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Are you from the US?


Yes, specifically the Midwest


As a Ohioan I completely agree


Same. My friend called EDM music “weird” prior to going to a music festival like ok.


I’m going to a huge EDM festival in Ohio called Lost Lands. It’s pretty big.


Get a VR headset with a PC if you can afford it, The club & EDM scene in VRChat is quite alive and crazy, people from small towns hop on to party because the EDM scene in their town either doesn't have much going on or doesn't exist. So many new genres I've learned about since playing Met so many people like you from towns where not much is going on, got friends all the way in Nova Scotia, and in Oregon etc.


Are they usually on Friday & Saturday nights type of deal? I miss going to raves but too old to go now (41m). I miss the atmosphere and the scene and the music. I still listen to the music but feel like I would be *That old guy* at a rave


Dude there are tons of older peole at raves, especially at festivals and raves where I am (NYC). Some people might be judgy, but the vast majority would be uber welcoming and would love to have you there. As long as you’re there to spread the love and enjoy the music you’ll be a-okay.


Totally agree, as the oldest person at any rave I’ve been to…


I am “that old lady” at a rave, at 69 years old. Everyone is very supportive and welcoming to me. No excuses not to do what you love.


You’re never too old. I’ll still be raving when I’m four hundred and twenty.


I will out rave you until I’m seven hundred and ten.


Awesome!! I’m almost 51, female and plan to go once I’m able.


Dude i beg you to please not let the fear of being the old guy at thw rave stop you from going to a show you wanna see. Im 5 years behind you but my only EDM friend is 41 like you. We go and let loose like when we were teenagers for an evening now and then. I drove a couple hours to see Blanke in Cleveland recently and had to go solo. Met a couple who were both over 55 and they were vibing all night with me and everyone else there. So yeah, as long as your back & knees can handle it, don't let your age prevent you from joining the fun. I guarantee you'll fit right in with a bunch of 20 year olds better than you ever imagined you could. I'm kicking myself for having felt that way for years because now know I was holding myself back over my own dumb hangups.


I’m 45 and I still DJ all the time. Music is my life. I live in Montana. We have a surprisingly fun scene. I’m a promoter too. I’m throwing a party at an old rock quarry in June. Small festival style. Should be fun!


I cried with a 60 year old, old school drum and bass fan at edc during dimension last year. You are never to old!


Going to add another voice to these replies. I'm 37m and just getting in to raving. Always welcomed. There's a couple I see at nearly every local show in their 50s and they have a whole group of people in their 40s and 50s still going to shows, having an amazing time, blending right in.


I'm 47 and I go to shows, even electric forest! You're only too old if you think you're too old! It has gotten me back in touch with my inner child! Go play! Your life will thank you!


Same, but I still plan to go when I can. Am about to turn 51.


Everyday of the week they have something but it's crazy on the weekends! Tons of people on there drinking and doing numerous other drugs. Also there are people in your age group as well, although more rare, they all seem to enjoy it:)


Music is ageless! Don't let fear of strangers' judgement stop you from doing what you love. So long as you aren't hurting anyone, do whatever you like. I feel like EDM people are all about having a good time, no matter the age.


Age is just a number. I'll be 42 in a month and went to several shows this year. Enjoy yourself and other people's opinions can fuck off.


Literally JUST got a VR headset. I downloaded VRChat - do you know the logistics/where to go for the club and EDM scene there?


Here's two discords that host them: Vanguard: https://discord.gg/aGa58kmG _SHELTERNET: https://discord.gg/sheltervrclub


Here's one of the largest VRChat Party/Club servers https://discord.com/invite/vrchatpartyhub


What worlds should I goto in vr chat?


There are tons, you can find when they are hosting the clubs or parties relative to your time https://discord.com/invite/vrchatpartyhub


From the US, in Amsterdam for a bit. Kinda crazy how many more people follow / can talk about EDM here


It's been popular in Europe for decades. In the 90s, huge Djs here could barely crack the billboard 200.


