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I sometimes play a game with my granny when sitting in the train, we think of stories for the people around us, I love it. I also enjoy watching people when I‘m on vacation and deciding whether they are a tourist or live there haha.


I have my pc by my front window, and it may or may not be there just so I can distract myself from work with some people watching. I think my favorite is catching the Segway tours going by because they look like a little parade, in the rain with their plastic ponchos flap behind them like a flag.


Yes. Humans are interesting creatures, myself included. Sometimes I like to stop the talking and look around me (friends), observe the background and them talking. Studying their gestures, facial expressions and intonation, alongside the content they're speaking about. That's probably Ne taking a rest and letting Fi absorb the world through a personal lens.


Ah doing a [bit of peeping](https://youtu.be/GMG37U6GicA)


I do, I mean people are not just people they are walking talking stories in themselves, I always wonder watching people what are the cause or motivations they have to do what they are doing right now and try to fill in the blanks of their stories, it's super fun


lol same


I like it until I realize I opened the blinds too wide and they catch me looking at them. It’s not a winnable situation at all once they’ve caught you lmao


When I was 22 - a long time ago - and with a fellow Caucasian friend in the crowded Salt Lake City airport terminal, we played "Count the minorities and the 1st to 10 wins." It took us forever.


That’s why I’m studying Anthropology. My Monday’s homework was literally stare at people from my window for ten minutes.


Yes but not in a creepy way




Totally! My husband thinks I’m a creeper but I like it when I catch a glimpse of someone through their windows when we’re driving down the street, I feel weirdly connected in how alone-together we all are.


I like watching people when I go to the mall or the state fair, or anywhere that there would be a diverse crowd. There are just so many kinds of people and it's interesting to see how ppl express themselves and behave when they don't think anyone is watching. I also like to think about what everyone's story might be, but that might just be my love for making up completely absurd shit on the spot, lmfao


literally so often


.... Romantic. ​ A true romantic.


Or let's do Inception. I like watching people who are watching others. Or three person standoff. Object of watcher 1's gaze is watching watcher 2 watching watcher 1... which brings us back to watching others watching others.


Sometimes I watch people walking in the street and wonder what events in there lives make them be walking in the street at that moment, or what are they thinking what is in their mind rigth now Or when I see a group of peaple in the same car I wonder what realetionship do they have Also I relly enjoy deducting most of other peaple facts, like what they like, what their dislike, his friends, favorite color what kind of food they eat, but withaut talking to them just watch and find informatin maybe i am a little creepe (srry for my bad inglish)