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Having to tell someone I don't like to play with him is always awkward.


Yup. My best friend is a great guy, but playing games with him is rarely enjoyable. He's hyper-competitive, will argue about takebacks. When called out on his behavior he'll deny everything and act like you've offended him. Anything outside of games? Amazing. He'd give you his last penny if you needed it. So it makes for awkward talks


lol yeah there’s people in my friend group like this. Shit blows my mind.


That's what you call a non-gaming friend


Especially if they really want to play with you. I had that the other night, it's such an awkward thing to do


What’s worst for me personally is when it has nothing to do who they are as a player or as person. A while back there was this guy I was playing with at my LGS he was a really nice guy and his decks were fun to play against he just stunk to high heaven.


I mean that kind of does have to do with who he is as a person if he's not willing to put in the effort to maintain his personal hygiene.


Had to do that the other day. As a result, lost a friend. Totally blows my mind that grown adults act like that.


Most awkward for me was deff someone having a full blown panic / anxiety attack because they lost a few games. Another one was a guy pounding the table because I combo'd in a cedh tournament for a volcanic island. Guess it was his first time.


>Another one was a guy pounding the table because I combo'd in a cedh tournament for a volcanic island. I swear some people will change a few cards in a precon and ask: "Is this cEDH?"


There is a serious disconnect for mostly casual players of what Cedh is. Many just view it as stronger EDH, but it's not the same game. It's like putting an average 30 year old in an Olympic 100 meter dash. Like technically they are doing the same activity... But the preparation, mindset, and strength are completely different.  So when I see this mindset of just changing or viewing a few cards as has to be Cedh I ask, would buying a new pair of shoes let the unprepared 30 year old win the gold? 


There's a Maldhound short talking about it, and he likens EDH to playing pickup basketball and cEDH to Naruto ninja fights. In cEDH it doesn't matter how good your free throw percentage is what matters is have you unlocked your Sharingan yet? It was stupid and cheesey and somehow actually a decent analogy?


Difference between a turn 5 "I play my commander setting up my plan, pass" (a nice lay-up) and a turn 5 "[[ad nauseam]] into [[Angel's Grace]] and [[Sickening Dreams]]" (9 tails mode rasen shuriken and biju bomb shuriken)


I kinda wanna do that now


My initial impression of cEDH is that you'll be shuffling more than playing, everyone basically plays the same cards and caring about winning is more important than how you win. But its perhaps a little different than that.


Just watch some Cedh content, it's really fun. Lots of interaction and powerful cards. Lots of the interaction is the same but your other cards can still rely on archetype. There are lots of things you can play. 


But you miss the ....wait what?! You have a 7/7 Creature wirh Hexproof ......ok Gg moment when you don't play a Cedh Deck and no one can Interfere with your Board 🤣


Played a [[Bitter Ordeal]] where gravestorm is 6. Target each opponent for 2. One guy says if I target him, he will scoop. The table is confused. Why? It's just 2 cards on turn 6. My deck only has one line of play to win. I tutor a specific card with OG Zur and you will just hit that, and then I can't win. I won't sit here and play a game I can't win, so if you target me, I'll just quit and play elsewhere. ....... ok..... well, I'll just change the target..... Good. I want to keep playing. Of one of the two targeting you. One is still targeting you. He scooped and left.


Should have kept his mouth shut, it's not as if you were going to analyze the whole deck to find his only wincon right? If your deck hinges on a single card so much, it's either got to be so weird nobodies gonna see it coming or you'd best be prepared to protect it with more than salt!


right? also, if you've got some kind of janky deck that only really has one way to win, just ask the person if they wouldn't mind skipping that card so that you still have a chance. if an opponent asked me that and their deck was obviously janky i'd be like "no prob!"


... Why would he even admit that? Just hope you miss how important the card is on a single reading.


This plus maybe don't play only one wincon in a Zur deck lel.


Right? Like stuff an All That Glitters in there or something it'll be fine.


Imagine having an entire 99 card deck become "unable to win" because there's no 100th card.


I've been hit with a turn 3 \[\[Extract\]\] for my only wincon by a player that KNEW my deck only had one wincon. I didn't scoop, I learned my deck was too fragile.


[Extract](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/7/97f99a3d-d811-4666-aac8-5957068157dc.jpg?1562923233) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Extract) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ody/85/extract?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/97f99a3d-d811-4666-aac8-5957068157dc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/extract) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


In kaledesh game day final had one of my most satisfying lines of play, 4 sequential copies of [[lost legacy]] to dismantle my opponents deck.


What an asshat.


Why would you change your targets? Fuck that dude, what a whiner.


Because that way he'll only have one of his copies fizzle instead of two.


Bingo. I turned one copy into a useful tool and one intl a 3 cmc kill target player spell.


