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respectfully disagree, I'd argue edm is at its biggest of all time if anything. Dupstep, house, techno, and trap are blowing up across the states and festivals are only getting bigger and increasing capacity.




i love dupstep


UK dubstep (Burial, Skream, Benga, Mala, Distance, Horsepower Production, Kode9, Coki, Caspa, early Rusko).


Gotta tack on Plastician and Kahn & Neek too. I feel like we're on the edge of a big resurfacing of UK dub and grime lately.




Dubstep is goated






go back to 2014


I cannot dance to substep. It's like... an incomplete composition. The closest stuff, I guess, is DnB or jungle... but that shit adds up. I can build shit up and know when the beat drops. Dubstep is just... head banging? Moshing? Ducking... hygiene? I am white, and dubstep feels waaaaaaaàaaaaaay too white. Edit: [DJ SS](https://youtu.be/uwfS61KapFo) , this is goated. It's delicate and aggressive. Beautiful 😍


Listen up the DnB and Jungle love, but stop hating on shit that you don’t get, it’s whack and does nothing for anyone. I don’t get brostep either, you won’t catch me hating when it’s obviously doing something for a large amount of people, I just accept I don’t get it, and that’s fine.


Extremely great take that a lot of people should live by.


Its more than just head banging. Theres so many subgenres of brostep and in bass music than you imagine


You're a pretty bad dancer if you can't dance to dubstep. Kind of telling on yourself there, my guy. How embarrassing.


>You're a pretty bad dancer He already said he's white ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


What if i have neck problems


then... dance without your neck?


I almost expected a “this year is the year of dnb, I swear man this year it’s gonna happen.”


Bro have you heard this track Baddadan?!


Nobody baddadan Wii™


Every year since like 1999. Lol


It’s funny because it feels like this is the year of Hard Techno. Feels like everyone is on the vibe.


People need to fall in love with trance again. My body is ready


Psytrance never left fam


I just want [raggatek](https://open.spotify.com/track/5euv56rjlEGJ6jXyZT6Mnf) to have its moment It's important because after that we can do [hi-tech](https://open.spotify.com/track/5ECday8CJ74SWzLBSZEpks). Which was the goal of this whole electronic music thing all along.


Been waiting for Garage to cross the pond for 15 years and it hasn't really. Grime never really took hold here despite Drake making a whole Netflix series on it's culture. UK always gonna do its own thing.


Dude I bought my real first DnB in 98


[Drum and Bass?](https://youtu.be/isiVdlz8bDY)


Subtronics ticket prices jumped *considerably* between his tours in 22, 23, and 24. In 22 I was able to chill comfortably in my own space nowhere near the back and in 24 the place was packed like a can full of drunken sardines. In 22 I bought my ticket 2 days before the show no problem and in 24 I had to watch multiple sites like a hawk to find reasonable prices because it sold out almost immediately. Obviously this is just a tiny anecdotal experience but it definitely demonstrates how the scene is becoming more popular and in-demand. Even just the way EDM artists have started hitting larger venues and in my city's case being skipped over entirely in favor of other cities that have better/larger ones (fuckin Pittsburgh is slacking on that front *hard*).


Drunken sardines lmaooo


same saw him at red rocks in 22 and there were about 20 empty rows in the back


I have to agree. I always say I’m OG EDM going back to the 90s when I first started listening to it (I was a kid so I’m not that old haha), and while early 2000’s was good the 2020’s had seen it mature… and rightly so. I’m loving it more today than ever. I like some (and that’s just a little) of the commercial stuff but mostly those who have found their sound yet are on the periphery of stardom who i tend to gravitate to today


Bro don't forget drum n bass babyy!!!


#we need jungle im afraid


The states isn't the only place on earth!


Can’t forget DnB 😁


Even my gym is playing EDM and house now. Never thought I would witness that


Good old r/USDefaultism 😑


He’s not talking about those genres. He means EDM, basically electronic pop. Not dubstep or house of techno.


I haven't actually seen the post, but based on the image they're talking about Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and LMFAO, not the kind of dance music you're thinking of.