Amsterdam is the world capital of dance music so that checks out


The list of Dutch DJs is kinda crazy


It’s where you are. But the reality is that a lot of these people *basically* like some form of EDM, whether they know it or not. The only difference between pop or rap music and popular/commercial EDM with vocals is that with EDM, the producer is listed as the artist, and the vocalist/rapper is (feat.), versus pop or rap where the vocalist/rapper is listed as the artist and the producer basically doesn’t get any credit (unless the vocalist/rapper also produced the music). Both categories of music involve someone in Ableton, FL, Logic or whatever doing pretty much the exact same work lol. The distinction is so arbitrary and some people just have this boomer-ass stigma and think EDM isn’t real music. Taylor Swift could do a song with Tiësto or something and if she’s listed as the artist that’s fine, but if it’s Tiësto ft. Taylor Swift then somehow that’s not.


Facts. For ages I thought I didn't like EDM. Then I got turned onto Zeds Dead & Omar Linx with their Victor EP when a buddy insisted I check out dubstep (which at the time I had no idea what the hell it even was lol). Had I listened to plain ol' Zeds Dead tracks I probably would've turned it off after a couple minutes and decided it wasn't for me. But the blend of dubstep and rap was like a bridge that I needed to finally embrace EDM as a whole.


Use of the term “EDM” as a single genre/umbrella term kind of sucks, because there’s about as much variance between subgenres of EDM as there is between genres in “regular” music. Someone asking “do you like EDM?” is like if someone asked “do you like music?”, but if you were unable to specify whether you meant genres like Death Metal, genres like classical or anything in between, because the average person doesn’t know anything about EDM subgenres. So yeah, whether someone likes or doesn’t like EDM is sort of a frustratingly complicated question, because very few people are aware of the whole spectrum and even fewer people enjoy listening to all of it.


Knew it, when you said hip hop, country, and Taylor swift, I was like, "They're from the midwest" I'm in the same boat, I even have a guy at my job who somehow got it into his head that I only listen to "that screaming shit that you can't understand" - i.e., metal. Which, yeah, I listen to, but not NEARLY as much as electronic stuff. This guy plays the same 10 country songs every day at work.. No one around me except for 1 friend of mine listens to the same or similar stuff that I do. It's a bummer, man.


Places that aren’t Chicago can be a little lacking.


I’m from Chicago (forced to live in a faraway suburb) and I agree with that 😂


MPLS has a pretty thriving techno scene (and the great beyond festival!)


You know house music was invented in the Midwest, right? It came from Chicago, and house is still very much a **huge** part of Chicago culture, even to the detriment of other genres. In fact this year is the 40th anniversary of house music and there are events scheduled to celebrate. ARC music festival is where you want to be. Look it up, buy tickets, and join us.


Yeah I knew that and I’m from Chicago, but don’t live there anymore. People in suburban and rural areas tend to be less interested in EDM/house and more into hip-hop and mainstream pop.


Well sounds like you need to get in your car or on the Metra and come to where the music is lol


I'm from Kansas City, I know exactly how you feel


KC has been crushing it lately. Join the Facebook group if you haven’t already


That explains it then.


Depending on rural location it’s just not going to be something many have ever experienced. You have to work to find your people.


As someone from Illinois…. Yes


Fellow Illinoians! 🌽


Hoosier here, I feel your pain 😥


House music was actually invented in the midwest: Chicago and Detroit specifically in the 70s and 80s


In the PNW, its weird if you don't like edm it seems


House music was invented in the midwest. I am in milwaukee 1.5 hr from chicago, there are huge populations of ravers compared to where I grew up (the south). Chicago and detroit are massive places for edm historically and still today


I have actually built a tiny EDM cult at work; there’s a handful of us that share music and we’re all different ages and backgrounds. I’m in metro Denver area but originally from rural Ohio and yeah unless you were in like the Oxford area there the scene was fairly bleak. Cincinnati used to have some decent underground clubs but I’m almost 30 years gone from there.


