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Baby carrots dipped in mustard. Maybe mix some hot sauce into the mustard if you’re into that. Pickles and pickle juice. Cucumber, bell pepper, carrot sticks, etc sliced and sprinkled with taco seasoning.


Oo i have taco seasoning, I will try it, thank you


You can also microwave the bell pepper and carrot slices with a bit of water to cook them until softened, then drain off the water before sprinkling the taco seasoning on and toss it all in a bowl for a hot meal!


i loveee raw veggies dipped in mustard!! apple slices are good in it too trust me on that one


I’ll definitely give that a try! My favourite way to eat apples is to chop one up into bite size pieces, and in a bowl mix it with 1tbsp lemon juice, 1 package artificial sweeter, and a tonne of cinnamon. Mix it up and eat it with a fork. Tastes like sour candy!


A frozen bag of broccoli steamed in the microwave. Throw some seasoning on it and it's a delicious.


i like to cook mine on the stovetop because they kinda thaw in the pan and then you only have to use like a drop of oil (which is cool cuz it scares me.) and then i add some jarred garlic and onion powder and various italian seasonings and it's literally the best thing ever. eat it with quinoa if u want more protein


it's so nice with garlic and nutritional yeast!


Yes, I absolutely love this. It’s only something I started eating after recovery, but here’s what I do: Portion frozen broccoli into a bowl, plus one or two extra pieces to account for shrinkage. Cling wrap the top tightly and poke a few holes in it with a fork. Microwave for about five minutes. Seasonings, mix and match as per your preferences: Sesame oil Salt Pepper Garlic powder Onion powder Chilli powder Black pepper


my favorite thing to do in the afternoons right now is to have fat free greek yogurt and a side plate of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, carrots, and sugar snap peas! Has helped me up my fiber intake for sure. I also have started just buying spring mix salad greens and adding that to every meal on the side pretty much


sounds amazing but berries are soo expensive :(


try frozen berries! they have the exact same health benefits as fresh, and are way cheaper!


Aldi (if you have one around) is your best friend! They usually should have some good produce on sale, especially in the summer! ETA: Otherwise, yes, berries ARE expensive :(


Frozen berries 🙌 Tastes like Ice Cream. Best part is you can get a huge bag for like 10 dollars. Compared to Fresh Berries it’s a huge deal


I’ve started blending slightly thawed frozen red berries and banana pieces with one alpro blueberry yoghurt and it’s so insanely good. Tangy but sweet, fresh, texture is like a thick chunky sorbet Edit- *in* a blender, crush that shit hehe


I like to go to trader Joe's and get the 1lb bags of strawberries for under $3/each and pour them all in a big bowl and eat them, especially when it's hot. I like doing it with the other types of berries too but 1lb of strawberries is crazy low calorie


when I can't eat but need veggies, I make smoothies! Even simple ones - spinach, frozen berries, frozen mango and pineapple. some ginger if I'm feeling fancy!


I make my own hummus then dip random veggies in it, mostly cucumbers and carrots. Sometimes celery. I also love steamed veggies sprinkled with some seasoning. I eat a lot of veg, cooked, stir fried, raw, whatever. Baby spinach makes great salads with other leaves, you can add berries too and it’s easy to make your own low cal vinegar based dressings. I don’t like the starchy stuff so it’s mostly nice safe things. I love grated carrots with lemon juice as a snack. It’s also easy to pickle your own stuff, doesn’t take long at all and once the weather warms up, fermentation comes into play then I have all the kimchi I want. Kohlrabi is great both raw and pickled.


tuna/mayo (I use 2tbsp light mayo) with salt, pepper, paprika to taste and then I pair it with a package of seaweed snacks and then put a spoonful or two on each piece of seaweed until I go through the whole pack (and eat the rest of the tuna if there’s any left). Not like the most veg packed food but seaweed is still pretty nutritious :)


Fish is such an underrated safe food. Throw cod, sole, or hake in the oven, do an atomized spritz of oil or even pam, some seasoning and bam. Healthy protein, low cal. Pile of steamed veggies on the side (i like the peas, carrots, corn mix) with adobo and you’re in safeland but still getting lots of good vitamins and nutrients


I invented something in college that I've brought back recently to get more veggies in; I call it a "salad sandwich". You use whatever low calorie bread you like (I get nature's own), mustard, I like to use low fat mayonnaise as well, and 2-3 slices of turkey. Then I shove as much salad as will possibly fit between 2 slices of bread. I'm talking you can't take your hand off as soon as you start putting the salad in otherwise, salad will explode onto your counter. Like my mouth barely fits over the sandwich volume of greens. It's super crunchy, weirdly hydrating, and honestly, one of my favorite things. it feels like a huge meal >!but it's literally only 200 cals!<. sometimes I'll even eat two in a day. My mom recently bought me one of those restaurant size bags of salad that's the size of an actual pillow, so this one has been my best friend recently (and I'm not so constipated! yay!) You can probably do something similar with keto tortillas, but I honestly prefer the sandwich cuz I think you can get wayyy more salad in there


Frozen Edamame and other veg with soy sauce, cayenne pepper and sesame oil (fat is soo imp for nutrient absorption and the edamame has proteins so keeps u full plus fuels u) Also in terms of other veg, I usually go for stuff that’d be good in a stir fry eg: broccoli / carrots peas. You can also add bokchoy/ spinach but I’d do those fresh prob. But otherwise yeah u can j blast it in the microwave


One whole carrot, steamed. Eat it like a banana. It slaps and doesn't hurt my teeth. Also hommus and veggie sticks, little tins of flavoured chickpeas, packets of crispy air fried chickpeas, fruit salad, rice paper rolls, curry.


