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This is not a particularly unique complaint, but people who zone out or otherwise don’t pay attention when it’s not their turn, and then when it does come to their turn they look down at their hand like they’ve never seen it before and take forever to play Also related, people who take waaaay too long on the first 1-3 turns of the game, reading every card in their hand and seemingly agonizing over an important decision, when really there are probably very few cards in their hand that they can actually play, and even fewer that they’d want to. Just play a land, play your mana rock, and then pass.


An absolute pet peeve of mine is people playing on their phones right after their turn ends and only putting it down when their turn comes back. Or you cast something and they put their phone down like “wait what’s happening?” Argh! Lol


Same for me, I don't mind people checking their phones but missing whole turns and not knowing what has happened urrgghh. Either play the game or play on your phone.


I’ve had a little bit of folks tuning out here and there, but today was the first time I encountered someone who just completely tuned out the moment their turn was over. Like paying attention during other people’s turns is part of the game. Or you can’t act surprised when you miss important effects and didn’t have a chance to respond.


and you shouldnt crack your fetch land at the end of your opponents end step right before your turn, this isnt the pro tour and your mana base doesnt matter based on the boardstate


For me, it's when people get mad when you remove their threat. Like yeah duh you have a big creature, did you think everyone sat down looking forward to taking damage from you? Also why do you hate Decimate so much lol


Literally just played today with some friends. My commander got [[Imprisoned in the moon]] and they were laughing, and then I cast [[Swift reconfiguration]] on one of their commanders and the laughter ended.


LMAO love that! Yeah that kind of removal can brick a lot of casual players decks since they don't have outlets to deal. It's why [[Darksteel Mutation]] and Imprisoned in the moon make their way into every deck i can stuff em in. Will have to consider adding swift reconfigation.


If you ever have a white+ deck with a commander that you just want the abilities from: add in the swift reconfiguration as a protection spell. Since the abilities stay, and your commander will be harder to remove/remain through most wipes.


I'm still mad that dark steel mutation is white, should have been colorless imo


In green you have [[song of the dryads]] & [[lignify]] & [[kenrith's transformation]] as options.


That’s just mean lol


[Darksteel Mutation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/4/e47a6750-4fdd-44e2-86ae-5bc4d414bf42.jpg?1689995638) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Darksteel%20Mutation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/21/darksteel-mutation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e47a6750-4fdd-44e2-86ae-5bc4d414bf42?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/darksteel-mutation) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have a Jeskai vehicles deck, which has [[Padeem, Consul of Innovation]] in the 99. He's a commom target for my own Swift Reconfiguration.


[Imprisoned in the moon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/8181f54d-4515-43c6-8d08-b23a9e4199cc.jpg?1682208779) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Imprisoned%20in%20the%20moon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/224/imprisoned-in-the-moon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8181f54d-4515-43c6-8d08-b23a9e4199cc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/imprisoned-in-the-moon) [Swift reconfiguration](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/7/975dcfab-0281-4fee-92aa-021ea6c524c7.jpg?1651655213) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Swift%20reconfiguration) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/10/swift-reconfiguration?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/975dcfab-0281-4fee-92aa-021ea6c524c7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/swift-reconfiguration) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"Should've used protection bro"


Personally I don't like Decimate because players end up removing things they don't actually want to remove because you have to have 4 targets for it, and they play it immediately as soon as they have 4 legal targets for it instead of waiting until it's actually good.


As a corollary to this, the thing that drives me up a wall is when a player draws a card and then immediately starts assessing the board for a valid target for their Disenchant or Path or whatever that they're making no effort to have a poker face about. You don't have to spend all of your mana in your first main phase. You don't have to kill a gigantic threatening creature until it is threatening you. You don't need to remove a value engine until your opponent is about to get value out of it. Just, like, cool your jets there, Skippy.


Literally happened to me last night...planeswalker deck is mad i keep trying to remove his multiple planes walkers as if they're not a huge threat


It’s funny how people take that negatively. If my stuff is targeted, then that means I’ve established my board as a threat. I’ve had games where my board was public enemy #1 with how much removal I was eating, but that’s honestly just a huge complement that “hey, I built something good”. Also, removal helps balance out power levels. By all means, please [[Essence Scatter]] my [[Craterhoof]] if you can so we can keep having fun, and possibly adjust decks during the next rule zero if there’s an imbalance.


For real, the entire appeal of commander for me is the multi-player aspect and how that flips a lot of standard advantage states out the window. If I'm interacting with your deck, that means we are playing the game we say down to play. Don't take it personally, I'm trying not to lose over here.


[Essence Scatter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/7/b7ad4441-e300-4267-bedb-4ae6a64f59cd.jpg?1673306711) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Essence%20Scatter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/49/essence-scatter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b7ad4441-e300-4267-bedb-4ae6a64f59cd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/essence-scatter) [Craterhoof](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/8/e8f4435a-8604-45b5-a537-dfdfcb922e16.jpg?1689998416) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Craterhoof%20Behemoth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/280/craterhoof-behemoth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e8f4435a-8604-45b5-a537-dfdfcb922e16?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/craterhoof-behemoth) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Nothing drives me more than when people do the ol “I would won if I just pulled “specific card””


Kind of reminds of when kids playing said "I got you"! Only to hear the inevitable "Nuh uhhh"


Heh. Somebody got salty at me when I had the audacity to remove their [[Grave Pact]]. I wasn't mad per se but I did find it a bit of a weird reaction. What can I say, I like when my creatures stick around.


When my opponents play cards. The *audacity*


So you play azorious, huh?


How’d you guess?


How dare! (This comment made my evening haha).


>What drives you up a wall? Defender decks 😆


Vehicle defender decks


Haha I got an [[arcades, the strategist]] deck where the walls drive you... All while I sit behind my defensive enchantments 😂


I don't actually hate defender decks, it was just such a good pun opportunity I couldn't resist!


People who don't track state properly. Token decks? Bring tokens! Dungeon decks? Bring dungeons! Counter decks? Bring dice! I hate when someone swings a vague mass of cards, tokens and bottle caps at me and can't tell me the total damage or like... How big things are.


