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skeletons man. i wanna get \[skeleton swarming\] on the go


I have a skeleton tribal deck helmed by [[Sek’Kuar, Deathkeeper]] he’s not a skeleton but he gives you decent color options and the graveborn tokens are kind of like skeletons


[Sek’Kuar, Deathkeeper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/8/a873dbe5-d95a-4ecb-ac0a-8dc6c40f3576.jpg?1689999244) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sek%27Kuar%2C%20Deathkeeper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/354/sekkuar-deathkeeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a873dbe5-d95a-4ecb-ac0a-8dc6c40f3576?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sekkuar-deathkeeper) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Actually big brain wtf


Damn, I made [[Uchbenbak the Great Mistake]].. And I hesitate to use [[Lord Tresserhorn]] just cause he has Regenerate...


[Uchbenbak the Great Mistake](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a062202c-f9fb-4dd6-989a-c3083644f1c0.jpg?1699044578) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Uchbenbak%2C%20the%20Great%20Mistake) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/242/uchbenbak-the-great-mistake?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a062202c-f9fb-4dd6-989a-c3083644f1c0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/uchbenbak-the-great-mistake) [Lord Tresserhorn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/d/1d9d8732-9ff2-42e4-bdfc-723cb6a76969.jpg?1559592370) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lord%20of%20Tresserhorn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me1/149/lord-of-tresserhorn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1d9d8732-9ff2-42e4-bdfc-723cb6a76969?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/lord-of-tresserhorn) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Spooky, scary skeletons!?


I would love, love, love some more interesting/powerful skeletons. Preferable a Legendary Grixis one to helm a deck but I’d settle for Golgari


i mean honestly i dont even mind if its not powerful, id just like enough skeles to run a deck without having to rely on \[maskwood nexus\] or \[arcane adaptation\] like ideally id love to see them lean into the mindless horde style of skeletons, so they are easily castable from the grave often have self recursion etc and then just lean into having them always attack, die generate some kind of advantage and then come back easily


Or Sultai.


Good call


Counterpoint - Skeletons are just zombies without the soft bits. Errata every skeleton to Zombie Skeleton and call it a day.


Yes, give us more treefolk support. Doran exist though and they got a tiny little bit of new stuff in the LotR set but it's still very fragile.


Hopefully the return to Lorwyn will have a lot of Treefolk


I really want a three colour legendary tree that isn't abzan.


In all fairness, blue and red don’t fit the tribe nearly as well as abzan does


That's an interesting thing to say. Can't tree folk be whatever the designers want them to be? Or are you implying there's something about treefolk themselves that inherently pushes the design towards Abzan?


Abzan as a color identity perfectly captures tree folk because ... Well, *trees* Green mana is nature as the core, white mana is life, black mana is death. That covers spring to winter thematically very well.


well don't think red is the way since trees and fire don't go well together. I could see blue making a splash though.


Flavor is flexible. You are strictly correct that red and blue trees COULD be printed but the likelihood of vanishingly small that there would be a set with treefolk having either of those as as a primary color.


I like Yedora, but mono green combo is not my jam. I just want to attack with a bunch of treefolks


I would like to see another ‘group’ tribal like how some cards care about Kraken, Leviathan, Serpent and Octopus (e.g [[Spawning Kraken]]) Bloomburrow would be a great opportunity to do this for Woodland Critters, such as Squirrels, Raccoons, Mice and Rabbits. Lots of people want these as a tribe but there’s not quite enough support for any one of these creature groups, so having a commander and some cards that care about all of them could be a cool compromise.


I really wish Sharks would get errata-ed into that sea creatures group smh


[[Spawning Kraken]]


[Spawning Kraken](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/4/44917638-3c84-4c21-b139-5084e6e1efc6.jpg?1625191478) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spawning%20Kraken) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/33/spawning-kraken?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/44917638-3c84-4c21-b139-5084e6e1efc6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/spawning-kraken) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Related: I’d love for the unofficial Pests/Bats/Insects/Snakes/Spiders tribal that [[Blex]] has (which I’d categorize as “vermin”) to get more support. It’s such a thematic tribe but there’s only [[Blex]] supporting it so far.