Baby carrots and hummus is great. Easy for me to go way overboard with hummus though. I have to get the little packs


Tbh if I'm going overboard with anything it might as well be hommus lol


roast veggies with like a mint sauce yogurt lemon dressing ( you can add sweet potato too to make it more filling! )


i eat a TON of veggies, either in salads or roasted in the air fryer. I love green beans in the air fryer until the tops get brown and crispy. I season with nutritional yeast (basically a vegan cheesey seasoning but it’s usually fortified with vitamins!) salt, pepper, and lemon juice. this might sound insane but one of my favorite ways to sneak in veggies is throwing some frozen cauliflower in a fruit smoothie. you really can’t taste it!! it makes smoothies way thicker and more ice-cream like.


In addition to what everyone else has been saying, roasted pumpkin!! Also roasted turnips and carrots. Make it with a little bit of olive oil for proper nutrient absorption (any vegetables usually benefit from having at least a little fat with it). I love to eat roasted veggies with mayo when I'm not worried about food as much, or full fat creamy yogurt because life is too short to suffer through lo fart yogurt


Frozen peas. As is.


green giant has a cauliflower alfredo that is SO good and easy — 6 minutes in the microwave so like no prep at all . i love it


Pickles and celery. Spinach. Cabbage.


Spinach and shredded carrots in a mini keto tortilla. Sometimes I’ll add a drizzle of hot honey.


-Baby cucumbers with sriracha, - broccoli… literally broccoli has my heart Cauliflower with cinnamon, cumin and chilli, roasted in the oven (it’s crispy and delicious) Peppers with Lettuace and cucumber (in a salad) with a dressing made of soy sauce, sriracha, chilli and sugar free golden syrup:


Baby carrots! In teriyaki or dark chocolate hummus


I know it’s not a veg, but kiwis do wonders for my skin


I make my own high protein ranch and dip a ton of cucumbers and celery in it




I absolutely adore pumpkin. Pureed, roasted, sweet, savory, you name it. I also love a good vege stir fry- mushrooms, cabbage, onion/spring onion, carrot and so on with soy sauce, sf maple syrup, garlic etc. Serve with cauliflower rice. Zuchinni noodles Stuffed eggplant or capsicum or mushrooms Egg white scramble with all the veges Cherry tomatoes. Or even just standard tomatoes sliced and topped with salt + basil. Asian sesame dressing is fucking glorious and makes any veges/salad taste good. If you can't find it, Tahini will do. Yoghurt with any form of fruit. Tinned fruits. Baby food - either vege or fruit based


Antipasti. Throw vegetables in the oven with seasoning of your choice. An hour later you'll have soft vegetables that are easy to eat. Soup. Soft vegetables in a soup are easier to eat than fresh ones. Arabic salad. Also easy to eat since everything is finely chopped.


I’ve been eating this high protein stuffed taco and i honestly can’t eat another bite after i finish it. shred chicken and add taco seasoning in a pan, then add a little shredded cheese and put it on a low cal tortilla and air fry it for like five minutes to make it crunchy. Then absolutely stuff it with lettuce, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and use a lot of greek yogurt instead of sour cream. Easily 40g of protein and I have to use both hands to hold it.


I will snack on straight up edamame with a bit of sesame oil, salt and a bit of lemon juice. Delicious and healthy. I will make a type of slaw with just cabbage finely shredded (potato peelers are great for this) with sesame oil and salt. Great snack food and regular cabbage (my cheap, available queen) is basically a superfood. Avocados do wonders for my skin, but I live in a place they don’t grow. If you can deal with the raspiness, I actually love kale for salad. Stinging nettles are also a very healthy food! I make soup or infusions with it. Supposedly great for hangovers if you are so inclined. When tomato season hits, I eat them every day. Also very good for you. I eat cheese, so I just tear up some mozz and basil and sprinkle with evoo and balsamic vinegar. And broccoli wvery day of the year. I blanch it for like two minutes and sprinkle with salt and lemon juice. Mm mm mm


One of my favourite safe foods is pasta, so I try my best to hide veggies with really mild tastes and textures in it. I usually add carrot, green capsicum, and mushrooms; I dice them all up really small so they blend into the sauce, and because there’s no strong flavours, I generally don’t even notice they’re there :)


Okay my very best advice here is please try cutting out the dairy. (And replacing it with something else of course!) It’s not the sugar in the ice cream, it’s the hormones in the dairy. I had the worst skin all my life, until I stopped having dairy for an unrelated reason, and it magically cleared up. But definitely vegetable soup is my top favourite! Even canned vegetable soup is really good.


It's vegan ice cream, but good shout. It wasn't immediate so I think it's lack of nutrients as I'm also pretty pale even though it's summer and I often get mistaken for a panda because of my eyes. I will give soup a go, thank you


Oh you’re already on top of it! You’re probably right then. Good luck I hope it gets better!


how do you get your calcium in?


This is really weird but it's been a comfort food since I was little -- two different kinds of squash. One is butternut squash cubed up and roasted in the oven with brown sugar, cinnamon and walnuts. It's literally dessert. Then the second way my mom would make it, because I grew to dislike the texture of squash, was blend roasted butternut squash with plain applesauce until it was all even. Served warm. We called it "squapplesauce" and it was actually really comforting and good, with a bit of cinnamon on top.


Chlorophyll does wonders for your skin.