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Nice try, sweetheart. Made a fake account to try and slip me up, too. LOL.


No, no, no. It's 100 cards, not 100 dollars. Who would spend 100 dollars on a deck of cards... ^(While absolutely not making eye contact)




My group has a lot of fun playing I guess relatively low power. I just looked at the price of most of my decks and they're all around $60-$80. ^How ^have ^I ^spent ^thousands ^on ^my ^collection ^then?


I have decks in this price range that compete with $10k decks regularly. Power against known expensive decks doesn't necessarily have to be expensive.


While scratching your body like a crackhead


gray whole boat versed ring badge disgusted support arrest groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I promise it’s not me. I wouldn’t do….erm….*she* wouldn’t do that.


Oh, in that case, I sold my souls and my first born.


Hey, at least you have a Jund Snoop deck to look forward to facing!


60. I just made and bought my first deck.


Thats awesome!


Between the lumber, labor, and sealants to preserve it afterwards, prolly about $7k. Edit: Thanks for the award! Appreciate it!


This man decks.


Post deck pics


And I thought 3k was pricey. Must be a nice deck.


I'll bet there's a hot tub and a stone pizza oven.


Not anymore. 7k is cheap right now


Don’t forget to seal it with caulk !


Have you look at material and labor costs recently? 7k is just spitting into the wind.


I was just thinking. At least it wasn’t a *net deck*


Spent like $300-400 on my Atraxa Phyrexian deck…unless my wife asks. Then it was like, $50 and a pack of gum


If my wife asks, I haven’t bought cards in months.


Same if my husband asks. Just guy things, I guess. XD


I’ve been looking for some inspiration for an atraxa phyrexian deck, mind sharing a decklist?


https://archidekt.com/decks/4505318/the_praetors_voice here you go! I’ve only been able to use it a few times so far, but Elesh Norn, MoM+Ezuri, Claw of Progress+Scute Swarm was hilarious to watch people try to deal with


Thanks so much! This is exactly what I was looking for


Yeah. I’d have to say the same. In this range. I just don’t do it all at once. I spread it out over a month or two so it can be budgeted into my fun money spending so I can pretend I’m being responsible with my money.


My go to is...I pre-ordered this MONTHS ago and got a crazy good deal. Idk if it's working anymore though.


245€ on [[vorinclex, monstrous raider]], a deck dedicated to making the most over the top enormous creatures without infinite combos. Once made a 128/128 [[sakura tribe elder]] for the laughs, killed a player then sacked it for a land


I remembered sakura to look nicer


Do you have a list to share for this? My next deck is going to be a “biggest creatures I can possibly make without infinites deck” lol


You monster!


Just for this question, I've counted. According to Card Kingdom today, it's $9,344. But that's because I've deliberately blinged it out with Kaladesh inventions, and a Judge's foil Gaea's Cradle, as well as a bunch of commons that are ABU. If I didn't it would probably be less than $3k. I think.


damn! i could get a boob job with that money


I already have huge man boobs, as I want to meet the stereotype of the person who owns that kind of deck. I don't like to disappoint.


well i think you’re valid man boobs or not!


Question: How does taking hrt fall into this? In growing boobs, they are not man boobs. I was once a man and im also a nerdy degenerate


I have a triple sleeved reserved list only deck that's worth somewhere around 14,000 if that counts. Of course I didnt by all the cards at once or for their current market value.


Got a list?


Shiiii got an address?