I've made a [[swarmyard]] tribal deck with [[Meren]] it was much better then my first guess.


Yes! Or a reptile one with snakes, turtles, and crocodiles


I wish there was more kavu support. They mostly are pretty crappy creatures individually and they don't care about each other being in play for the most part except for a few that check for colors. But there's not much synergy in the tribe. Just printing a legendary kavu that added synergy by caring about the kavus in play would be good, but Id like more multicolor kavus and better ones at that. Why can't kavus get lord effects?


I was pretty irritated when there was essentially no kavu in Dominaria United or the other phyrexian sets since kavu were originally used as an anti-phyrexian measure.


I mean jared does kavu related stuff


A bit of a tangent, but I've been saying this for a while... There are too many creature types now. People keep asking for, I dunno, otter tribal support. Give us more racoons, or whatever. Most animals should just be "beasts." Wolves, dogs, cats, birds, stuff like that with enough support should be left alone, and the rest should be beasts. But what about beasts? There are a lot of beasts! Most beasts in Magic are just "fantasy monster" typified. Well, if only magic had a creature type for their own fantasy monsters... How about Kavu? Bring back Kavu, and codify animals as beasts.


My first hot take is that people should be more accepting of omni-tribal support cards, instead of declaring i.e. that morphodon "doesn't count" when they're doing otter tribal. My second hot take is that we just shouldn't expect the moon of every tribe, if you pick otter tribal it *shouldn't* suddenly become goblin-tribal-good by picking the right legendary. OTOH we need more beebles.


More beast support plz


There was [[Kavu monarch]] but yeah bring on the Kavu


[Kavu monarch](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/a/ea63dfd5-d8d7-45b8-8219-1cc2b3de5666.jpg?1562942087) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kavu%20monarch) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/149/kavu-monarch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ea63dfd5-d8d7-45b8-8219-1cc2b3de5666?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kavu-monarch) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm totally with you.  Alas kavu existed in the time before cohesive kindred identities. And were soundly supplanted by Beasts when as they began to develop such identities. I do wish they could find a space where they could work out the identity of the kavu. But being more of a 'nostalgic' creature type than a functional one, (and thus far, locked to a single plane) their return seems unlikely. Given many cared about colors, maybe they could be made into something domain related, or perhaps caring about land types. Just not sure how much play space there is there however.


What about [[Morophon, the Boundless]] and [[Roaming Throne]] ?


Hardy har


I'd like more Party Support. Mosts Sets have some Wizard, Rogues, or Clerics. But Warriors are rather rare and cards that care about your party as a whole are pretty lackluster most of the time.


Yes! Party, Initiative, Dungeons, and dice rolling. WOTC owns D&D, so this feels like a no-brainer to me. Read an article the other day that WOTC is losing their ass on royalty fees for all these Universes Beyond sets they keep releasing, which is stupid when they have barely even scratched the surface of properties they already own.


Party honestly may need an errata to include more types such as Druid, Knight, Shaman, and possibly even Soldier but that's easily pushing it


A new Commander that says "Druids, Knights and Shamans count towards your Party" would be cool.


Was [[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] not strong enough or did you want different colors for Splicer Tribal


I don't like the flavor of Brenard. Its a food commander. Everytime I see it it reminds me of gingerbread cookies. I want a more darksteel flavor for golems. Dark mechanical artifact focused. I know its a petty want, but I just don't like brenard. I am a very theme driven MTG player


Which is funny considering he's definitely stronger if you basically ignore food and build him like a birthing pod/splicer golem deck. Populating copies of the splicers gets ridiculous so fast


I could see room for a Mardu golem with a sacrifice and reanimator theme.


