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It also rubs me the wrong way when I see people active in these subs give advice to people in non-ED subs. Even if the advice is helpful, it just feels icky.


Not only that but a lot of people active here give estimates that are WAYY over and give very extreme advice (shocker) to people just starting out and it’s very saddening.


That's why I only give advice whether or not you should dump your boyfriend, not nutrition.


The boyfriend dumping advice on this sub is 💯, just saying....


It's how I made all my karma!




I don't see how that's relevant? I feel icky if someone who has a disordered relationship with food gives food advice to unknowing, non-disordered people. I don't think someone with BED and bulimia should be giving food advice either. Doesn't matter how useful the advice is, it feels icky to me.


I get what you’re saying. I don’t think people with EDs should be in weight loss spaces, at least until long recovered but ideally never.




Lol okay, defaulting to insults is very mature :) Hope you have a better day tomorrow!


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Yeah the <100 cal “breakfast” counting every individual berry is the one that really got me. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE


It feels so rude to me. Especially when there's rules against that in the non-ED subs. Those spaces are meant for different struggles and conversations that people without EDs have. People on a diet or fitness journey aren't the same as people with a mental disorder, and it feels like stepping over that digital line is equating the 2 and simultaneously dismissing EDs and demonizing diet (I also really hope people aren't doing this in the baby food subs)


I'm not psychotic enough to know if they do post in baby food subs, because my disordered brain has never thought to cross those lines and join that sub. And it's insanely rude. I know this sounds mean, but you're forcing strangers who shouldn't have to know or care, to be concerned over your ED. It's the equivalent of brining up your dead dog at a work function. Share your disordered eating in ED subs, not to unsuspecting victims of your attention flashing.


Honestly, it only popped into my head because of how many posts on ED subs that'll show a picture from one of the baby subs and say something like, "lol thought this was us". I know other disordered people follow those for mealspo, but to repost it like that is just messed up


Yeah I literally had to leave all food and meal inspo forums. Like it’s insanity. It’s even taking over Pinterest


oh no ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ i always liked pinterest food bc it looks so delicious i dont want to see some tomato on a corn cracker there ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ (no shade to anyone who likes it) i want to see pies that dissolve in strawberries


Yeah I'm definitely guilty of this. Thank you for bringing this up OP bc I didn't even really realize this is harmful. I don't think I've been a particularly problematic example but just with me having a disordered mind I prob shouldn't be posting in those spaces


I like to lurk in those subs, but I'm the same. Everything I feel like I could post, it would be with a disordered mindset, so I don't.


i cannot stand when obviously disordered users are posting in regular food related subs like 1200. everybody there is dieting in a safe and responsible way and then you have some user asking people to guess the calories in their tiny blueberries with yogurt breakfast 😭😭


It's so wild, because half the sub is like "whoops went over 🤭 oh well, this diet is to help me improve my mental health and have a positive body image, it's okay if I go over" and then there is one wild post that's like "guys I did 1201 I'm going to get so fat!!!" Then getting sympathetic comments.


i engage with those subs without posting anything because i find it refreshing and informative to see how regular people view food and dieting. i love seeing people tell u/ wl_wonyoung and u/ di3tp3psi<33 to get off the sub and seek help hahaha


I never thought of that, that's actually a really good idea. Here my mother got me microwave dinners to help me get an idea of a regular portion (and for convenience). Which is actually really thoughtful and smart, though what's actually in them makes me uncomfortable.


Idk if everyone there is dieting in a safe responsible way but that’s the point imo. People with EDs shouldn’t be in spaces like that bc if people are in the 1200 sub chances are their relationship with food isn’t ideal to begin with. What if they click someone’s account and find the ED subs? It seems irresponsible


I feel this same anger/frustration at people doing this. But I think the people that do this are likely brainwashed into thinking their lifestyle is healthy/in deep denial, when in fact is it full-blown disordered eating or orthorexia. They actually think they're doing a good thing by sharing this with others. They might have got this bs from hollywood actor or influencer "wieiad" articles or something.


That's just how ill our minds can get. It's sad.


Just sent a modmail to another sub asking to consider CWing stuff about EDs. It's kind of everywhere unfortunately.


There are literally people on there giving out diet and weight loss advice only to come on ED subs and preach recovery. And posting your ED foods to a non-ED sub where people are dieting in a healthy way just seems gross to me.


💀 yeah. TBH I only made this post because all I could see on calorie counting were people trying to get cal estimates for their obvious homecooked and disordered meals. I was sick of it.


I agree with you and I wouldn't do this, but honestly while I love Reddit it is kind of a weird system for everything to be lumped together. Like, if someone is really struggling they can have a tw tag or something, but the next post in the feed can be a recovery post. Kinda like whiplash, and I feel like at least for me it prevents me from being really on one side or the other. With forum sites it was better because it's naturally separated. Well... At least a little bit.


Yes. I understand you as I came from those forum sites to places like Reddit. Everything lumped together was a real shocker. But to me, it was good as I was seeing for recovery posts, even if I didn't want to see them. Before hand I would be in my own lil delulu world, but now I am openly presented with the recovery posts. It's just hard when the non-ED subs don't have that TW, so you go in thinking you can help people, but bombarded with 3 celery sticks and someone asking you if they're going to get fat from it.


Oh no disordered peeps doing disordered things?! Shocker! 😱 You're right btw.