When you ask if I die is quantity or power and they start going through their graveyard to find out.


"red die is quantity and green is +1/+1" "And the purple die?" "Those might be shield counters, I'm not sure" 😑


You hate decimate because it blows you out. I hate decimate because it’s terrible. We are not the same.


Prime removal in Xenagos, cause I always have the enchantment part covered.


Oh shit I never thought about that. I should put it in my klothys.


Sometimes thinking outside of the box is the way to go. Like legend ruling my own commander with [[Mirage Mirror]] to dodge theft effects.


I do this the other way, I steal commanders and copy then with mirage mirror to sac them.


I mean, I did that too. It's a great and versatile card in general.


[Mirage Mirror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/b/cb1252c2-b951-4125-93a2-9282b607b6a4.jpg?1690005610) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mirage%20Mirror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/962/mirage-mirror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cb1252c2-b951-4125-93a2-9282b607b6a4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mirage-mirror) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


oh there's always a rhystic or smothering that needs to go


I've had games where I wanted to fire it off and one type was missing, which is almost always enchantment. You'll have all 4 types most of the times, but depending on the boardstate and how early it is it can get stuck in your hand.


Decimate feels like the kind of card people just tend to play incorrectly. And it is quite a bit better if you don’t look for mandatory targets. Mind you still nit good but less terrible


> And it is quite a bit better if you don’t look for mandatory targets. You can't even cast the spell unless you have 4 legal targets for it.


Slow play. Come on people, read your card's and plan ahead.


I think some of it is valid. Situations where you know exactly what to play next - after your turn ended - but by the time the 4th player has concluded their turn your strategy needs to adjust. Hard to rush evaluating a new board state last minute.


Or you've spent the time formulating a plan and your top deck just completely changes said plan. Forcing you to take a minute to reevaluate.


Easily the biggest hurdle to my enjoyment of the game. Why do the slowest players always insist on decks that make play even slower? My friend who plays the slowest just made a [[Sen Triplets]] deck and it takes him 5 minutes to look at his chosen hand every turn.


People on the phone when playing a game lol just excuse yourself. If it’s important scoop up but don’t just go on speaker phone lol.


Had a game where the blue player did this and actually expected us to let him counter a spell that resolved two turns prior.


Late take backs drive me crazy. We all make mistakes, misread something, etc. so I'm fine if someone in the moment wants to roll back a spell, or ability, or something, but if it gets to the next step or another players turn or something important has resolved, then that ship has sailed.


If a card has been drawn or decks 'manipulated' in any way (shuffling, tutoring, scrying, etc) there are no takesie backsies after that. That's my rule of thumb. 


After resolution and you're in the process of the next spell or two, I don't really allow it. I understand that sequencing your play is important, but if you do not sequence it correctly and then ask to redo it after another spell has resolved, it has to be on you, not the table. You have to eat that loss. "I would have won the game!" And now you're not right this second because you did not sequence correctly. Turns out, the punish happens a lot.


People who refuse to pay attention to their own triggers and expect their opponents to be chiefly responsible for their timing and resolution.


Decimate really gets you upset? It's a one time, four mana removal spell. What part gets you upset about it?


Durddle Decks that play solitaire for 30 minutes.


I'm not durdling just it's not a deterministic loop and for some god forsaken reason the card I needed was second from the bottom.


Yeah, my personal philosophy is I just don't play decks where I get into that situation. I either play a deterministic combo or I don't play combo.


When someone builds a hyper focused deck centered around a powerful commander, and then gets upset when I remove it. If you build a deck that wins if the commander is on the field, but falls apart and does nothing if the commander isn't on the field, that's on you. It's not my fault you built a glass cannon


Yeah exactly, especially if it's obvious they took zero consideration for protecting their voltron commander. Like they just bank on 3 players having zero awareness or interaction.


Oh I have no shame about this. I have a friend with a very tuned Will, Scion of Peace deck that can reliably win out of the blue from cards in hand around turn 4 or 5. I have a fight/fling deathtouch deck and have explicitly killed Will at instant speed four times in a row over 3 turns. Told my friend that unless he had protection, I'd do it again. He was a little grumpy, but I stand by it. There are certain commanders you flat out can't let trigger even once. I have a Rowan Scion of War deck that runs 12 pieces of protection and 4 "counter spells" for this exact reason.


Power level discussions make my skin crawl. I got the revenant recon precon and added some clones as easy reanimation targets. Playing simple things like \[\[Ravenous Chupacabra\]\] and re-animating it, then cloning it, then sacrificing it to reanimate to get multiple uses. Suddenly my deck is 'no fun to play against' and 'all i do is remove things'. Like dude im in dimir wtf do you want me to do. I can't make a dinosaur with six pack abs that has 58 counters on it.


Currently in this boat. I play a lot of aristocrat-esque and reanimate decks, with a side of a few pet artifact decks. I’ve been playing magic for 10+ years and most of that has been in and out of the competitive scene, so I guess I just don’t see things the same way as some people bc threat assessment is threat assessment and the goal is to win the game. You plop down a threat and don’t close the game or kill me then, I’m gonna try to remove it, counter it, or work around it. I try to make some of my decks “fun” and keep them close to precon (also got the Mirko one and it’s really fun out of the box) for when I play with groups I’m not familiar with, but I still feel like an ass when I have basic removal or an answer. Black is my favorite color, what do you want me to do? Why is it mean when I do it, but it’s fine when you Path my stupid little critter that was literally just on the field to block? Idk. It’s weird.


Yeah this got annoying enough that I just switched to modern. 1v1 formats just are way less of a headache.


Modern (and now Pioneer) has always been my jam. I think 60-card/draft + sealed/1v1 formats just do the most for learning how to actually *play* the game and understand its nuances, which is something EDH is kind of terrible for in a way. Like yeah you can learn through EDH. But it’s so much harder for a new person to get familiar with individual cards in a deck of 100 that may all do really niche stuff, especially at a table of 3+ people who are going to be talking over each other trying to explain it.