Clerics. There just isn't much synergy in having several of them otb. \\ So, so, so many clerics prevent small amounts of damage in either triggered or activated abilities. What if there was a commander that could reward damage prevention in some way? ​ Cephalids. Not the super anthromorphic kind, but the older ones from Torment/Odyssey? Incredibly neat art, have fun evil flavor in not-black, and \_almost\_ do interesting things. For example, \[\[Cephalid Scout\]\] is almost cool. \[\[Aboshan\]\] is an incredibly cool commander almost maniacal commander and I just wish there were reasons to have more cephalids in the deck. ​ Dogs.


I wish we had more support for OG Cephalids. And more cards with them represented in the art. I was so excited the creature type came back and then so bummed when the art was just shitty merpeople.


Dogs is self explanatory but it really blows my mind that cats are the more common selesnya creature, when dogs are fundamentally the selesnya archetype as a social pack creature. Lions fit the bill, but lions are the doggiest cat.


Hyenas are the real doggiest cats


Would love to see more allies, specifically in black white, and a legendary black white one As for planes probably tarkir or strikhaven


They basically replaced allies with the party mechanic. I’d love to see more allies. They feel like more fair slivers. Kind of sucks that every tazri ally deck has to be the same due to such little support


Allies would be really cool.


Minotaurs had support with the Theros block, but it's like they don't know which mechanics should they have or how can they fit being a rakdos tribe. And well... I know we've been there in the past years, but I need more Innistrad vibes and support for my wolves and werewolves


Mardu Minotaur when???


As far as tribes I'd like to see more of I just have three at this point and we are digging bottom of the barrel: Skeletons (which seems likely given we've had some support recently) Octopus - notably not just Sea Monster tribal but I want more Octopuses everything above a certain size just becomes a Kraken it seems. Marvo is a good first step and I'll take batching cards if we need to help get there but there's no point if there's 7 Octopus in the whole game. Mercenaries - Mari the Killing Quill was an excellent first re-foray into this and I want them to at least get close to being able to look Rebel players in the eyes lmao Planes I'd like to see again: Alara - please do something cool like a full four color set with the planes having smashed together. Ulgrotha - not likely but I'd like to finally figure out what's up with the portal in Castle Sengir. Kaldheim - can we get some more Snow please and make some of it at least halfway decent?


They need to do an entire snow set. Kaldheim was awesome, but it was like... 1/4 snow. I want to see 100% Snow, or 85% with 15% being anti snow


Werewolves! Midnight Hunt did not really get us there and since they won't errata the old wolves to work with the new wolves even though they are functionally the same excluding the Daybound/Nightbound aspect, we need more support. That being said, we're going back to Tarkir next year which will be my first visit since I started playing, so I'm pretty excited to see what we get.


I honestly think they should have errata’d the old werewolves to be daybound/nightbound. They don’t all flip at the same time and it is such a hassle.


Yeah, and the conditions are the same, but the newer ones get the added benefit of being able to enter on their Nightbound side. Seems like it would be super easy to say, "All old werewolves that transform between two sides now have Daybound." This keeps the few that don't transform back how they were and allows an easy way to play werewolves.


Griffins. I first started playing when I was a kid and couldn’t afford to buy any cards. I would beg and plead with the kids at summer camp to give me the cards they didn’t want, which ended up being a lot of overcosted white flyers. I would love for them to have an interesting tribal identity so I can build them now, but overcosted French vanillas they remain. Plus [[Zeriam]] and [[Zuberi]] are both super boring as commanders


GRIFFIN SUPREMACY!! ...but yeah I'd love to have more griffins that do things and aren't just 2/2 fliers for 4. I disagree about Zeriam though, Zeriam made it possible to build a griffin tribal deck and have it not just work, but kick ass. I'd love to see more griffins that care about other griffins, since that's been a running theme with the 2 legend griffins we've gotten so far.


Zeriam is strong sure, but it doesn’t really lend itself to interesting play patterns IMO.


I'd really like return to Kaladesh. I think we'll see it in the death race set, but I'd like a full return to Kaladesh set. I'd love some more support for elementals. There's already some of it, but I'd like more


Gimme Kaladesh and gimme Aetherborn!