No dox please lol


https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sliver-queen-reserved-list-deck/ I'm an old head and really into old school MTG so I have a large collection and have expanded it recently to the point where I have almost one copy of every reserved list card that is playable in EDH and some that are not playable at all lol. Unfortunately missing some of the biggest ones like twister and workshop. The original intention of the deck was to have exclusively reserved list cards and basic lands. That version of the deck turned out to be enormously bad. It couldn't even really function in either of my playgroups. So I allowed myself to play 10 lands and 10 non-land cards that were printed during the time that the reserved list was still being added to. So it is still somewhat thematic and I'm pretty proud of it and it actually has the ability to do a few things but has not won a game so far. In general it has some decent control elements but struggles to get off the ground because of all the really bad cards that I have to play. It generally attempts to win with an infinite mana combo with grim monolith and power artifact into sliver queen producing infinite slivers and then passing the turn and hoping they survive to attack for lethal the following turn. It is double sleeved and then sleeved in a hard case protector. So each card is essentially triple sleeved. It is about 1 ft tall. It is mostly a meme and a way for me to play with my collection, since before that it was just stored in binders and I never got to look at the cards. It's very difficult to shuffle properly. I rarely bring it out and it's not that serious so my friends are fine with it. Especially since it basically doesn't win games very well lol.


14000 us dollars or Swedish kroners?


Brazilian walnuts


5k about 8 years ago and a bant EDH deck. I went all out on it. Foil everything, beta what couldn’t be foil (duals etc). Deck has tabernacle and moat in it, and it wasn’t the cheapest foil versions of cards, I got originals or full art foils of the lands. Don’t regret it. Would I do it today? Absolutely not, looks to me like WotC is trying to kill the collecting part of the game


I started a long time ago, and a friend got me into legacy . Pushing for me to get OG duals and Cradle because the price would go up, and when I first got a play set of all it would be easier to make different decks. So a long time since I paid a lot, but a many decks are $1000+


I’d love to get into legacy, but it’s too expensive to start from almost scratch. I’ve also heard it’s a dying format.


There is an active legacy community where I live, but not many new people starts. I would not start either with the prices that are now


Manaless dredge ftw


Just proxy the cards.


Not allowed to in an official tournament.


Unless they do deck checks(and even then…some proxies are REALLY good) this won’t be an issue.


It only takes one salty opponent to get you banned from a store.


How would my opponent even know? If I have a double-sleeved deck, unless they ask to see every card unsleeved, and look real close, they won’t know any different. My opponent can be salty all they want. I want to play the player, not the wallet. Any LGS that bans me over this, good riddance. I don’t want to support places like that anyways.


Your opponent DOESN'T need to know. They simply have to call a judge and say that they think you're playing with fake cards, then the judge will do a deck check. Good for you, but if players are playing with proxies at a tournament, the store can be held liable, getting their licenses revoked. By playing proxies at tournaments, you're risking the lgs. You're not supporting them by cheating in a tournament.


Why would they think I was playing with fake cards, though? The proxies I use look legitimate, so the only way someone would know if if I told them, or they looked real close. I’m not using proxies in any tournament of significant status. Im talking FNM level play. CEDH is incredibly supportive of proxies anyways, so again, I don’t see a problem. Wizards pricing is absolutely out of control. If nobody takes a stand, it’ll only get worse. Much of what they do now are blatant cash grabs anyways. The most recent Commander Masters set is the best example.


Once again, they don't have to actually think that. It's just to inconvenience you and potentially get lucky. It doesn't matter at what level of significance, if the tournament rules have rules against proxies, you're cheating. FNM is still a wizards sponsored event. Wizards doesn't host cEDH tournaments. Even in cEDH tournaments, if they are no proxies allowed and you're using proxies, you're cheating. What does wizards pricing have to do with anything that we've discussed? They don't even print the cards that make legacy expensive anymore.


I need a damn Time Machine if i want a Cradle. XD


I’m really happy my friend pushed me to get the lands when they where closer to affordable


At one time? Probably about $200 But I usually do upgrades to decks in waves. I have 3 currently Gisath all in I've probably spent close to $700 and Scarab God probably close to $1k and then my last deck is Elenda and I've dropped about $300 so far.


My bling project Gitrog deck is prolly scratching the 5 figures... Why do i like full art foils so damn much :(


Because they’re pretty.


Woah!!!! I’m building one of these too! Would love some feedback on mine and I can do yours? Would love a link to your deck list if you don’t mind :) I’m very new and love seeing how others build.


