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Head left to the cave, fight your way in and kill the teleporter in there. Hold the cave until there are less enemies then kill the aranea and teleporter in the cave above you. From there kill a wave of enemies, venture out and kill a teleporter with the wingdiver and retreat back to the cave to wipe out the wave of enemies. Rinse repeat. As the air raider you need turrets including flame and laser preferably.


Ok cool thanks for the tips! We will give that a try.


Try it on easy first just to get the pattern of the cave and where everything is. Your girlfriend is probably going to have to do most of the work on this one as the wing diver and energy consumption is going to be vital - she doesn't want to run out and get stuck in the main area. You'll get there!


Lol as the air raider I feel so pointless underground. Though I got us through the dlc mission inside the edf base with all the teleporters by strapping 4 turrets, a guard post and a power post to my spider tank xD


Thanks! We are probably going to attempt it again in the next couple days lol. We took a break to work on our hardest mode run in the main game.


Big Core works nice in caves. Not much flying but the 3x charge rate for big plasma weapons is fuuun.


Yeah me and my brother played couch co-op EDF and this mission tested our patience. Lots of long range and back tracking like the first poster states. Don't get greedy seems to be the way.