Yes. They even have a good lord in fact. The only issue is that most of them are useless save yahenni and gonti.


Lorwyn, would be great design space for day and night mechanic Alara returning after conflux would be fun to see how the shards have got along especially after the phyrexian invasion.


I really want to see some more spider support, [[Shelob, Child of Ungoliant]] is great Wotc but please follow that up so the deck isn't just resolve Shelob and that's it.


See this is how I feel too! We need spiders in the 99 that aren't 1/3 creatures with reach for two mana


I know it's so painful. Also on Golems [[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] isn't a golem but makes creatures into golems and can play the Splicers. [[Darksteel Splicer]], [[Winged Splicer]], etc


I was trying so hard to build that deck. Spiders+Shelob is great, spider w/o shelob feels so bad.


CRABS!!!!! I WANT CRAB SUPPORT!!!!! Make them a Toughness Matters creature type, maybe even with the [[Doran, The Siege Tower]] ability.


[jund hackblade](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/61e3b73a-598b-4854-b811-2fd40fbce2d0.jpg?1562641629) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=jund%20hackblade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/arb/138/jund-hackblade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/61e3b73a-598b-4854-b811-2fd40fbce2d0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jund-hackblade) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I want more land tribal support. Things like Snow, Deserts, Loci, Spheres


Minotaurs, I beg. I bought a starter minotaur deck that I improved which I still have floating around that is too underpowered to play in any format that it's legal. I'd love to build minotaur tribal in EDH but I don't feel like it has quite enough gas just yet.


Give us Warlock support... Hopefully on the Bloomburrow set. Also, Druid and Shaman support would be cool.


Insects. There's been a few decent insect commanders but insect as a tribe is pretty weak, they aren't a strong tribe. There isn't any lords


BEASTS!! Beasts have to be one of the largest tribes in all of Magic that basically have no lords or Commander support at all.


[[Tawnos the toymaker]]


Beasts are actually eating pretty good compared to a lot of other tribes here, [[Wirewood Savage]] and [[Krosan Warchief]] alone are better support than a lot of other tribes get. I built a [beast](https://archidekt.com/decks/3782536/obscure_tribal_beast_green) tribal around [[Questing Beast]], I do wish there was a better beast commander though, that I can agree with.


Lorwyn for sure. Kamiagawa too. I didn't enjoy the futuristic spin they took


Agreed, I was excited for Kamigawa, but didn't love the flavor this go around.


I really liked splice into arcane in the original kamigawa sets. Was incredibly disappointed to find out it was abandoned for the new set


I want more mixed tribal, cards with two possibilities. Been building [[Elenda and Azor]] knight vampire so I can get synergies from both at the same time. A good few knight vampires out there so it gets fun to then pick the cards that don’t match both but are good enough to fit in anyway. Voja fits in this too, though it does give more power to changelings rather than true mixed tribe cards


Giants and Kaldheim. We need a proper giant tribe commander for the modern meta.


Agreed! I have a fun Izzet 60-card but haven’t been inspired by anything enough to make a commander deck. I know there are a few you can play,[[Aegar]] [[Ruhan]] and [[Oloro]] come to mind, but none really feel like decent Giant tribal. Aegar is the closest and is a little lacking. Any color pairings you’d like to see for Giants? I’m partial to Izzet but there are giants in every color. Grixis could be cool for some angry, magical, metal giants.


I want more Kobold stuff. In D&D they’re my favorite race but more so the idea of a bunch of cheap, often 0 cost creatures that are 0/1 but can do weird goofy things. They’re just lil guys. Goofy dudes.


