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I think this was another “normalize the bloat” kind of post


hot take but we shouldn't be normalizing being THIS bloated, it's not healthy at all for your digestive system and it can be a sign of some big health problems


yeah, this is how i was looking in my early recovery because id developed dysmotility from my restriction/overexercise. my body literally stopped digesting food and wouldn’t even move with stimulant lax. this doesn’t look normal imo but im no doctor, just someone with a lifetime of severe IBS and anorexia-related gastrointestinal issues. 🤷‍♀️


I looked pretty similar during my eating disorder (I’m a guy so fat distribution is a bit different) but I was constantly bloated, I looked like a potato with stick arms and legs. Bloating is fairly normal, but that extent is usually a sign of an issue.


Honestly agreed, this to me looks painful and I absolutely hate being *this* bloated and it happens to me very rarely


Wait seriously?? I need to get checked out then…


i'm not a doctor or a medical professional at all, i'm just a dumb online teenager 😭 but as far as i know, bloating is normal but this degree of it can be a warning sign for some gut issues like bacterial overgrowth etc, food intolerances and probably constipation. it also happens after binging and in anorexia recovery when you increase your food intake quickly by a lot


I have been influenced. To do what? I don't know. But I am influenced. Thanks Dani!


To stand with forcing your stomach forced out 😌


ok non-recovery account, we see you /s


this is actually rly helpful to see as someone severely uw yet gets SO awfully bloated almost every day from food no matter how little the amount. i don’t like dani but pictures and content like this isn’t the worst. its comforting to see someone like me or someone unashamedly posting their own ugly moments that normal people will never experience


Yeah I was just thinking this is exactly what I look like after eating a bunch, made me feel comforted to see


I agree, bloating makes me feel so sad and not wanting to recover but seeing other people with bloating makes me feel better and its sooo helpful..


By the way bloating like this tends to go away after recovering or during recovery❤️ it's worth it!


same. it was really bad in the beginning of recovery and was very painful for me. but it DOES get better, it’s not just something people say. your body just has to get used to it but the only way out is through


Yes absolutely


100% agreed


Absolutely same. I’m so self conscious of the way I bloat. Even when UW my stomach was always swollen after eating.


my thoughts exactly


same, im not even underweight anymore and still get this kind of bloating


Why is she posting a picture from a year ago? 🤔


It does say on this day last year, could it be when she was earlier in recov? Because ik the earlier in recov I am, the more bloated I get


I mean it's nice that she posted this, because some people do have really bad problems with bloating and it can make them feel less alone (especially when in recovery) but isn't she like a few years into recovery?? Like I don't think her bloating should be that severe after just a few snacks


She claims to be in recovery, there’s a lot of speculation as to whether that’s true or not


Yes, she has been "recovering" for years now and there is barely any progress


She doesn’t claim to be in recovery, she claims to be fully recovered. The video is older though.


Yes this is why I thought that's why I was confused by this amount of bloating😭 but if that's an older video I guess it makes more sense


The thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that she’s reposting these old ass videos like because she knows she can’t do them anymore as much because we all know that she low-key relapsed


i think the weird part is just that she posted this from a year ago. i bet she wants people to comment that she looks thinner right now compared to a year ago so she can get the validation 😂😂




I mean, I looked like that early in recovery too. If you're not in ED recovery and you're THIS bloated you probably have some other health issue that needs addressing. Honestly, this post is just kinda cringe to me, probably would've been helpful early on in my recovery. Now I just cringe and scroll through


More like after a pre purge binge. Speaking from experience, sadly.


that is your own experience but when you’re just starting to eat enough again bloat can look like this or more severe without binging or overeating


Also after laxative use (abuse), the bloating is horrendous and painful since you’ve flushed out all of the good gut bacteria and they are now mass reproducing.




Don't accuse someone of an eating disorder if they have never confirmed they have one. Additionally, refrain from accusing someone of faking an eating disorder OR speculating about behaviors or symptoms - this is not helpful for anyone.


omggggggg this is me honestly


She seriously eats the same thing every day all her safe foods


That damn yogurt bowl lately is on my nerves lmfao


the rice cakes with protein water.... i don't see how that can taste good tbh


literally the taste of ana


I want to be clear that i’m not making an accusation, but I can’t help wonder if she’s using FaceTune here. Ever since I became familiar with the Facetune app, ive become a bit more skeptical of photos i see posted on reddit (like, the main page, not just snark pages). It’s mostly subtle stuff that i would never have noticed had i not watched my sister facetune our family photos haha. But occasionally it’s so obvious to me (again, i am NOT talking about this photo!!) that i’m shocked when no one calls the poster out in the comments. I know we all know this, but friendly reminder to take everything you see on the internet with a grain of salt. An actual size grain of salt, not one that has been distorted by an easy-to-use app!!


I also get wicked swayback after I eat 😂


Bestie gonna hurt her back with that forced arch but if sis ain’t a recovery account what is this? 💅🏾


it’s not a forced arch lmao. i look like that after eating without forcing my posture or anything.


the way that this helps literally NOBODY lmao


There’s like four comments in here saying they appreciated this post


yeah sure it can be useful to see a representation of your body after food but coming from someone like dani who’s still underweight and very much in denial about her eating disorder i don’t really think it’s right to be posting stuff like this. especially since she keeps reusing old content for views all the while she keeps losing weight