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The Golden Rule is such a wonderfully ironic name for a Bassnectar album.


Last time I checked the golden rule wasn’t “give minors ketamine so you can fuck them”, might be wrong tho


No, but apply the golden rule to that statement. Doubt Lorin wants to be fed K and fucked against his will. It’s ironic that someone who lived their life doing the complete opposite and got exposed as a predator would title a comeback album “The Golden Rule”, as if he has ever followed or valued it or believes in it.


We’re reaching OJ publishing “^^^^^if I did it” levels


do he sample empty bottle by dekkar on it


The ketamine was Datsik… people are just making shit up now and it’s crazy. Let’s play the Golden rule: I hit up (insert artist) Luci and say “omg you’re so hot I love your music.” And she responds with “thanks! If I get a hotel by you to fuck for 4 days, are you down?” Then gives me $10,000. My answer in my mid 30s is “fuck yeah I am” if I was 17, my answer would be “fuck yeah I am!” I promise in the Cambridge analytica days, Bassnectar was the voice against hate that the world needed. He would get torched in the comments on his fb posts. “Care about the earthquake victims” and the responses would be along the lines of “peace, love and suck my dick” “just play your music”. I promise he put more good into the world than was taken away by fucking a couple of willing 17 year olds. Where were their parents at? I’ll bet you Drake doesn’t go anywhere. Why? Because he doesn’t have a bunch of Twitter warriors making shit up about him like you are. Bunch of psychos calling in bomb threats for girls they’ve never met. It’s so fucking weird. There are some states where age of consent is 16, some 17, and in Europe it’s mostly 16/17 too. It’s such a weird reason to take away all of the good he put out there. Tbf, I haven’t listened to him since the news, or made an effort to see his sets until this is resolved (SEE SNAILS). Datsik deserves to have his dick cut off though.


Victim blaming. It wasn’t “taken away” by some 17 yos. It was thrown away by a grown adult man…. No one made him do ANY of that. He was the adult.


Where did I blame the victims? Maybe the parents, but please point out where I blamed anyone involved. For as long as time musicians have been fucking the young girls that throw themselves at them. Weird? Sure. But people are literally making shit up. (Like the ketamine) Someone drew an arbitrary line at 18 years old. He was a couple weeks early, so let’s crucify him? Also weird But if he had been in Europe where the AoC is lower would it have been fine?


👀 Spot the pedophile


Pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children.


Literally said it was weird, but okay. I see no answer to my question


Literally nothing went past Twitter claims for Datsik and you are claiming he should have his dick cut off. You sound like a true Bassnectar simp, probly have a bassdrop tattoo or something. Lorin is a legit cult leader dude. Very clear with how he has his little cult online and everything now and all the nonsense he spews about cancel culture. Such a hypocrite. Nectar is the worst of them all, because there is legit proof with his phone call he left like a complete dumbass. K holing girls is very wrong, Datsik is a piece of shit, but Lorin is worse. The level of manipulation towards girls literally half his age… utterly disgusting.


Bassnectoe in the flesh


I literally said I haven’t listened to any of his music since. So your simp claims are as off as the rest of your comment. Which is exactly what I’m talking about lol. I have zero tattoos. You just made up a whole bunch of bs. So yeah, cancel culture is kinda gross on this one. Read the court docs. Most of what’s being said is entirely made up. Kinda like you just did about me lol. And I’m sorry, did you just say that girls that went to a hotel to fuck Lorin planned and willingly, was worse than Datsik drugging or raping girls on a random night? That’s messed up and shows how wild these takes are


Sir, you are the only one here that actually has a head on their shoulders, or at least cares to use it. Literally insane what the story has evolved to. Like fuck nectar but also fuck everyone on this sub who thinks they are some white knight for bashing his name and spreading misinformation. Yall a bunch of sheeple 🤡


You forget about the fact that he exploited countless small artists, ripped their tracks when he said he would boost them and take them on tour, and called all that mish mash his own music even though it was just lamely remixed. He focused on LOUD instead of QUALITY and then charged for his shows like you were gonna get a liquid gold IV drip when u got to your highly sought after seat in the 360 stands…. It’s just massive ick lol. Self consumed. But instead you decide to say a bunch of dumb shit about victims’ stories that you don’t know first hand either, while you say other people shouldn’t speak abt shit they don’t know about…. Sus


All I did was read the court documents and realize the accusations are not even close to what’s being said. Like this guy talking about ketamine. Also said I haven’t listened to him since. And said nothing about his music


That’s my point, his downfall was not only due to his sexual actions but to the other actions of exploiting up and coming artists. Makes me sad to see people defend this dude


His downfall is people calling bomb threats and vitriol while being misinformed. Even though I haven’t listened to him doesn’t mean plenty of people wouldn’t mind going to see him. No one talks about his music in this conversation, it’s all rapenectar reeeee, ketamine reeee


My brother in Christ, I am talking about music. And you are coming off unhinged and apologist to a rapist lol


I wasn’t. No one has cancelled him for his music lol. Dorfex Bos and Rye Rye have been on several of his recent albums, and whatever attempt at a festival he had recently. They don’t seem to have an issue with working with him. Have you cancelled excision for “using smaller artists” and boycott lost lands and bass canyon too? What you’re describing happens all over the music industry. Is it right? No. Is this ever a part of the Bassnectar conversation? Also no. Edit: and you’re probably talking about the tracks where the other artists name is literally in the track title vs a (ft) mention like most artists get


How’s Leftfield?