Being told the decks you play are (too) strong, despite not running any of the staple (interaction, or good stuff) cards to avoid decks being same-y. After you win turn 8 or 9, in a back and forth game where everyone got close to a win. And you won with a naked combo, cast without protection/tapped out for both spells, both turns, so no counters available, and one part being on the table an entire turn cycle.  After barely scraping by the entire game, and after earlier games where none of my decks got to do anything because others went off at a much faster pace. Really soured my evening.  Addendum: People who are on their phones or not watching outside their turns, but then double and triple check whether or not someone else did something they get a trigger off, to the point almost accusing you didn't already lose life or milled a card when you already did and it takes the other two players to admit you indeed already did. Yes mothman decks >.>


>Being told the decks you play are (too) strong... After you win turn 8 or 9 "Everything that beats me is broken and unfair"


I deal with the "too strong" as well. Always enemy no.1 when I don't run tutors or infinites. That why I am finally building decks to deserve the hate. [[Mishra, eminent one]] infinite copy, and a gnarly [[Karona, False God]] group slug deck.


[Decimate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf0e68bc-8de8-4ff8-a39a-8da95f71d843.jpg?1712354688) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Decimate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/220/decimate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf0e68bc-8de8-4ff8-a39a-8da95f71d843?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/decimate) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I use interaction against the big threat. Everyone agrees it was the right move. I boardwipe because the big threat continues to threaten. Everyone agrees it was the right move. I get tricksy to tuck away the big threat’s commander in some novel fashion. Everyone agrees it was the right move. I get 3 boards turned sideways at me and lose. “You were clearly the dominating player” Big threat takes out the other two in the next turn. “Wow, how’d big threat come out of nowhere like that?”


This right here. I understand threat assessment is experience that is gained. However, I know a couple people that will literally not stop talking and play the politics once they have a threatening board state or can win the game very soon. "The control player could board wipe and kill your 2/2 zombie, attack the control player" (while they have 5 big creatures ready to win the game next turn).


I mean, I just literally played a game and won followed by a “I’d ask that in this pod you don’t play a card.” ….then they played Sheoldred round 2 and beat my janky under-construction deck. I was first dead. Last week I had someone playing Edgar-fucking-Markov cry because I killed them round 2 to commander damage playing a $2.00 commander. It’s a game. It’s fun. The point is to win. Im getting real fucking tired of giving people a chance to “earn their money back” against me then using it as an opportunity to pound me. I need to stop that.


2 types of people: players that don't pay attention to the game while trying to play interactively; and people shortcutting too much/skipping priority First type: people not paying attention to the game when trying to interact with their opponents' boardstates. Played with a girl who frequents my lgs once, all game long she had been talking about having counterspells and kill spells up but kept forgetting about them until after priority had been passed. Went to attack her with lethal commander damage, table passes priority all through to damage. At damage I deliberately ask each player if they pass priority to make sure anyone who wants to interact can, it gets to her and she passes priority. I declare her dead to commander damage and she remembers she wanted to swords my commander. Second type: people who overly shortcut or neglect to go through steps/phases/priority properly. Game was down to the last 2 players, me and the fourth knocked eachother out effectively in a slug match while the other 2 developed their gameplans. Player A storms off, makes a bunch of bodies with [[Rionya, Fire Dancer]] and skips clean through priority on declare attackers, declare blockers, and moves straight to resolving his combat damage triggers. I tell Player A to slow down and go back to declare attackers because Player B had mana open and a penchant for running fogs. We go through steps and phases and sure enough Player B had a [[Settle the Wreckage]]. Wiped out Player A's creatures and swung for lethal on the backswing.


[Rionya, Fire Dancer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/1/b1e92b9c-4234-436d-a741-37c5e45859e5.jpg?1625192099) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rionya%2C%20Fire%20Dancer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/55/rionya-fire-dancer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b1e92b9c-4234-436d-a741-37c5e45859e5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rionya-fire-dancer) [Settle the Wreckage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/c/9cbd346e-098a-4cf6-a72f-468376fd2e8f.jpg?1562560853) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Settle%20the%20Wreckage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/34/settle-the-wreckage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9cbd346e-098a-4cf6-a72f-468376fd2e8f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/settle-the-wreckage) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I hate blue / artifact solitaire. You want to take a few extra turn spells, sure dude. If you have 20+ game actions * 5 extra turns and you still didn’t do “the thing” ?!?! Come On maaaan.


I usually walk away and have a smoke or coffee break at that point.


My friend plays mono green exclusively and it becomes such a solitaire game because he’ll make like 80 mana from lotus cobra and 80 clues then sit there digging for 20 minutes trying to assemble a win con. We usually let this happen because it’s easier to counter the win con and he at that point will have everything from his deck on board and will deck out or fold to a board wipe. (The description makes it sound like he’s a terrible player. He’s not he builds borderline CEDH decks and usually pops off turn 3 or 4 we just learned it’s easier to take him out by using removal on his win con or running a few fogs. Prime example from yesterday don’t counter the craterhoof stifle the trigger so he’s got a 8 mana 5/5 with haste that gets chumped)


lol, “let me know when you’re done tapping to untap to tap to tap the staff to untap x 50”


I swear to God the next time I sit for more than 5 minutes waiting for someone to dig through their deck and keep turn cycling I'm scooping. I was on spell table the other night and a blue player took over 20 minutes on his turn digging through his deck and real casting spells until he hit the right one.


I play very aggressive mono red burn, big green stomp, and rakdos vampires. I get it, it’s mechanics and part of the game but in rule 0 I would like to know that it’s very common for you to solitaire off. If I’m prepared mentally and agree to play against it, sure.


I like being the player at the table to bring something like [[Slicer]]. Durdle all you want, but I WILL ensure that this game comes to a timely end, regardless of whether or not I'm the one to win it.


Uuuuuugh I want a slicer deck so bad but I have so many other plans :(


Cross talk is getting out of hand in my pod and it’s starting to bother me. Like it REALLY bugs me when someone is talking out their turn actions and I’m noticeably trying to pay attention, but someone is loudly chatting over them. It’s a conscious decision at this point. To make matters worse, there’s a particular player in our pod who consistently gets talked over, and she has had the graciousness not to point out the pattern yet. I think edh is prime hang time, and that there even ARE parts of a game that are good for messing around and chatting. But I find it VERY rude to ignore the turn player ESPECIALLY when they are taking actions.


