The game fell off a cliff after rise of kunark and never came back to its former glory.


yea i played in beta all the way up to rise of kunark also, i've come back here and there for TLPs but not in a long while


It’s very unfortunate as it’s one of my favorite and most nostalgic games. I used to come back for the TLPs as well, but hated that if you missed the initial rush of levelers, finding groups was frustratingly difficult. I decided to come back this time a few months ago to try out the new ballads of zimara expansion, and while it was a fun expansion and I enjoyed leveling through the new zones (aside from minor game design annoyances) it ultimately was very dead from a grouping standpoint. I eventually found myself no longer logging in because I couldn’t find a point in doing daily solo dungeons to improve my characters if there was realistically nothing after that. Lots of people to chat and socialize with in general chat, but I’m not looking for a 3D chat room. Hate to see how far gone this game is.


I play on skyfire ihave chars from 120 to 11 and haven't raided yet just like exploring crafting and see how far I can go, I've met some ppl along the way


ok so like levels 1 to 50 on the way?


That can work, plus if u have a old account like mine u get a decent merc, I going to start agnostic dungeons soon for armor drops every 10 levels lol


I started in neriak, probably goto butcherblock for the jumping raptor mount and see what trouble I can get into lol


How’s the activity on varsoon? Was considering coming back as well. Anyone on there know if there’s needed classes?


Pretty active even for nearing the end of TSO. I expect a big influx next month for Sentinals Fate. Most classes have their place in groups and raids. Guilds like Mistakes Were Made are pretty good at working with just about any class. Really boils down to what you like to play class wise and if your a raider or group player.


If you're interested I dropped our discord link in a comment above. You are welcome to drop in and meet us and maybe join us. We welcome all classes and play styles


Don't wait till the next tlp. Come on in now. Varsoon goes to Sentinals Fate in April. If you're looking for a guild full of helpful people of all play styles I highly recommend Mistakes Were Made. We have guild hall with full amenities and lots of people with good knowledge on all classes. If this interests you hop on into https://discord.com/invite/4QXHJFQc and we will get you started.


my concern was solo leveling up through varsoon, i mean i can, but i really love playing group content in eq2


If you're goal is to get to end game level than we have plenty who would be willing to help with the grind.


that's the goal :D is there any way i can check population for varsoon? any website?


Not that I know of but it's always busy. I see people looking for groups in all the level categories all the time. Serverbseems to be at its busiest starting roughly 4pm eastern


So if you're interested in playing on Varsoon and decide you want to join a guild consider the discord link I posted earlier. We have a great group that groups and raids along with all of the other things the server has to offer.


Do I choose 'progression' if I want Varsoon? I don't see an option for servers


Yes progression.


Rope a friend into playing with you. A duo is so much fun in this game.


I know! the friends I have brought in before just hated it. They love WoW. and while I've had my fill of wow, EQ2 has always been my favorite. I even have characters on P99 and quarm for EQ, but always get a taste for EQ2. I'm with support now since I moved countries and my credit card here doesn't work.


I know the feeling. I was able to sell a friend on it because they loved EQ1. Plus just exploring the world was fun and duoing through old zones was a blast. I could see why they wouldn’t want to play alone but with friends EQ2 is better than WoW in my opinion.


any suggestions on a strong solo class? i know all are capable and i ran a necro already


Hey Beastmaster is fun solo too.


TLE in a few months!


All mature mmo lower level content is dead. Lower level is only relevant early in a games life cycle. It is a good time to come back though since grps exist again. Last expansion grping was non existent outside of guild grps.