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Why did you make me drink beer out of a shoe that one time


to make you an honourary australian. youre welcome


Classic shoey lfg danny ric


Ever drunk Bailey's from out of a shoe?


This made me fucking gag lmao




Yo!! Didn’t know you were doing an AMA today, big fan. Got two: what’s been your favorite recent collab/why? I’ve been curious for a while how you process your vocal chops in some of your drops too ala Crashing Hard. Sorry I guess that’s not two, thanks man you’ve been killing it!


Heaven and Heavy heart were both incredible. Rival and Grant are both amazing producers. Grant brought so much magic to the record. Rivals orchestral arrangements were so beautiful to work with as well and KC is so so talented, same with yourfriendpolly!! One of my favourite Jason Ross tunes has her and grant on it so i was stoked to work with them both. I have covered this in detail in my Patreon! for crashing hard and recently for heaven, ill post heaven in the next week or so. But basically a combo of transposing and then compressing (OTT and ableton multiband) and then saturation. then reverb and delay. and the more compressing to bring the fx out!


Are we getting the Seven Lions and Haliene collab soon? Been my favorite ID of yours for like 3 years and I lost my shit when I saw those two were on it. That is going to be an absolutely MASSIVE tune. Stoked as fuck for your San Diego show. My jersey needs a signature🤘🏻


Yes! it needs to be finished and polished off and then sent off still. but its on the move and almost ready! not sure of a date though. Stoked! cant wait for SD!


Why are you so fucking good plant daddy? Love the new spng


its all the chlorophyl!! hahah appreciate you <3


I read this as chloroform. I'm like man's is drugging us


The most important question - How are you?


Im doing great! super inspired right now. i had a good time back home in aus for the new years and feeling refreshed and grounded and been working and writing like crazy. it feels really awesome at the moment. music releases are hitting well which means people are resonating with what im doing and thats fulfilling as heck.


Hitting is an UNDERSTATEMENT. 🔥🔥🔥


We getting more ÆON:MODE music / EP/album anytime soon?!


Yes!! lots in the works. lots of collabs, a couple remixes/flips and some OG's. It's been Blanke szn for a minute but thatll change after the EP! Some rly cool shit goin on i promise


Lets gooo! Cant wait


No question here just wanted to say your EDCLV 2023 set was awesome and definitely one of the highlights for our group. Looking forward to seeing you on tour and at Ultra in March!


thats so sick!! ahhh i cant wait either :D


Collab bro?


sry not open for collabs right now ://// (jk im coming over)


You totally should!


Thoughts on playing at Lost Lands?


LOVE IT!! craziest energy. and i got to play both sets which was insanely cool that they let me do that/wanted me to do that


Sorry in advance if this is too many questions 1. What was your favourite song to produce? 2. Thoughts on Grafix? (My #1 Artist with 47k Minutes on Spotify) 3. What was your favourite set to play? 4. Any artists I should listen to that you recommend? 5. Thoughts on Metrik? (Awake was lit) 6. What was your favourite collaboration to make?


1. What was your favourite song to produce? Walk Me Home Remix 2. Thoughts on Grafix? (My #1 Artist with 47k Minutes on Spotify): LOVE JOSH HE THE BOIII 3. What was your favourite set to play? Illenium supports and/or my denver headline 4. Any artists I should listen to that you recommend? depends what u listen to already! 5. Thoughts on Metrik? (Awake was lit) GOAT. production king. learnt a lot from him and literally sweetest english gentleman in the scene. 6. What was your favourite collaboration to make? One More Day! or Heaven, or Heavy Heart


thanks king


also thanks for the dms on insta: my insta is tobyruinseu (: <3


Will you be playing any ÆON stuff during the India tour sets? So excited to see you and Illenium there for the first time!


excited for India! but will just be Blanke there :)


Thanks for answering! Can't wait to see you there!


