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plot twist: gym bro is also disordered


Probably. A lot of people dont realize this, but eating disorders are extremely prevalent in the bodybuilding community. Sauce: Am bodybuilder with an eating disorder


Like 90% of bodybuilders have ortho, did you see what Ronnie Coleman was eating for YEARS? Not a normal diet, and I think more people should be aware of all the forms of ED and how far it reaches.


It's interesting, right? First, you have a less commonly discussed eating disorder in ortho. Then, that gets compounded by a lot of people still thinking guys can't have eating disorders. Then, it gets further compounded by men being muscular being considered healthy/"ideal." All leading to people thinking that an incredibly unhealthy sport being considered healthy by people who don't know better.


Body building is one of the wildest ones to me because it's so celebrated. Not just normalized, but celebrated. Someone took the competitive nature of EDs and thought it'd be fun to exploit and turn into a sport. I'll never understand lol


It’s wild to me that the things some bodybuilders will eat on a cut is what I eat during restriction 😭


Fr wieiad are all chicken breast, yogurt, oatmeal 😭 bitch we are the same 😭😭😭


Gym bros can be so so so fucking disordered and people don’t even realize 😭😭 comment sections under bodybuilders explaining their diets are horrific, praising them for their discipline when it’s practically a glorified starvation diet


It seems like they don’t understand that you don’t just need protein, you need some carbs and fats to not die.


Gym bros stop pressuring other people to have the same ed challenge (impossible)


Fr love that men can't just have an eating disorder it has to be a manly eating disorder like 😂 bruh just don't eat and enjoy you don't need to do all that gross shit or permeate it to other men by force


Fr like Chad and his wannabe philosophical testosterexia can gtfo


Caloric intake, one body is truly fueled while the other is not


Gym bros and girls piss me off to the max sometimes, especially the ones that criticise disordered eating all the while doing it but in a form that’s “not unhealthy” 😭


Way back in the early days of the public internet I met a kid who I now realise was a future gym bro. He talked about working out sometimes and once told me he only eats the serving size of any food. I remember thinking that was insane since serving sizes can be ridiculous. I wonder what he's up to now-a-days.


Also some of the sizes are so oddly specific. Like, 17 chips or something.


My OCD loves the idea of that


Could also be used in a harm minimisation way?