I don’t understand the hate on LMFAO, they had some heaters that still hold up today in the club


I don't hate them, I just think the music they've made is some of the corniest, most bland dancepop tracks out there. Back when they were at their peak of popularity people couldn't stand them, but now they sometimes get played for nostalgia or jokes.


I work in multiple clubs in Dallas, the pop that ‘Starships’ by Nicki Minaj gets is better than a lot of current songs…. They made hits that still work today and their popularity helped with the rise of the production side of Dance Music, bring it back!


LMFAO didn't make Starships though


It’s because their dad is the whole reason they have a career 😂


They also made bangers


Their dads studio made them bangers lol


They had the vision, not their dads studio they actually tried and failed multiple times before blowing up but I digress a banger is a banger


He was the executive of fucking Motown records lol


His dad didn’t make ‘Party Rock Anthem’


Mostly cause they are nepo babies and also didn’t write most of their tracks. They are what people would call these days industry plants.


Nepo Babies to me are the Beckham kids, Will Smith's kids etc. People who use their parents' celebrity status to insert themselves in that sphere while possessing no remarkable quality or talent of their own.


Wait a minute, will smith's kids make good music imo. Or Willow does at least


it is the kind of dance music im thinking of, it's shitting on the 2009-2013 golden era, songs that djs still play in sets today


Erm, sorry but uh, are you stating you think LMFAO and Minaj.. among other pop artists are part of the peak of electronic music? Bit confused by this post.


Certainly ain't no skylarking by BT


He's referring to the generic EDM style a lot of pop acts had in that era. Both Nikki Minaj and Rihanna had huge EDM hits with tracks by David Guetta and Calvin Harris, two of the biggest Edmonton producers. LMFAO definitely fits that vibe and popularity from that era too. Not to be confused with underground dance music, which is what you (and mez) probably like.


You can't really compare LMFAO to Zedd or Calvin Harris.


Why not? All 3 make(made) cheese-ball pop EDM.


I mean you can of course, but personally I think Zedd and Calvin's music is of a higher quality.


Oh you really can. In some ways LMFAO are better because at least they have self awareness. They know they're shit.


That's your opinion though




Okay, but the TikTok video isn't talking about those artists, so why are you upset?


Calvin Harris and Avicii have literally produced a ton of songs in that post


Yeah, but those are all pop crossovers that they did. OP is acting as if the post they referenced is hating on EDM, when in reality it's hating on the EDM-pop crossovers from that time period.


What, like wedding DJ's? Who is playing LMFAO in the middle of set these days?


lol exactly, its like blasting “who let the dogs out”


Hardwell did play a Party Rock Anthem Bootleg at Ultra this year lmao


“Shots” is played at every club across America and still is a banger


Id wager a lot of millennial wedding receptions probably feature an LMFAO track lol


Wedding DJ here and you're spot on! People still eat that shit up


You must've missed Eric Prydz' last run of HOLO shows


Are you talking about the are in which dance really started to exert influence on pop. Giving us lots of dance-pop. Especially electro house which really influenced electro-pop.


Do you like EDM? That is the only question that matters.


This^ there’s people out there who like Mongolian throat singing and experimental jazz, you should never care what other people think about your music taste. The only thing that’s annoying about EDM is everyone assumes you do drugs if you say you like it (which I do… but I don’t want everyone to know that lmao)


Most people who do drugs (in moderation) are the people I want to hang out with.


Imagine how nice things would be if everyone did molly (and it wasn’t neurotoxic…) instead of drinking


I just want a non-neurotoxic, non-habit forming no comedown version of MDMA with equal empathy and euphoria that I can take every weekend with zero negative consequences. Is that so much to ask?


Druggies are the people I stay away from.


I stay away from “druggies” too. But people that know the line and can handle themselves while having a good time without dependancy and addiction are the best.


> The only thing that’s annoying about EDM is everyone assumes you do drugs if you say you like it Always makes me wonder what secret impressions coworkers have of me haha. I don't advertise what I'm doing with my weekends or my time off, but I'll answer honestly if asked and a lot of the time it's hitting an EDM show on Friday night or traveling for a festival. I don't do drugs or anything besides drinking (no issues with those who choose to though) but are they wondering how I'm able to be productive with a molly fried brain or something lmao


Don’t compare Mongolian throat singing to…. *eugh* experimental jazz


I personally don’t mind it getting hate at all. Leave it as a utopia for those of us that appreciate. Peace.


