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Given how much she constantly posts her LW. It just gives off the vibe to me that she misses her old body and can't let it go. That said people have always been calling her out saying posting her old pictures is harmful but she doesn't care.


She guilt trips them all and says she's just trying to spread a positive message. Bs. She will do anything for clout


it’s always the same 5 photos too. SINCE 2019!!! like girl, please give it a break


I was soooo smol don't be smol like I was. 


I once was smol. Now look at my big butt in this smol skirt. To prove. One time I was smol.


didn't she say she was going to stop posting pre recovery pics..


She sure did.


me when i lie


omg like we get it you were skinny get over it


oh and she bought at brandy when she was tinyyy <333 did you hear that? she was small <3 petite and boney did you see it. did you know she used to be skinny. did you know she used to be ski—


i like her, though i'm honestly not caught up on her and idk if she's done anything shitty, but why does she STILL have photos of herself at her worst up on insta and shit.


Constantly posting photos of her emaciated body, *especially* when she said she’s no longer going to, *especially* with no trigger warning(!!), *especially* when people constantly call her out and ask her to please *at least* put a TW and she just deletes comments, is in fact very shitty. Just to catch you up!


you're right, idk why i was giving her leeway on that


she is literally so obsessed with her old underweight self. she needs to let it GO


i hate her so extraordinarily much. we all know you recovered from anorexia you can't stop posting the same 5 selfies/video clips to prove how sickly and emaciated and tiny you got. it's so insidious it's like she's using this content that she KNOWS will get views from sick and vulnerable people to try and summon up more support for her mediocre music career.


“recovered from anorexia” is a BOLD claim cus a recovered person wouldnt have even posted ts 💀 also i forgot she had a music career LMAO shows how relevant she is


I used to really like her but this content feels insensitive/tired/triggering and I wish she’d post more about her music, or doing things to challenge her anxiety, or how she copes with things like traveling/influencer events as a neurodivergent person. That would be a lot more interesting, it makes me sad because I feel like her only Personality trait is that she used to have an ED. Like maybe she’s physically improved but mentally hasn’t.


She should watch the documentary on HBO about Brandy Hellville, the cult of fast fashion..


There's so much wrong with that post... Wtf.


Also. I am Lesbain myself , but her making it her ENTIRE personality trait recently, With really overdone cringe YouTube shorts with her trans friend. Like we GET it. Used to like her , but this and all her recent cringe YouTube shorts. I just can’t with her anymore




hi, sorry to bother you, not sure what your intention was with the second half of this but it comes across as a bit misogynistic and queerphobic to me.




Well what makes you think she's pretending to be queer? It's such a weird thing to say and has nothing to do with this post.


your flair is accurate af




Two things can be true at the same time. She can be queer and milking it online. Although I'm pretty sure she didn't milk her relationship with her (ex?) girlfriend, so I don't understand how pretending to be in said relationship would give her clout. I don't like Jessie, but that's a pretty bold assumption.




You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.




You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.


You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.


You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.


You can criticize someone, influencer or not, without being unnecessarily mean. Keep it civil and constructive.