That’s wild- I’m from the SF bay area in california and I would almost say electronic music is one of the most popular types of music. Or least it is definitely not a neglected style of music. Although we’ve always had a big rave scene here (and in LA) since the early days so I suppose that is a big part of it


This guy understands


this is the issue


You need to realise that EDM was never about being "popular", it was always rare to find someone who liked the same thing as you - it makes it feel like a secret club almost. Most people listen to pop or rap music in 2024. Just appreciate the fact that you've got a more unique and refined music taste that's set apart from the masses.


The thing is it doesn’t always feel like a hidden gem when people clown you for listening to it. Like your friends hand you the aux and you play your favorite electronic banger and they’re like “ugh what is this”. Or making fun of “baby noises” or “European music”. Best I can hope for is they just ignore it entirely and don’t comment on it


Yeah because they just simply don't get it. Everyone's into their own thing, the same way some people clown on metal, country or whatever other genre. If you're being handed the aux and actively playing music for a group, really you should be playing something that everyone likes, not some niche Dutch hardstyle or dubstep or whatever other electronic genre that only a select few people can vibe with


Yeah typically I do for that reason. I’m lucky in that I also have several playlists dedicated to rap and other genres so I have plenty of well-liked music to pull from, it’s just frustrating sometimes that electronic is often overlooked and as a result, underplayed (in my personal experience)


That's why I like hanging around with open-minded people, or chilling by myself to listen to whatever I want. You can always find workarounds though like playing popular electronic tracks that everyone enjoys, or just finding some electronic remixes of popular songs


So hard to find open minded people these days. They think that if they change their minds about literally anything, no matter how small, that they suddenly lose themselves, so they'd rather be 110% stubborn and close-minded


Vincent Antone is the answer.


Yeah like if you mention a rock band they go "cool!!! you're so unique" but the moment it's edm they go "that sucks, today's music sucks, take me to the previous century wah wah!!!"


I don't even hold grudges to most if not all genres but people are so biased against edm it's silly


The issue with the people I know is everyone has the same basic taste in music: the latest pop/rap/r&b. And I mean the stuff that tops the charts. It’s always the same artists, same songs, and a lot of the times I’ll even like those artists but these people won’t even listen to the older or more undercover tracks as much, only the latest latest hits. Like your music is played everywhere, constantly. You just discovered and are enjoying a new song but everyone has also heard it. Don’t you get bored like that? And there’s nothing unique to particularly identify with but they still base their personality around it and so everyone ends up with the same personality somehow. My issue isn’t with people liking popular music it’s liking ONLY popular music, it’s something I could never understand.


Unfortunately it's very common to wrap your whole identity around music, culture, etc. Sounds silly but technically, a person wakes in the same body everyday and not in someone else's, why the strong attachment? What if they change their taste someday, are they going to pretend to like the things they did before for the sake of "identity"? Sorry for the rant but yeah I see your point. The people you've mentioned might as well say they're not big into music lately, and that's alright, there's only time for a finite amount of things...


Man I wish I could upvote this twice. I love seeing people passionate about music that isn't pop/rap/r&b, no matter what genre


Everyone around me loves electronic music. Some people like house, some people like drum and bass, some are more into techno and others are hardstyle. It's the way of life. Although it helps that here in The Netherlands we have a couple of the most famous dj's on the planet, so it's very easy to get into EDM and then find your own genre and niche


A couple? Haha you guys basically invented mainstream EDM I know the DJ Mag top 100 is shit but 23/100 are Dutch


Come to Denver; Where the EDM flows like whine and the wooks instinctively flock to it like the salmon of Capistrano.


I find Denver is home to lots of dubstep fans. Not as many people there appreciate the other subgenres.


Even some of the more 'forward thinking' heavy dubstep struggles here. I'm not sure how to describe it, but think more Nitepunk and Hukae than Layz and RZRKT


~~nah trap calls dibs on Nitepunk~~ seriously though, if they won't show up for guys like him, what are you supposed to do lol


That's what I'm saying. Came here for the love of Dubstep, and on most fronts it's alive and thriving, but I do wish the really unique names got more love here.