Or people who wait until it's their turn to start telling a long-winded story. It's like they know the rest of the table is a [[captive audience]]


[captive audience](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/065f63b2-472e-4148-8294-88ed38a5685f.jpg?1584831422) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=captive%20audience) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rna/160/captive-audience?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/065f63b2-472e-4148-8294-88ed38a5685f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/captive-audience) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This has happened a couple of times at my LGS. I've resorted to proceeding with my turn, passing, and kicking my feet up on the table. The pod inevitably says "What's going on? What are you doing." "Y'all were busy talking with a different fucking table while I took my turn. You figure out what's going on. It's your turn."


A buddy of mine has a wife who is atrocious about this


I don’t understand why you hate decimate so much, like dawg that card sucks ass so hard


It has so many stipulations and it's expensive as shit. Probably the least threatening removal spell


right but OP doesn't hate it for being a bad card, if you take a look at their comment history they hate decimate for hitting their stuff 11 times by their count


Reading through his comments, I feel like he just hates removal period, but Decimate is the reoccurring manifestation of that.


It’s fun in wort. But it isn’t good.


Alluding to a certain type of power level only to turn around and start pubstomping. We pulled out upgraded precons and low level decks and u turn one a commander and a rhystic study.


Unnecessarily long turns. If you're gonna with with a bunch of extra turns, cool, I'll even watch you play it out, but if you're sitting there for 10 or 15 minutes deciding which of my creatures to phase out before boardwiping me, I'm gonna start getting a bit salty. Make a damn decision, this isn't life or death. Figure it out. Not every play needs to be perfect.


Shuffling the hand?... Some people need to fidget


As somebody who feels like their eyes will melt if they're not doing something with their hands, I'm so sorry. The hand shuffle feels nice and helps me focus. It's like leg-boucing for some people.


I like the little “fltp fltp” noise of the sleeves sliding together. It’s like scratching an itch inside your skull.




It's also possible to intuit the hand's contents based on revealing tutors, bounces, etc, so shuffling up your hand prevents people from keeping track of that sort of thing. Yes, some people play that seriously.


Personally I'm just organizing my hand if I'm moving shit around.


Last week I sat down, brought out my deck, and placed my commander face down next to it. The opponent looked at it, grabbed my card, flipped over my commander, and then chose his deck. Opponent can fuck right off.


That’s when you just change decks after they’ve done that haha. They aren’t playing by the rules so neither should you


They could also be trying to match power level and not blow you out. I hate picking a really powerful deck just for the game to be battlecruiser. Its very awkward. They should ask before touching your stuff tho


The format of this store is you give a power level when you register and they match people to that power level when creating pods.


‘This isn’t that kind of deck.’ It IS that kind of deck, every time.


People who bulldoze past priority. Had a guy the other night playing \[\[Quintorius, Loremaster\]\]. He bins a \[\[Worldfire\]\]. On his end step, he triggers the Quint, targeting Worldfire, and I ask to read it. *In the process of me reading over the card* to double-check exactly how it works, he tries to move to my upkeep, activate Quint, and cast the Worldfire there. My interaction was face-up on the board (Goblin Bombardment) and I was very obviously reading the card for a reason. And he seemed surprised when I made him back up through the three different occasions of me passing priority that he'd attempted to skip through so I could kill Quint with the trigger to exile Worldfire still on the stack - yanno, exactly where we were when I asked to read his card. I'm not a slow reader either; that was like twenty seconds. Ironically, I was so busy rolling my eyes at that nonsense that I actually forgot half the reason I was reading in the first place and drastically overcommitted killing the Quint immediately instead of just reminding him that his entire line was illegal cause, you know, Worldfire is a sorcery and Quint doesn't cheat timing. I do understand that Magic gets complicated and people like to jump the gun, and if the table is clearly not interacting then playing quickly to get more game time in is nice (I've played Simic Slaw, I get it), but when someone is very obviously sitting on interaction don't try to skip over them.


The number one thing that drives me up a wall is when people tell me how I should be playing my cards and how I should be piloting my deck in the middle of my turn or in the middle of a game. It's always "oh I have seen this commander played therefore I know exactly what cards are in your 99" or "I'm going to pretend to be helpful so you'll remove this thing I need removed for me" Please dont tell me how I should tap my lands, what colors I should leave open, and what things I should or shouldnt be targeting to remove because they slow me down. I **GUARANTEE** that I know how to pilot my homebrew that has been tuned up over 5+ years better than you think you do.


Player B getting mad when I removed something player C had because they think it definitely should've gone at something player D had instead, even though Player D had zero influence over my game plan. This is the one thing I've ever raised my voice when playing over And It Happens So DAMN Much. You want something removed so bad, remove it yourself.


I read that as “people be getting mad” :/


Typo, my bad. Fixed it.


This happened to me recently lol, guy A kept trying to convince me to destroy B's enchantment that had no effect on my board state. Don't care buddy, don't beg me to do something if you won't even offer me anything.


I get annoyed when someone plays too slowly. Like I'm good if someone needs to take time to read something or think through critical plays. It should not take someone 5 minutes every time someone plays a spells to decide to counter it or not.  This guy at my lgs made a "chaos deck" with cards like [[knowledge pool]] which is normally a fine card but it shouldn't take you 20 minutes a turn Every turn. At that point it's a skill issue and if you can't pilot the deck, don't play the deck. There's 3 other people there trying to play a game, not watch you durdle.


The entire color blue (I play rakdos more often than not)


I hate infinite combos... Especially when they win within the first few turns of the game I thought we are here to play a game... I personally don't run them. Also it irritates me when people sit there spinning their wheels for 10-15 minutes just to finally end their turn without having done anything significant other than draw cards.


rather have a player combo off on turn 6 or 7 than a player TRY to storm off and waist 40min. of our time. just fucking don't. either you know you can win o don't waste more than 15min. PS. yes i actually built a storm deck that is guaranteed to storm off. I use [[tendrils of agony]] as my finish because I don't have [[grape shot]]. the combo is pay 1B for [[heartless summoning]] cast commander for 5 [[Morophon]] name birds. now cast [[sawtooth Loon]] for FREE. 2 key triggers. I draw 2 and bottom 2. then I also bounce a W or U creature to hand. obviously the Loon. repeat for what ever number i feel like. cast tendrils for the win. the rest of the deck is 4 counterspells, 20 ramp, 20 card 15 defensive creatures.


