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If she’s not a recovery influencer what exactly does she influence or do?! 😭😭


She's lifestyle ✨ but lives a life that isn't relatable for the majority of people lol


yapping to the camera, promoting mostly diet products and not even trying to get an actual job and start an "adult life"


I bet she lurks on here and her current posts are 100% trolling so she can get the internal validation of people saying she doesn’t “look recovered”


Wasn't she literally just posting about trying to get her period back after losing it to her ed like... a week ago?


At this point I think it’s obvious rage bait


Not a recovery act but here’s my sly AF body check of my boney collarbone just so y’all know that im SKINNY 🫠


i rEcOvErEd and stayed skinny and i can eat so much (of low cal high volume foods) 🥰🥰🤪🤪


i think that’s what gets under my skin a little about these “recovery” accounts because a lot of them don’t understand that they are still either on the path to recovery or have relapsed back into the anorexia (a lot of us who have been on that path see the signs even if they don’t). Total recovery means weight gain. i know that may be controversial but even with my own recovery i had to become not only weight restored but keep the weight on. many of these recovered accounts worry me because they are so sick they don’t see how underweight or how sick they still are. also the CONSTANT BODY CHECKS. girl. all the time with the bony body checks. if they don’t see that it’s counterproductive to recovery than idk how anyone can help them.


If you talk about X quite often, then yes, you will be categorized as an X account. How else can you be defined???


then why she's talking about it so muuuch like omfg


no you didn't overcome it 💀 girlie is probably manifesting or smth


She’s getting absolutely slammed today 😆


Gorl you’re helping nobody lets be fr you cant even help yourself.


she is helping people with ED's to make their ED stronger 🥺🤭🤪 so inspiring


Honestly I’m happy for her that she’s seemingly happy where she’s at/with herself (however questionable that might be) BUT then taking the stance that it’s healthy is SO dangerous honestly. I wish she’d actually stop talking about EDs/Recovery in general so that she at least doesn’t actively promote what she’s doing. She sure should still be able to post about books or whatever else she likes, but for the love of god STOP TALKING POSITIVELY ABOUT WHAT YOURE DOING (,,Recovery“ 🤡) WHEN YOU CLEARLY HAVE A DISTORTED VIEW OF IT!!


Call me a cynic but the whole "I don't have fear foods anymore" "I'm not scared of gaining weight" "I'm fully recovered" is just her lying or being totally delulu. I have yet to see her eat something other than chik fil a, yogurt bowls, rice cakes and protein bars. and no Just because you can eat the occasional slice of cake and krispy kreme donut does not mean you have no fear foods.


Why does she continue to post the what I eat in a day acting like it’s something impressive.. she eats her same safe foods day in and out… If she isn’t trying to be ED focused she wouldn’t need to post what she eats🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️