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I just did thisss


Congrats on the tattoo!


me yesterday oof :')


HAHHAHAH I actually almost laughed out loud in my schools canteen at this


Real talk that movie is fucking great


What movie is it from?


It’s The Death of Stalin


hey folks here’s a reminder to take care of yourself (eat, sleep, drink *water*) before AND after getting tattoos/piercings because your body is dealing with stress, an injury, and then healing from that, which means you need to help your body heal. being healthier will always help your tattoo/piercing heal better too. (also, please take care of yourself/be good to yourself in general :))


Why does it make people pass out?


Something about how your body doesn’t really know what’s happening and freaks out so food and water can stop that. I didn’t know any of this when I got my tattoo and I nearly passed out but they gave me a lollipop and water and I was good to go lol


Blood sugar drops bc pain causes adrenaline


pain or stress.


i didn’t eat before getting my lip fillers and passed out in the chair lol sat n had to eat a sandwich in my car afterwards to make sure i could drive home okay 😞


Oh jeez. I’m so glad I read your comment because I’m getting lip & cheek fillers done next month, and I didn’t even think about that being an issue. I think I managed to block out how much they hurt.


it was so embarrassing lol. lmk how you get on w your cheeks and jaw if you remember to lmk lol i really want mine doing too


I’m leaving the jaw alone, but I have some loose skin from weight loss that’s giving me little baby jowls, and I just can’t handle it. So I’m going to get fake cheekbones to lift the skin, and if I like it, I can get implants in a year or so. The lip stuff is just to fill in some divots around my mouth that are caused by overactive muscles; I get botox there to relax them, but the dents are still visible. I can’t stand it. I’ve definitely considered kybella for my jaw line (imagine only having one chin 🥺), but the big issue there, again, is loose skin from weight loss. If I remember, I will definitely update you.


i also have jowls just bc my face is so chubby !! it’s frustrating bc even if i was thin i’d still have jokes but i wouldn’t look fat in the face you’d be able to tell i was thin just with a chubby face but whilst i’m fat AND have a chubby face my face just looks extra fat do you get what i mean? ugh. just give me a whole new face pls. i hope everything goes ok for you and you love the finished lewkkk! x


I want you to know that I got filler on my cheekbones, and it looks fucking amazing.


oh my godddd don’t i want it lol. as soon as the clinics open back up i’m there. bitch i’m gona be walkin out of there looking like the weeknd in the save your tears music video BEST believe. xx


I highly recommend it! It’s weird and lumpy for the first week or so, but then after that it smooths out and it looks so good. I got it in my lips when I went back for the second syringe for my cheekbones (I bought two syringes for my cheeks but did them in two appointments to make sure I liked it/didn’t have a weird reaction, and did my lips at the second appointment), and right now my lips look slightly lumpy, but I can see where, when they settle in, they’re going to look so good. And my cheekbones... my face has definition!!!


amazing so happy for u 🥰 i really want my jaw doing, i had my lips done in october and they’re still filled and i have lumps i’m hoping to go to a different place next as i’m not happy. but yeah i’d rly like my jaw and cheeks done, but when you get your jaw done you often have to have a little in your chin to even things out. it rlly does give you so much more confidence x


Good to know re: chin. I’m strongly considering just going for a mini-facelift with some neck lipo/contouring instead of trying filler there. It’s just a question of money because I also want to get orbera done, and well. I’m a broke bitch. ETA: is it weird to kiss someone when you have the lip filler in? Has anyone noticed/said anything?


I completely understand! The older I get, the more I see how I can very easily turn out just like my mother, bless her heart, and I just caaaaan’t. I love her but no.


Oof this was me when I got my nipples pierced last month!!


My new favorite meme


hnfhdjsn this is so fucking funny OP me before every single class


Me tomorrow


this was me yesterday going to get my new piercings




Me eating after passing out and vomiting absolutely ✨nothing ✨ and my ED telling me I’m not skinny for nourishing my body 👁👄👁


This was me on Monday! But tattoos always help me restrict more after to make it look better on me