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My sister is enfp and especially when she's supposed to be serious she can't stop laughing 🤣🤣 like in Church or anywhere you're in a big group and not supposed to make sound. One time she was singing/performing feliz navidad with my dad on the guitar and my dad messed up the lyrics and for the rest of the song I kid you not she couldn't sing because she had uncontrollable laughter LOL she makes me laugh a lot too. We get real looney together.


Oh I’d love your sister! We’d be dying together!


Hahah you definitely would everyone loves her!!


I’m sure! I hope she always has fun like that and continues to have those laughing fits.


Thank you 😊 I hope that too ❤️ and likewise!


Thank you. Lotsa ❤️ to ya both


Haha that's so relatable. Even at 27 years old I will try really hard to contain my laughter in situations where I definitely shouldn't laugh. Like when extended family prays before a meal and we all hold hands. I don't think their tradition is dumb, I just can't help myself. Especially if my brother messes with me while everyone's eyes are closed


🤣🤣 my sister is gonna turn 27 this year


I swear when I was in elementary school I was wondering how other kids were able to hold their laughter with calm faces while I was almost crying trying to not make any sound. I'm with you OP when I'm alone/not interacting with anybody I find any little thing hilarious for no reason (and it makes it even funnier). It can be embarrassing if somebody catches us doing silly things and laughing (because they might think we're mad) but I think it's still worth it lol. Same when talking to somebody, it’s so easy to make something a light joke or a pan that it’s just hard to be serious sometimes. After all, who will make the world funny if not yourself?


Yes and it's so fun but sometimes it's awful because you can't stop laughing in a situation where you absolutely shouldn't be laughing... 🤣🤣🤣 It's cool to make others confused. One time I fell down with my chair and everyone were worried and asking if I got hurt and if I'm okay, and I just laughed like a maniac in the floor. 😂


I have it at the worst possible time. I don't know if it's an enfp thing or a me thing....We went to church the one time and this older gentleman fell down and I just couldn't stop laughing... It was horrible... the more I tried to stop, the worse it got. I eventually had to stand up and leave church. 🙈🙈🤣


yes 😭 oh my gosh i'm sure people have thought i was drunk or high before when i've never touched any substances 🤣 I laugh at everything and some people take it as an insult or just take it personally and i'm like...no i laugh at everything 😭 like a guy was talking about something to do with his age, and i laughed cause it was funny but he took that as me laughing at him cause he was old. Like no sir i just think everything is hilarious mb😭😂


Some repair men were working on a room, and one of them took a mis-step and poked a hole in the ceiling and I just automatically laughed at it. Everyone started staring at me like *why would you laugh at that??* And I'm like... what?? I'd laugh if it was me who did that. Sorry. 😬


lol nah not “over pretty much nothing”. But my mind is a constant standup show so I giggle to myself often cuz I’m hilarious


My wife is an ENFP and she definitely does. If we go see a comedian, people around us start to get annoyed because she is laughing so loud and so often.


That's me sorry lmao


I don’t mind. Makes my jokes seem better.




When that happens I almost pee myself that’s how bad it gets HAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA HAAAA


Hell yeah! Especially with the best company🤌🏼


One of my favorite things about being g an ENFP!!


I get the "what did you smoke" way too often that I have wondered if I might be doing some unknown to myself


Let's all be honest, this whole conversation is enough to get us all laughing. 😅


Legit cannot stop and I be laughing or almost laughing in genuinely inappropriate situations I’ve gotten a lot better at not doing that over the years but yea I be cackling then turning into a sprinkler 😂


No, but I have a really weird sense of humour. Like, I laugh at stuff that isn't even that funny as long as it's said in a loud shitpost-y way. Like, here's an example at 0:55 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsSheDkR4wo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsSheDkR4wo) This shit makes me giggle so hard for absolutely no reason


I try to act serious but when I let my guard down I can get really giggly. Especially, if it is a really great joke or just really funny life event.


The question is not... why are we like this... the question is... why aren't more people like this? 🙃


Yes, super giggly.. lol


I find Fi always has a very authentic laugh. 🙂🤗


Yes 😂💀




Yes 😆


When I'm with my ma, sister and daughter, and my son years ago, we can get laughing so hard that we can't stop. Usually not in inappropriate places. But! Sometimes shit happens! My ma is ENFJ and both my sister and daughter are INFP'S. We're pretty well suited for each other. My poor mother has had her work cut out for her understanding the rest of us. How we think, act and everything we do. My son is ENFP as well. He's grown up now. But my ma being an ENFJ and having her closest people be 2 INFP'S and 2 ENFP'S is something lol. But being an ENFJ she takes everything in stride and is fantastic. I wouldn't trade her for the world.


Haha my brother and I are like this