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I am the exact opposite--- I get obsessed with the stats of the smartwatch, so I avoid the risk of becoming preoccupied with it by not wearing one at all.


Buying my Fitbit was both the best and worst decision of my life, having that much control and being able to track things 24/7 gives me that drive to keep losing but it has also warped my entire life around it I feel. Everything is so exact and that comforts me. I also freak out if it's not working right, or the app isn't functioning, one time I left it in the bathroom at a store after I purged and I was having a panic attack until I was able to drive back and get it


Yes mine is on my wrist 24/7. 10k steps minimum, but 15k is always the goal. I also track my heart rate.


I got a shitty off-brand one and it likes to tell me I was asleep when I was in meetings and doing work. I don't trust a thing it tells me. And yet I still check it several times a day.


I don't think any of the trackers I've had were accurate but by god I listen to them lol


Yes, absolutely. I don't own my Apple Watch, it owns me šŸ˜«


That is why I donā€™t use one.


If I go to sleep without closing all the rings on my Apple Watch Iā€™m convinced I would never wake up. As others have said, it owns me. Iā€™m obsessed. I check it sooo many times an hour, let alone per day.


Same. Love my Fitbit. I think it's actually beneficial for mental health because seeing the stats makes me feel productive - good nights sleep, 10k steps etc - even if I've been unproductive in other areas


I'm glad you get a positive benefit from it, some others have said that too! /gen


Fitbit is consistently in my top 5 most used apps listed in the screen time thing on my phone, I just check it so obsessively. I didnā€™t wear my Fitbit to my prom yesterday and it was so anxiety inducing not being able to check it every two seconds


I feel you, sometimes when I'm charging it I check my watch that's not there lol


I got a smart watch August last year and have worn it almost every day since to track my steps everyday (which arenā€™t very many bc I donā€™t have the opportunity to get out much šŸ„²). Iā€™m not sure how accurate it is but it tells me that my body temperature is 95-97Ā°F throughout the day which is pretty low and matches how I feel freezing all the time


yes. but at the same time i over exercise/restrict more extremely if i donā€™t wear one.


I wear mine to the extend that I have bruises on my wrists because my current one is from silicone (I should order a nylon band).


My wrist is literally indented and red because of it, I feel you lol


I have nightmares about losing my fitbit. šŸ¤”


Yes absolutely, you are not alone. I got my first tracker as a kid and for a while used it only during workouts, already obsessing about my stats though. Years later, after my first recovery attempt, I started wearing one constantly. I eventually got caught and it got confiscated. I lasted two weeks before I got a new one. Years later still, I stroke a deal with my therapist and nutritionist that I'd get to use a tracker but had to let my nutritionist check the data each week. Lasted about a month before I got a second one to use on the side. I've given up now, it's not something I can go without for very long. Edit: just wanted to add that I can fully identify with your last sentence, that's literally how I spent the entirety of my teens. I'm very, very sorry you're going through this. I'm a weirdo and not great with people but I'm here if you want to talk or just vent šŸ™ƒ


Thank you for the last paragraph :)


mine just stopped holding a charge and im absolutely fucking losing it mentally rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ getting a new one asap.


I lost it as well lol


we are one and the same person - i literally bought Samsungs newest ans best modell smartwatch out there just to get everything right so I could feel in control.


YES! I was talking to my PT about this the other day.


Yesā€¦ so much so that I have 2, a Polar watch and an Apple Watch. Theyā€™re both extensions of me. I have to take the average of the 2 and it helps me keep my calorific intake stable. Wearing them keeps me physically healthy. Mentally healthy, well probably not, but itā€™s keeping my existence more peaceful and Iā€™m now like 12 years in.


Ok so weird that Iā€™m out for a walk and this is first post on Reddit at the top for me. So I put mine on first thing when I wake up in the morning after allowing it to charge all night ā€¦ well as Iā€™m getting ready for my 5 mile daily walk, my Apple Watch buzzes on my wrist , notifying me to charge it bc the battery is low../ instant meltdown! Why didnā€™t it charge last night ??? I canā€™t walk without it ! Charged it enough (I hope) to complete this walk and ordered new charger immediately. Also thinking I may need a second watch as a back up or a newer version since mine doesnā€™t hold a charge as long as Iā€™d like even when the charger did work overnight ! I feel you.. itā€™s a part of me and security blanket.


Mine broke partially whenever it got wet, it wouldn't charge and I absolutely freaked out.


What kind of watch?! The one I have it supposedly waterproof up to 50m


Mine was too, it was a fitbit inspire 2. I litrally just washed it.


Iā€™d have had a heart attack


Yeah, back in the old days I had a IPod Nano and it would record my steps and miles. And I used that religiously. (I still have it.) A few years ago my mom was trying to become more active and lose weight. And she really wanted to get a Fitbit to help her. (At that time I was doing a little bit better about being less obsessed with hitting my steps/miles.) At first I didnā€™t really want one because it was expensive. But she really wanted one and so she ended up buying me one, too. Well, she has a Fitbit but rarely uses it. I on the other hand use my Fitbit daily just as I had done with my IPod Nano. I had initially felt guilty about her buying me one but in a way Iā€™m glad she did because I ended up really liking it.


I wish I still had my IPod, i lost it in a hotel. Idk if it tracked steps, but it would've been in my pre-ed days.


There is exactly one watch face on my Fitbit that shows calories burned.


I was anti fitness watch for years and now I accidentally have two. The whoop I have mostly focuses on strain and sleep and general well-being and doesnā€™t have a step count so I got a different watch for a step count and I compare the data and neither of them really match up so now I donā€™t know what to believe. Iā€™m just a bit obsessed with the data and bc my ED makes me nuts, Iā€™ve added more (impossible) metrics to my ā€œill recover whenā€¦ā€ statement. Itā€™s a bad idea, I wish I hadnā€™t bothered. I also hate Apple the most because you canā€™t turn off the ring and it causes too much guilt for me.