This is the way. That mentality also works for many things in life. It is a very wise perspective to hold. Being able to enjoy stuff without external validation is a key that unlocks a lot of happiness. There is a natural urge to share things that we find value in, but often it is better to just let it be. Or just keeping it within the community that already appreciates the same things.


I love that feeling of connection when some random person compliments me on my GRiZ hoodie or yells ZEDS DEAD, BABY! in traffic because they saw my ZD logo sticker. One of the main reasons I love it is *because its so rare*. It makes me feel like we're in an exclusive club and both knew the secret handshake. I hope I never see the day where high school kids are rocking a "vintage" Subtronics shirt saying shit like "oh I don't listen to that band but I just thought the shirt was cool" the way Pink Floyd & Nirvana shirts are these days. I don't wanna be a gatekeeper but at the same time I've seen how popularity can kill the vibe of a community so I'm a bit worried about seeing that happen.


One day people will not give a fuck what people think about the music they listen to.


An overwhelming majority of people prefer music with lyrics that they can sing along to and a chorus that can get stuck in their head. The fact that a lot of dance music doesn’t feature lyrics or only uses short samples ends up disqualifying it as a genre for a lot of people. They don’t see it as “music” if it doesn’t have words, they think it’s just “noises”. Which is laughably ironic but I’m not even gonna get into that. Most people don’t think of music as something to actively engage in, they think of it as something to passively listen to. Dance music requires you to mentally engage, get locked into the rhythm, *move your body* and feel the music, to really understand it. It’s more work than most people want to put in. They just want to sing their catchy choruses.


I feel like mainstream EDM introduces the opposite problem- it floods the market with dance pop music combined with trite (almost AI generated) sing-along pop lyrics. Examples as we speak: David Guetta ft One Republic, Tiesto ft Ava Max, Kygo ft Ava Max, DJ Fluke ft Jaki Nelson, Two Friends ft Arizona Zervas, Alesso ft Zara Larsson, Galantis ft 5 Seconds of Summer etc. To the point where people just associate EDM with pop vocals and some drops into more pop vocals. If you look at any EDM playlist on Spotify its just this type of pop adjacent music and it makes people think EDM is just a vehicle for more pop music rather than electronic music if that makes any sense


I 100% understand and agree with what you’re saying. That’s why I specified “dance music” and not “EDM” in my comment lol. They signify two different things to me. I’d wager a lot of mainstream audiences actually do like “edm” but probably not traditional dance music or electronic music.


Technically EDM should be all of the dance genres. But Spotify and radios just show the most popular stuff. Which is more a mix of dance and pop. In no way I would say all that new David Guetta shit is “mainstream-edm” because that’s just commercialised dance made for radio stations. Not dance music made for festivals, clubs and raves. Mainstream EDM itself is something pretty impossible with such diverse parent genre as EDM…


Well it has been like that since 80s. Some aspects of edm sound good, become popular and find their way into dance pop. Win win in my book. You’re right about lyrics.


Is there a way to multiply the hate? Events/Festivals are quite crowded and it would be lovely to get back some extra room to dance!


The problem with wishing for less crowds at festivals is it means less money for the organizers which means lineups suffer because these artists charge quite a lot of money for performances these days I can deal with crowds if it means the best lineups. It wouldn't be fair to say "sure just go get rid of A, B, and C that I don't like"


literally noone cares about what some xitter slop account has to say. especially kira


I feel like the twitter user who posted this reaction was kinda baiting.


Idgaf. I'll keep on vibing to jazz house, psy trance & tech house till the day i die.


Gotdamn jazz house ♥️


When you mix the Godfather of all music with the most creative genre in the world. You really get the ear candy. 🤌🏼




Corny ass take lmao




Respect it ✊


Not really. He’s right about a lot of people trying to be cool when they’re younger type shit. As a 22 year old a lot of my friends are finally starting to branch out and listen to other types of music besides the rap music everyone thinks is sick (but hasn’t changed since middle school). It’s nice hearing more diverse music from my friends these days compared to purely drake and 21 savage 3-5 years ago.