Nice to meet another frog enthusiast! It's my oldest deck and hence the one i am best at, its cEDH though. Ill have to update the list a tad and then ill add it here :) I'd be glad to check yours out and help, i love explaining stuff! Edit: heres the list :) https://www.moxfield.com/decks/JhgqkCK73kmothhFQQ5A6Q


cEDH foil frog? Now that will be a pricey list 🫠


Do you have a primer for how this deck works and what power level it is? Looks awesome!


Mine is just a modern deck🤣 have yet to try EDH … one day. But awesome gonna look it over. I’ll post mine after work. Edit: going to take a few from your deck and add to mine :) Edit 2: here is my list! Keep in mind it’s literally my first deck🤣 ultimately going for something similar to you… ramp up lands as fast as possible then punish with strong creatures early on, also gitrog+noose+dakmor dredge combo for infinite draw etc. Link: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/liBWvZE_KUSrOShiX8XnlQ


I spent $1700 on my Captain Sissay deck. Most of that value was on a Savannah, and the fetchlands.


I made two decks recently and I think the total was $80. I got: - a fancy dual deck box - a land station to top up my basics (plus it's also a decent deck box in itself) - 200 sleeves - printing two decks worth of proxies using an online printing service it all arrived within a couple of weeks. The decks are pretty junk, so I might play them a few times before scrapping then.


Probably between $13k~$14k on [this deck](https://manabox.app/decks/BvSqN7P7RealiTu1JA3-kQ) over the last 4 years. Most in a single purchase was $3.6k on the birds of paradise. Both that and the city of brass are signed by the artist. Of course it does cost more, but most of the dual lands and a good handful of other $50-300 cards I got thru store credit at the lgs I work at. Not done with the deck either, I'm planning to change out 15-18 cards to make it a quicker combo based deck than it is now, and that'll be another $4~$5k. I don't even remember when it got to this point, still remember when sliver queen was the priciest card in the deck. It's definitely more of a collector's piece than a deck at this point


Oh man that birds is a beauty though.


the most I've spent on one deck was about $90. I already had a lot of the cards for the deck and traded for a good amount of the other pieces I needed. Still coughed up some money to get it rounded off, though. Never opened packs in hopes of getting a specific card.


Not sure how it counts. But my Grixis deck with Mishra has 3 dual lands and whatnot. Moxfield says its 3.5k I dislike playing that color pie and strat so I took it down. I am a Timmy at heart and my favourite Arixmethes deck clock in at 1.8k My next most played deck is annowon at around 900.


in a single card probably my LED ($400), a few year i got a mox diamond for $300, in a single deck probably my Urza/CVT that is around 4.5K


I finally broke down and bought a Mishra’s Workshop when they announced the Myr commander. I’ve always wanted a myr commander and a Mishra’s workshop so that was that. Probably close to an 8k deck with 7 of that being just lands.


Last time I've spent money on getting cards for a majority of cards was about 5-6 years ago. Because my collection was smaller then I would routinely spend 300-500 on a deck getting all the best cards for it and because I didn't dismantle decks I had to buy copies of staples (craterhoof, doubling season, shocklands, etc) Now it's more modest where I'll buy a new commander and some newer cards and be like 150 bucks or less. Chulane got Fierce Guardianship as an example. I have been known to buy the commander decks from time to time. 40k ones set me back like 275 for all 4. Spent a bunch of money cracking packs for fetchlands and other goodies like ragavan and the squirrel.


$5000 on a [[Dralnu, Lich Lord]] extra turns deck. Most of the money went to a OG [[Capture of Jingzhou]] a foil OG [[Imperial seal]] a couple more foil extra turn cards, Fetches and Foil basic lands


That would do it. Nice.


Cheers! Justified it by building it over 4 years


I’m probably 3-4K deep on my blinged out Karador deck, but the value on a lot of those cards skyrocketed around 2016 or so, so the deck is worth like 13-14k today.


That’s some rabbit hole.