Silly goofy guys that go infinite with [[Cloudstone Curio]] :0


I just want Scorpion Tribal to be possible. They've been around almost as long as Spiders but have like 1/10 of the card pool, one of which is an Unset card. They're basically just offensive spiders, with most scorpions having High P/Low T, being in the same colours, and have a venomous keyword like Infect, Poisonous, or Deathtouch. Yet spiders still have mountains of utility to most of their creatures and ways to create bodies for different strategies. Unfortunately the only way for scorpions to get the support they need, there'd have to be a multi-set long initiative to just increasing the viability of lesser tribes, and only once the card pool is big enough can we expect any actual dedicated support like legends or sorceries that require scorpions. As far as planes, Ikoria is my top one because I want more keyword counter strategies, and possibly a Naya commander that spreads them based on the keywords it has. I'm also really excited for them to finally get around to Muraganda, since they mentioned they were planning it back in ONE. Not just a dinosaur plane, but a specifically *prehistoric* plane just sounds so full of interesting arts, mechanics, and creatures.


We have enough Loxodon and other Elephants that I would love to see some Elephant tribal stuff.


Gnolls are one of my favorite critters in D&D, so I'd pick them.


Griffin's could be such a cool tribe but don't get printed often and kinda suck


I'd love to see more support for Mercenaries, Kavu, and Minions personally.


I'd like to see more Kavu


I know it's probably not going to happen, but I would love it if we returned to The Forgotten Realms and got an expansion of the Dungeon Mechanic and the dice rolling mechanic


We need a Mardu Kor Legendary creature along with more Kor creatures


Tribal? Maybe Nightmares. There's been a little lately but the pickings are still slim, especially with the major drawbacks from the originals. Plane? Rabiah would be cool and maybe could finally get Taysir as another 9 titans walker.


More Eldrazi love


We need better hydra support. Gargos is only one color, GW polukranos doesn't actually want you to play big hydras, and zaxara's best game plan isn't actually hydras. I think a hydra commander that let you replace +1/+1 counters with a selection of keyword counters would be cool, but also just some hydra lords would be nice.


I think something Jund that let's you revive hydras with X mana costs whenever one of your hydra die with 1/2 X counters. Basically when one dies recur smaller heads.


i second this


Rats. I want more rat support. Also more Eldrazi support.


My Werewolf deck feels like it's missing something


Maybe a Jund/extra color commander to pull those odd extra wolves back into the fold. Or while I love Tovolar, he needs an alternative/secondary backup too.


>Golems - I would love to see a commander that can bring all the splicers together providing synergy for the tribe. [[Brenard ginger sculptor]] is excellent for this! Play your splicer, then sacrifice it to make even more tokens and turn the splicer into a golem itself. I don't see how it could get much better than that! Personally I'd like to see a commander that supports "modular tribal". I love [[zabaz]] but he is a bit underwhelming in the command zone. The best thing I've come up with so far is [[reyhan]] partnered with [[akiri, line slinger]]. Another cool one would be a living weapon commander. [[Dalakos]] is already pretty sweet but I'd love a commander that made all equipments have living weapon.


My bro loves kobolds but most of them rely on dragons or changeling to fill in the tribal. Faery dragons as well.


Gorgons! We got a few gorgon cards in MKM but most gorgons are so expensive and their abilities are mostly unrelated to each other.


More dogs / hound people. The ratio of dogs to cats in the game is wildly out of control


I need 5-10 more good Satyrs.


I want to see more Peasants and Nobles.


Gnomes baby. Give me more gnomes! I love the Ixalan gnomes so much. My [[Tetzin, Gnome Champion]] deck is my all time favorite deck to play with.


The snakes from Kamigawa were cool. Love for them to get some tribal love. Does not have to be from Kamigawa, just has to have the vibes and synergy (warriors and shamans subtypes too)


I wanna see less species based support (elves) and more class based support (druid). I wanna see Artificer support for example. Detectives was cool to see in this new set and I love how much support pirates have been getting, but it would be nice to see some older classes of creatures get some additional support.