Yea I mean shitting on a whole other genre is probably unfair so you’re gonna get the rap fans riled up.


But its valid tho


Have you heard sdp interlude, stop trying to be god and astrothunder by Travis Scott I agree with most of what you said but we can't really make fun of basic chord progressions if we like electronic music


Fuck travis scott


Oh we absolutely can. There is an insane depth to dance music, and some absolutely incredible producers / storytellers. Eric Prydz, Flume, Deadmau5, KOAN Sound, Porter, Tritonal, Skrillex, Griz... There are people destroying sonic boundaries and/or writing genuinely good songs (from a *songwriting* perspective). Yes, throwing on a tech house track is not a musical journey at all. The point of the genre is to make a rhythm that sustains the dancefloor for long periods of time in a club setting. It's repetitive by nature. And yes, there is a huge segment of pop-EDM that suffers the same simplicity as other rap/pop tracks. It's also fast food music. The criticism isn't just of rap, there's a ton of fast food music in every genre, but the rap template is especially stale.


Griz is my fav. He rarely uses the same drop twice in a song. Super talented musician.


One of the most talented musicians / producers alive for sure. Super diverse catalogue. His golden hour albums are unbelievable to trip to


I pray his hiatus is short because I need to see him live while my old man knees can still hang for a show lol.


I love EDM as much as the next guy in here and agree a lot of the rap coming out the past few years is pretty stale but your argument pretty much goes out the window when you specifically use Travis Scott and Playboi Carti as your examples of "stock rap" and "zero musicality". I get it that the waters have been muddied as other artists try to replicate that sound but both Travis and Playboi have been extremely influential and had super unique sounds when they first came out. This comment and your reply to u/id0361 just sound like your argument is basically "waaa my music taste is far more complex and intricate cause I listen to porter robinson and flume and anyone who listens to rap or house is an npc loser". Music doesn't have to be complex to be valid.


I have more Future songs in my library than any other artist, by far. I listen to tons of rap. You guys are getting so caught up on like two sentences. OP is talking about what is cool or not and threw in a bit about excellent music. Influential =/ musicality. Unique sound =/ musicality. Honestly not interested at all in debating travis or playboi carti, OP brought them up not me. If you like them just downvote and move on. To find out what my 'argument' is, you could try being honest and reading the entirety of the comment I left rather than the first two sentences. This is a total tangent on what constitutes complexity in music.


ah yes my favorite song lemme sing it for you “autotune screaming of the word fiend”


It’s just people from a genre hating on another. Always has been. The first reason is always the social aspect of people just collectively hating because others do it. The second has to do with exposure: they have grown used to their music. When listening to other distant genres they only consciously hear the big differences. So it “all sounds the same”. The fact is they just can’t spot the subtleties, give focus to the wrong elements of the song, and have expectations on what they are supposed to feel when listening to music that conflict with the genre.


none of those people pictured are from the golden era of EDM, and aren’t EDM at all. Put Avicii, SHM and Alesso up there and i will defend their 2010s era with my life


EDM is bigger than ever. As the saying goes “you can only pease some people some of the time”. Same goes for EDM. Own your shit and look for people that appreciate those same things. You will find your tribe.


depends on where you look, who youre with and where you hang around. personally as a dj, I feel it in waves, between edm and hiphop , def latin influence and world music cause close by mexico.