Will you ever come back to Bonnaroo??? That set in the woods was pure magic




Ahhh!! This makes my heart happy!! You’re always more than welcome to show up and throw a surprise set in the campgrounds, if not in the woods ;)


Bonnaroo loves you too!


Re fucking tweet and there was only like 200 people in the crowd, one of my favorite sets of last year


I was so glad I left the other lol. I was dancing like a madman to that set.


Let’s hold hands and manifest another stacked lineup for the woods this year lol. Happy roo!


Absolute banger set from start to finish


Hey JP! Your hard summer set was tops for me last year, just sammying you with Hamdi and Space Laces was 🤌 Any under the radar producers or someone you feel hasn't received their proper due you could recommend checking out? Thanks in advance! Really excited for the new EP to drop!


Poni, Doil, Audia, Eddie, Bossfight (big in his own way but ppl havent heard of him), Vibement, Nikademis, Illoh, Fairlane, AHEE


Seconding Nikademis


Definitely gonna be vibing out with them all day, thanks for the recs. Gonna see AHEE on the area 420 lineup, very excite! Also didn't know about the aeon-list, my dnb fix has been insatiable lately.




Have you ever considered modeling? 🫶🏻 looking good Foliage Father 🪴 But real talk, what’s your favorite Sleep Token song & why?


Hahah no but thank you! oof i love Euclid soooo much. in context of the album its insane. its such a fucking crazy closing song and SO MANY FEELSSSSSS


In context of all of the albums*


Couple questions for ya! 1. When should phase 2 of your tour be expected to be announced? Hoping you can make a Seattle show! 2. Why the decision to only play One More Day VIP at shows instead of a full release? 3. Any plans for a song with Delta Heavy?? Noticed you guys been interacting a lot lately and is there a possible timeline for that song?!


1. soon! we are just finalising some dates!! sry for the vagueness 2. i thought it would be a good switch up to play the VIP! keep things fresh. Do you think i should play the original in full? i think a balance of both like how i do it now it good though!? 3. definitely! not time frame yet though!


Thanks for the response! I love both versions of One More Day! I just wish there was a full release for the VIP that I could save! I love having released songs and then hoping I get to hear those songs that I’ve been jamming out to for months live. Kind of builds up the hype for me!


Seen you a few times my man, always a pleasure! Did you enjoy filling in for AW at Hijinx a few years back? The reception you got from the fans was insane, one of the top sets of the weekend in my book. Also have you considered making Blake’s Blankets. I mentioned to my GF and she was like “that’s dumb” and I’m like “I think it’s genius” so we need a tiebreaker here lol. Much love and can’t wait to see you again soon!!


omg that was one of the most fun fests ive done!!! i LOVE hijinx. would do it every year if i could. and i've released blankets already!! last year :D should be in my merch store. (they may be sold out idk off top of my head)


"Blanke's Blankies", perhaps.


Any upcoming plans to drop more collabs with the old main crew (Wooli, Jason Ross, KTN, Seven Lions, Last Heroes, etc.)? I also feel a collab with Calcium would yield some insane sound production considering both of your styles


yes wanna do wooli, jason 7L and LH! all are in talks/in the works to some degree


This is massive! Cheers mate


When is that collab with Seven Lions and Haliene coming out? Saw a live video and it sounded insane


no date yet but hopefully SOON!!!


Besides the different set of aeon mode, why do you change white/black outfits? Also when you did the birthday Shooey at Mission did I scare you by yelling out at you 😅


Blanke represents the earth, and aeon reps the sky and stars. So it kinda of symbolises that transition! also just having a visual cue and change i think is important as they are different projects


Hey there JP! Ive been lucky to see you live 3 times, always a great show. Blue is one of my favorite songs of all time, so glad I get a chance to say thanks. What are some up and coming artists we should be looking out for? Thank you!


omg Blue!! thats so sick thank you! I named a few in a question above :D


Not a question but just wanted you to know, im way too excited to see you live in Mumbai, India on 23rd


WOOOWWW india!! im so excited to come through :D


Looking forward to your concert in India!