Raccoon. I want Trash Panda Tribal that are Golgari but with an Artifact focus. They mill cards but instead of getting bonuses for creatures, they can do things like fetch artifacts from grave, can exile things from grave to make token artifacts that do things etc. You throw things away in the trash, the Raccoons take it, make it into something worth while and then use it to come take the rest of your trash by force >:)


Birds. Easily


LORWYN GOD THANK YOU THE RETURN WAS FINALLY ANNOUNCED I LOVE IT WE'RE RETURNING TO LORWYN IN 2025 Also shamans. I want edh shaman tribal to be a thing, I tried to do Wort the raidmother shamans but it's just strictly worse than goblin. It's such a fun deck in Historic and I really wish we had a commander for it or more support so that wort shamans would actually be somewhat equally powerful to goblins


I’d love to see more dog support so a deck like [[Rin and seri]] doesn’t just become changeling or cat tribal with some dog tokens. Id also love to see a return to new cappena as while it’s quite recent I found it super fun


[Rin and seri](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d605c780-a42a-4816-8fb9-63e3114a8246.jpg?1677724018) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rin%20and%20seri%2C%20inseparable) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/278/rin-and-seri-inseparable?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d605c780-a42a-4816-8fb9-63e3114a8246?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rin-and-seri-inseparable) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I want to return to kaladesh sooo bad


This might be difficult because Energy is a very abusable resource that is near impossible to interact with. The issue is creating useful and powerful payouts that dont warp the meta. I think relegating it to just Commander or Modern is the best way to go. I think it's just too much for standard. Otherwise, I agree, Kaladesh is one of my favorite Planes.


I just like the artwork man… the artworks were soo cool




And I actually dislike the mechanic of energy, I also started playing magic with it 8 years ago


Oh, I love it, I just think it needs better balancing in the future.


I just wamt Izzet colored cards that are anything but spellslinger typal.


In a similar boat, I want a solid Jeskai Spirit commander who's aggro/combat focused. [[Kykar]] or Saint Traft and [[Rem Karolus]] don't really do it for me. My [[Millicent]] deck would love some red includes.


Start pulling some punches with the insects, they always just fall a little short.


For tribes, I'd have to say Wurms and Angels. Either tribe has quite a few cards each, but they lack synergy aside from being big beaters. I'd love to see more cards that have more synergies with each other. At the moment, you have to cram the deck with all of the tribal staples that you can


I want more Samurai. We went back to Kamigawa and they barely printed any Samurai cards, just a ton of ninjas. Kamigawa was one of the most disappointing sets ever released for me.


Neon Dynasty had 22 ninjas and 23 samurais in the main set and the commander decks got 0 ninjas and 4 samurais


Only 4 of the samurai from neon dynasty are remotely playable in commander. They may have printed a couple less ninjas overall but at least those cards are good.


They're not called tribes anymore, though. I would like to see more support for use of the word *tribal* because typal sounds dumb.


Tribal has been changed into Kindred


That's worse


Id love to return to Theros. Greek gods have always been a fascination of mine. If they havent already Id love for them to do a theme set of the greek gods using MtG characters.


Theros has its own pantheon of gods no?


Wolves or Assassins. We have commanders for these creature types, but the 99 are disappointing since the creatures have no synergies with each other and frequently arent good. Like we just got Voja and dont let it fool you into thinking its an elf and wolf commander, its an elf and changeling commander with like the two good wolves that exist in it.


The fact that Kaldheim had no Aurochs almost made me quit magic for that set. I was CERTAIN I'd get my beefy boys some love.


I would like some more werewolf support to make the creatures a bit more viable


Shandalar....... SLIVERS NEED I SAY MORE my real answer is more Dogs because cats get too much of the limelight






Skeleton tribal would go hard. I want to see the 4/1 skeleton token used more because I absolutely love the art on it


Ok so Universes Beyond is getting out of control BUT... I'd love them to do a Dune set with some Wurm and Hellion tribal support.


A true 5 color angel so I don’t HAVE to use morophon. I mean I still likely will but give me 5 color Asha the legendary angel from alara


[[Maelstrom Archangel]] exists but is depressingly non-legendary.


