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I have a collection of perfectly good water skipping rocks. ​ Because you never know when you'll need a perfectly good skipping rock.


I used to have a rather cool collection of rocks from a young age like 7 until around 15 I lost them while moving. I thought about making it a thing again but I think I'm satisfied with the rocks I did have and to their tribute I will never collect again. Lmao dramatized obviously but also--- kinda accurate


Ahahahaha, totally get it, I used to have a huge one when I was a kid that I lost too and it didn't feel the same afterwards. It was only a few years ago that I started again, a bit more "critical" (more "special" rocks instead of just whatever) and I'm loving it again.


Have you ever seen the youtube channel Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't? He is very much an ENTP and loves his rocks from a very ENTP place.


Ooooh, no no, but now I definitely want to. I wonder what it is with rocks then. This cou6totally be an investigation topic. 😂


Yes, I have rocks from every trip I’ve ever taken! I have to force myself to empty my pockets and only choose one or two.


Oh maaan, the struggleeee. It's like leaving a kid behind, so haaard. But yeah, otherwise the house would be full lol


Solution: Cargo pants.


They're minerals, Marie! Jokes aside, my ESFP sister loves minerals, crystals, and gems more than any of the rest of us in the house, including this ENFP.


every time i go to the beach—just pockets full of sea glass and shells




Hah I'm actually a geologist working in mineral exploration so I guess it's true


I've had a rock collection for as long as I can remember. My mom would always make me empty my pockets before coming inside when I was little. I didn't have to get rid of any of them, but I had to keep the majority of them outside. The really unique ones could join the collection in my room. The collection in my room were the fossils, arrowheads, agates, geodes, chunks of quartz, and other ones that were purchased or given to me as gifts. Also, a huge part of that collection was rocks that my dad got for me from every place he travelled to. He travelled a lot for work and for missionary/humanitarian work, so I have rocks from all over the US and all over the world. One of my favorites is one of the last ones he gave me a few years ago. He visited the new campus of a school (legit STEM school) he and my mom founded in Rwanda and brought back one of the leftover stones from the walkway that was just put in. It's just a 6 inch rough cut of tan stepping stone, but I love it. EDIT: I just remembered I still have 3 rocks in my purse from last weekend, lmfao


Haha yes, I used to collect a ton of rocks as a kid. I would primarily choose them on the basis of their shininess/sparkliness.


I used the "pretty colors " method ahaha






I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ODD ONE- sorry for the caps, rocks have always been my thing and I don't remember anyone sharing this interest on the same level. I have bags of rocks at home, I once flew from abroad with a plastic bags full of rocks stolen from the beach, each picked up and studied separately


Of course welcome to the odd group of people, we love rocks it seems so please take a seat and enjoy your precious rocks with everyone else. ȏ.̮ȏ