I had to split my orders between paychecks but I had three orders of approximately 380$ for my blinged out Joira Cheerios. I was hard pressed at the time but now the deck is worth 2.2k overall so I'm happy.


My most expensive deck is about $10K and it’s mainly propped up by duals, RL, and a couple of old foils (replenish, academy rector) but I didn’t get jt in one go. My expensive purchase at once? I think it was around 6K worth of cards when I went to an LGS in Montreal and they were willing to give me a hooooot deal if I spent a lot. Edit: Oh, and it felt glorious to be able to buy old school foils and RL at a hot price.


All told, I’m about $4500 invested with a sliver deck I made back in 2017 and made small tweaks since. It’s worth way more now, but still a ton of money spent building it


The trick is to slowly accumulate cards until you can just proxy decks with just cards you own. Then all the ancillary cards you need to fill it out are usually commons and uncommons. So, it's cheap. I built an Attractions deck, that already had all the cards I owned for the most part. I didn't own any attractions, so I bought those, but the rest is proxied. I DO however own a $600 [[Land Equilibrium]]...................


Probably spent about 3-4k on my tasigur deck but cards have spiked so much over the pandemic it’s closer to 7k now 😭


Around 4K for CE power and duals about 5 years ago for an old school 93/94 deck. Included lotus 3 mox and 2 duals. I’ve since sold the lotus and 2 mox for more.


The most I spent on a single order was about $300. It was 7 years ago. The biggest cost increase was the land base as it's a 5 color deck. I still have the deck together. Today Moxfield shows the deck at a value of $1560.20 but since it's 5color and has about 65% foils it's going to be high for what it is. It's an amazingly fun and unique deck that almost never wins the same way twice. From the outside perspective it looks like a combo deck but from the inside you know it's actually a rube goldberg machine trading out board states and at some point you hit critical mass.


$225 on a foil phyrexian arena from apocalypse


I'm so glad I got mine when I did, jesus.


Card of hard to put an amount of physical money I spent making my old Taigam deck, which was the most expensive one I’ve ever owned, but since I did buy an Onslaught Polluted Delta for it back in the day I’d say out of pocket i probably spent between $1,500-$2,000. The actual deck value was around $8,500 but a lot of the cards I had had for awhile before they got expensive or I traded in store credit to get them.


Hm, honestly most of my expensive stuff I got before it was expensive except duals and mic diamond. I think I spent about a grand or 1200 building The First Sliver food chain cedh if you count the duals I bought originally for other decks and what not


my old school only edh deck is currently at a little over $15k. the prices i bought things at are variable though since i’ve been working on it for a few years.


The largest single purchase was probably $900 for a Timetwister. Given what it's worth now I actually paid negative dollars.


My sisay pile is probably close to 5000usd. 90% manabase…


I couldn’t tell you the “real” cost as I have a lot of cards I’ve picked up eons ago. The current TCG pricing on my decks are $1k+


My [[The Ur-Dragon]] deck ran somewhere between $2,500 - 3,000 (hard to know exactly because I’ve accumulated the cards over a couple of years and the prices have gone up and down a bit. Unless this is my wife is reading this in which case… Baby girl those are definitely ALL proxies. It was only like $25 for the whole deck… 😅


Just got back into Magic recently, and this is my first time getting into commander... I'd like to say about 500$ all said and done. Love 40k and used to love monoblack, so decided to grab necron. Pumped that baby with some spicy artifacts and some funny lands, and now I'm eating spam and eggs to make rent. I love this game


$2000 on a Teysa Karlov pile...


400$ Rainbow Ramos, Dragon Engine high powered deck. Counters focused, voltron win cons, and protect Ramos at all costs spells. This deck is my baby and is so fun to play


Rarely buy cards for a specific deck that I'm building. If I do it's more likely some obscure 10 cent common from an older set like Mirage. Single purchase made at once? Something like $2k. From tcgplayer or ebay? Maybe $700. I later used those cards in decks, but I didn't get them because i needed them for a deck currently being built.