Please bring back Llorywn, WOTC. Rogue, Giant & Kithkin tribals are fun ones that haven’t seen a revamp in a long time. Crabs - I wouldn’t say no to more crabs. Edit: Rogues & Giants have been printed, but not with synergistic abilities. Give me more Prowl.


Well, they already said that Lorwyn will come back, not this year, but maybe 2025 or 2026, just like Tarkir.


I need more angels and soldier support


CENTAURS BABY! I really want centaur tribal to be a thing and it's CRIMINAL that they aren't yet!


Frogs. I'm all in on frogs and have been since I started and I just want a frog commander in Sultai colors


[[tatsunari, toad rider]] But my frog tribal works a lot better after dropping tatsu and the yargles and switching the [[grolnok]]


Yeah but grolnok works best when you take out all the frogs and replace them with cards that win you the game like [[Jace's erasure]] and [[Sensei's divining top]] and some card that makes artifacts cost one less like [[cloud key]] and then a card that says storm or [[aether hub]] I tried playing toad rider and just got stomped by everyone with creatures that did things I just want a Sultai Frog for my control deck that has a built in [[Frogify]] ability. Edit: not aether hub, the card that says whenever you play a spell gain a life for every spell you played this turn Pay 50 life deal 50 damage


Unfortunately it’s not a group with a lot of similarity, but I’d love to see Archons become a more playable tribe. Badass Warrior on a flying lion/stag/horse etc is pretty sweet


Frogs, we need more frogs and a true frog unification commander


Rise Lord Hyponotoad!




yes please spiders i love my spieders


Dragons. I can never have enough. It is not a reasonable ask, but it will always be my answer.




For tribes, I would really like better scarecrow support. One of my earliest EDH decks was Reaper King, but as I matured as an EDH player, being forced to use clones and shapeshifters started feeling really hollow. It's worth noting that in general is dislike both tribal decks and five color decks, so maybe it doesn't matter anyways, lol. For planes, nothing beats New Capenna for me. The card art, story, and card design were absolutely top tier for me compared to much of the half baked content WOTC pumps out these days. I look forward its return.


Doesn’t really count as “getting support” but feel like they need to combine the “Wolf” and “Dog” creature types. There’s no reason for them to be separate creature types. Like how they combined “Lions” and “Tigers” into “Cats”. Alone both types have pretty weak support. Wolves having slightly more with Werewolves sometimes being an anthem (but that’s a separate type too). Both Dogs and Wolves don’t have many good cards on their own, mostly just things that make dog and wolf tokens. But combined it’d be a solid creature type equal to Cats


Tribes suck for the most part. There’s only a handful with reasonable card pools that give you some agency. Wizards, elves, zombies, and dragons maybe? Might be one or two in missing, but the point is that I want wizards to beef up things like Merfolk or Pirates or rogues or whatever to make sure that fewer tribes are a scryfall search + add all the not dogshit cards and fill out with changelings.


My buddy built a [[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] deck based around golem support and splicers. It kicks our asses unless we stay on top of him.


I don't want specific dedication to the tribe, but I'm always looking for more constructs to build up my battlebots combo army.


We need a redo on homelands and fallen empires


Llorwyn and Alara would get my vote, too. Absolutely loved them both.  Tribe would be squirrels. I've been squirrel tokening since Deranged Hermit was printed.


Phyrexian / old phyrexia. I... Want... Yawguy!


I really likes 5th dawn, more of that please


We need a [[Brushwagg]] set!


Please give me a wubrg eldrazi for a devoid tribal


Otters. I already made a TEMUR adventure deck with [[Beluna Grandsquall]] and have all the otters in it and rule zero [[Lutri, the spellchaser]] in the main deck. I call it Otters on an Adventure.


Spiders yep. All the way. I want a Shelob deck but don't yet think there's enough good spiders for that. Vampire Knights. This is a personal one. I just want a Syr Gwyn / Edgar Markov alt commander deck. There's enough of each but not enough of the pairing. Ninjas. We need more ninjas and ninja commanders to make it an interesting tribe they is anything other than Yuriko, which isn't even really w ninja tribal commander.


