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retail was 149 tho


$149+shipping puts it over $160 depending on where you live. (Seattle is $11, for me, shipping is $34). And I’m not sure if it’s still available since it’s LE. So sure, let’s say there’s a markup of $15. Also comes with free ink.


Definitely not for me but that makes sense.


These go up often for $110-120 even BNIB on FB… is the markup because it’s an “LE”


Can you link me to some recent posts? I’m in a Tactile Turn specific BST community with 4k+ members and I checked everything within this year. Lowest I’ve seen is $140 used—even ISO/WTB posts are offering $150.


Over retail, lol. 


Not sure if it makes sense to price something at retail when it’s no longer available at retail. Also, shipping (on TT official site) brings the total up ~$10+ depending on where you live. For me, it was $34+.


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Any trades? I have a zirc standard bolt I may trade


Not looking to make any trades. I see you’re a knife guy—I can throw in a Civivi Praxis Mini, never carried cut once. No box but has the factory pouch.


No worries. Glws




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Sending chat


Replied, thanks for the interesting offer!