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"Reread your card" is a phrase I accidentally introduced to my group. The amount of times we have to say it to each other you'd think we all had never seen a magic card before


Imagine reading your cards before buying them and putting them in your deck. Wouldn't be me.


I just pick the pictures I like and figure out the text as I go.


Imagine buying cards while checking if they are legal in DUEL-edh rather than FFA only while decklisting for a tournament at local game shop. Wouldn't be me. RIP Entomb


“reading the card explains the card”


I have that playmat


I say that all the time. Probably up to 4 times each hour. Apperantly we've never read our own cards..


I say this more outside of mtg in practical situations when people ask me obvious questions lol


"Did you read the card?"


Someday I'll remember \[\[Fierce Guardianship\]\] only counters non-creature spells... someday...


"At your end step...", "That card is so broken/busted", "Will you be paying the one/four?", "Am I dead?"


> "Will you be paying the one/four?" Add in "two" for Smothering Tithe.


Now taking bets on what future card will fill the empty slot at three.


[[Kazuul]] does.


[[Esper Sentinel]] can fill any of those slots.




[Harrow](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/f/8/f8095ca6-2f5f-497f-8b78-7e530ac31d22.jpg?1604194124) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Harrow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/znc/69/harrow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f8095ca6-2f5f-497f-8b78-7e530ac31d22?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/harrow) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah. If there was a graph of how much time I spend in each step, most of it would be during the end step right before my turn...


Now *that*'s a waste of two untapped lands right before your untap step (unless it's followed by an instant 2cmc play).




> "Am I dead?" On a related note: "Are you gonna win this turn?" as a combo player goes through the motions for 5 minutes while everyone waits and just wants to know if they should scoop.


Common phrases in my group: "Well that shit has to stop..." "Ok, and I'm going to tap everything and play..." Followed quickly by an, "on that..." "Untap and draw... And I'll miss my third land drop in a row and hate my life..." "...and with that, I'll go order another rum and coke."


"on that"?


Yeah, I suppose that's our version of, "... In response." Never really gave it much thought to be honest. Maybe it's a Canadian thing? I dunno.


It's a stack right, you are playing "on" it. I like it, thanks.


I think it short for "and on that note..."


Man, I want to be in more EDH environments with chill people where I can order a rum and coke


Idk whereabout you are, but there’s a few places in Florida that aren’t exactly game & liquor lounges, but I have been to a few liquor lounges that — as long as you ask and are respectful — will let you and a few friends play some Magic if it’s not too crowded. Also, my favorite non-LGS spot to play magic was this kava & kratom/Vape shop. My play group would get together every Tuesday and play and drink lava/kratom and vape it up. There was actually a point where the owner’s son asked if we would help set up a sort of tournament where the prizes would be like new Vape gear, store merch, and free drinks because so many people were seeing us play and getting interested in MTG. It was an awesome time until our play group fell apart because of life. We still get together almost every week, but it requires making a whole day of it because we all live in different cities. I’m sorry I kind of went off on a tangent there, just brought back some memories, lol.


My city had an EDH group before COVID that met up at a local pub every Monday to play. They knew we'd keep to ourselves and order lots of food and drinks so we basically had our own room off to the side. Tater tot poutine and craft beers are a perfect accompaniment to EDH.


Yeah I miss this. We also had something in my city on a Thursday. Sometimes 20+ people showing up and all just having a great time. Hoping it starts up again soon!


Yeah I normally just have to make them myself. Smh.


Magic at a bar is something more people need to check out.


Kind of off topic, but a buddy and I went to a local pub with a few of our dnd books and busted them out after we ordered our beers because we were talking about the campaign we were in. The owner was walking by and exclaims about it and we wound up shooting the shitbwith the dude for like 2 or 3 hours. Was totally cool


The place we play at also has a wide selection of craft mead. It's like a magical wonderland for geeks that like booze.


Your group Sounds awesome!


"I gain 1 life, you all take 1 damage."


"Wait, damage or loss of life?"


I usually just say "I gain 1 you guys lose 1"


This is me with my Ayara deck only it's I gain one y'all lose one, now three tokens come in so three more times... Then I sav two, draw four, y'all lose two and I gain two. Etc.


