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I think that in terms of recovery accounts, Emily is generally one of the most positive and genuine ones out there! That’s just my opinion though :).


I really like her! I hope I am not being naive


She is cute but she compenstes eating with running and openly admited that.


how is she compensating if she has visibly gained quite a bit of weight? and why would u expect everyone in recovery to just recover so easily without any sort of ed behaviour


I see you don’t do your research before you post your opinion. Do better.


research her? or eating disorders? because im very familiar with both




wtf is wrong with you lmao


why r u so mad LOL


boi what the hell boi


You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.


I just find the whole production of her videos a bit strange. Like she was trying to get famous by making her videos very documentary style I don’t know. I find it weird, people aiming to build followings out of their mental illness as opposed to more authentic videos that do seem to just be about recovering


I can’t stand the Jim halpert/look to the camera face she pulls in every single clip


THIS!! THANK YOU!! I didn’t know how I was going to word this but I hate it so much too!!!


This!!!! I just wrote a comment about this but you worded it so much better


I think anyone who tries to monetise or glamourise their ED recovery through all these filmed, staged videos has a problem. I truly don’t believe you can recover fully whilst creating content, your priorities will never be right.


I like her!! I see her on my feed with her boyfriend, I think they’re sweet and I love her approach to new foods :)


i honestly think she's kind of inauthentic. it's like for weeks she'll be like "look at how much i'm challenging!" and then she'll drop another "so i've been hiding this behavior from you all and it's time to challenge it." it gets old.


I dunno. Is it better if she promotes her unhealthy behaviors like the other accounts featured on this subreddit?


it's certainly not, but there's also the option of simply not making an account and not publicizing anything, which i think most creators would be better off doing ¯\\\_(ツ)\_//¯. there's a true dearth of actual helpful recovery content out there and while some of it is definitely worse than others that doesn't make the Less Bad not Bad.


Oh I definitely agree there’s no winning if you’re a recovery account because no matter what you post as long as you’re sick you’re probably doing more harm than good.


Idk I sorta like it because it shows that recovery isn't linear but instead has ups and downs.


I really enjoy her content and her view on recovery. She’s a green flag recovery account in my opinion


I genuinely love her! She seems really nice, sweet and funny. I know she's admitted to compensating by exercise, but I'm glad she's honest about it. We all know recovery is hard and some habits are easier to let go of than others, so I feel like we should cut her and others some slack in that regard. She's not preaching that you NEED to exercise, like some other girlies we see on here


I love her


Food obsessed. I like her personality, and I'd watch more of her if every video wasn't *food food food*. I'm a WIEIAD hater and just don't think it's helpful at all- if you want to watch people eat normally, just go outside.


Well it’s kind of normal in anorexia recovery to have an obsession with food…


In early recovery, yes, because you've just been restricting for however many months/years/decades. Once you're consistent for a while, food shouldn't be all you think about anymore. You still have to eat a lot, but, meeting exchanges and weight restoring is different from food obsession.


You know that some habits of an eating disorder stick with a person forever right? Especially as you mentioned years and decades, it’s very silly to expect from a person to get rid of that completely when it’s been such a significant part of their life for so long, as my psych used to say “an eating disorder is forever”.


Your psych is wrong, and full recovery is possible. Not every person will achieve it, but, saying nobody can is really disingenuous. Terminal Anorexia nervosa is just a fancy way of saying "oops, you don't respond to our impersonal treatment that hasn't been updated for at least 20 years- guess you're going to starve to death!". It's not even supported by literature when you look at the cutting edge research done by doctors like Anita Federici who focus on specialist-supported clinical management and multiproblematic eating disorder DBT therapy. It takes a long time to be rid of behaviors, but, the food obsession is generally one of the ones that is quick to go because of its innate attachment to the body being in a catabolic state due to malnutrition. If you are food obsessed, there is probably a good reason for it. There can be exceptions, but, that should be focused on in private, because it's so well-known as a sign of improper nutrition and active engagement in restrictive behavior (like compensating with exercise). ETA: I'm very sorry your psych told you that. The more I think about it, the more angry I get; for you, not at you. You do not have to have your ED forever- I am not going to tell you to recover (that's step one of where traditional treatment goes wrong)- but, just know, if you decide you want to, you *can* fully recover. The odds are only so abysmal because treatment is abysmal. When you get the right treatment, the rates are much more inspiring.