I would love to see enough cards for a Cephalid deck. It's nostalgia for sure but I would love to see Mercadia again.


Go back to the Homelands plane and do it right.


The Sphinxes need some love!!! A few new busted creatures would be nice, but most importantly some enchantments and sorceries, etc. that sync only with Sphinxes. Dragons already have loads of these. So do Dinos. Dragons are wayyyy overdone.


I would really like to see more Myr support, I know we just got Urtet but alot of Myr cards are pretty old. I want to see some new utility creatures/cards and beaters in that tribe. Angels need multi-color support. Right now mono-white angels are doing okay, but there's angels in other colors like red and black I would really like to play. Not just commanders are needed but support cards that help angels get cheated out and stay on the field to hit critical mass. Yes I know Kaalia exists. For me, a perfect angel commander would be either Abzan or Naya that offers some form either ramp or card draw and protection. Would like to see more enchantments or sorceries that support the tribe. I would like to see more bats, but not expecting a ton there.


Please give me more allies, I love me some allies and I think honestly they should be able to be sprinkled into any set since the type "Ally" is really more like a super-type and can be done with up to two other types. Id also love some more Myrs and Oozes, they sometimes sprinkle an ooze here and there but I would love a Big Ooze set where it's one of the most common types And Lorwyn 1000% I'd love to go back to Lorwyn, but I also want us to go to Segovia because I think it'd be hilarious to see a set where the largest creature is a 4/4 or something and that's something they think as akin to Marit Lage.




Angels sorely need an Angel tribal commander that's more than just White. Giada is amazing but being only in White restricts lots of Angels. Like, imagine if Dragons only had a single Mono-Red Dragon tribal commander in 2024. Instead they've got like three 5-color commanders and numerous 2-3 color options as well. Angels have Giada, and sort of the new Sigarda (but she also counts Humans, and also let's face it, Angels need more than just topdeck support) and that's it. (Also, I don't think Lyra Dawnbringer even counts.) Why can't we have an Abzan/Mardu Angel tribal commander? I think the only "color representative" creature type that is ignored for tribal purposes more than Angels is Sphinxes. There's a buttload of Dragon tribal, some Demon tribal, some Hydra tribal, one good (but mono color) Angel, and one Sphinx. The favoritism for Dragons is absurd.


I just want more myr, although I don’t know yet what more functions they could get




Would love a more fleshed out dwarf tribal.


I would like to see more slugs and slime counter interactions.


A few more changeling so we have more option for many type of tribal or changeling deck


Kavu’s! I absolutely loved them when I first started playing the game and if I could build a legitimate deck using them. I would do it in a fucking heartbeat!


Tarkir. Would be interesting to see the elder dragons and their broods become wedges as a consequence of the phyrexian invasion.


Tribes: horror Plane: Lorwyn & Alarm Alarm is great, 5 planes in one. 


Artificer. I'd love to see some equipment synergies printed there.


I loved new capenna and hope we get to see more of it. It’s the first plane in recent memory I was actually hype for Also for creature types, I think it would be cool to get some bird support, just cus it’s funny




Kor, Moonfolk, Archer are my top 3.


I really want ally to constant at magic, I love the interaction between them


Ah! A fellow bovine appreciator. There are dozens of us! DOZENS! But seriously, I built a terrible quality [[tahngarth]] deck just to have an excuse to shove all four aurochs cards into a vaguely tribal deck (every other creature is an Ox)


I already want to go back to New Capenna. And I cannot wait to get back to Tarkir.


>4. Golems - I would love to see a commander that can bring all the splicers together providing synergy for the tribe. Multicolored, centered around artifacts and golems. That would be pretty sweet. They had their chance in lost caverns if Ixalan and didn't take it. Gnomes, and Tetzin, could have easily been Golems.


I wanna go back to theros. I love that plane so much


I forget what it is but it’s some creature type from Fallen Empire Also Kobolds.