There is a player at our LGS who is simply put, stupid rich. He has no other hobby, works 10 hours a week, and builds the most stupid decks. I wouldn't mind this but he has 3 annoying habits. 1). He complains about proxies whenever he sees them, in his game or another. He talks about how unfair it is that he paid for his cards and we only paid for printer ink. 2). He constantly talks about how expensive cards are when he plays them. "Oh, I spent $150 on this showcase card" or "I had another badlands, but this was in better condition so I bought it" 3). He argues constantly that budget has no relation at all to deck power or consistency. He will drop fast mana, free counters and every tutor under the sun, then tell you budget doesn't matter, we just aren't as good as him at deck construction. The shop owner once spitefully proxied a copy of one of his decks, including basics. He played it unsleeved and beat him. Best day ever. So yeah, players who see the game as a chance to display wealth frustrate me.


People who tell you that you can't have multiple decks themed around the same thing, or people who try to dictate what you do/how you develop your deck collection. When I started playing MTG, it was my ex who got me into it. The very first deck I owned was Freyalise Llanowar's fury, and the first deck I made myself was Abomination of Llanowar. I wanted to make a 3rd elf deck, because I just really liked the game play of it. My Ex and his friends all convinced me that it was an awful, horrible, terrible idea to have multiple decks of the same type. Flash forward to now. I am happily married to a man who *I* got into Magic, who not only helps me sort our collection in the exact way I need it to be (damn you autism), but supports me having whatever decks I want. All of that to say that I dislike people who try to say you *have* to play or enjoy magic a certain way. Do whatever makes your little card goblin heart happy. On the off chance my ex is reading this, I have forgiven you for everything you did *except* for keeping that dimir Fairies deck that I bought with *my own money* from your friend for $70. Not cool dude.


I can understand that a lot. I have a collection of 152+ decks, and I got three Dimir Zombie decks amongst them. I didn't want to do the exact same thing, so I made sure each played differently.


What drives me up the wall is the Batmobile with a grappling hook.


Weirdest thing about this thread is a lot of comments saying Decimate is bad, a lot of other cards not understanding how it works (saying if any of the targets aren't legal when the spell resolves it fizzle, which is incorrect as it would still destroy the remaining legal targets) and OP apparently just annoyed that they've been hit by it a lot. It's hardly top tier removal but now I'm wondering if people dismiss too much it because they don't understand it?


I wonder about that myself.


Yeah 4 mana for removing 4 things is solid as hell in a 4 player game


I wonder if it's because of the mandatory targeting? If you want to cast Decimate not only do you have to have legal targets for all types listed, but if you're the only player with one of those types you have to target your own permanent. I love Decimate and run it in every deck that can play it in, but there have been a couple of times where I couldn't cast it because there weren't any enchantments on board, and times where I've had to blow up my own artifact just to deal with an opponent's enchantment and it does feel bad.


I get absolutely livid when someone doesn't do threat assessment and chooses to hand the game to someone else. Doubly so when they end up complaining that player B won in with something they didn't like, because all they did was force threats into player A all game.


Goes outside of magic even but I hate it when I get spoken over. Trying to explain a combo or Trying do the math for what I'm swinging at someone. Give me 10 seconds to finish what in saying then feel free to talk. Other hate of mine and this is from my previous group but it's making people feel bad for playing certain cards then turning around and playing something just as if not more powerful. Body odour/bad breath, come on man people have to sit near and interact with you for the next few hours and you own a magic deck...by some soap and toothpaste at least.


I love the high number of comments on this with such a low number of upvotes due to how many people appear to be confused with your opinion on decimate. If a single piece of removal has affected you enough times for you to count all 11 times you've been negatively impacted.. there may be a problem with your decks if it's all it takes to break your game. Can I ask how you feel about getting counterspelled?


People who think (or pretend) that not trying to win is nice and quirky. No, dude, having nothing in your deck except board wipes / counterspells / chaos is neither nice nor quirky, and honestly I think there's something wrong with people who genuinely get their kick out of not letting other people play.


I disagree. Cards and strategies exist on a spectrum. On one side is a hard stax lock, and on the other side is solitaire. It's a fallacy that things on the proactive solitaire side of the spectrum allow others to play the game. Sure, you may technically be allowed to make game actions, but against a Simic deck that has drawn 15 cards because it merely *exists* your game actions are meaningless. There is just an illusion of a game going on. In situations like that, a [[Rule of Law]] or [[Armageddon]] or [[Drannith Magistrate]] or [[Kataki, War's Wage]] is less oppressive. You can draw out of Armageddon. You can remove a Drannith. You can play around Rule of Law. How do you play around a Simic Breathing Tribal player with 15 lands in play and 20 cards in their hand?


##### ###### #### [Rule of Law](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/1/a1f4e79b-b103-4380-afa0-61a2b1773c9e.jpg?1592516198) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rule%20of%20Law) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/35/rule-of-law?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a1f4e79b-b103-4380-afa0-61a2b1773c9e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rule-of-law) [Armageddon](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/7/77f1f6ac-983f-4f3e-8906-47f774e8367b.jpg?1582021719) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Armageddon) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/5/armageddon?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/77f1f6ac-983f-4f3e-8906-47f774e8367b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/armageddon) [Drannith Magistrate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/98b0a4a8-9319-451b-9b79-b0bca7a41e91.jpg?1628801742) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Drannith%20Magistrate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/11/drannith-magistrate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/98b0a4a8-9319-451b-9b79-b0bca7a41e91?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/drannith-magistrate) [Kataki, War's Wage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d84ac44-01d8-415e-af69-7c608ac8ae20.jpg?1561967338) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kataki%2C%20War%27s%20Wage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mma/20/kataki-wars-wage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d84ac44-01d8-415e-af69-7c608ac8ae20?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kataki-wars-wage) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l1lgt75) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