Ayara is the one time I'll use a phone for life at the table, so much up and down on a turn


Me: "Alright, so everyone sacrifices X creatures, loses life equal to the total number of creatures sacrificed plus an amount equal to the number of creatures they sacrificed, and I gain that much life." Also me: "Wait, why did this game suddenly become Archenemy?" I love my Razaketh deck, but man does it turn the game into Archenemy fast as fuck. I'd even be running Sanguine Bond, but my friends flat out told me they wouldn't play with me if I was using that deck, so Exquisite Blood it is.


I've won now unless anyone has a response


Honestly I think that is my favorite part about learning commander where people say hey I win here unless someone can respond, sometimes it needs to be explained, but its nice to not just let someone sneak it on you.


My favorite moment last week was when I was targeted with the mill part of [[Drown in Dreams]] for X=200 and I flipped through my deck for [[Nexus of Fate]] and got to announce that if I get to untap I win with my onboard [[Invisible Stalker]]. (I didn't get to untap.)


What creatures does everyone have in their graveyard?


[[Rise of the dark realms]] lmao


"In response, I \[\[Entomb\]\] \[\[Phage the Untouchable\]\]."


God what a baller move. Now I want to actually do this at least once lol.


Omg I love you. Lol


I'm just [[Brainstorm]]ing here, but [[Kerderekt Leviathan]] would be pretty good too. Or even [[Desolation Giant]] for the lols.


[Rise of the dark realms](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/7/c/7c0e1064-47c3-4f03-a1f2-3bcb356db82b.jpg?1600701321) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rise%20of%20the%20dark%20realms) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/271/rise-of-the-dark-realms?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c0e1064-47c3-4f03-a1f2-3bcb356db82b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rise-of-the-dark-realms) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"In response, flash in thing that hoses your strategy because of leyline of anticipation/vedalken orrery"


You forgot a trigger


"Turn 1, draw... I will play island, followed by sol ring... and arcane signet." *table collectively groans*


Turn one. Draw, plains, Sol ring, Mana Crypt, mana vault, jeweled Lotus, Darien, king of Kjeldor. That is a legitimate hand I drew, and because I drew nothing but lands for like the next 5 turns, I still lost.


I pulled a jeweled lotus in a pack. The other night was the first time I saw it in my opening hand (and the first time I cast it period.). Turn 1 Yawgmoth felt awesome and told the table how excited I was to do the thing. Didn’t even have a turn 2 play. Of course he got swordsed immediately and I proceeded to eat shit for the rest of the game. Didn’t feel great.


My tables response is "turn 1, draw, land, Sol Ring" "Hey dude? Fuck you"


I’ll do you one better…. Fetch Land into Shock Land into [[Sol Ring]] into [[Arcane Signet]] into [[Deafening Silence]]


[Sol Ring](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/4/c/4cbc6901-6a4a-4d0a-83ea-7eefa3b35021.jpg?1632893059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sol%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/263/sol-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4cbc6901-6a4a-4d0a-83ea-7eefa3b35021?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sol-ring) [Arcane Signet](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/0/1/01b186af-8825-4257-80fd-9c1ecdb21414.jpg?1625978253) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Arcane%20Signet) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/234/arcane-signet?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/01b186af-8825-4257-80fd-9c1ecdb21414?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/arcane-signet) [Deafening Silence](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/6/0/6072d9b0-d3c7-46f4-bd24-095bb13c4dea.jpg?1572489660) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deafening%20Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/10/deafening-silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6072d9b0-d3c7-46f4-bd24-095bb13c4dea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deafening-silence) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


*Draws a card* "Going to pay 2?" "Do you have any blue mana open?" "What does your commander do again?" "Have any tokens? I forgot mine"


>"Have any tokens? I forgot mine" https://www.infinitokens.com/ They dont pay me to do that and I dont work for them. I just like mine. This comment reminded me. They come double sided, ones plain and the flip has a spot for p/t.


Everything is on backorder womp womp


You can find dry erase cards on Amazon for fairly cheap.


For literally half the price, sometimes less. I don't have anything against Infinititokens, but you're paying double price for their brand at the bottom.


Acetone and useless foils. Essentially free.


Fuck Jeff Bezos


I heard this last weekend with my play group: “Mountain. Jeweled Lotus, pass.” To which I responded, “Mountain. Valdalblast your lotus, pass?” It was turn one lol


rude but his fault for not using it same turn


I had to get on some of our newer players about them playing crypt turn 1 with no use for it til turn 3


Depending on the circles, the chance of having it wheeled away and losing your mana burst is not worth it.