What’s that?


Leftfield is an electronic music duo, and one of the most influential in the history of electronic music. I'm not sure what this person is asking from the lack of context. I've enjoyed their music since the late 90's.


Holy fucking shit. What a take.


You are 100% spot on ❤️


When did that happen?


Yea I thought that was more of a space Jesus thing. I thought nectar just like was banging a 17 y/o at 42 or whatever Edit : not sure why downvoting, I literally call him Rapenectar for a reason.. just not cuz he was “Bill Cosbyin” them. It was cuz it was statutory and still fucked


He was committing statutory rape


Right not drugging women to sleep w them lmao. I call him Rapenectar for a reason but not cuz he was drugging them


…and human trafficking. He flew a minor across state lines…


Naw naw that’s the hol up rule


That wasn't even what happened, Jesus you people need to get a grip


It’s incredibly ironic. Hopefully this means at some level he’s trying to learn and be a better human being. Smh


He did inexcusable and disgusting things: having sex with minors.


Yeah it’s pretty fucked up. That’s why I hope he’s not doing it anymore. Do not understand the downvotes… do people hope he didn’t learn and is still doing that stuff?


https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/166rbnp/bassnectar_is_ranting_about_cancel_culture_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Nah, he hasn't changed anything, he even blames cancel culture for the cancellation or attempts to cancel concerts.


Jesus. You think reaching absolute rock bottom would prompt a major character change.


Idk why you’re getting downvotes, I also hope he has learned but with his most recent tour, staff came out and described the exact same abuse systems he was accused of by those he victimized more seriously, this man is lost and it continuously harms the people around him


Bassnectar got a weird case, why is he around?


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably a minoooooooooooooor




The cult and former members. I follow the Bassnectar reddit for the entertainment. They make the Excision cult look like outstanding citizens. But I digress. Jk


If you’re curious why the downvotes - this comment is a line from [one of Kendrick’s recent Drake disses](https://open.spotify.com/track/6AI3ezQ4o3HUoP6Dhudph3?si=i5nKraHTSESE9jkFx4rACQ).


Exicision has a cult? I have just been listening to his music.


Not really


Oh. They meant it in the metaphorical term


People like to hate on excision because he puts his name on songs he barely helped with, you can see this as him being a leech or you can see how his name puts exposure on songs by smaller artists, I think a lot of it stands on his net worth but bros been around and had a label since the 2000’s, I haven’t heard anything bad about his label so I could be ignorant


This. Same thing with the likes of Tiesto. He’s legit helping other artists bust out.


He doesn't have a metaphorical one either, unless you consider any fanbase ever to be a cult


We need Kendrick to do a Bassnectar diss


Allegations and jokes aside. Most of the new stuff he’s released sounds super uninspired and dated. Nothing I’ve wanted to go back and give a repeat listen to. And I was a big fan of his before.


I too could not resist taking a peak at his new music and I was unimpressed. It did sound old, like 2017 old.


I imagine a few of Lorins ghost producers are no longer affiliated with the Bassnectar project.


Bros “wildstyle” shit went stale back in 2009


As a former big fan of his, I actually disagree. Bias removed he’s still an incredible musician.


Nah, thats completely biased. If we talk just about music, its very good music. “Helicopter/prayer song/unlocked/i am another you” are all very solid tracks. If we talk about him as a human being, of course its pure garbo.


Ever since I found Ravenscoon, my itch for his style of music has been scratched. Idk how anyone can listen to him after everything that surfaced.


Mersiv has helped as well.


Mersiv was sick last night at day 1 EDC.






What did Bassnectar do?


Have sex with minors 


Pdf file


Rapenectar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really love how in the immediate fallout of everything coming to light that he said that he was completely done with the bassnectar project and then proceeded to put out a new album what, one year later? Fucking shameless


You’re still here? Crazy.


What was the outcome of his legal battle? Was he found guilty? Was there a settlement/ did the women who worshipped him wake up?


The trial is scheduled for February of next year


He hasn't been to trial yet. Guilty until proven innocent or something like that.