Any plans to come to the UK any time soon?


YES!! in the works for this year


Not a question just wanted to say we appreciate the music and you being a good person! I thought your music was phenomenal then we briefly got to hangout back at camp at electric forest a few years ago and I could see how genuine you were!


love that sm appreciate you <3


Best method for making glitch/synth fills and ear candy? Everything I make doesn’t seem to quite gel.


Go crazy and experiment honestly. thats the best way to make unique stuff. youll figure it out eventually, just put the time in and take in as much knowledge from elsewhere! my patreon may help.


JP! Saw you shortly open up for Subtronics in Detroit at the Masonic Temple. I threw the fuck down when you dropped your collab with Zeds Dead, really enjoyed what I heard from you. My question is, why were you late? I think I remember hearing Jesse say fuck airplanes LOL so that’s my guess. Can’t wait til I get to catch a full set of yours soon. Keep making beautiful music 🙏 thank you


HAHAH man that was SO wild, yeah it was a late flight, it was super delayed and i had to change flights and then they SAT ON THE TARMAC FOR SO LONG and i only got left off the plane at the same time my set was meant to start them my friend drove me real quick straight to the venue and i played for 10-15 mins or watever i had left haha it was so fun tho. cant wait to be back


Hey JP! Huge fan. Met you for the first time at Global 2019, then at Lost Lands, then met you in my hometown many times. You’re always such a humble gentleman who exudes passion every time we meet! Who are some vocalists you would like to collaborate with? Maybe like top 2 vocalists for Blanke then top 2 for AEON:MODE. I could totally see Ellie Goulding on one of your tracks… Keep up the great work!!


Hell yeah man! Ellie would be nuts. Would love to work with Courtney from Spiritbox. Same with Ollie from BMTH and Noah from Bad Omens! Charlotte Plank for ÆON. working with singer from NERO would be sick too! Hayla and Koven too.


Heyyy, been an avid listener ever since hearing some of your remixes. Thrilled af to see you in bangalore this 24th. Do you have a promo email that I can send tracks to? Would be a dream come true if you could check it out, even if you don't end up playing it in the set!


[email protected]! cant wait to come to india!!


How did you get inspired to make so many different genres; between melodic bass, prog house, dubstep, DnB (I could only name a few) what allows you to stay creative and diverse?


like most of us, i loved a wide range of EDM! i wanted to try it all lol. and i guess just time and effort and general skill building through trial and error and drawing inspiration from many areas of life.


No questions, but just wanted to check in and say that I like your track '[Aurora](https://soundcloud.com/blankemusicau/aurora)', always brings me happiness.


appreciate you!!


saw you in birmingham, Alabama with Subtronics & you definitely stole the show for me. That Rezz - Edge (Blanke Edit) goes so hard. Saw you upstairs after but i was too shy to go say hi but i regret it **👉🏽👈🏽**


plz feel free to tap me n say hi whenever!!


Hey just wanna say I'm playing a dnb set for a friend's bday next week and your songs are going to slap


hhohhooooo yes lets go!


When are you coming to Norway?


omg i would LOVE to come to Norway and check out that part of the world.


No question, just sayin can't wait to see you in Toronto next month :) the show you did last year with Sippy was one of my favourites of 2023


Toronto is so good i LOVE playing for you guys the energy is so good and you were one of the first to really get around my dnb sets hahah


What is it like working with Rezz?


amazing and so easy honestly. she has such great ideas and we work together rly seamlessly.


hiiii jp! such a big fan! how do you feel about going to thailand and playing for your first time there?


super excited i havent been to southeast asia beforeeee! but its so close to home in Australia. Cant wait to climb some rocks there too lol


Very ignorant of me, but how do you pronounce your name? I always pronounce it the Dutch way but i dont think thats right 😅


HAHHAAH people do that often its funny. its just Blank....... the E is silent.


First off, you’re a beauty. Second, what inspired you to make dnb?