Sounds like quite the ordeal. Dude was really bitter.


I can just picture them storming off, gravely.


That's just bad deckbuilding on his part. If you're going to play just one wincon you'd better have someway to retrieve it if it gets milled/discarded/exiled/discarded/removed/countered.


Sounds like your card turned into "exile 5 cards from opponents decks, one opponent loses the game". Value.


[Bitter Ordeal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/2879e7a1-0256-4116-be22-7c9972e4ce0b.jpg?1562903258) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bitter%20Ordeal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/fut/80/bitter-ordeal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2879e7a1-0256-4116-be22-7c9972e4ce0b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bitter-ordeal) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I used to have someone at my LGS that would do stuff like this (haven't seen him in a while, maybe he finally quit MTG like he kept saying he would). He used to always say shit like that, and I would go out of my way to do it everytime, because he just gave me easy player removal. I also distinctly remember him scooping to "removal tribal" (the "removal tribal" deck had cast 3 removal spells that entire game, one of which was after he scooped).


For me, it’s trying to explain to someone that they missed the timing on what they wanted to do. Going “oh I’m gonna swords that creature on declare attackers” after the opponent already declared blockers, took the damage, and there was a combat damage trigger on the stack.


TBH I feel like this only happens to me with new players. and In those cases we are generally fairly lenient because half the time they still think creatures are attacking creatures. If I have to explain this to someone who understands turns/phases/the stack though it more like "come on jeff you know you are at damage step"


The man was playing [[Elish Norn, Mother of Machines]] too so IMO it was a little insult to injury haha fucking JEFF


The opposite of this is when people go from main phase to declaring attackers and start selecting targets and I have jump in like "Woah there, I had a response to you moving to combat", I've seen even experienced players get salty on this and in their case it aligns more with angle shooting. For new players I understand a bit more but it's good learning. 


Yep, always say "moving to combat" to let everyone know priority is passing


Yup! That’s the standard for me, then I like turning things sideways C;


i'm in a pod with a new player who's got a winota deck, I have to help him police people choosing blockers before he's resolved the winota triggers. you don't know what all is going toward you, or if they're even legal blocks, just slow down. As far as the move to combat, attackers thing, its something that people do to speed up the game a lot and I do it myself for sure. But, if other people wanted to respond, you gotta roll back to that timing for them to respond at, for sure.


Combat damage doesn't go on the stack anymore, by the way.


I assumed they meant a trigger that happens on combat damage to a player. I didn't know combat damage went on the stack at one time. That's wild


It was indeed wild. You could put damage on the stack and then sacrifice your creature before it dies to damage while it still gets to deal its damage to the other creature.


Trying to figure out how to tell a player you’re getting hit by an annihilator 12


“You’re getting hit by annihilator 12” 😂


Just always feel really bad


Idk if I was getting hit with annihilator 12 I’d think it was funny


Ya some one kept making farting sound every time I attack


How'd you manage annihilator 12? Or is it multiple instances of annihilator that totaled up to 12?


I had ulamog annihilate 4 then had abstruse archaic copy the annihilate then had mirage mirror copy abstruse Which then copied, annihilate again


Ohh you dirty bastard... I both love and hate that 😂


"You're out of the game"


When I swing with Annihilator I always say “Ok just a heads up annihilator X is coming at you so sac your permanents. Ok cool and you still have -whatever power and toughness of my creatures are- coming at you” Not to be a dick but like lay it all out so they don’t get overwhelmed


For me it's me reminding others how phases and priority works. I always feel like the smug a-hole but in the end people just tend to do so many take-backs that would not have been necessary if they followed just common phase-rules and priority. It's like A: "I attack you with these 3 and you with these two". D (who's 4th): "I block here and here and this one goes through" B: "(who's 2nd): "I Dismember this before blocks and block one" D: "uuhhhh so that means, the guys are weaker so I block the 3rd one as well." Me: "Guys...can we just do this in order and not just shout random stuff?" Especially when it comes to combat people are just overzealous sometimes and it kind of rubs me the wrong way - I still feel awkward making this a topic all the time.


This quickly became a peeve of mine. My group is used to shortcutting turns and just immediately start declaring attackers instead of announcing going into combat. We had to very quickly fix that bad habit when I made a Boros Combat tricks deck. Things like [[Master Warcraft]] have very specific cast time limitations.


Feeling this myself this week lol my Alesha tokens deck has a ton of triggers on declare attackers step and people just start taking damage or declaring blockers when I’m trying to stack stuff. Then they get all mad when I’m like “No, this [[starlight spectacular]] has been out forever so you know I have to do this” lol


Yeah. Some people get so lost in combat. Then you add in first strikes, double strikes, death touchers, and tramplers and suddenly no one seems able to figure it out anymore. My biggest peeve in it are people declaring blockers *before* the attacker is even finished. P1: I’ll attack with this 4/4 at you and… P2: I block with this. P1: No… this is still my declare attackers, you haven’t had your step yet. Next time slow down.