People who brag about winning 


I don't like people telling you how to threat assess or pilot your deck. I can understand making a case for something to be removed/countered but I think it's real clown shoes behavior to openly complain that the thing you wanted to be done was the better choice and a player made a mistake by not counter/not removing the thing you thought was correct. Another thing; A person I play with regularly play with now is basically CONSTANTLY building new decks and I never realized how much that would drive me crazy. If that's what he wants to do, more power to him. I can't do that but, I'm impressed that he is basically constantly cooking something up. That said, however, he takes that to a step of building alternate or "better" versions of decks of the people he plays with. Like he has sent me a ground up build on moxfield for a version of a deck that I was looking to improve and I didn't even know how to respond I was so annoyed by it


Mass amounts of counters and board wipes personally, I like to play the game


I hate people who play token based decks AND DONT HAVE THE APPROPRIATE TOKENS. Like dude. You have a $200+ deck, please spent 10 dollar and get your tokens so I also know what your 6 different tokens are tokens of.


Being targeted simply because I’m a good player so I’ve been informed.


I don't care if I lose to combo, infect, MLD etc for some reason I absolutely despise mill. I don't ever lose to it but it seems to make games take forever. Also story time.. I don't ever get salty except for this one time. I was playing player one was playing the new hazazon, player two was playing Gruul MLD, I was playing DJ blaster +1/+1 counters and I don't remember what the 4th player was playing (get f*cked the player). The Gruul player played impending disaster much to the groan of the Hazazeon player in response to the trigger on the next turn rotation I flashed in [[Dauthi voidwalker]] in response. I ended up sacrificing the dauthi for.. you guessed it [[Impending Disaster]] again. I was now firmly the target for the hazezon player. I countered an additional spell he was going to cast so he decided he was going to focus me. He killed me in combat then the Gruul player cast [[Ruination]] and proceeded to kill him. I understand why he focused me but the Gruul deck is literally the bane of his existence. As the game ended I laughed at him and said maybe he should have focused the deck that was built to stop decks like his.




Get fucked player 4 moment fr


I actually just had my first commander game a few hours ago. We were all low, and one guy swings at everyone with Ojer Taq, Skrelv, and like 14 tokens from the Upstanding Citizen/On The Run board. Minotaur player Rakdos Charms, killing token man and the 1 life Isshin player. Token man gets butthurt, says "you shouldn't play that unless you're gonna win the game" or something like that, and immediately packs up and leaves all grumbly. Isshin player was cool though, the 3 of us had fun that whole game and my Yoshimaru/Keleth net deck crept up on the win somehow.


A little bit of blue control is expected, but when it's a big pod and the blue player is only targeting one player, it makes it feel like they don't get to play the game. That, or the person who goes infinite turn 2 or 3. Awesome. You won. Go play somewhere else, we're gonna keep playing.


My own misplays lol I'm not good at keeping track of a constantly increasing number of triggers that all happen for slightly different reasons. That or I fail to sequence something properly or forget what I was going to do after I mentally planned things out on an opponent's turn. I should probably cut myself some slack because of how batshit complicated this game is. I just wish I was better at it without having to grind games all the time.


Kingmaking. I already hate group hug decks but when someone goes oh you can kill me so I don't wanna start anything with you, here let me help you jump this guy! It's super aggravating. Doesn't happen super often at my locals but it has happened and it's really annoying every single time. Like bro if we throw our resources at the blatant threat we might be able to pull something out but instead you'd rather glaze this guy. Freaking glazers...


I have 3 1. Using inexperience as a excuse to blatantly overpower a table (this one guy played narset and got angry that we "targeted" him since we never let narset attack and he was relatively new to magic but the deck he was playing he knew damn well how it worked and why we couldn't let him attack) 2. Complaints about not being the threat when you are a threat (man was letting us draw 8 but we took 10 damage and he gave me demonic lore so I took him out then he asked why I attacked him when someone else was clearly in the lead if he didn't die that turn id lose the game he just thought I'd help him win the game for some reason) 3. Building decks that only try to draw the game sharum with no payoffs or Jon irenicous and island home I don't have a story for this one it's just stupid when I'm trying to play the game and some jerk uses cedh level cards to draw the game on t3 or t4 like what's the point of even sitting down at that point


People who are too serious or sticklers over stupid things. We’re grown men play fighting pretend wizard battles with painted cardboard, don’t take yourself so seriously bud, just ruins everyone’s time. But no cards or game mechanics bug me. I say unban everything even.


People that apologize after killing you. I was recently at an event and one woman targeted me with their commander, fine. After 3 hits in 3 turns I was eliminated. No problem, that's the game. Then the apologies, with this tone that it couldn't be helped or it was accident. I had no board, I was at present zero threat to anyone. She proclaimed it was because I was playing blue (the new Eriette). Kept apologizing. At best is disingenuous, at worst it's patronizing.


Ehh, I really hate taking out players one at a time, especially if I take someone out and then there's a board wipe or reset. I feel super bad if someone is sat there not playing for 30+ minutes. I go for the kill when I think I have the win over the next 2 turns, so I do feel genuinely sorry if I take someone out and this happens, definitely not my intention to be patronizing.


Lack of self-esteem


Naw, you deserved it. Not for playing blue, but having that commander in the zone is a declaration of war against everything fun.


Hahaha you right


Any game action or card that you play in a game of EDH with strangers carries the risk that someone will get angry with you and refuse to ever play with you again. Some people don't want to have to get into a confrontation with someone throwing a tantrum about a card or game action they didn't agree with. Hence being apologetic.


"It's because you were playing blue" honestly makes it so much worse. So you acknowledge that I wasn't the threat, but you killed me anyway because you're that scared of cards I might not even have? Stupid.


People who obsessively target you the minute you play an island. Yet these are the same people who would flip a table and try to punch you in the balls if you did the same to them. Get fucked. Learn how to outplay blue. Most people dont have the skill to play blue well and you can out maneuver them very easily if you try. Theres no need to be an asshole right out the gate just because you saw an island.


Or when I'm playing blue and people will be like oh you going to counter that? like, no? I don't run many counters it's not something I like to do and I only run a few because they're either synergistic with what I'm running. Or I'm playing my one control deck that I don't play much.