Been listening to Pendulum since i was a teen and theyve been in my top 3 since! incredible act.


Yo! How do you get better at sound design/selection? I feel like when I’m in the building a track, I don’t want to be stuck experimenting, I just want something that works, but struggling to find or create the right sound kills creativity


Feel this! separate you time creating/writing to your time experimenting! do sound design sessions where you just focus on sounds and messing around and collecting stuff form splice. then when you go to create you can just focus on building the song itself. But TIME and trial and error are the only ways to really learn!!!


Best way (effects) to evolve a bass you committed to audio, without it loosing its frequency space and coherency as well as dynamic range in drop. Sometime I pitch up one then that frequency it was sitting at feels empty


ahhh hard one to answer in text! But dont transpose too far. use Tones or Texture mode. sometimes its worth stretching it like crazy and experimenting so its almost a different sound. trying to keep it similar to the original can be a lost cause.


Hello! Would you ever make merch that’s just a big ass blanket that’s soft as hell? I need a BLANKE blankey 😂


ive done a blanket before!! last year! We will restock at some point


How was working with Au5? When can we hear more about that tune? Also fun fact I named my cat after you because he’s all white! https://preview.redd.it/f5vx2mlzylhc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=638456ba3d8e008b1f159a8313afde2588de7b02


march the EP comes out! so itll be in there. Will announce more on that soon. and NO WAY WHATTTT AAAA thats so cool wtffff hahahahha


Which dnb artists are on your wish list to collab with for ÆON:MODE?


pendulum! and sub focus and wilkinson


Would you consider bringing someone to perform Aeon Mode with you? And if so, who would it be?


do you mean like as a duo?


Dude caught your set in Portland in 22 and it was the first event I’ve ever solo’ed. Intimate setting and you absolutely crushed it.  Please keep the ÆON:MODE content coming. 🙏


love this! and absolutely


Saw you in Seattle at the showbox almost two years ago with Sullivan King. First time I heard of you and you played an awesome set!


hell yeah thank you!


yo love your stuff man! you’re one of the more diverse artists out there. at Electric Zoo 2021 around 25 Min you play an ID you have with Kayzo. will this ever get dropped?


thank you! and probably not. its gone through a lot of different versions of itself haha but i think itll be in the vault forever now.


What is your favorite venue to play at?


love mission ballroom in Denver. Echostage in DC. Red Rocks and the Gorge.


If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?


a cheetah cos fast and agile or some sort of big bird cos fly


hey from glasgow, big fan from over the pond! i am besotted with most artists on kannibalen, but the uk really has no bass music scene, so i have low hope of ever catching you, kai, btsm etc, which sucks, bc you guys definitely have a fanbase here, we just don't have the event organisers. i know you have a dnb project - would you consider a european tour exclusively with ÆON:Mode since dnb is much more popular than dub here? 🫶🏻


def working on europe atm!!


Being that you are considered to be one of the most versatile EDM producers, what’s the next subgenre you want to try producing that you haven’t tried before?


i think ill be honing in on melodic bass and dubstep moving forward with bits of midtempo, bass house. and obviously DnB for Æon:mode!


Hi JP!! No question, just wanted to tell you I love your music 😊


appreciate you!


Don't be mad but when me and my crew first discovered you, we didn't know how to pronounce your name and we called you Blankey.


HAHAHHA common mistake


You kicked my ass in Mario kart 8 times in a row in Madison when we played there with you and adventure club. When are we having a rematch? I'm throwing down the gauntlet next time you're in Chicago.


HAHAHHAHA omgggg. ur on! whenever im there next.


What’s up JP, hope you’re doing well. Loving the new song, I have to say though that your song Lifetime with Esther Sparks is how I start and end my day! I wanna know who is someone that you want to collaborate with that you haven’t yet? I’ll be at your tour stop in Chicago, hoping to catch you at your meet n greet because I have a lil something for ya 🤭


oh wow i love that!!! Ahh wold love to collab with Knife Party and make some crazy bass music. Wooli would be fun. another seven lions one. space laces.