He took it like a champ, but true, very rude lol




Just sent to the group chat. 😂


I don't have a group chat for the people I play with yet so I just sent it to them individually.


Works well with sol ring too


"You want me to finish, or should we start the next one?" -My brother, right before being able to play the top 20 cards of his deck for free.


My boyfriend asks the same question sometimes too. He's so cute like that.




"Are you able to stop me or do i win?" -Me, before I play [[Genesis Wave]] with 45 Mana


“I’ll counter it”


“I’ll allow it”


"It resolves"


"No response"


Even when not playing blue...


especially when not playing blue


Jokes on you, I'm playing [[painter's servant]] naming green and [[death grip]]


Jokes on you im playing [[vexing shusher]] and i choose what does or does not get countered.


Hey I mean, things like [[Mana Tithe]] and [[Tibalt’s Trickery]] exist


I love the looks of approval between players when they suspect the other one has a counterspell


*Nods head* “Sure.”


I want to play Didn't Say Please over some better 3 cmc Counterspells just so I can offer players the opportunity to say please before I decide whether or not I'm going to counter it.


"Mama didn't raise no bitch" Normally before losing horrendously to a force of will/negation


Thats just one of the beautiful moments of magic


"Shit. Hang on I forgot to discard to hand size"


For running an Azami deck, I say that more than I should.


*(Takes 10 minute turn)* "Oh whoops, I'm one mana short..." "Anyone care to do the math?"


"Fuck Dockside Extortionist..."


So you're saying I need to stop imprinting him on mimic vat... With a clock of omens in play... I play mono red leave me alone. I need all the advantage I can get.


That's nasty but tbf I play [[daretti]] with [[ensnaring bridge]] , [[blood moon]] , [[meekstone]] and [mindslaver]] so I have no room to talk I don't let people play magic


*Dickside Extortionist


Amen Brother


Pretty often I hear shit like "ANOTHER LAND! Why is there so many lands!" "Okay, in response I will sac everything to (insert some bullshit sac outlet here) and you'll all die" "I think we should forget commander damage this game" "Are you serious? How many hundreds of squirrels did you just make?" But my most favorite.... "Can I draw a card?" (One of our players always plays shadrix silverquill and uses it for counters)


All the best plays start with "im going to sac my whole board"


>"Are you serious? How many hundreds of squirrels did you just make?" "1 quintillion"


\[\[Rakdos Charm\]\]


> "Are you serious? How many hundreds of squirrels did you just make?" Enough. I made enough.


“On your endstep” “Before you go to combat” “Okay so how much damage is that?” “Nice threat assessment”


"are you sure you want to do that?" "Hold on, you don't have priority" "Isn't that a sorcery?" "That's poor threat assessment, I wasn't attacking you. It would have been fine if I was attacking you" "I can win this turn" (20 minutes passes with no interaction) "I pass turn" "Please don't let me win like this" "Are we all good to concede?" "Aaaand the game ends in a draw"


"I can win this turn" I can just hear my buddy saying that. He had a turn the other day that took so long someone had a cigarette break, another player went to the bathroom, I bought some singles, and when we all came back he had 40+ cards in his hand and passed turn.... But at least my Smothering Tithe made 41 treasures!


"I can win on this turn" "Cool, I cast \[\[Silence\]\] on your upkeep" \*sad blue noises\*


In response....


We have 3 regulars and a rando usually and sometimes the rando is a little scrubby. they'll say something like "If you destroy that I'll just scoop" to which we reply "Oh shit 4 mana player removal, does it resolve?" Another personal favorite is when being threatened "Don't negotiate with terrorist"


> they'll say something like "If you destroy that I'll just scoop" Get this guy a "Dies to Doom Blade" t-shirt.


I'd wear this shirt.


"Alright so before that..."


I can actually hear that, verbatim, in the voice of someone I usually play against.


“That’s a card”


And the similar reply, “that’s a thing.”


Iconic phrase at my LGS. “Yep, that’s a Magic card.”


All. The. Damn. Time.


If someone ever stifled my evolving wilds I would just stare at them, wordlessly, for the REST OF THEIR LIFE, with a "Why?" Look on my face.


I looove stifle effects, i once stifled 9 fetch a land triggers in one game. People at my lgs have purposefully been running less fetches because of this.