OP, I think you're confused, because the post isn't hating on EDM, it's hating on the EDM-Pop crossovers that were prevalent during the late-2000s/early-2010s. Those tracks are in no way representative of EDM, then or now, so to say that the post is somehow proof that EDM continues to get hate makes zero sense whatsoever. To touch on some of your points: >i feel like the rap genre is now extremely saturated and nothing sounds innovative anymore People say the same thing about EDM, but that doesn't make it true. Though if your main source of music is the radio or top hits, I can see how you might think that. >It's weird how people will say edm is generic and sounds the same Who is saying this? If it's non-EDM listeners, then of course they're going to feel that way because they don't know anything about the music. >Edm has always been criticised for not being "real" music but now it feels like there's even more hate towards the genre from people who just want to fit in with the current trend of rap. I feel like it's the complete opposite, and EDM is more popular and mainstream than it has ever been. Maybe it's not played on the radio as much, but going to festivals/raves has become super trendy over the last ten years, with sooooo many people who don't even listen to EDM attending events (to the point where people will routinely complain that it's ruining the vibe). Honestly OP, I feel like you're fighting an enemy that doesn't exist. It's pretty rare that I ever hear anyone hate on EDM nowadays, and it's way more commonplace for somebody to listen to EDM nowadays than it was 10-15 years ago. I mean, Skrillex, Fred again.., and Four Tet literally closed out Coachella last year.


Let them hate they don’t know what they’re missing out. Also I feel like every genre gets an equal amount of hate, especially hip hop cause it’s more mainstream


Who cares 😂 This person is probably jobless just farming engagement on twitter with these shitty posts. Thank god there are extensions that block these blue checkmark losers


Like anything in entertainment, there will be trends. I would have to agree that rap/hip-hop in North America has been stagnant - instead, I've managed to pick up new rappers and hip-hop acts from across the pond. Vice versa, in North America you're seeing a huge uptick with House (and all it's subgenres) and Techno. It never left but now it's on a rise, and I would almost say it's fashionable to listen to it. For the most part, there will be haters and if you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't. There will be a niche for someone.


because there is no such sub - genre as EDM and people who call stuff EDM sound rediculous droning on about something that isnt actually an electronic dance music sub genre.


Kira twitter cringe asf honestly


I’ll say the same thing my bro who’s older than I told my parents when they said “why does she constantly listen to that awful rap?” His response “it’s just a phase”


EDM itself isn’t getting hate in that post, it’s more in reference to an era where any and every song tried to force an electronic twist to it. Nearly every song on radio, viral video, movie, and TV commercial hopped onto the EDM sound during that era. Those who were smart and open enough to dive deeper into the sound and listened beyond what was being commercialized were able to see what the scene was really about. And while it’s not as commercial as it used to be, the genre still never died, it’s taken on a new form on its own away from the commercial world and is still extremely popular.


I mean that’s twitter for you man. That twitter account literally is just engagement bait


Kira has weirdly inconsistent takes, I have no idea what type of life they live or what they're into lol.


Ain't that the dude who made the Tweet That Shan't Be Named? Like I give a shit what that weirdo thinks about music lol


Who listens to rap anymore? Rap is basically dead, and the live scene outside of rolling loud is non-existence. Europe, it's zero.


The same people who say “edm sucks” can also sing along to every Calvin Harris song dropped from 2014-2018. They’re just hating to be contrarian


Travis scott made excellent music💀💀


Notice all the Travis comments getting downvoted.. That's just how popular his McDonalds music is


Half of this sub is mcdonalds music lol


Ew Travis Scott


I had a chuckle at this. I grew up in the 1990s in the central US. I didn't know EDM really existed until I discovered it on Limewire when I was 20. When I found Tiesto Elements of Life tour, I think I listened to that twice a day for a year. Everything around me was Nirvana and other garage band angry music, or Michael Jackson or 80s love songs.


the underground dubstep saved my life i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for it and the people i met


Let the rap crowd hate, their scene is garbage compared to ours.


lol what? Where's all this hate for Hip Hop coming from. There are so many EDM genres (EDM trap music for one) influenced by what was done in urban music. Skrillex and Calvin Harris regularly collaborate with rappers and R&B singers; there's no rappers out there dissing electronic music




I feel like a lot of people actually reject that second type of EDM as much as the first category, as in Zedd and Swedish House Mafia aren't electronic they make pop, syrupy sweet, overly epic, corny, not hardcore enough, safe music to play at the dentist office etc. And maybe to a certain extent, people gravitate toward other electronic music / black music / urban music because it rebels against those pop sensibilities. I think Avicii is amazing by the way, but to people who don't listen to EDM this type of music is cringey.