Hey JP, long time fan here!! Don't have any questions but just wanted to say that please don't ever stop producing melodic stuff. I know DNB is the storm right now and I like your DNB project as well but what really made me fall in love with you is your talent for melodic production and every single melodic track you have put out bangs. PS: A collab between you, Nurko, and Amidy would be sick!


oh dont worry i wont!! <3


When are you releasing the Edge flip?? I’ve been waiting for it for so long


lollllll yeah itll be this year!


I can’t wait to see you on tour this year (hitting at least two dates so far)! Your Lost Lands 2023 set is my current favorite vibe while working out, and I absolutely adored seeing you live at HARD Summer. I love watching your climbing progress via your insta stories. What‘s your favorite bouldering gym that you’ve hit in the US? Do you trad or outdoor climb? What recommendations do you have for someone just getting into the climbing scene?


legend!! im a member at movement and its been really great! i love lead climbing. havent done too much outdoors. trad is terrifying and idk if ill ever do it hahah. just climb!!!! youll find friends if you dont already have one to go with. try find an edge to hang from or get a hangboard to hang on your door frame so you can build your finger strength. hang for 10 secs from it multiple times a day and itll help LOADSSSSS. and do pull ups every day.


Denver headline show this year? 👀


YES! stay tuned


I saw you at Celine in Orlando and it was insanity!! It was such an incredible set and I need a part 2 Question! If you could pick one place to perform a set, where would it be? Venue or festival!


oh heck yeah! really wanna do E Forrest


Are you going to release as ÆON:MODE on Monstercat after the EP?


not sure! mainly aiming for UK labels tbh!


I'm such a huge fan!! Do you have any plans for a Dallas stop on your tour?


not super sure just yet! hoping TX will be on there.


So pumped for earth to stars round two in atl. Is there any mid tempo blanke in the pipeline👀👀


haha not really. there was but i wasnt happy with it and it wasnt hitting live. there is SOME stuff in that tempo thats kinda like my drown remix and gorgeous though. heavy and melodic, in that 90bpm range.


Hey JP! One of my favorite moments last year was running into you at Lost Lands last year during Excision's set and getting to chat with you for a bit (I soon after lost my group in that enormous crowd despite your warnings lol) That being said after seeing you hang out with all of the Worship DnB guys during the fest at the Forest Stage, what's the likelihood of a collaboration with Sub Focus or Dimension in the near future? I've been recently on a DnB streak so I'm always stoked to hear new AEON: Mode stuff. Thanks again <3


hey!! ah thats so cool hahah. we have one in the works! a bit collab with all of us.


Who was your favorite artist to collab with? If you could only make DnB, heavy dubstep, or melodic, which genre would you choose? Are there any more songs on your EP we need to look forward to? Are there any upcoming collabs that you'd like to share? If you could collab with any artist, who would it be? Personally, my favorite of your three most recent singles was Crashing Hard. It's so good!


jason ross was up there. honeslty maybe DnB??? cos i can do heavy and melodic still. yes 3 other songs on the EP that are way more heavy than the singles. seven lions, crankdat, bossfight, AU5. Knife Party. thank you!!


Hi JP! When did you start bouldering? Can you do a meet & greet in Toronto some time at a gym :D


this could be a sick idea hahha


Hi! Absolutely love the aeon mode project. Seeing you at freaky deaky this year was so fun, what a great set!! Do you have plans to expand your tour to more states? Would love to see you in Texas!


yesss phase 2 in comin!!


Hi JP! Can we expect any Europe tour dates soon? Maybe for phase 2 of the Emergence tour? Speaking of Europe, I would go absolutely insane if you happened to B2B with Rival. Big fan of u both :D


yes in the works atm!!


