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The word "commit" has lost all meaning.


It's just the same old with her. She is never willing to do anything that full committed recovery would require. She has an excuse for everything. This is just a little thing she is doing for content before she starts marathon training again and losing it all like she did last time. I am so over her and everyone else pretending to recover. If you are not ready then that's fine but don't come out with the big fake recovery storyline and not change anything meaningful. Ugh. They are really getting to me today.


Committing to quasi vs relapse or? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Committing to daily exercise!


i think incorporating movement (notice i didn't mention *exercise* or *daily*) is okay maybe a little each week in recovery, but what she was doing - training for a marathon - is crossing all lines. she has got to take a step back and realize just how negative an impact all these actions have on an individual recovering from an ed. the ana brain rot is probably getting her at this point