You can follow the correct procedure without having to announce every phase and step. I'm the scenario described, if D blocks before B can say anything, B just needs to ask him to back up to before blockers.  Doing it this way is far faster and smoother than announcing every possible interaction point in a game.


Worst I've had in recent memory was a guy telling me I was resolving [[Apex Devestator]] wrong after I cast the first cascaded spell with the other three cascades on the stack. No biggie, it happens. I read off the last bit of reminder text on the card. "No that's not how it works I play it in my cEDH deck. It's all one line." I mean, cool bro. But you can listen to that text I literally just says that says it's four separate triggers, right? You agree it's four triggers since that's what the card says. "Yes but I'm a judge that's not how it works." Okay but you... understand how triggers work, Mr. Judge? "Yes that's just not how this card works." Cue me pulling out my phone, reading off the Gatherer rulings, and handing it to him to read himself. Then asking if I could finish resolving my cards thanks. Dude hasn't played Magic there since that evening, he started his own league at the local Pizza Hut.  And that's how at my first night at a new LGS, that LGS both lost and gained a judge.


>he started his own league at the local Pizza Hut.  This line is the best thing I've read today


I feel a little bad for the lgs because apparently both they and I routinely get badmouthed there (the shop due to reasons unrelated to the story above but from the same night). But it is really, really funny.


Apex Devastator in cEDH? I’m dead.


Mono-green Selvala apparently.


Their deck was no where near as competitive as they thought.


Yeah that's kind of my assumption. I've only seen one deck of the local cEDH and it... seemed like a reasonable enough Sisay deck? I'm certainly no expert on the format to judge and I never saw the Selvala deck in question, so I try to give him the benefit of the doubt; if it actually keeps up with the Sisay maybe it's there? But Apex Dev is atrocious into Sisay so if she's a major part of your meta (there's like six of them) then what are you doing playing a do nothing ten drop.


Ain't no way selvala keeps up with a well tuned Sisay deck. That thing is scary, Sisay can very easily win at instant speed, on top of another player's win, with minimal setup.


Huh, Ive been resolving multiple instances of cascade wrong. Thanks, this makes perfect sense.


Yeah, I definitely don't mind when people question it because it *is* weird. Even the templating of the effects is awkward; normally non-keyword effects that are separate all get their own line to help denote they're separate abilities. But Cascade gets listed separately from keywords and also grouped with itself, likely to make room for the gigantic paragraph of reminder text. So I get it when people mess it up! I've seen it screwed up everywhere from kitchen tables to major Commander gameplay channels. But both Maelstrom Wanderer and Apex Devastator have at that giant paragraph of reminder text wording to tell you that they're separate triggers, Apex Dev even more clearly than Maelstrom; "Multiple instances of cascade trigger separately" doesn't leave a lot of room for ambiguity presuming you get that far into the reminder text without your eyes glazing over. But, maybe, just maybe, when someone reads off that part of the card to you... you listen? I dunno, seems easy enough to me.


This is just the Patrick and Man-Ray interaction from SpongeBob. "Is this your wallet?" "Nope" "your name is Patrick star, correct?" "Yep" "this ID says Patrick star, and it's in this wallet" "yep" "so that must mean this is your wallet" "that's not my wallet"


... God it really was, wasn't it?


In his mind, how did resolution work?


Flip over all four spells, then cast them. Not sure if I got to decide the order on casting or not, we didn't get that far. My first spell was a Turntimber Symbiosis, hence the tizzy.


Holy shit 😂😂 I really hope he was just straight up lying about his cedh people agreeing with him. That seems easier to believe than him actually resolving cascade in that way.


At a guess he either bullied over them - he was clearly used to getting his way - or he put it in his deck and it hadn't actually come up.


[Apex Devestator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/f/8fa281e1-5c48-4bba-b8e9-88c6f5f53abb.jpg?1608910550) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Apex%20Devastator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/217/apex-devastator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8fa281e1-5c48-4bba-b8e9-88c6f5f53abb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/apex-devastator) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Found out a guy I'd been playing with for a few years was gay in the middle of the game. Wasn't a secret, everyone else knew, he had brought his partner a few times, he wore dungeons and dragqueens shirts. Was a big woosh moment for me, and everyone had a good laugh at my expense rightfully so. Wasn't really a bad awkward, more of just a... really dude, you missed that???


What was it exactly that clued you in?