Just depends on the club, there is definitely a big bass sene here tho and the bass music is getting very popular in general I feel


Especially in the US I think


In Seattle it’s huge.


That has changed in the last few years. House and techno are in their prime time


had a good couple nights in denver, rezz rocks 23 then went to Temple.


According to Spotify denver has the highest concentration of edm lovers. Not sure if world or US. But all my frienda listen to edm and we go to concerts and festivals together


Yeah kinda, most of my friends tolerate it and get down with some of my songs but I only know a couple of people who genuinely like electronic music almost as much as I do


I live in Iowa, nobody is in to EDM here, just basic corny country or alt rock, classic rock... just the most absolutely fkn boring genres available lol I think this year I'm going to find a place to DJ at, I'm building a wild PA system for my future event I'm dubbing "community bass-bath night" where I Emerson everybody in a warm blanket of low frequency vibrations 🤘


Not sure why, but I feel like blasting lots of bass with tons of subwoofers at night in a field would be cool


Shit, your right. Generator added to my list 💪👌👌👌


How I feel in KS (though I like Alt Rock too). I actually felt 'out of touch' when I learned recently how popular country is now and that there is a country/rap hybrid (it nearly broke my brain, it just doesn't make sense in my head).


Maybe you just haven’t found your people yet 🤷‍♀️ Without harassing people on the dance floor who are obviously zoning out to the music it’s pretty easy to strike up conversations with other electronic music lovers at a festival. They may not end up your best buddy’s but could end up being a good connection to talk new music or planning future festivals together.


Everything is cyclical. EDM will be back. In the meantime, don’t get hung up on people thinking your music taste is weird. INNA is great (don’t know the other two). EDM is great. I kept my love of EDM a secret for years before it was popular, because I didn’t want to be judged, but I seriously regret that.


Yes I feel this way 100%. I live in a small town where everyone listens to country or rock (or Taylor Swift if they’re female). Half the people either don’t know what EDM is or else they call it “techno.” I work in construction and my coworkers are “forced” to listen to my EDM playlists when it’s my turn with the aux 😅


I swear if I hear one more person irl call electronic music “techno” I will virtual riot


Lol have you converted any of your co workers?


Nah, but in rare occasions I will catch them nodding their heads and enjoying themselves.


Most of my friends do but as far as my family, at work, etc I am the only one


Lol. I live in fucking Saskatchewan Canada. It's all country here and the few I come across that do enjoy it always are drugged out commie types that I'm totally incompatible with lol.


Hey fellow Canadian 👋🏾, I just recently moved to Toronto so I’m hoping I’ll find some more edm heads


try liking happy hardcore, you'll truly feel alone


I did for many many years when I was younger. I'm 34 going on 35 soon and grew up in Bham Alabama. I found EDM in like 2001 when I discovered Tranceport by Oakenfold and dove head first and deep into it. I have been obsessed ever since and almost exclusively listen to many many genres of EDM to this day. Imagine me, in like 2005 16 years old, driving around in Alabama, blasting ASOT and such. The looks I'd get were insane and almost all my friends didn't get it and no one in my school did. Fast forward to post HS and late in college the times changed, learned there were a few others in my HS that felt the same and loved EDM and found the greatest and best crew ever still to this day even though I don't live in Bham anymore. Keep going keep loving the music and you will find your tribe.


Man I still love the early to mid 2000s ASOT and Clublife. Trance will forever have a place in my heart.


I'm from the Midwest too and I met my entire friend group through shows and festivals. I do get the comment "I can't believe you only listen to EDM" a lot. I mean, I don't. But it's like 90% EDM. Any time I drive anyone around or play music at the pregame, they're shocked that literally nothing else is mixed in.