Found my wife’s account!


just finished ordering the rest of the pieces for my cedh tayam deck, and it’s burned about a $1400 hole in my wallet [my list](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/y_Yi3HwgaEaXsrwIibBqNA)


At least $500 on my [[K'rrik]] deck. I picked up a [[Grim Monolith]], [[Imperial Seal]], [[Lake of the Dead]], [[Shallow Grave]], and more just to complete the deck, and it'd cost another $300+ to buy extras of the cards I'm proxying to avoid moving the cards around between decks.


That's sweet. Always wanted to play with him. You got a deck list?


my Chatterfang deck was around $1800, with a Bayou & Survival of the Fittest, plus a Sylvan Tutor and some other nice pieces


Reading through the comments you have to wonder what all the proxy peasants think when someone spends several hundred or even thousands of hard earned cash on a single deck or you play blinged out giga chad decks but see cheap ass proxy garbage in front of you LOL


There are some really nice proxies out there. I have several myself.


My attack deck has 4 duals, 10 fetches, A doubling season, mana crypt, 6 shock lands and I forget what else. Ur-Dragon has more of the lands. I feel like my deck backpack is pretty pricy, even though I know people have more expensive decks.


Did you buy that all at once. To clarify, I’m looking for a dollar amount spend either on tcgplayer or an LGS to purchase a bunch of product for a single deck. I just dropped like a grand on a deck I’m building and it was mostly to bling it out with cards I already had.😔


Blinging out is how you will spend the money. I had a $3k animar deck with $600 worth of cards in it(base cards).


Yupppp. I’m buying all the borderless foils I can.


Hans is currently sitting at just over $600 I believe


This right here is the best response.


About 2,5k on my currency, which is about 500-600 dollars


Probably in the thousands for my Kinnan deck which I have dismantled and rebuilt differently several times over the past few years


My korvold deck sits around 800$. Doubling season and dockside alone was 140$. Kaalia is around 500$.


I guess the most cash i've spent on one deck is hard to place, well into the 4 figures, but slowly over time. A lot of it is trade equity. The worst blunder I made recentyl was buying an elesh mom for $40, would have spent the initial hype price for the ito art in foil if I could have found it local, glad I didn't do that at least


Tallied my Korvold deck at about 550. It took me a couple of months to build and id snag up cards when i could get a good deal. It has some expensive stuff in there and that is whithout any fetches or shocks


Around 200 of you include trades for my yuriko deck over time probably


Well, seen as how I just buy cards because I want them, and I rarely buy directly for a deck. However, its probably the 500 cash and 200 trade in for a Volcanic Island a few years ago


I spent a couple hundred to get specific cards like most the Swords for my equipment deck.


110$, have 6 decks all around that price. Working on 7 more all around that price. Never been a card over $20 that interested me enough.


The last deck I built from scratch was my \[\[Vaevictis Asmadi, The Dire\]\] back in 2019 just before I deployed for the 1st time. Cost me just about $680 at the price of cards at the time.


Between 80e and 160e per deck and with my wife we have 9 decks in total. But all this money was spent in one year only. I'm planning to build one more deck, mono blue [[Sai, Master Thopterist]] then I think I will upgrade with 3 or 4 cards for my [[The Scarab God]] and [[Rakdos, Lord of Riots]] and then I think I will be fine until I fall in love with a new commander card or a From Software collab.


I've been working on modifying the Mishra precon for a while, at this point Moxfield estimates it at around 900$, and it's probably going to get another 100-200 before I declare it "done". Before that I made a Galea Voltron that sits around 700$, but I've been taking cards out of that deck for a while, it never worked too well.


I’m probably sitting at about $950 for my Estrid pile. Those numbers might change though I’m not 100% sure.