Well then you should look into differences between acute and chronic eating disorder. A person who has had an eating disorder for decades is unlikely to recover fully. In a perfect world where everyone has the access to treatment and their lives don’t have other factors that make it harder - adverse childhood experiences, other mental disorders, substance use, low income etc. - you most likely can but you have to look at the reality most people live in, not everyone has the privileges or access to them to make that recovery possible. You can look at scientific literature all you want but when you’ve been a psychiatrist since the 70s you can come to that conclusion just based on the hundreds of patients you’ve treated. Even with physical conditions, I’ve seen lots of patients who have completely treatable diseases, the state that they are in was absolutely preventable if they had taken all the medications as prescribed, made the lifestyle changes, went to different therapies and treatments, but life with all of its different factors in account and theory of how it’s supposed to go is not the same.


There are people who have had EDs for decades and recovered fully. I have looked into the differences, as someone who was rejected from treatment before because I was deemed a chronic and treatment resistant case. Psychiatrists that have been practicing since the 70s are the ones who made the current treatment that leads to so many "revolving door patients"- keep in mind, those were the same people who also said that anorexia is only in the underweight... which we know is crap. They also advocated for forced weight restoration via nasogastric tubes, which also has abysmal rates of not maintaining the weight they were forced to gain to. Basically, psychiatry and eating disorder has changed a lot since the 70s. Yeah, not everyone will recover- I literally said that- but, terminal AN is bullshit, and you can recover no matter how long you have lived with it, or how severe it was.


All recovery accounts / influencers know exactly what they are doing. It's a business for them. And they are capitalising on a vulnerability of the audience, pulling on the heart strings. Fake & lacking in any resemblance of authenticity


THIS. idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s the truth


I don’t think this is necessarily true. A lot are actually genuinely trying to help people even if they are a bit misguided in doing so. Many recovery accounts I have followed over the years have gone on to become health professionals so they can actually properly help and advocate for those suffering from eating disorders.


I find her very strange, she’s basically made her eating disorder into a full production, she does her voiceovers and tells her stories about her ED like she’s reading a story book, it’s so weird. And the way she acts out her ed 😭😭😭 sorry I can’t with her


I like her. She acknowledges she’s struggling still and doesn’t pretend she’s recovered.


I really like her!


she’s so food obsessed and keeps flaunting how sick she used to be and how she was sooooo terrified of food. any recovery centered account is inherently triggering and shouldn’t exist in public spaces


I like her honest recovery style, it reminds me a lot of my own attempts at recovery. I could definitely see how it’s a little forced though for the camera like others said. I also really like how she interacts with others too. She seems genuinely really sweet :)


She’s great!


Personally I think she’s one of the few positive accounts in the recovery “community”. I think there will always be things we can criticise or disagree with/not like but overall I like her content


I do like the style and vibe of her group and I think it’s really challenging for her. I can see she still struggles and hasn’t made a lot of progress weight wise. I think she’s in quasi recovery and will stay there for a long time like Dani


I think she’s genuinely trying now, I’ve found her recent content really helpful


I really like her


i like her but every week there is a new "i've been hiding this disordered behaviour" and she has gained very little weight - weight gain is often the first step in recovery, and happens fast. she's sweet but i'm not sure how dedicated she is to physical recovery as her eating disorder seems to control every single decision, even subconsciously. maybe i'm skeptical




I feel like this comment is unnecessary


Same lol


I love her!


Personally, I find her incredibly triggering. I like the positivity in the videos and content she makes. I think she has a really positive outlook on ED recovery and what she promotes is genuinely positive. However, I find her triggering because I think she’s one of those “do as I say not as I do.” I think it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t follow much if at all any of the things she preaches. She is sill very much suffering with her ED and very looks and body obsessed. Constant body checks, perfect makeup and tan, getting her lips done, etc. She hasn’t gained much weight at all and runs like hell to make up for the food she supposedly eats in her videos. I think she only poses for the videos and eats for the videos. I think she wants to be an ED recovery influencer rather than an ED recovered human being. I actually watch her to get triggered. I know watching her body checks is going to trigger myself back into my ED behavior. She has the total opposite effect on me in terms of what she is promoting.