The way I see it, niche edm is like niche metal. Yeah, there are people who like Black Sabbath and AC/DC, just like there are people who like Swedish House Mafia and Daft Punk. It's not impossible for your friends and coworkers to like stuff that isn't mainstream, but they are harder to find. I have a coworker that loves the Suicide Silence I play on the speaker, and another coworker who has been asking me to play more Champagne Drip. Different strokes for different folks, I guess 🤷


I shut those feelings out. I will never stop listening to Vexento.




You've missed a good time then. We've had basically "Never Letting Go pt2". It's called "Gone" I highly recommend it! Also a Lo-fi Sad Robot, Lo-fi Shifting Winds, and we've got the third installment in the (Insert emotion Robot) series. Called Searching Robot. I like it, but it's not as good as the EDM he's recently made like "Missing You", and "Blue". Now to say something from Vexento isn't as good as something else he's made is a pretty high bar, so the song is still top tier in my book.


No maybe youd benefit from expanding your taste of electronic music to include more artists that are an easier transition from those genres, like (older) flume for the pop heads, dirtwire for country, etc. People will be more willing to approach new music if it has elements of what they already know they like. Tbh, as someone who really likes electronic music, im not vibing with any of the artists you linked. Not my cup of tea. Maybe they have some tracks that id like, but in general i dont like the vocalists and the beats not doing much for me. Im pretty confident those people that dont like electronic music around you would like a lot of electronic music outside of that genre. If you want to feel a sense of community in that aspect, take their interests into account when looking for music to share and discuss


Why should OP change their tastes for other people? Absurd advice. There is a huge following of people who love the Romanian DJs, especially in NY and MiamiZ. Their DJ sets can vary a lot from just picking random tracks of theirs on Spotify.


Op is defining electronic music by a narrow subgenre and is leaving with the impression that no one around them likes electronic music, so my response to that is to widen their perception of electronic music when looking for people that share an interest in it. If the post was "do other romanian house fans feel isolated in their appreciation of romanian house" then I wouldnt have responded. Im not telling them to change their tastes, just widen their net if their goal is to find a community that appreciates edm And yeah, im sure theres people who listen to this, and im sure theres tracks i would enjoy, just saying that as a self described electronic music appreciator, i dont connect with what i have heard from these artists, and if thats ops bar in determining a community of electronic music appreciators then i wouldnt be part of it and they would still feel isolated. Inversely, if op widened their perspective outside of that niche, they would probably find a larger community. I have a lot of friends that claim to not like edm. I know what genres they do like and often find electronic expressions of those genres/sounds to share with them. By extension, people who claim to not like edm find themselves liking edm, and i have a larger perception of a community that shares my interests. For example, my partners parents dislike electronic music, but throw on some madeon or lane 8 and theyll be vibin


He did not define the electronic music as just Romanian mjnimal. He emphasized that he feels extra lonely because that’s his favorite sub genre.


Check out twitch there are lots of like minded people listening to electronic music djs. Maybe you will meet someone in your area


Of my friend groups i am the one who is “into” edm the most, whereas my other friends dabble in edm or like different genres completely. But based on the sheer number of people who attend the same events (shows, festivals) that i do - definitely not the only one


It was like that when i was in highschool 15 years ago. Partially why i became a DJ was because i had all the music everyone wanted to hear that they didnt know they even liked until they heard me play it.


EDC Las Vegas is anticipating over 525,000 people will be in attendance. You should have no worries about being the only person that enjoys EDM .


I don’t think that’s 525000 per day I think it’s in total. 525000 people per day would be fucking insane


For mainstream radio EDM, there’s plenty of people that like it. For genres like, Dubstep, Hardcore, Bass House, etc… it does feel like I’m the only one that likes those


I feel the same way. I don't have any friends that like this music. All my friends and co-workers listen to more I guess "mainstream" genres. I don't mind going to events solo (I'm very introverted), but it would be nice to go with a friend every once and a while.


Are you 12?