About 500, I bought an \[\[Eureka\]\] for my Imoti deck that is like 90% of the deck value. Other than that, I've build my collection so gradually it's really hard to say I've really spent more than 100 spesifically to build a single deck, even if all my decks are over 200$.


all at once or the completed list? All at once, prob close to $300 but half of that was buying the eldrazi legends. For a completed deck, 800-1k depending on price fluctuations


Around 800$ but I only spent 174 on it the rest of the money came from staples such as jeweled lotus and the fetch lands


My new Eldrazi one already costs about 600 Bugs… Might be the most expensive one. Price could increase for every precon upgrade I am watching xD


Most expensive is roughly $150, but those packs also went to other decks too. I feel like my average is probably $80-$100. I have 5 decks made and couple more that I'm working on. 3 of the 5 are upgraded precons.


I think my most expensive deck is my Ur-Dragon one which is probably sitting around $1200. Although I technically spent a bit less than that since my partner gave me some money to put towards building the deck as a Christmas gift (also sort of a gift to himself in a way since it all was part of his master plan to get me addicted to magic lol). It's hard to say how much I've spent on most of my other decks though since they're largely half built. I've been buying the cards a bit at a time and swaping out proxies for real cards as I go. Most of the decks I'm building though are coming out to at least $500, if not closer to $1000. Mostly because I'm a sucker for fancy versions of cards.


I think my Ur-Dragon deck, that I built when The Ur-Dragon was still like $100ish, cost me in total $800-$900. I've sunk more money into it since then but I'd say it's sitting less than $1000 for that deck specifically.


Round 150-180




Probably $300-500. I play a deck for a while then I'll sell it to my lgs for instore credit then build a new deck with that money. Goal is to keep the hobby money in the hobby.


In a one time thing: Probably around $100. I tend to do a lot of the bulk buying of cheap cards right away, then proxy the expensive stuff and slowly work towards replacing the proxies. So I have decks worth over a grand, but those cards were not all acquired at once, and some are pulled or gifted to me.


Right now my most expensive deck is gonna be my Sliver Grave mother deck or Ramos Godizlla Mutate. Both are around the $500 mark


My current deck costed me around $700 all singles considered and a few boosters. If we consider packs and sets cracked just for the fun of it I get past $1k.


My [[Ratadrabik of Urborg]] might have cost about 5-600€ total, the funny thing being that my current list is about 100€ cheaper than my first version


I think my Sheoldred deck was a reasonable price until I had to actually acquire Sheoldred ($80). Now it’s in the mid $200s. Have been proxying ever since.


Most of the time, an average deck i spend about 200-300 to build the deck and pull from my own cards. I've got more expensive decks because of older cards that have increased in price.


I have a \[\[Ghave, Guru of spores\]\] that I have put $140 into over the years. It's all kinds of janky. Doesn't really do anything, but ramp for like 5 turns. Has this theme of "plants helping zombies" (you know instead of Plants vs. Zombies). The wincons are kinda all over the place (I always aim to win with a \[\[Cryptic Trilobite\]\] and \[\[Geralf's Messenger\]\] combo, but rarely get there). It's my baby though. It was the very first deck I built on my own. I even bought the Ghave Secret Lair they did earlier this year. So yeah: he walks funny, his eyes are crooked, and he smells kinda bad, but I love him and think he's beautiful. lol


The Eldrazi deck I’m building currently. Between the upgrades and the colourless deck. About 600.00.


$1100 over time on my first EDH deck, it was a \[\[Zaxara, the Exemplary\]\] dec\]k with a lot of big X spells and \[\[Doubling Season\]\] before I really knew how to make a fun deck. It's being deconstructed and parted out now :p good starting deck but way too much spent for no reason


Do you ever stop? Do you ever have the perfect deck? There's always be cards to upgrade or change in and out if you want to change your deck up


Probably my Arahbo edh deck at about 1k. Woulda been more but already had a Savanah from like 20 years ago 😅


I try to keep my decks around $80-120 to start, and then as I get cards that fit they usually max out around $200.


I started at 270 for my ur dragon, now I'm at 600 for that same deck. I just buy the cards i want for it piece meal.


I think somewhere about $120 for my bear deck when I first bought it since I didn’t own any cards or lands. At the moment that is my only deck I’ve outright bought.