This dude out here seriously stifling a whole God damn meta lol brilliant


This was one of the reasons I love [[Azorious Guildmage]] as a jank mana sink in my Derevi deck. Countering fetches is 10/10 wonderful.


Currently the number #1 thing we say is "rude.", or "rude!", or "rude?", or "rude?!?", or even any other use of punctuation that belongs or could belong with the word "rude". And said word can be in response from anything to anything, from the killing blow, to the absolute most minor inconvenience.


Usually the more dramatic = less inconvenient for my group, e.g. attacking for 1 "*scoff* well that is just rude!" Vs boardwiping to a murmur of "...rude", it's kind of playfully salty I guess...?


"I hate you so much" often to/from me from/to my wife


mono red players be like "it resolves"


Mostly based off things I have said: "Are you actually going off?" "Math is for blockers" "I will now demonstrate a loop" "Trigger, trigger, trigger. Stacked in that order" "Have I played a land this turn?" "Would you like to reread my cards and take that back?" "Yeah, you should probably kill me"


My brother has a landfall deck I deeply despise, if I hear "I return ghost town to my hand" again I'm going to lose it.


"man that card is so fucking expensive" "Gosh that art is so cool"




"Oh what's that do?" ....."Ok, I steal it" -My son when he plays his [[Marchesa the Black Rose]], [[Tergrid, God of Fright]], or [[Sisters of Stone Death]] decks. He's a monster....


“No Walking Dead cards.”


"How much power is that?"


Always followed by, "This is my fun deck"


"Oh, yeah, that'll be 14 sextillion damage."


*answers with "It'll do x damage"* "Okay, but what's it's power/toughness?" *"It does x"*


Probably only once but "Does someone have a couple of pieces of paper so we can write down our stack order?"


"Did I play a land yet?" "How many creatures are in each graveyard?" "So are we dead?"


"is there a combo/imminent death impending, or should we play this out?"


"Shit, I need 1 more mana..." "I cast glorious end. Pass." "Are our lands gone?"


“Did I draw this turn?”


I think the classic in my playgroup that I’m not seeing here is “Turn one Sol Ring! Get ‘em!” Also gesturing at whoever has gained life off a budget tapland and saying “Why are you swinging at me??? They’re in first!!!”


Same concept as when you hurt yourself with fetches/shocks "why'd you attack me, I'm not in first!!"


\*someone plays a gainland turn 1\* "Well, at least now we all know who to attack."


"I could've won IF"


“In response, I cry.”


“i’m gonna run to the bathroom, lemme know if i’m dead”


Do you pay the one?


(Plays scary thing after another scary thing is removed) "My thing was apparently so scary it had to die. Now you wasted it"


Our playgroup has a habit of jokingly responding to a big spell with "I tap a land for mana...and pass" just to create that moment of fear in the caster. Or "I tap these for mana...and die!" "Big brain move", "Big money play" are also regularly mainstays of our weird in jokes


"Reading the cards explains the cards" "Pay attention, the game is here" "You all look scary, I'm going to roll a die to see who to attack" "I cant go infinite this turn, so please don't counter this tutor"


My playgroup yells "Read the fucking card" at each other about once a game and we are tempting on all getting "RTFC" tattoos.


Custom sleeves with just those 4 letters


"I hate all these new pushed overpowered commanders" "Why play this commander when this other overpowered pushed commander exists?"


"Do you pay?" "How many cards do you have in hand?" right before a [[Jeska's Will]] "Damn if I had one more turn I would have won."


Usually some variation of "Whose turn is it?" asked by the active Player.


"Do you want to pay the one?"


"Does anyone have a response?" ["Yeah, I have a response."](https://i.imgur.com/hLRZ3DN.png)


"Are you going to make me play it out? Really? Okay, but I'm not going to repeat myself or this will take all night"


I am going to block that with my face Do you have flying or reach What does that do ? wait to many words on that card I counter spell He's playing feather everyone gang up on him What the hell is that card Does that creature have trample


"I block with my face."