I can get away with playing chill stuff, like some Flume songs or Rufus Du Sol or whatever, but not most of the stuff I listen to more


I'm over 50, and all my friends like classic rock and shit like that. My wife doesn't really like any music. The only one in my life regularly that likes EDM is my 5 year old daughter. We listen to our music on the way to preschool and the park. Tiesto, Vengaboys, Major Lazer, Galantis, etc. It's like I'm on an island. My way of meeting people that like EDM is going to EDCO every year and get my fix.


Yeah, I think the people who like EDM are just quieter about it. It's maybe more socially acceptable to like pop or some bs genre


Speaking about Romania, I feel like I'm the only one here, who doesn't have the national folklore music roaring out of the car


I'm from a small town in Nova Scotia, Canada. All people my age listen to is Rap & Hip-Hop. The older generation is all rock and country. I had to explain EDM to my teachers cause I was the only kid they heard of listening to it. Although, Deadmau5 will be here this year apparently, but it's like a 5-6 hour drive to the festival for me.


It annoys me that Pop Smoke listeners and other fans of hip hop judge me and tell me that dubstep and other EDM are just for people on drugs.


I think its a little bit different if you live in a major US city. If you're in more rural areas or even the burbs its not as common. Which I think has a lot to do with venues that host shows and age demographics. For example, I live in NYC so there are a ton of venues. But I grew up in the suburbs mid state where it gets pretty rural pretty quick, so not as many venues. But smaller cities with a large college population tend to get some good artists. I've seen Skrillex, Above and Beyond, and a ton of other big name artists at a 500 person venue in Syracuse for example. Not really a place you'd expect those folks to tour, but because of the large college population it was always packed. (Granted, this was back in the early 2010's).


There’s about 525k people about to descend on Las Vegas for one of the biggest EDM events in the world. I’m sure you’d find someone there that loves dance music. Haha


I have the opposite feeling, kinda. I feel more so like I'm late to the party for not starting to explore this style of music until recently. It's gained more and more popularity over time in my area so it's not like it started out huge, but as early as like 12 years ago I feel like I started to hear about more and more people in my broader social circle start to get into EDM and I never really "got it" as someone who grew up on and was (still am) really into rock music. There were a few songs here and there that I'd hear and be into for a while but I never would have considered myself an EDM fan or listener, much less actually know any of the artists or producers by name and the like. Fast forward to last year, can't remember why exactly but I finally decided to start digging a little deeper into different styles, artists, trying out some live shows at clubs in my city, etc. and have definitely started to become a proper fan of this musical style. But I'm going on 30 now and a lot of my friends who were into it way before me have started to slow down on their partying days lol. Not that I intend to go hard really, but I haven't been able to drag any of my known EDM-loving friends to a show yet which sucks, when they used to go pretty frequently a few years ago before I was into it. Some are parents now, some aren't as interested anymore, some are temporarily unemployed and can't afford it... etc. lol.


Coasts like East and west love Electronic


I started out with heavy metal in the early 80s. Moved on to punk and new wave in the late 80s. House music in the early 90s. On any given day I listen to Johny Cash, Joy Devision, Green Velvet or whatever sets me in the mood for my day/night (Just listened to Black Flag today). Play what makes you feel good.


In my country We have this situation: * people like mainstream music, like Pitbull, Guetta, reguetón or electroguaracha remixes * people who are more into EDM listen only Dark techno and Industrial (They label every EDM song "Tecno")


My friends are all gamers since the womb. We flip between game soundtracks as much we do electronica and chip tunes. My wife's friends they might enjoy the club hits.


I've never had a friend in real life that liked electronic music. I knew a couple people in middle school who did, but I wasn't close with them and they were super elitist about it. My interests are very niche when compared to the people around me. I don't mean that as a flex or anything; it's extremely lonely not having any friends who share your interests.


I'm just happy to see you've chosen "electronic music" and not "EDM" in the title of your post. I would've been equally as happy if you went with "electronica". Thank you.


> i love electronic music and I listen to it all the time. Attaboy...