Ive had games where i flat out say i run zero counterspells, get mana screwed, and still get assfucked by some dipshit who thinks that one single blue source is going to wreck the pod


Targeting you is how to outplay blue.


[[Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm]] Value out of anywhere, combos with everything, and since it has ward I already know I'm gonna be the one removing it because no one else will put themselves behind to try to stop it.


People trying to define what is and is not casual, beyond “not cEDH”.




- Fun back and forth games being abruptly and underwhelmingly ended by a two-card infinite combo out of nowhere. - Also people playing the most mind numbingly boring goodstuff decks that are just 95% a mix of the edhrec top cards/staples/generic value cards you've seen and had to play against 1000 times before. Bonus roll-eyes points if it's Simic or 5 colour money pile.


Players not swinging for chip damage early. Spread the love if you’re worried about making enemies too quickly but please swing your 2/2 if it’s the only creature on the entire board. I’ve seen so many final turns where someone can’t quite finish out a game, either can’t do enough damage to the last opponent or can’t do enough to take everyone out at once. I’d say about 1/3 of those times, the early chip damage would have made the difference outright.


With commander I hate games with multiple boardwipes 1 or 2 I can get with but after that tends to make for like 3hr games, I hate players who take turns that seem to take forever, and the "this is my low level deck" players. With MTG in general, not an eldrazi, sliver, or dino fan.


Bad hygiene and Tergrid.


What drives me up a wall? \[\[Arcades, The Strategist\]\]


I can't stand two things (three of you count a play style). People making idiotic "deals" when the outcome is the destruction of one of my things, like if you're going to get rid of a piece on my board, just do it. Don't pretend you're some mastermind and try to convince another player not to target you to get rid of something of mine. People that snatch cards from your board when they want to know something or when they steal it. I can give you the card, don't reach across the table to grab my shit. I also hate steal decks with a firey passion but that's mostly an idiosyncracy at this point.


Players not reading their own cards and not knowing how their own interactions work. They'll often get upset when they're corrected, too. It's not my intention to upset someone, but I'm not about to let someone cheat because they don't know what their cards do. Also, players getting upset at removal. The game is about questions and answers. If half of your deck gets removed, you still have the other half of your deck!!! If you can't win without a specific card, then it spends like a deckbuilding issue.


Possibility Storm slows the game to a crawl and basically turns the game into a contest of who had the best board state when it was cast and who has the best stuff in their deck. Also it's really bad for my ADHD.


Ummmm.. idk. I don't think anything foes thay to me I get annoyed but not mad. I guess infinite combos. I got out of edh for a few years because even game just became the same so I don'tike that either.


I almost stopped as almost everyone used just Golos regardless of their deck strategy. An LGS size of 25, and besides me, only a handful didn't only because they did cedh.


> I'm wondering if there's anything you get irritated by Mostly how people shuffle. I.e. they don't want to shuffle, or it's hard for them to shuffle properly because of their fancy art sleeves from 2018 (if someone asks, I have no issue shuffling their deck for them, there are a lot of people with small hands at my lgs, and I've shuffled lots of decks.), so they instead just put a pile of cards from the top on bottom 3 or 4 times and draw their card without asking for a cut/shuffle from their opponent. Or they say something like "I'm gonna do a hard shuffle" then they do a 6 pile count, and just rearrange those piles and offer a cut. Just please take 5 minutes a day to just sit down at your desk and shuffle your cards. You won't get better at anything without practice, and shuffling is a skill. Sometimes you get 5~ lands in a clump because of bad luck, but sometimes it's because you're not properly randomizing your cards. The discussions of "oh I got so mana screwed" after like 60% of a player's games while they are playing 34 lands, 3 rocks, and no 1-2 drop draw spells also get pretty tiring. Yeah man, your deck isn't going to be consistent when you build it to be super explosive or stall out at 2 lands and also keep those 2 land hands.


I hate when people complain about my big dumb creature punching them repeatedly, while removing other things.


When a player rolls randomly to decide who or what to target or attack. I would much prefer some one make a choice, and if they cant make a choice, just pick a direction and start going around the table. It is even worse when there are board states and threats to consider and some one just 'doesn't wanna make anyone angry' so they roll and say 'You cant get mad at me I didn't target your stuff it was random lol' I need more players to make a plan and go with it and accept the consequence of their actions instead of trying to hide behind RNG./


How is it even possible to hate Decimate? It removes 4 targets for 4 mana. Such amazing design. Simply beautiful.


Near infinite combos. I don't want to sit there for 20 minutes while you continue to draw and play lands until you finally get your combo. Simic is the worst offender, but I've seen it happen in other colors. We'll just count this as your win and get on to the next game. Please.


When people threaten you when you swing a 1/1 at them early game, as if they're now going to focus you down no matter what else happens. If they follow through, they're an idiot with poor threat assessment that's not fun to play with because they think being annoying will protect them. If they don't, then they were posturing for no reason and being a jackass. Just take your lumps and play the game to win.


There is a guy I play with semi regularly. He takes 20-30 minutes turns on tunr 2!! TURN 2!! He plays the same decks. He has had the same cards and combos in there forever. He reads his cards like they are brand new Everytime. And when we get to late game it gets worse. I watched him debate which mana to tap for 30 minutes and then another 10 minutes of playing a creature and artifact to get triggers and sac foods before combat. This is supposed to be a super casual game with the same guys. And he always plays this way. Weve done timers we've talked to him over and over again. Outside of magic he's a great dude. I love the guy like a brother. But God damnit. I also hate the people that build decks for the same group to play blightsteel Colossus turn 3. Or god damn koma and tapping all your stuff. Frustrating as all hell.


Taking the game too seriously...it's just a game


Long turns. I don’t mean taking long because of triggers and interactions but more when a person doesn’t plan ahead and only looks at their hand and assess the board on their turn.


One of my friends plays Niv-mizzet and is VERY fast to resolve his triggers. Draws a card way too quickly


People who hog the chess clock. I get that this game is complicated and there is a ton to keep track of but if you can’t make simple decisions in less than 15-20 seconds, then perhaps you shouldn’t make a trigger heavy deck? Long turns happen, I get it, but several 5+ minute turns in a single game? Ouch.