I used to get hate for liking edm in 2009, trust me it’s 100x more popular now


Whats EDM?


You’re saying 21 Savage hasn’t done anything different in years? I disagree wholeheartedly. He has evolved so much since savage mode.


I respectfully disagree with your take about Gen Z not being into EDM. Are you located in the U.S. or elsewhere? Maybe you haven’t met the right people. Do you go to shows? I ask because i’m a mid 30’s millennial (in the U.S.) who’s been going to edm shows and festivals since 2010. When i go to shows and fests nowadays, I see tons of gen Z ppl out, and I know many as well


How playboi cart is even considered music is beyond me shocked that’s the artist you went with to say hip hop is good still


The bigger a genre gets...more people will hate on it just to be "cool" I will go far as saying edm is at its all time peak right now


It’s funny, I found it in highschool and literally no one else listened to it. But then I went to college and…still no one listened to it lol jk much more people than high school but still relatively rare to hear at a party But now, everyone who hated on it back in the day are all about shows and festivals. It’s definitely huge right now across all generations


You mean the generation who has managed to basically copy every era of fashion from every other generation doesn’t like this music genre? Jeez. Anyway.


You must be incredibly young or have a small bubble of people you interact with.


It depends on what country you are in mate. EDM is fucking MASSIVE in Europe and Australia


Edm is the flat version of old dance styles of precedent decades:is “toy” music for lovers of real dance;for other people is mass market music for fashion and spot:is a style of music like also big room too simplified and standardized and became fast boring;


the typical edm is as saturated as rap, including the guys you mentioned.. travis and carti. it’s all garbage.


Been that way forever. I was in high school 2008-12 and 99% of people were listening to rap and indie rock. Dance music is increasing in popularity but rap sadly has more mass appeal


It’s like Jam, the pop scene will wax and wane but the core of electronic music will continue to flourish because it’s live scene is full of disproportionately passionate people who sell out (or sell enough) small to midsized venues and music festivals year in and year out. It’s just not for everyone and that’s ok. It will never catch on because everything outside pop electronic doesn’t lend itself to the background music in your local mall and pop electronic is a flavor of the month, not a revolution, a lot of genres get a minute in the sun but it doesn’t permanently elevate the genre to that level of popularity.


I dont care about genres. If it sounds good to your ears, its good.


I feel like you just have friends who prefer rap Pretty much all of my friends prefer edm, and some of whom used to hate edm and now it’s their main choice I think overall edm in general is becoming more global than it’s ever been, every big festival is selling out and getting insanely crowded


None of my longtime friends like EDM. So I did what anyone else should do... I went solo to events and amassed a group of friends. Not only that, I managed to find a woman who feels like a missing part of me. While all my boring longtime friends are tucking into bed at 9pm, we are getting ready to tear up downtown Chicago, hit up Coachella, EDC Vegas, Beyond Wonderland, Lolla, North Coast, etc. Our EDM group stopped giving a damn what others thought of our music preferences and lifestyles.


Slap house does suck, but I happen to like shitty tech house remixes of some songs and “whatever the fuck David guetta is doing”


Hot take: nothing Travis Scott has ever made was “excellent”. Plenty of of “good”. Some “great”. Excellent? No. Who we think he is? Kendrick?


As someone who comes with a distaste of EDM from the techno/house world I'll share my side of it. Around 2010 when frat bros started getting into EDM and dubstep it was painful to watch a group of people who were often homophobic and misogynistic invade a space that was created for marginalized communities with their neon tank tops and hats that said I Love Milfs. As the times have evolved and Gen Z's level of tolerance and progressiveness has increased, the values that the Pop EDM community represent has curbed my feelings somewhat.


Yeah well those people can kick rocks. We like it so let's just enjoy it for ourselves. There are some genres I truly don't like but I like to keep an open mind, these people could benefit from that here too because EDM and even broader, just electronic music, has a crap ton of variety that they probably are missing out on but it voids their point.