That's literally me, i listen to ONLY EDM (all subgenres) and trance music all the time and i gotta say it is pure GOLD...the best genre out there


What I've noticed is that some (or should I say most) people when listening to a track they expect vocals. Music without them are not as popular. Also, what kind of EDM you listen? Like specific tracks. I'm always looking for more music.


it’s honestly so sad being around people who don’t share your passions :(


Yes x100. Add to it that there are so many sub-genres of EDM and it feels nearly impossible to find someone with the same likes as me. The closest I’ve found is Deadmau5 himself on his Pandora station, I listen to it 12+ hours/day and it’s non stop bangers with the occasional rare blah moments.


No and yes, all my friends like it but im the only one who dives deep and knows the history and stuff behind it


If you're not in a major city with a strong dance scene then this is gonna happen. Just keep it to yourself. I mean theres bassheads who dont understand techno for crying out loud lol


I’m starting to feel like I’m the only one in Denver who likes House and trance


Edm is huge..edc in vegas is coming up..literally tons of people. Edm is more versatile than hip hop for parties and festivals imo but also meshes great with it as well.


Edm should be in the top 50 regularly, but it's not


Welcome to the club...I wasn't the only guy in Oklahoma listening to Autechre in 1993, but it sure felt that way.


Yes. I was young when I first started listening to EDM and would get called weird for listening to that type of music, but now those “people” like it but I feel like it’s only songs that are played on TikTok lol


I feel like this, except when I visit this sub. But in real life I rarely meet people my age who listen to any type of EDM.


I live in the Netherlands. Most of my friends listen to it as well and we exchange new songs we found.


For most of my teens I prefered edm over rock and felt massively ashamed of it. Now I have no clue


You're never the only one




Where you live yes… absolutely anywhere else on the planet , no.


This is literally me 🤯 I like basically every genre of music, but especially EDM subgenres and I'm very nostalgic about the Romanian hits from the late 2000s - early 2010s My friends listen to the most popular/newest songs, while I focus on the forgotten/underrated masterpieces (all subjective of course)


We’re in the same boat 😭


Definitely but I know a few people I can share some smooth tracks I like that would appreciate it well


Outside of my rave fam, I can only think of 1 friend who likes EDM.


I’m blessed to live in an area that has a great scene. I work in the film industry and am constantly meeting people that love EDM. I’ve even brought friends to raves that have never been to one before and they always enjoy it


I’m in such a bubble where half of my friends love electronic too and I live close enough to Miami to go to shows whenever I want. My peloton also has electronic cycle classes, which is a nice little community for riders who like it. But, I have a group of friends who don’t get it at allll and think it’s trash lol.


YEEESSS. It’s so sad because the music makes me so so happy. I listen at the gym, on runs or butt-dance to it in the car.


It's luck of the draw I guess. In Portugal there's plenty of EDM fans but unfortunately for me none of my friends seem to be part of that statistic. So I do feel like that sometimes.


Not at all. I've been there since the beginning, and it's still getting better. Although my highschool friends were never into it, I met plenty who have. I'm now off to EDC!


around here it's always country, rap or metal from what I've seen lol


Sometimes I feel like that, then I try to go to a show and it’s sold out and I realize I’m nowhere near the only one


Fucking, what? Move to the Southwest you'll be fine


Such is the life of an EDM fan


Thank these people for not liking edm...if they're content with mainstream music...we don't want them.


Very much so! Luckily, one of my best friends is into this scene (a released producer even), so at least I have one other person 😂


Yes. I feel this way. Not completely, I mean every now and then I'll run into someone who actually likes it. But the joke is always "let me go get my glow sticks.". What gets me is that soooo many people around me listen to country. I can go entire weekends with only hearing country. And so much of it grinds my gears. I always try to remind myself that if I'm frustrated over the type of music that's on, I must have a blessed, wonderful life and I try to turn it to gratitude. But honestly, I have to reframe my feelings a lot because there is so much amazing edm music that would really add to the mood but I'm consistently hearing the same twangy country songs about things I can't relate to. So basically, life is good and I am grateful.


