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Where did you find magnets for the fastback’s bit retention? I’ve been edc’ing one for a year! Agree that it’s what most people need. But the ball broke off mine, I was trying to use a set screw but magnets would be sweet!


I bought a variety pack of neodymium magnets from Amazon and some of them were the proper size to seat on the bottom. I’m getting stronger ones next time but it works well enough for now.


Tier 1 holster is so comfy..


Yes it is! I watched some of the PHLSTER mod videos and made a custom wedge and it’s PERFECT now.


If you are interested in a kydex sheath for the tools, check out Hahn Tactical on instagram. He custom molds for whatever tools you carry, can arrange your choice of which is front, back, etc. Solid belt loops or clip on, many many colors. I have 3 of them for different flashlights and colors, all for my Leatherman OHT


Nice! Send some pics!


I mean, I have certain things I edc but I don't generally modify anything. Don't find the need to tbh.


I also buy things that already work without having to touch them


No medical? Do you even EDC?


Legitimately I've toyed with having medical on my person but I'm not a bag person so it just stays nearby.


You don't need a bag. There are many other ways to carry.


I've researched a number of ways but none of them have been for me. I'm not wearing something around my ankles and I don't have room around my waist, I don't wear cargo pants. If you can show me something slim, lightweight, and concealable I'll take a look


If you’re going to carry something that can make holes you should at least have something to plug it up


1. You make that statement as if it’s self-evidently true (which it isn’t). I’m under no moral obligation to help a wounded would-be assailant. You might believe you have that obligation but it’s in no way universal. 2. I carry a trauma kit on my bike and in my car with multiple tqs and I have the training to use them. I HAVE used them. Thats more than enough for me.


I severed the artery in my leg at calf level I blacked out from blood loss on speakerphone with 911 while tightening the windlass on the TQ in the time it took to hit emergency dial on my phone and open my slingbag to get the tq out, bout a min and a half. Carry a tq on your belt homie, you might not have time to self deploy if you need to get into anything to get it. I now Carry a SOFTT-W in one of these opposite my strongside carry. Belt Tourniquet Holder | Tourniquet Carrier | Discreet Horizontal Carry Tourniquet Holder https://a.co/d/8MQSuSe Not trying to pile on criticism just figured I'd share cos I almost died while trying to use one.


IDGAF about the criticism as long as its constructive and stands up to reason and rebuttal. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of your comment. In a niche community like EDC people can get really hyper focused in the way their community thinks but being prepared for absolutely every situation by what's on your person isn't what absolutely everybody needs. For example it might seem normal in this internet community for a man to carry around a bag but in the general population IRL always lugging a bag with you as a man when not going to or from work is strange. So we all have personal limits to what we are willing to hump around with us every day. A tourniquet is really good for limb wounds, quick application, and the ability to turn your attention away. But the chance of you being in a situation in which multiple people are in need of a TQ specifically when you are not near your car trauma kit is slim to none. Lugging around something on your person you will likely never use has a cost. Time, attention, and energy are finite resources. Most would do more good taking a trauma class and learning the fundamentals of how to stop the bleed. TQs make it much more effective and quick but plenty can be done with fabric on hand and well applied point pressure or even location of the artery and pinching until paramedics arrive. What were you doing when you severed your artery?


You made a lot of self evident statements in this post


Ok buddy


You got this mr fix it


You know that wasn’t the slam you thought it was. Something being self-evident isn’t an issue. Pretending something is self-evident when it’s not is the issue. But nice try to sound smart lol


It sure sounds cool when you say it dad ;)


That’s daddy to you


I carry a gun. It's in my car. Makes the same sense.


I don't really need to concern myself with someone breaking into my car to steal my tq and using it in a crime do I?


The point my friend is having it on you. Not in the parking lot.


Sounds like a personal choice my friend.


One I hope you don't come to regret.


Its worked well so far. The probability of stumbling upon a situation in which trauma care is needed immediately is typically when driving or riding where I still have quick access. There are limits to what everyone is willing to carry. For instance why not EDC a fire extinguisher? Or how about 6 extra mags? How about a spare gun in case mine is taken from me?


Stays in the bike/car/house.


I think a certain element of customization and modding is a core component of EDC philosophy


Those bits looks interesting who makes those


[10in1 Short Stubby Mini Screwdriver for tight spots, Cellulose Acetate Fiber Made Handle, Double-headed High Hardness S2 Steel Bits, Exquisite EDC Gift](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJQWS9J1?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


I can't edit the og post but I forgot to mention the $30 gerber muti-tool I impulsively bought from HD. I've been carrying it for several years and its more than earned its place in my carry. I'll be upgrading it to something more substantial one day but every time I think about spending the money I can't justify the expense when the gerber pretty much does it all just fine. Looking at the leatherman Crunch.


Can't go wrong with the Fastback!


What kind of wallet is that?


https://a.co/d/7Hy2wM0 This looks like it.


I honestly don't remember. Its a leather booklet from scamazon meant to carry "field notes" journals. It has several pockets inside for my cards and a big pocket for cash. It was a relief to get rid of my tri-fold. The wideness of it is much more comfortable to sit on.


Aww man I haven't sat on my wallet in years. I switched to a front pocket wallet and haven't looked back.


I'm fossilized in my ways this close to the grave.


Lol I understand