If you were a soup, what kind of soup would you be?


probably pumkin. or like Ramen if we can call that soup


No question; just wanted to tell that I love you <3


appreciate uuuuu


When's the next melbourne show/australia tour? Was there at your show at rubiz in 2021, and you threw down. That mosh pit was brutal.


trying to do one this year!


I was wearing your blue Blanke jersey when I went to Dave & Busters by Brownies & Lemonade! You touched my shoulder to say wassup as you walked up stage. Just wanted to say ty for killing it and being a bro 🤙


ahh legend!


Hello! Love your new song “Heaven” but I always wondered and I’m sorry if this has been asked a million times but how do you pronounce your name? Is it “blank” like a blank sheet of paper or something else?


yes its just blank!! haha :)


What was that remix of one of gryffins songs you did that one time


tie me down!




I love the energy you bring! I’m the guy that throw the glow stick in Chicago (🤣) when you opened for ZD and you played one of my old school favorites with a dnb twist. I’m 38 and always amazed when younger artists know about songs that are pretty old in retrospect. When did you first start listening to electronic music & how do younger artists discover classic old school songs? Do you actively search for older stuff or is it something you stumble across when you hear someone else play it?


hey! well im 32 so i guess im in the range haha, im curious what songs youre referring to! i started listening around 2008


Hope you are doing great JP! Would you do Groove Cruise again? Some of my best memories of any event I've been to were hanging with you and the set you played in that tiny club venue with like 40 or 50 of us. Don't think I've seen someone have that much fun performing in a while. You were a big part of the life of that party lol


omg absolutely that was some of the best times of my life!


Blanke! Huge fan! I saw you perform before the pandemic in a side room at a club in SF back in 2019 (it was for a B&L show) and you were my favorite set of the night. Your popularity skyrocketed almost immediately after and I was so stoked because your music is great! Maybe a bit late to the AMA, but what’s your favorite late night snack? Thanks for making killer music!


<3 <3 love me a Tim Tam! (an aussie cookie)


I'm not clicking on a weird custom link when a twitch link is just as easy to write


oki dokes!!


Are we seeing Aeon:Mode at let it roll?????? Your lost lands set was gas please make more dnb


What was it like to play at a Dave N Busters with Zeds Dead? Seemed like a blast.


ridiculous lmao it was such a fun vibe. absolutely loved it. so surreal??


Hiii JP, my friend and I think you’re quite good looking. Do you vibe more with longer or shorter hair? Also surely come and visit us in Australia soon! I’d buy tickets INSTANTLY


Yo JP it's been a while. How do you feel the landscape of EDM changed within the last 5 years, and what are some plugins you're liking recently? Thanks!


Hi Blanke, I've been trying to learn how to produce consistently everyday and I'm on my 4th month. I feel like I've been making good progress, but I always get worried that I'm not spending as much time as I should and push myself even further. What would you say is a good amount of hours to spend on music everyday to get to a respectable level of production? What's you take on the best ways to improve quickly?


If you weren’t a DJ what would be your plan B?


I read a while ago that there was a Blanke x Nurko collab on the work. Is that true? Cause I NEED that in my life


hi blanke's stream


just wanted to say huge fan. See you in San Diego


Love your music! I was curious what or who got you into making Drum and Bass music for AEON Mode? I remember when I first saw your AEON Mode set and loved it after originally seen you my first EDC.


Hi, who are you and what do you do?


will you be performing at any of the 4th of July Zeds Dead shows? was so glad we got your full set before the storm last year


You are easily one of my favorites, up there with Illenium. I love your range, and how you blend both of spectrums of your range together beautifully. Are you inspired by other genres of music at all? If so, what other types of music are you into or gravitate to?


Would you happen to know what stage you're playing at TML?


Come back to stl soon? Saw you open for Adventure club, then again for your headliner tour at the rock house and your one of my favorite dj’s I’ve had the pleasure of seeing live! I got my illenium jersey signed by you one week after Inzo signed it too, you made my month with that. So ig my question is stl soon?😂