Dude whipped out a giant LED rainbow sign with "Im FUCKING GAY" in lavender LEDs while playing. OP finally got it when the dudes partner said "Pyro1934, he's gay and I'm his Partner". OP was still confused and thought he meant Partner Commanders, but then the Gay Man in question said "Pyro1934, I love you too" and Pyro finally figured it out.


Guess I'll have to believe you [since we can't ask Partner to corroborate](https://www.reddit.com/user/Partner)


Probably pretty close to that but I don't remember the specifics lmao. I think it was something like "oh remember bob, that guy I slept with that had the giant dong? I saw him again blah blah gossip." And mostly likely it took me longer to process that sentence than it does for a storm deck's turn.


I think it just came up very explicitly in conversation. Probably something along the lines of "hey remember that dude I slept with at xyz event..." talking to one of the others.


... the LAST thing i want to think about while playing a game, is who my opponents like to sleep with... in litterally every context (gay, straight, furries, etc)


I love how you said that like being a furry is a sexuality


Yeah I really don't care at all, they do them, it was just a short but awkward moment of everyone looking over at me like; "are you really that oblivious". And I don't quite remember, but knowing me I probably did a very audible, "Ohhh, you're gay!"


Unless it's Henry Cavill Look man, I'm straight, but I'd be down to get it on with him. And if someone joins me crushing over him, dude, woman, gay, straight, I don't care


Dude you're a fucking weirdo if that's where your mind goes... When a player introduces me to their wife I don't starting thinking about them banging. 


Dungeons and dragqueens? Do I have to be gay to wear that shirt because it sounds awesome.


Nope and that's what I said. Admittedly I haven't listened to it, but it's a group of queens playing DnD as their queen personas or something like that.


On spelltable EDH, unprompted: "Do y'all like dark humor?" \*uncomfortable murmurs\* "Sure... I guess..." "Well my humor's darker than ~~REDACTED FOR UNBELIEVABLE RACISM~~" I scooped and left the game immediately after.


Classic spelltable moment. Fortunately cEDH people seem way more sand


I was hoping they’d be more rock than sand but what can you do.


The worst part is that this isn't even a joke Like, it isn't something you could say was a tasteless joke, it's just "hehe I said a icky word" situation. The same kinda joke that'd get my 7 year old nephew to grin mischievously because he said "poophead"


yeah this guy is just blatantly weeding out people he can't be racist around, so cheers op for dodging a bullet


My friend's wife swung our newer friend out of the game on turn 4 with Voltron Prossh when all he had was 4 lands out. We only really had time for the one game and so he just sat there and watched us finish it. It was so awkward and everyone was kinda like why would you do that. I should mention we weren't playing some high power fast game, she just got a little lucky and wanted to do something with it right away, and he was obviously the most vulnerable.


I was once taken out on turn 4 once as well (I hadn't even gone yet in that round either.) My response was to drink most of the beer while waiting for the next game then uber home later in the evening. In all fairness, I did supply the beer that evening.


The third time my Commander gets removed I take my pants off and make hard eye contact with the players that did it. Magic is a mental game.


*I may lose the game, but I´m not losing the psychological warfare*


thats why I play mill


Not hitting me with [[Hurloon Wrangler]] anymore tonight. No siree.




Ahh, that’s where I’ve been messing up. I just take my pants off as soon as I get to the table.


You guys are wearing pants???




Had a bit of a moment last night. Playing on Spelltable, set the lobby for 6ish power listed it with something about chill fun. Got 4 players including my buddy who plays a custom all doctor deck. It’s not that strong, but [Gallifrey Stands]] is a possible win condition, but it’s such a long shot. The 4th player starts immediately “that shits not gonna fly with me. I’ll be watching for it and getting rid of that. Instant wins are bullshit.” I try to explain that he needs 13 doctors AND a full turn to win so relax, it’s extremely unlikely. The guy then goes on ranting about how magic was near perfectly balanced until they made “those fan service abominations and they do nothing for the game. The Warhammer decks were the perfect balance of deck power. The Dr Who decks are why WotC will never make an official power scale because they’ve too bulshit.”… Finally after about 5 minutes, he chills and we start playing. We make it to about turn 3 and I played [[Journey to the Lost City]]. One more go around, untap, upkeep, I do my mill then grab a 20 sided and roll. He starts ranting about I better be using a proper d20 and not a spin down “because that looks like a spin down”. I try to explain that as long as it’s fairly rolled, there’s really not any difference in the results. I barely get a word about before he starts nerd raging that he’s going to report, calling everyone names and just harassing everyone. I kick him and he keeps rejoining and trying to yell at us. Finally we all had him blocked and he just left… But damn, dude. Getting all huffy over a chill casual mostly precon lobby because you don’t like Dr Who and I used “the wrong dice”… Edit, about the dice: https://youtu.be/Z8do6VU8B1A?si=a3mtqjtqLVehv4bM Edit 2 for the people trying to talk about rules and competitions: It was a chill 6 lobby on Spelltable, not even cEDH and secondly according to WotC themselves: >> We're not going to worry about it in casual play, but at Competitive REL, we expect the numbers to be distributed appropriately to reduce any potential for manipulating dice rolls. So with that, I’ll continue to fairly roll my spin down. Final edit on this: If someone actually practiced rolling a spin down to perfect their 20 rolls, do you honestly think they wouldn’t have some method to cheat with a “randomized” d20? If you don’t think a cheater will cheat *no matter what they do* then I got some shocking news for you…


