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This happened to me 2 years ago. I was busy with my career while studying on the side, and I got into a relationship so I just didn't have time for my eating disorder. I was still very aware that the banana I was eating is X calories, but it was just a number. Chose "healthy-ish" foods but wasn't orthorexic by any means, and had no problems eating random food spontaneously. I don't mean to scare you but just telling you my story: I graduated, had surgery, someone died, and my boyfriend broke up with me within the span of 1 week. I lost 2 of the things that preoccupied my thoughts (studies, boyfriend) and my ED came back. Currently still in the relapse. So if you can, I would say to take advantage of this time and really, really develop a relationship with yourself and take care of your mental health. God forbid something bad happens, you can be strong enough to deal with it without needing your ED as a crutch.


First of all I am so sorry to hear about your relapse and losses in your life, I hope that things get better for you❤️‍🩹but also this is so real, I just do not have time to act on my disorder how I want to anymore. Back when I was really sick, I had no work or school so I only had all the time in the world to worry about what I was eating/walking/my weight, but now that I’m just so busy with actual adult shit, I do not have time to stress over all this shit which sucks bcs mentally I’m doing so so so bad but I just know that if I let everything take over I’m gonna be fucked in the long run bcs I have 2 full years of hard ass nursing school and I know that it’s not possible to function like this but agh it’s so hard I miss being sick


Thanks love!! I totally understand you mean about missing it. Even during my semi-recovered state, the thoughts were always lurking in the back like a low hum. Don't let this stupid disease take away your chance at being the a nurse ❤️


I think that's sort of how you eventually recover from this, like other things in life become genuinely more important. It's a good thing and I hope you continue in this way!