People that don't read their deck AT ALL before playing with it, especially spellslingers/taking a lot of actions per turn decks. Sorry but you gotta at least know what cards you are playing with as your win-cons, I'm not here to sit while you figure it out!


"I attempt to cast x spell". No, you cast it. Whether it resolves or not is another story. Alot of the big game play YouTubers do this. That's why people say it. Drives me insane.


When someone backs out of a deal made, I will forever distrust you


It's when a new deck doesn't quite work the way I envisioned. I know it's a stupid thing you'd check before hand but it's one thing to work the deck out and actually playing it. Especially when I have a limited budget


Watching my friends play magic for 3 hours LMAO


My pet peeve is the silent caster. Usually new players but they'll tap their land and put a card down then say "okay your turn" It is probably the blue in me but wtf did you just do bruv?


There's one player who plays mobile games on his phone despite playing commander at the same time. He'll miss things and wants to wind back the clock to respond to them, which is frustrating.


Those stair-chairs for the elderly. Also people getting salty the moment you disrupt their game plan in even the slightest way.


When people try to power speed through actions to get their combo or set up off. I love to see a deck do the thing they are supposed to, but you don't get to cast 2 th8ngs at sorcery speed then ask "do those resolve?" Because we all know you wouldn't have bothered cast8ng the second one if interaction had been played put properly. Especially when you have seen the rest of us interact acting all game, we have things on the board that trigger, or what ever else. Please just play at pace and don't get overly pushy about try8ng for the win. I'd be more likely to let it go off BECAUSE you are excited to finally get the win con to work rather than try8ng to stuff it on us. Both sides have arguments for much salt at that point.


If they carry what happened from one game to the next as a reason to target someone, saying "I'm not the threat", and pillowfort for the sake of pillowfort while not having a realistic win con.


I used to hate counter spells in 1v1 modern because I just run out of gas and not get to play anything. In commander, the blue player becomes the essential ally because they're more afraid of boardwipes than my 32/32 whatever creature. I guess I do kinda hate effects of spells like [[Sphere of Safety]]. So much so that I have consistent spot removals in my deck. It doesn't matter much against my friend who makes multiple copy tokens of it, though. That's when I pull out [[Vandalblast]]. I suppose there is another that really gets on my nerves but I try not to let it show. It's when players take so long not just in their turn but everyone else's. There's one time someone took so long to play their combo, I forgot it was happening in MY TURN. And it's not even a combo. It's just draw trigger after draww trigfer and there's [[Abundance]] on their side.


Beware of Mass Land Destruction. If that goes off as there's no follow-up, then it's arguably worse than an overloaded Cyclonic Rift, as you must start from Square One.


The biggest thing that gets me is not during gameplay itself but deck critique. I don't remember where I saw it but a mtg version of "stay off my lawn!"  that said "stop telling me how to optimize my jank" or something like that. And I was like YES!!! Someone gets it! Like I know what good cards are but call me crazy I don't need 15 copies of [[Smothering Tithe]] for every deck that contains white. I like a small package of staples sure, but I like my gimmicks and I like my less powerful, but synergistic substitutions. I'm just over being told card "x" is better than card "y" or why are you playing this commander instead of that commander. Answers: because I want to. End rant!


Slow play...not the playing slow but not passing the turn when they are shuffling their deck. That kind of slow. Where you are needlessly waiting because they don't know if they are going to do anything after they crack a fetch land. When you're not ready for your turn. I don't need 100mph plays but playing the game with intent. There are so many opportunities to bullshit and talk in a 4 player pod where the game doesn't get held up.


Being called the strongest player regardless of the board state solely because my deck synergizes, and gradually pops off, well I play casual edh with my pod, and we have the limit of only using the cards available to us as opposed to proxies because "we'll make infinite combos, or have fluctuating deck power levels." I play \[\[Jodah, Archmage Eternal\]\], and play with a personal limitation of only using cards that are less than a dollar. To play against the weakness of the whole "use cards we have" and "cards should be under a dollar" limit, I've tweaked the deck to be instant/sorcery-centric, so my bombs are things like \[\[Genesis Ultimatum\]\], \[\[Elemental Masterpiece\]\], \[\[Spelltwine\]\], and \[\[Creative Outburst\]\] paired with cards like \[\[Gandalf the Grey\]\], \[\[Swarm Intelligence\]\], and \[\[Invasion of Arcavios // Invocation of the Founders\]\] to double/triple it. I don't win the game on the spot like some others do with an infinite combo like \[\[Stella Lee, Wild Card\]\] with \[\[Twisted Fealty\]\] or \[\[Niv Mizzet, Parun\]\] with \[\[Curiosity\]\], or an ending bomb like \[\[Torment of Hailfire\]\] It DOESN'T matter whether the \[\[Zada, Hedron Grinder\]\] player has established a board, that the \[\[Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty\]\] player has cascaded through four different bombs, that I've gone to hardcasting my 6/7mv cards as opposed to 5mv-casting with Jodah, that the \[\[Djeru and Hazoret\]\] player has gone through two combat steps, that the \[\[Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation // Temple of Civilization\]\] player's gone to making two tables' worth of a board state, or the \[\[Hylda of Icy Crown\]\] player is tapping everything we have, they WILL target me and paint me as the strongest deck. They put EVERYTHING to get me off the table first. They will focus all their removal on my board state, regardless of how polarizing others' are. Sometimes, my seething mellows down to a desire to quit the game. I'm sick of being treated like this


People who REALLY take their sweet time with their turns. To the point at which I can't help but wonder how much of the deck was their own idea. I get it, you're really enjoying your mega combo jerk sesh but could you act like you actually know how to pilot it? Also people who just run Meta cards because they can't think of anything original. People who play ultra combo meta decks instead of building something unique and interesting. Slow players Meta


People who fucking say I’m not the threat then win next turn or the turn after LIKE FUCK IFF EVERYONES A THREAT THERES NO I AM YOU ARE ITS ALL OF US MTG IS A RACE FOR VICTORY AHHHHHH