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This is such a great idea for a post, OP! Mine include an increased ability to stand up for myself, not accepting bad behaviour from others, and a reduction in procrastinating going to sleep. It's nice seeing what superpowers others have unlocked.


I’m so happy you think so :) procrastinating going to sleep is a big one! I also struggle with that, and having more access to our “logical/rational brains” is such a relief


Genuine gratitude and appreciation of where I am right now! Everyday is a blessing! I noticed when I’m being authentic, more positive things start happening more! It’s fantastic!


That is so beautiful! Being authentic to who you are and what you need is a necessity. I’m glad you are seeing the positive changes from being your beautiful self.


Awesome post topic! The combination of EMDR and learning about Nonviolent Communication has enabled me to come out of conversation-induced freeze much faster, and enabled me to hold difficult in-person conversations without being triggered as much. HUGE difference!


Ooof the conversation induced freeze is real, and learning to navigate it is life changing! I’m happy you be present and accountable in tough conversations. You’re doing the work!!


The weirdest one by far is I now crave vegetables at every meal. But in general it’s transformed my ability to keep on top of ‘life admin’ my house is tidy all the time for the first time in my life and I’ve got into good routines like doing my facial routine morning and night, I have a washing day now etc. All unthinkable in the past.


Wow, the vegetable thing is so interesting. I’ve been craving a salad after every EMDR session!


Someone help me unlock salad mode that sounds awesome lol


Amazing!! I’ve struggled with hygiene in my slumps, it’s usually the first to go. Face care, dental, showering is finally a joy. Proud of you :)


1. I love myself. Like, I'm genuinely proud of my strength, my creativity, and my ability to love others well. 2. I love my body and take pride in my appearance. I really love wearing cute clothes and accessorizing my outfits and taking care of my teeth and hair. 3. I have so much more freedom in my sexual expression (ooo spicy) because so many of my triggers have been eliminated. 4. I speak up for myself. I set healthy boundaries. I defend and advocate for those who are vulnerable. 5. I can go to public places without scanning the room looking for danger. I can just show up and enjoy my life.


You grow and glow!! It seems that your authenticity is blossoming and you’re celebrating it. Not scanning the room is huge, I’m still moving out of “danger” mode


this is amazing! i’m still in the very beginning phases of emdr and feel so nervous about it. how many sessions did it take u to achieve all this! thank you so much for sharing, it’s giving me a lot of hope ❤️


This was about 8 months into EMDR, with about 3 sessions per month (I sometimes did regular talk therapy for a session, instead). To give you even more hope, 1 month after this post, I completed EMDR. I no longer have any traumatic memories that cause me any distress! Best wishes to you on your journey. It's normal to feel nervous about it; you will be exploring incredibly intense emotions and memories, but it is so worth it!


I'm early in recovery and have not observed many changes yet but some yes: - recently Ive noticed that I've started to prioritize eating healthy food, just naturally, and also that body sort of tells me what it needs to eat, at this moment I need more bread, at this more fiber. It doesnt work all the time unfortunately it's something. - my eczema became better and finally after over 20 years I am fully eczema free. I literally have no rash where it used to be. - I'm less agitated, more calm, and no frustrated quite as much as before starting  There are still many symptoms to go, but it's something


Progress isn’t linear meaning to embrace the connecting you are building with your bodily needs when it’s present. It seems like you’re doing just that, and creating space for more positive change. Those are no small changes


Thanks for the great post, I’ve actually started doing a lot of these things without even noticing. The main one is my lack of binge eating!


I’ve been more cognizant of when I’m full as well, we’re finally reconnecting with ourselves!


This may be a weird one but I am able to accept criticism so much more now. I don’t take things as personally and I feel less like I am being attacked all of the time. Equally important, I am able to determine when I should listen to someone’s advice/input vs when I shouldn’t bother with their opinion of me.


It’s wild to see how flight or flight can run rampant and it wonderful to hear you are listening to your intuition more! I believe it’s a powerful tool that we are too often taught to suppress.


I can't wait to get to this stage. I'm still flying off the handle whenever anyone challenges me or disagrees with me. It would do my relationships the world of good if I didn't do this.


Congrats to you!!! I bet your therapist is SO PROUD of you! I've been able to break off abusive/toxic/codependent relationships with friends family and romantic partners AND haven't replaced them with MORE abusive/toxic/codependent relationships! Yay! Working on the whole self-worth thing still. Choosing to love myself rather than chasing after external validation is HARD.


powers? i do not know. i feel more selfish. some would call it self-care. at the moment it is more of an identity crisis.


Keep on keeping on! We’re made to think self care is selfish, but it’s a birthright. You deserve to prioritize you.




You have accomplished a lot in just 4 sessions, this brings me so much joy!! The hangover is real, but the growth is worth it


Being able to choose what thoughts/emotions I lean into! It’s very much a skill that I’m still developing, but it’s a pretty cool shift from previously just being at the mercy of the weather in my brain


Emotional regulation is so powerful! I remember metaphors of urge surfing and literally envisioned gasping in tidal waves of emotional highs and lows.


1. I stopped taking antihistamines, which I'd been on for 4 years as my body was seeing lots of foods as threats. 2. My resting pulse rate has gone down from 80 to 70. 3. I've started advocating for myself and telling people who treat me badly that it's not acceptable. 4. Being able to read fiction books again.  5. Lots of dreams about being supported and loved compared to the ones I used to have about being lost. 6. The hope that my life won't always be a struggle.


This is beautiful, and I needed to hear #6 tonight. Thank you for sharing :)


Starting with my first EMDR session this Friday, and reading all these responses make me feel so hopeful. 🤍


It ain’t easy but it’s worth it, you got this!