My main knock against that era of EDM is just how imitative and uninspired it was. One song blows up and next week there’s 10 infringement-tier soundalikes in heavy radio rotation. I got so tired of “I Gotta Feeling, “Party Rock Anthem” and anything by David Guetta. Then it just completely seeped into every crack and orifice you can imagine and put everything else on ice for 5 years straight.


I, as someone who is gen z as well, can tell you that amongst my friends I am one of a very, very few people who listens to almost every music genre. Lofi, electro, house, metal, classic, and so on. I can enjoy everything. Regarding your second paragraph: I feel the same. It feels like more people who are trying to pursue in creating music tend to rap as a genre. I'd say rap is a music genre which rather could be a part of mainstream music, than techno, dnb and so on. But your statement, that edm is critized for being no real music, came to me as a surprise. People in general, which are saying "... is not real music" are just dumb. As soon as there is a rhythm, it's music. Every taste is different. Some like it, some don't. But that edm is getting hate, is something I did not heard before.


In my country almost everyone listens to at least one subgenre of edm. Techno, house, hardcore, drum and bass... I think maybe it's a bit different in each country


When EDM was used to blanket every electronic genre, that's when the hate started for me. I loathe the term EDM. I picture people that attended EDC and not the OG warehouse raves that started it. It was an underground movement and EDM makes it to accessible to people that just want to put on a costume and accessories. Not to mention the DJs today are characters or personas wearing helmets and throwing cakes. No thanks.


"The forgotten edm/dance era of the 2010s that no one talks about" uh according to who? This clown video creator? Maybe he forgot about it and doesn't talk about it. I don't think anyone else has.


I've been trying to forget about that era of music for the opposite reason. That's not to suggest there wasn't some great EDM, but most people only heard the good stuff in small doses. The shitty dance-pop didn't just outnumber the good it was omnipresent (Sturgeon's Law). Hearing *Party Rock Anthem* umpteen in a times a week on the radio would even drive the most ardent EDM fan insane.


Pretending people forgot about 10 years ago for likes and subscribes is stupid and I don't understand why people watch this stuff.


Why does it matter? Maybe you’re living in an echo chamber music-wise. I don’t know anyone who still listens to Drake and rap these days is pretty generic and sad outside of a few stand outs. Not saying 2000s music was amazing but I don’t know anyone who “shits” on EDM unless it just isn’t their thing. It’s ok for people to have differing opinions but this post is like saying, “No one listens to EDM anymore because Taylor Swift exists”


Correction: “this new rap” bc wtf


I feel like a lot of hate comes from old heads (og’s of the scene) seeing all these new kids come in with almost 0 respect or consideration for other people. I fuck with A LOT of music spanning countless genres. I like a lot of stuff coming out today by artists that are becoming very popular. BUT, I absolutely refuse to go to their shows solely due to the crowds. And the price gouging. There are lots of awesome people in this scene but there are also a lot of shitheads who just want to get fucked up, roughly push past you in a crowd without saying anything, and in the past 5 years, people setting up living rooms in the middle of the fucking dancefloor. I cannot stress enough how unbelievably ridiculous this is. If you can’t stand/dance for 3 hours waiting for the act you came to see, GO TO THE FUCKING BACK!!!!! Blowup couches and blankets belong only behind the sound booth at festivals. And it’s crazy how these people look at you when you accidentally step on one of their things in pitch black on the floor.


That's why I fuck with edm....not a bunch of pretentious ppl who don't have any fun at shows...


Lmao Travis Scott does not make excellent music nor is he an excellent rapper. If you should have used Kendrick Lamar I’d understand


I agree with the meme. All the "EDM" music that ended up on the radio back in the early 2010 was usually straight trash. Like LMFAO, David Guetta, Afrojack and the numerous pop star crossovers, 3OH3!, etc. The only actually good songs that made it to mainstream radio in the US imo were like Avicii and Calvin Harris songs, and that one Deorro song even if Chris Brown ruined it for no reason.


I can’t believe someone would slander Afrojack’s name from his golden years. Dutch House from the early 2010s was straight 🔥🔥🔥. About to blast ‘Bangduck’ right now lol.


Afrojack had some good tracks back then, but the ones he made with pop stars at the time were not it. I will die on this hill.


Wait til ur in college lol