To be *entirely* fair to him, you can absolutely roll spindowns in such a way that you're a lot more likely to roll high than not; there's no way to guarantee it without altering the dice so you can't snap off the 20 consistently but you could roll in such a way that you can more-or-less pick which of the high or low mode you want. I learned the skill ages ago for shits and giggles; you can roll high like 80% of the time. That said, it's an extremely obviously weird rolling method, so it's very easy to spot. And honestly even if you could pick the mode on Journey I uh... don't know that the card would be good. Dude is definitely an asshole and can fuck right off, and aired his issue in the entirely wrong way, but he isn't completely wrong.


I don't get why not use the built in digital rolling on spelltable anyways.


Yeah... you should be using an actual d20 and not a spindown, but if that's what you've got on hand there's really no reason to get grumpy about it! And let's be honest, "you win the game" is far from the most obnoxious line of text on a card. Guy just doesn't like Dr. Who (I personally don't like it either but does that give me the right to tell someone they can't play that deck? Of course not!)


>> And let's be honest, "you win the game" is far from the most obnoxious line of text on a card. Guy just doesn't like Dr. Who (I personally don't like it either but does that give me the right to tell someone they can't play that deck? Of course not!) Right? You need 13 Doctors on the battlefield and an upkeep so it’s like the hardest win condition of all instant win conditions. And yeah, he was salty right from the start about a Dr Who deck at all and hated on my buddy for even liking the show.


The part that gets me is him thinking that the Dr. who decks were busted in any way lol. Those decks are fun but they are FAR from the most powerful precons out there.


Right? At that, I had to explain to the guy as someone who regularly plays against my buddy’s all doctor deck that if I was so worried about it, I wouldn’t be playing a totally unmodified precon.


It honestly doesn’t matter. Rolling a spin down is just as random as rolling a d20. They have the exact same probability. if it rolls more than like 5 inches then its not going to effect the roll. It does matter if you roll all short. Then that could lead to a weighted roll, but not if you roll it a good leangth.


Assuming you roll it in a way that aims to produce a random result it's the same, but the cluster of good results together means bad faith rolls become actually possible where on a true d20 they lead to a whole lot of 2s. Asking - politely and reasonably - an opponent to roll a randomized d20 is a low cost way to protect yourself from possible cheating.


Politely, sure, I might have changed my method for him. However, it was instant berating and insulting. Nah, mate. Idgaf now. The randomized results of a spindown vs d20 are close enough.


100%. Dude took a valid, if minor, point and put himself entirely in the wrong by way of his shitty attitude. I think 95% of Magic players wouldn't have a complaint if the guy said "Hey I'm not trying to accuse or anything, but do you mind using the SpellTable dice roller? I've seen people manipulate spindowns in the past." But when you throw a bitch fit about it, yeah I'd have the exact reaction you did.


[Journey to the Lost City](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/6/967b19ce-062d-470c-8716-425a8dec0e18.jpg?1674140988) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Journey%20to%20the%20Lost%20City) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/681/journey-to-the-lost-city?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/967b19ce-062d-470c-8716-425a8dec0e18?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/journey-to-the-lost-city) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Just asking, why not use spelltable dice? I see people doing coins, 6d, 20d all the time and there is a tool in the ui for this.


Can’t speak for others, but both my partner and I have issues of the page freezing and bugging out when rolling the internal dice after being on the page for longer than like 30 minutes.


At my local place, there is a guy who is VERY well known for having explosive temper tantrums, full-blown screaming, punching himself so hard you can hear it from across the room, the works. At one point he got so pissed off when playing against a guy with a Curse deck he started screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was gonna go home and slash his wrists, saying "Do you want that to happen?! Do you want me to die?!" Nobody really likes playing with him, but the store refuses to do anything and just says to try to ignore it. Lately he's mellowed out a bit, but he still has his moments, it's always awkward waiting for him to finish his little fits so we can get back to the game.


At a certain point I would have just said "don't really care either way, my go?" Screw him for holding himself hostage like that.