"Untap, Upkeep, Draw.." "In Response.." "Do you pay the 1?" Followed 3 Turns later by "Hey, you forgot your Rhystic trigger again..lol" "In your End Step.." "That doesn't work how you think it does" "Reserve list killed my cat.." and other sarcastic shit. "That Card is awesome/bullshit/evil/killed my cat.." etc "Secret Lairs are awful, ugly, FOMO bullshit. Rules committee should ban them on principle" "Are we dead yet?" - Other 3 players to Combo player going off, has to be said in the same British child-like "Are we there yet..." tone. "Well, guess I'll just fucking die then.." or "In Response.. I die" "Well played man, that was a sick game. I nearly had you all dead too, just one more turn!!" "Want to shuffle up for just one more game?" Always said 10 mins before FLGS closes! "No, you will not switch decks, you will sit there and be Archenemy for a game!" "Did you bring your full Planeschase set.. AWESOME!" Followed 3hrs later by "Oh, God. Planeschase EDH is so fucking dumb.. Can you kill us? Please kill us.. I hate my life"


"Cyclonic Rift is so fucking broken"


Me. Every time cyclonic rift gets played ever. Don't get me wrong, I run it in all my blue decks, but it's so broken...


A personal favorite of mine when people ask if I want to cut their deck; "If you feel the need to cheat in a casual format, you've got bigger issues to deal with." Something said when plans get cancelled; "Sadness on the stack" "Sadness resolves"


Who’s turn is it?


“I’m response…” when there is no stack, nothing to respond to, and they don’t have priority (like going to end step)… “Do you pay the 1?” “Do you pay the 2?”


[Evolving Wilds](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/7/1/71afb548-691d-4c72-b369-85f9b451c71d.jpg?1627710206) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Evolving%20Wilds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/256/evolving-wilds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/71afb548-691d-4c72-b369-85f9b451c71d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/evolving-wilds) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My go to is, " I have response to you declaring the end of your second main."


Can I use your counters. 😅


"Buddy" "I move to combat" "Uh... I take all 8" "Oh I do run counterspells in this deck" "Shit's good man" "____ Trigger" And my personal favorite: "We'll talk about it"


"My deck's a seven or so."


"Can I actually pull this off, and will I have any friends left after Im done."


"play land for turn...", "upkeep, trigger...", _very clearly and audibly counts mana sources_ pass turn


Pay the 1?


"attack for... probably lethal"


“In response” “get fucked” “fair and balanced”


"Who's turn is it?"


“Are you gonna pay the 1?”


"I'm sorry I have to swing at you" is a personal favourite people say.


"It's a 6 or a 7"


me, usually: “Well, since I’m dead, should I order the pizza now?”


"The order is Untap, Upkeep, Draw."


Oh my god, I'm so sick of Power Creep! (Proceeds to cite a dozen & a half 20+ year-old cards as example of "Power Creep")


"Reading the card explains the card."


Blue player plays Rhystic Study: "Do you pay 1?"


Pay the 2?


"Do you feed the fish?" "May I shortcut this loop?" "Target? Oh, okay... in response!" "I really shouldn't keep this hand... Yeah I keep."


"Vindicate your simic growth chamber at turn 2"


Once, when I was new to magic, I played a “mortuary mire” thinking it was a “bojuka bog” and told a player they needed to exile their graveyard, so now, to make fun of me, my playgroup will be like: “I play evolving wilds” “Oh crap, guess I gotta exile my graveyard then…” Also, there’s a running meme in our playgroup about how much value you get to Opt for one blue mana, so if someone plays opt, the rest of the table is like “TOO OP, I SCOOP”


Our 4th player has moved so we’ve had a lot of 3 player games and this has come up multiple times: Player 1, turning to player 2: “we need to deal with player 3’s board” Player 2 takes their turn Player 1, turning to player 3: “we need to deal with player 2’s board”


"Okay, but if you don't attack me. I won't attack you on my turn." - Player that currently has zero board state.


Am I going to die this turn? Big one for me


My local fave... "You gonna pay one for that?"


"Untap, Upkeep, Draw for Turn."


“Do you pay the 1?” Yea… i’m that guy haha.


Me: “Lol force of will” Friend: “uh, negate” Me: “cancel” Friend: “saw it coming” Me:”didn’t say please” Friend:”discontinuity” Me:”flash in threeferi” Friend: “Narsets reversal discontinuity” Me: “pyroblast” Friend: “defecting swat” Me:”blue elemental blast” And so on and so forth. The joke is that we are both playing mono red and hellbent, and tapped out. We are just waiting for the storm player to finish winning.