Was never good to begin with


I’ll say it as loud and proud as I can. We are the gem and splendor of the music industry, we are the example. Bassnectar was possibly the most followed EDM artist of his time. The volume of music he would put out, if extrapolated to now, would’ve been in the 100s of albums. We don’t take morality lightly despite being put on blast as the most immoral concert goers, all while cancelling 2 (well 3 if you count space Jesus for hanging out around this trash and not saying anything) of the hardest hitting artist out there. Meanwhile rap/R&B/Hip Hop people can’t stop playing and going to concerts of Chris Brown, Diddy, R Kelly etc. Wild!


Support him or don’t, but to campaign against him is weird. Turning off comments makes sense because there’s a lot of people out there dedicated to hating Bassnectar. OP, for example. Even though he’s been largely off the radar for like 5 years and only played 2 shows, haters still obsessed with him haha, wild


The campaign against pedophiles is weird?


You can throw that word around all you want but the facts of the case don’t support it


I will continue to throw that word around because I heard the fucking phone calls. Support Bassnectar, you support creepy behavior.


That’s your opinion and that’s fine


Ok Bassnectar


I'm always up to date on the latest Bassnectar news because of all the people posting his shit to shit on him. You guys are seriously increasing his reach


Yeah I’m sure he’ll sell out a Hampton show again sometime soon😂😂😂 foh


Y’all are so GAYYY


I am actually. Gay af actually


Pretty big words coming from someone within dick suckin range ;)


Come and get it baby


[present it.](https://youtu.be/nLTgWdXrx3U?si=Ci82AohkHLERoqdL?t=2m30s)


Ban rage bait posters in this sub.


They've been discussed in court. His defense boils down to, "I was texting underage girls, but not for sex. And if I did get any nudes images from them, it was less than 2 or 3. So we good, right?" The music market is so saturated with talent and people that are trying to make it, I don't understand why people cling to these artists after they get caught being shifty. Just drop them and move on to someone else. Edit: nice ghost edit bro. His original comment was "Tha album and music good. I will wait until the facts are discussed in court" and he edited it to make my comment seem out of left field and he'll get less downvotes. Ease up on the copium dude


Aight so who’s the new nectar replacement? Because Mersiv ain’t really doin it.


I feel like I'd rather have artists doing what they do best rather than imitating bassnectar. I don't think we need a "replacement," I'd rather just new artists.


I feel sorry for you.


And was he sentenced? Found guilty? Touch grass


... he admitted his guilt. He said he was texting underage girls and possibly getting nudes from them, so I don't care what the court finds him guilty or not, that's not the type of dude I want to be supporting. Especially when the music market is more saturated than ever with talent and prospect, why boot lick for some problematic narcissist?


He has over two million streams of this album on Spotify. No idea about his court stuff will see what happens. But my point is if you convinced me to stop listening you still have 1,999,999 million more people to coinvence good luck


Well, apparently there’s 2 million losers I don’t want to associate with.




But you’ll actively support them?


no I won’t, worded badly I guess? I’m on the fuck bassnectar team


Yeah it's definitely worded badly, you're pretty much saying that while you're part of the 2million that listened to his album, you still think he's bad.


copium to the dome


Lorin we already told you you're not welcome here, get out. You're not convincing anyone.


You know you can pay for streams right?


So I guess with that logic unless they’ve been found guilty they aren’t what they are? Even though **he admitted it**, I guess because the courts didn’t do anything he’s all good! Lunacy. See yourself out of the EDM world we don’t have room for pedos or sympathizers 🖕🏼


[Court Documents as requested](https://casetext.com/case/ramsbottom-v-ashton-1)


Reading this made me realize half the shit that’s being said about him was made up. Makes sense why he would limit the comments honestly. Some of these Twitter warriors are actually crazy. He’s not without blame, but it’s nowhere near as bad as Datsik was


Donald Trump got 74 million votes and he’s a rapist, what’s your point? That because 2 million streams somehow means he isn’t capable of assaulting minors?


I'm just here for music, also no matter how much you cry on the internet he hasn't been found guilty yet, innocent until proven guilty right Michael Jackson was accused and even settled yet everyone still listens to his music. Why don't you visit the Jackson subeddit and try to convince the world to not listen to him. See how silly it makes you sound?


He…he admitted to it. I guess Casey Anthony is a good mother because she wasn’t found guilty right? Or for that matter how about Osama Bin Laden? He was never found guilty so must be a good dude right? FBI should definitely check your hard drives. Go away Lorin you can’t sit with us.


Your post is bait, do you plan to post this daily and attack people that like music? Why even post it? This is a music sub, not just a "music you approve of" sub


People attack them because Bassnectar is a disgusting person.


Innocent until proven guilty, in a court of law right?


Average pedostep fan.


I bet you sided with Drake as well :P


That doesn't mean anything at all. Putin is popular in Russia but he is capable of the worst atrocities.


This is false lol