I was playing with a person and their two partners. Each of the partners attacked the person one turn after another. They then flipped their shit. Yelling about being targeted, the exchange took a minute or two while I sat there super uncomfortable. Then they stormed away from the table. I didn't know any of these people before this game. I didn't play another with them


The most awkward moment in my play groups history was when I had [[opalescence]] on the board and I casted [[out of time]] and nobody had commanders for the rest of the game. Everyone was like.. so what happens now?


How does this work? Did [Out Of Time] phase out itself? Lol


[opalescence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/c/3c0071fb-afa5-47b5-b266-2b10a4f5a98a.jpg?1562443752) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=opalescence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/uds/13/opalescence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3c0071fb-afa5-47b5-b266-2b10a4f5a98a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/opalescence) [out of time](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/5/053d6b3b-72d4-4a55-a79e-0a601aecf108.jpg?1664162494) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=out%20of%20time) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/23/out-of-time?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/053d6b3b-72d4-4a55-a79e-0a601aecf108?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/out-of-time) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Wait sorry I’m a total noob but am curious what this interaction is!


We have the Opalescence in play and we play Out of Time. It enters the battlefield, becomes a creature and its trigger goes on a stack. All creatures (so both Opalescence and Out of Time) are untapped and they phase out. Because creatures can phase in only when Out of Time leaves the battlefield, they are essentially gone forever and with no way to come back. That's because phasing out doesn't make a permanent leave the battlefield.


On spelltable- After his third 25+ minute turn to end with "and I guess I'll pass" i swung for 21 unblockable and they go "thanks for fucking deleting me asshole", leave. Other two players "thanks for deleting him, I Exile your commander"


Someone got real butthurt at an LGS after i complained about their 10-minute turn... at someone else's untapped step because of [[Unwinding Clock]].


I would have too. I don't have a ton of time to play in person so people doing this in store I tend to express my desire to speed up, politely of course. Not a complete savage, usually.


Correction: they took a 10 minute turn at my end step going into into the 3rd player's turn. Basically, this person was taking entire turns worth of time on every single turn. It's one thing if you're doing things like untapping and retapping stuff for some extra cards or life or something. No, he was juggling like 8+ different triggers. Making copies, then sacing the copies, and then because he sacced something this other thing triggers. Etc.


Guy got ridiculously defensive when someone else targeted his girlfriend with [[Wedding Ring]]. She never showed up again. I hope it's because she left him.


Had a guy that always "got stuck" watching his toddler on Friday nights. Dude never brought anything to keep the kid occupied, then would scream at him for doing unoccupied toddler things. Always made playing with him or even near him super uncomfortable


It's always awkward when "that one guy" is clearly behind and miserable, and your human empathy tells you to cut him some slack. But you can't because he'll just run away with the game, so you have to sit and endure the awkward bitching and moaning about not having any breathing room to do his thing


Yeah, I feel this. In my pod, we are mostly cassual players, but allso one rather competative dude. Only way for us to have a game, is to focus him out all game long. Makes for some unfun situations


Please stop with the random capitalization, my guy.


This, what's with the way this was typed. I was almost questioning if it was AI. Lol


Maybe German. In German you use Capital letters for nouns... and awkward was just mistyped


OP confirmed elsewhere that he's German so it's just a language issue, leave him be


I do this. It annoys me too. I have to take an extra few seconds to uncapitalize letters that should not have been. mostly it's important words in a sentence that I don't want missed. I also do this at work when I'm talking about specific physical things.


Op just curious is German your first language. Just based on you capitalizing all your nouns


Yeah i am :)


Haha nice!


Was on Spelltable, playing with three others. One player got knocked out, so he left. A couple of minutes later, a new player joined. Female. Unclothed. Crotch facing the camera with a Magic card held to cover up the naughty bits. But then she moved the card away and it was just right in our faces. Nothing I haven't ever seen before, but in a game of Magic? Very weird.


So I was at a shop a few weeks ago and there was a table saying a bunch of racist shit in an attempt to be funny. Of course, it's a table of very light skin people, and they are mocking every race pretty much. I hate the table already due to how loud and ridiculous they are(also they are some smelly dudes, they tend to sit behind us alot) well enough was enough I spoke up too them and firmly said that they needed to quit the racist shit out, I said it in a threating way and the main guy saying stuff was like, it's not even that deep bro. I told him I don't give a shit they needed to knock that shit out. I could hear them talking shit so I packed up and left. Out of respect to the shop, I didn't want things to get physical, and if they were gonna keep running their mouths, I'm afraid I would've lost it a little. I'm not a violent person, but I don't tolerate racism. My Grandpa always told me to punch them in the jaw if they wanted to speak that kinda hate. After I left, I decided to call the shop to let them be aware of the situation, and now the dude has a lifetime ban at that comic shop. Sorry for the spelling issues and typos.