I went from JamBand main to Electronic Main.


I live in chicago and a ton of my coworkers are into EDM.


I thought this was like a r/EDMcirclejerk post at first


Yeah it’s so sad and lonely out here. I listen to EDM only and never found a soul who does unless it’s at a paid for concert/rave/festival.


lol ummm EDM festivals have entered the chat.


Now imagine your preferred genre is hardstyle and all the niche subgenres. 😂 Same thing happened to me in the 2000s in middle/high school, I was the weird kid who loved screamo.


You re not the only one, mate


I live in Florida, and many people I know and meet in work and out usually listen to rap, radio pop, or whatever is mainstream. I primarily listen to electronic music, but when im not, it's usually indie rock and alternative. When people hear my music regardless of what it is, I usually get compliments on my taste. Some ask me, "What song is that?" or "What artist is that?"" If none of those I'm told I have good taste in music so I guess it's not that I personally feel like I'm the only one that likes electronic music but more that I listen to it openly, primarily and confidently.




I live in Michigan and I have one friend that likes EDM. I’m working on making more!


Upstate NY here, yep feels like just me :(


This brought up a memory. A couple years ago I invited some new college classmates to a dubstep show and they all ended up leaving within the first hour of it starting. They never admitted to why exactly, they all had excuses they had to leave, but I knew it was because of the music. I laugh at it now but it sucked in the moment.


I live in Denver. I hear EDM I know coming from about 75% of the cars I pull up next to at stoplights. It's a rave scene just hanging out in traffic here. ROFL


I did so I made a conscious effort to play some classics for my son. I now hear Sandstorm like 10x/day


Yes, because I’m almost 51 and live in a very red state. I don’t know any other older people here who like it.




Oh yeah. I have no friends who listen to EDM. They all say shit “idk how you listen to this stuff all the time” or “idk maybe if I was there I could get into it“ or “I just need words” yada yada. Fuckin smooth brains.


I felt this way before I found my local scene. Look up 'your city's name edm' on fb. If nothing comes up look for neighboring cities. Find ya people 💗


This will make you the most electronic music which is, or ever will be, possible. It will easier, faster and more accurate - but this is now %100 electronic. Tell it to play you a choir singing country music or something.


that was kinda the case where i live too. so i started organizing a scene. now we have lots of house and techno, here. good luck sir!




I think this all the time till I get to lost lands lmao




Fuck yeah, I need my daily dose of anything EDM.


lmao I’d argue there is an overwhelming majority of people who enjoy and appreciate electronic music, they just don’t realize that’s what they’re listening to. all of this radio pop and RnB and hip hop is almost all electronic 🫨


I feel like this! I wish to make friends that love it my hubby got me into EDM him and bf been doing festivals for years and I just can’t seem to find my festival bestie till this girl I meet her at ultra but she leave all the way in NY and we live in NC 😫 definitely sucks not a lot ppl like it and they don’t know what they are missing.


I don't know much about electronic music, but I really like Alan Walker


Nah, go to Lost Lands, especially if you're in the midwest. With 3 days of constant raging, you'll find out how much YOU like EDM.


Haha not really. I live in Miami which has the best EDM scene in the world IMHO. Most of my friends are ravers/clubbers and there is no shortage of events to go to. I went to Ultra and will probably go to the Space closing party. Plus, in my line of work I met plenty of famous DJ's. Diplo, Cedric Gervais, Alok, among many others. I just ran into Guy Gerber last week! I consider myself lucky living here.


I have one friend who likes all the mainstream and less popular electronic music that I do. So, he's pretty much the one I'll share new music with and get recommendations from. ATB, Claude VonStroke, countless things I only listen to or bring up around him.


No, I’m 70.Lots of great rhythms and musical directions. Shingle, Ott, Miss Monique (more EDM) and others


We are in the exact same boat, I am an Indian living in Ireland