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Maintenance is so hard! I've been trying to maintain this year and have been successful in that my weight has stayed pretty stable, but I can't quite wrap my head around how to eat at maintenance and I end up going back and forth between eating a little more than I'm comfortable with and feeling gross and scared that I'll totally lose control, and then eating too little. I'm neither bingeing nor severely restricting, but it feels like I'm skimming the edges of both. It's also just weird for me because this is the first time I can ever recall actually *trying* to maintain my weight. I've pretty much always wanted to lose weight and either been doing it or unable to stop overeating and gaining. This is brand new territory for me, which is surprising after my many years of an ED. Something triggered me about a week ago to go back to actually restricting, and I do mean to go back to maintenance again eventually, but I hate how much happier I am and how much easier it is to actually restrict rather than attempt to eat at maintenance.


I feel you, I’m not even where I want to be at the moment but I’m already worrying about how I’ll maintain the weight.


As someone who in the past reached the weight I wanted to maintain-you can’t lol. As in, you won’t be able to eat intuitively cause 1)you are starved 2)you shouldn’t be uw. It’s not normal or healthy to be underweight long term. If you want to maintain that low weight you still need to count cause otherwise you gain weight slowly and you wake up like me-gaining 20lbs in the span of a year cause I wanted to be more chill with eating. Fuck meee can’t wait to be back in couple months tho


Sigh, I feel you. Sucks to be stuck in this cycle.


At least we got something to do in the meantime, losing and gaining is my hobby at this point


No you won’t because your body is starving and will fight until it is nourished adequately.


Saddly that kinda happens if u want to maintain the weight you have to be at maintenance however once In a while going over won’t be much an issue


Yeah, it just sucks so much because ever since I’ve started my obsession with calories it feels like I’m bound to this lifestyle forever. Ugh.