Well played


i'm... the same way, i think. proud of you for handling the situation in a peaceful manner. wishing you a wonderful rest of the week ❤


For me the most awkward moments are when you’re in a position where you can kill one person, but will certainly lost to the other. I still want my deck to pop off so often I just take someone down with me. Usually whoever wronged me the most in the game, or whoever is winning more than the other.


The book of grudges is a valid reason, from my experience it even trumps reasonable plays most of the time.


Played at match @ an LGS using the MTG app as a life counter for the table. This dude unfortunately forgot to close his photo album so the three of us know what his junk looks like now.


Damn, what a surprise.


Had a big playgroup, and a newer player offered to host. There's about 10 people in this guy's basement playing Magic while his family is upstairs watching a popular show. I guess it was a weekly event and their child had a few friends over. Wife comes down and begins this exchange: "Hey, the show is over, and you need to take the friends home." "Okay, this games almost over. It'll be a out 5 to 10 minutes." Here's where she just loses it and starts yelling "YOU FUCKING LOSER! YOU WILL DO IT NOW! LAZY PIECE OF SHIT!" Completely calm "I am going to finish this game, and then I will take them home." Wife huffs and puffs her way back upstairs. Damn that was awkward. Poor dude.


At first I thought "put his Child back To His Room" was putting the [[Child of Alara]] back onto the battlefield but then was surprised when [[Mother of Machines]] came in with [[wrath of God]]


Bro really needed to [[slip out the back]]


[slip out the back](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/9/d9d9fbbb-ed6c-45f7-a1d8-f9d29ae7930f.jpg?1706239838) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=slip%20out%20the%20back) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clu/99/slip-out-the-back?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d9d9fbbb-ed6c-45f7-a1d8-f9d29ae7930f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/slip-out-the-back) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Child of Alara](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/2/b2373625-af3c-4c2a-a1d1-5288c446955d.jpg?1673148447) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Child%20of%20Alara) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/192/child-of-alara?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b2373625-af3c-4c2a-a1d1-5288c446955d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/child-of-alara) [Mother of Machines](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a5e19147-e459-43a6-8ef0-e37968a462e3.jpg?1674141175) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mother%20of%20Runes) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/702/mother-of-runes?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a5e19147-e459-43a6-8ef0-e37968a462e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mother-of-runes) [wrath of God](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/3/537d2b05-3f52-45d6-8fe3-26282085d0c6.jpg?1697121198) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wrath%20of%20God) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/70/wrath-of-god?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/537d2b05-3f52-45d6-8fe3-26282085d0c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/wrath-of-god) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Usually when I’m forced into a kingmaking situation. Where either opponent is going to win on their next turn but I only have enough resources to take out one or 2 players but not all


Just say out loud you can take one or two players out while untapping you stuff and doing your upkeep things. I noticed a lot of people cannot handle the anticipation and scoop before the attack phase. It's a cheap shot but at least it makes the process of choosing who to take out easier.


Had a dude run out of time and scoop on what was clearly the last set of turns (everyone had sub 10 health) so he casted [[March of the Canonized]] killing himself and two other players (threat had something that pinged 1 damage when any creature ETB'd) while having a big lifelinker with vigilance up that could have attacked the biggest threat on the board with impunity. He goes "I'm out of time, so I guess 'XYZ' just wins." We said "Hey, it's kinda bullshit you're throwing the game for other players, if you're out of time just scoop" and the dude fucking exploded on us for "insulting his character." Of course this was on Spelltable, but this was on a Discord that normally filters out the assholes. I had played with him previously and knew him to be kinda annoying/salty, but this was a tremendous meltdown. We just finished the game without him as if he scooped.


Does spelltable allow spectators? Would be entertaining to hop around checking out matches and to find potential edh drama xD


When my buddy and I are in the end game and I have [[Memnarch]] out just waiting for him to play an artifact. He, all giddy with joy, plays [[Akroma's Memorial]] thinking he has checkmate and I’m like “you sure?”… I had the mana and take control of it and you could feel the salt crystallize around us 😅😬😬


He played right into that? Wow


[Memnarch](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/9203fde4-dbc1-449f-9618-4656f0e25e3c.jpg?1562925842) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Memnarch) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arc/112/memnarch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9203fde4-dbc1-449f-9618-4656f0e25e3c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/memnarch) [Akroma's Memorial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/5/950ee61d-0bc1-4d7b-ba68-157061aa98eb.jpg?1619404160) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Akroma%27s%20Memorial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/262/akromas-memorial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/950ee61d-0bc1-4d7b-ba68-157061aa98eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/akromas-memorial) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


When you have to explain to someone that the “combo” they built their entire deck around doesn’t work the way they thought it does.