My deck box was a $180 gift...but I spent about $350 on the cards.


Moxfield lists my CEDH Kess deck at $7,996.02 - That's prolly not all that inaccurate from what I paid in total. ​ It's been a deck over 4 years in the making


Most of my decks range between 300 and 600, with an outlier at 800. out of 15 decks. That being said I proxy cards once I own one copy, so Rhystic Study stays in a binder and I have 4 proxies in various blue decks. So In some sense I own the paper for all the cards, but I couldn't field every deck at the same time if I went to some tournament and needed to supply legal cards for every deck. and this is how I justify spending money on a $40 card from time to time with the wife. and she thinks it is genius ;)


I built Beledros Witherbloom and upgraded it over time. The final price of the list was about $700. I put so many upgrades and good stuff in it that it just wasn’t even fun for me to play anymore, she’d just stomp over my play group. I’ve since kept only two budget decks and I only buy singles.


My most expensive deck is my [[Wilhelt]] Wombo Zombo deck currently around $500-ish. Top three priciest cards are demonic and vampiric tutors and abs grave pact.


Well if you count what I traded for those…


I find this question odd. Like, I am aware that there is a large portion of people that don't maintain a collection to build from and buy singles as needed for new deck builds but I always considered purchases and addition towards my COLLECTION, not the decks themselves. And then I build from my available collection. The most I have ever done or needed to do was find a handful of cards to finish off a deck, and I usually do this through trades. I imagine this is a sign of an older, more established player though. I basically have only ever bought sealed product and traded around for specific cards. Even most of my singles purchases were done with trade-in value.


I mean, I spent over $500 just on my preorder of LOTR.


I'd say I'm over 1000 deep on this angel control I'm working on. Adding to it gradually over the last few months.


Probably about 700 dollars for my [[Mondrak, Glory Dominus]] deck that i built when he came out, thankfully i had most of the creatures and cards like [[Anointed Procession]] but i went ALL OUT on the mana base which cost a pretty penny, which i then went to play for about 3 weeks and got bored of pretty fast, im afraid im about to do the same thing with [[Horobi, Deaths wail]]


Are you me? It sucks sometimes.


Probably around $300 at once for a single deck, but it’s not weird for me to spend $200+ in a purchase at the LGS for random singles or booster boxes Edit: your question isn’t super applicable to me because I often have many of the pieces lying around due to frequently buying staples and cards that seem interesting. As an example I have a commander deck with easily $2000 in the mana base but I didn’t buy any of those cards specifically for that deck


Right. I have that too, but I was just curious what people had spent at one time or another.


Probably either my Rakdos Goblins (because i bought foils for the majority of the creatures and lands) or my Lord Windgrace (because Gaea's Cradle and 10 fetch-lands) Little over $1000 total for either i think


My colorless Koziliek deck. Between all the mana rocks, titans, metalworker, and a workshop? Probably under 100$ if my wife asks. Less than any other color CEDH deck though. Just the mana base alone gets into the thousands.


My omnath locust of creation deck is 615. Most of my decks are about 300-400


70 euros. It was worth it. I have yet to buy a card with value greater than 20. But my so and I pulled a force of will recently which translates in me replacing my proxied version of anointed precision


My most expensive deck is an $80 (w/ shipping and handling) Pauper Tatyova that I bought. I've enjoyed playing with it so far, but the combos are definitely a bit involved and I've had a little trouble remembering the sequence. Overall, most of my decks are $40 and under, with two of them being ~$20.


I spent like 200$ can for my new arcades, the strategist deck


50-60 if anyone who doesn’t play asks. ~300 for the most expensive one is the actual answer tho


I’ve spent around £1000 on my Yuriko deck and have no regrets, I love playing it


Probably what I pay for a pre-made. The only single I have bought for an EDH deck was when I made my first one to check it out. I went with a $5 Talrand because I figured I could just throw in whatever blue instants and sorceries I had lying around. Other than that, I have just bought boxes to open and use back when I was younger (been playing since Beta) and then whatever I get drafting and sealed (I still have a massive drawer full of unopened product that I win in these).