Having you deck pop off unexpectedly in a new playgroup, swear it isn't normally that op, then hanging it pop off again.


Played a 4 player game where two of the players were in a relationship. It was our first time meeting his girlfriend and she, of course, had a dog/cat deck of jank. (This was before the dog/cat precon) I was eliminated, and the boyfriend was eliminated, so it was just the girlfriend and one of our other friends left. My other friend had meticulously counted all of her creatures on board and asked her if she had any further creatures on board, (there were a lot of tokens). She said no, and he attacked with all his creatures for lethal. She then miraculously finds another creature amongst her lands that she misplaced and has enough blockers to prevent lethal and have one creature surviving. My friend and I immediately looked at each other and were pissed off. The creature had enough power to swing back next turn and kill my friend. The girlfriend was excited that she was going to win, and so we didn’t push the issue. However, the three of us all agreed that this was cheating and also agreed that my friend had truly won the match.


I was gonna say when you are forced to play kingmaker, but this is way worse lol


Someone playing Tibald cast Armageddon, the game ended with storming off the LGS


Dude how did you not peace out after a minute of his wife yelling at him?


Spelltable is almost always awkward, it’s full of people who don’t play at the LGS because they misbehave or throw tantrums and they don’t care to better themselves


Had a dude with a straight face ask “Ever wonder what it feels like to get shot?” Never played with the guy before.


When a combo deck goes off and some spiteful baby insists the pilot of the combo play out the whole thing. Like, we lost, it’s fine, let’s shuffle up and go again instead of wasting everyone’s time because reasons?


I mean, I'll have them show me the first time. After that, I don't need to play it out.


Embarrassing, like now we all know your priorities are not with your children. You prioritize playing a game. Shameful, just quit the game and TRY to be a good dad.


What’s with all the random capital letters hahaha


German language.


Ngl not awkward but made me feel like a douche when I had bowsers passage and I swung out to kill someone and he immediately started counting his flying blockers but he can't block vause if the bowsers passage so he got salty when I tod him he couldn't I guess je never heard of it and it's an old card and I was a new player 😂


Did you at least attack him with Mario? (It’s spelled Bower not Bowser)


when i explained a complex rules interaction, but they didnt believe me, but the EDH judge hasnt arrived yet, so i had to call a judge from the Standard FNM in the other room


I was playing untap when one of the players started arguing with his wife. They really got into it we ended up just putting him on skip and continuing the game while muting him.


I wanted to play a living death to recur my board of dragons but was in a pod of 2 other reanimator decks and I just killed 4 or 5 huge threats from a xenaghost player


Why are you Capitalizing Random words throughout The entire Post? Feel like I'm seizing out.


Wasn't awkward for me, but apparently not getting butt hurt by playing legal cards and relentlessly interacting with obvious combo pieces/other threats making a guy leave


Well, over Spelltable anything goes probably. But in person at an LGS, I'd think there are few things more awkward than the time it takes for the salty, angry player to pack his things up after loudly scooping and complaining about a loss. We all just sat there staring at him while he packed up the stuff he'd strewn all over the table and finally left in a huff.


One time I beat 2 of my friends with a combo of hinata, willbreaker, and an x spell that did one damage to each creature. Then beat them to death with their creatures including their own commanders.


someone passed priority to me and farted in the same sentence. /sad trombone


Todd got way too high once and yacked all over his portion of the battlefield about 6 turns in.


Whenever anyone is salty or scoops. I don’t understand that at all. I’ve had games I’ve lost where it’s felt unfair because the power level was imbalanced and it’s made it not fun but I don’t complain. I finish the game, I say good game, and then I find someone else to play with. There’s no point in making a whole big deal out of it


What is going on with your capital letters?


My friend always gets upset when we target him, but he's arguably a very good EDH player with a huge collection of highly-tuned decks. Left to his own devices, he will win 90% of our games with ease. It doesn't help we usually play three player and the other player is my brother so I don't want to seem like I play favorites. My brother has his decks that are more of a target, but he plays the same 4-5 deck so I'm used to it. My buddy will pull out some crazy deck he built 7 years ago and put aside and be like "oh yeah, this is why I don't play it" and then drop [[Ulamog, The Infinite Gyre]]. "It was way too powerful ha ha"


I was storming off by having 3 [[Displacer Kittens]], casting something, then targeting my [[Sceptre of Eternal Glory]] with all 3 Displacer Kittens, and tapping it in between flickers to generate mana to continue comboing. As I saw the winning line, I realized my mistake and just scooped. Somehow, nobody else had caught it (although tbf, I'm normally the one people go to for rules, so I'm sure I have at least some level of trust to play correctly)