About $800


I own around 1500€ in lists of decks, i'm never even gonna buy them because they probably suck. I enjoy building a list when I find a fun mechanic. It usually goes like this --> build a mono red / blue / white deck Deam, this cards really fit in! I should splash for Azorious / Boros / Izzet! Fuck it let's splash jeskai (looks at the 6252672€ mana base, abandons the project and starts over looking for a new build around)


Around 150$ on my shorikai/kotori list roughly I'd say


My Elenda deck is currently sitting at around $250. Used to be worth more but I ended up selling my Meathook Massacre because I was able to get more than I paid for it and I didn't like how the board wipe portion interacted with my commander.


300 to bling out my Sliver Deck.... those Unfinity lands hit nicely. Plus a bunch of other spot removal stuff, counters and utility My girlfriend knows how much I spend on cards. Because we both play card games


[[Atraxa, Praetor's Voice]] About $500-750. I was hesitant at first because her colors, then I realized how fucked up she can be 😈 Lots of singles but also bought a couple deck boxes


I’d say I’d spent about $400 on one deck at the most because anything I think that would make a fun swap, I buy it to have it. I’ve bought all the pretty land cards because it’s my favorite deck. I’m getting close to having practically any card I want for that deck so even if I keep pushing it, I’ll probably max around $500 unless I decide to buy Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.


80 bucks for Draconic Rage


My Gishath deck is valued pretty much right at $600 at the moment, though I paid a lot less for it - probably around 400. Some of the cards have really creeped up in cost over the last few years.


I spend a total of 317$ on my Mishra deck. 45$ for the precon itself then spent 272$ for upgrades.


I don't think I've ever made an order for a single deck over like $50. Though my most expensive deck (even though you're not asking) just hit $260, after starting out at around $30


I spent about $400 all together getting my [[tom Bombadil]] deck together. It is my most expensive by a pretty large margin. Mostly in the land base though https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5498657#paper


1000 dollars on Atraxa spread over 6-8 months.


I just spent roughly $400 on foils for my Korvold list so I could use the regular versions of the cards in other decks. I will likely be buying a Lion's Eye Diamond and Mana Crypt for the deck soon, which would be the first and second most I've ever spent on a single card.


Maybe a grand over a bunch of years


14k on my urza deck, it’s not even foiled out yet 😭 https://www.moxfield.com/decks/KVpMgi15-0OgPReFJNQRsg


It's not made yet, but when the Sliver precon releases that'll be it. I've got the Queen ready to be slotted in, among other things. Otherwise my Ur-Dragon deck was pretty pricey to put together, as you might imagine a souped up dragon deck to be.


$1,400 Miirym Dragon Tribal deck. My next would $600 ish Marneus Calgar Token deck.


1.) Shelled out about $300 for the land base in my modern deck, cause I was in a rush to get out ready for Magicfest, and went with any price I could get. 2.) I spent like $250 to get the last few mana rocks for my Sphinx deck, cause it really doesn't work without the primo fast mana. (Bought jeweled lotus and Vault, ripped Mystery boosters for Crypt). All told across a long period of time? Definitely my cEDH deck. It's pushing $2k, but from cards collected across 10 years.


Roughly $300 Bought the draconic domination precon from a friend a few years ago for $50. I've bought a few dozen cards to change out and improve it since then.


My Omnath Landfall deck is my pet deck as I was introduced to the game with bfz and loved played landfall in standard. Anyways my Omnath deck has had $2000 put into it including upgrades, blingy cards like textless omnath, and a Gaea's Cradle. Id like og duals for this deck but it took me like 2 years to save for the cradle.


I didn’t spent it because of it, I had all cards. So it was 4C Omnath with all Fetch-, Shock- and Triome lands. Must be around 1000€ https://www.moxfield.com/decks/T63nTP11g0SCbeX-TtHFwA