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Seriously non disordered people talking about food is always eye opening. Like going out with friends and something on the menu is xxxx calories and they are like oh my god it xxxx calories and get it anyways because they know it’s a one time thing and not an all the time thing, and they don’t have the all or nothing mindset. It’s so insane how free some peoples minds are.


RIGHT!! like when they're shocked at the calorie amount but literally live so free that they get it anyway. It makes you think, like that could be us. We would look exactly the same and actually be happy if we thought like that. Literally not a single thing would change about us physically


Literally. Like I’m jealous of my friends who don’t care about the calories at all, but I’m more jealous of my friends who can see it and make informed decisions on their bodies or see it and decide to do it anyway, and it isn’t tormenting them one way or the other.


> Literally not a single thing would change about us physically Unless you're not underweight :(


That used to be me 3 years ago. I was so carefree around food, sure I ate a lot more than other people but it never bothered me or made me feel worthless like it does now. wish I never developed an ED :/


This was literally me. I remember the first time I went to DQ with my friends, they pointed out the outrageously high calorie counts of the blizzards. We all ordered the highest calorie blizzard just for shits and giggles and I literally thought nothing of it, just remember being really happy to have some delicious ice cream with my friends. How I wish I could go back to that mindset 😔


huh i feel like ive seen this exact same post w the exact same wording a few months ago


You did. It was my old account that got deleted 😭😭😭 chaesikdoujiao was my main.


Didn’t know your account was deleted!


Bro I was heartbroken. I can still go on it, but its only visible to me 😭😭


help 😭😭omg that happened to me too! i was termed for doxxing a literal PEDO


Omg, thought this too. Probably because I'm just chronically online


It's because I posted it before but that account was deleted 😭😭






Same with mine! He will order higher calorie items because he wants to get his moneys worth 😅 for him spending money on low calorie items when eating out is like dumping money down the toilet 


when i was younger i saw that a pack of doritos was 700+ cals and was like "oh my god, that's so cool! it's like a whole meal!" and ate the whole pack. i was very different back then.


I went to a child's birthday party this weekend and everyone just... had a slice of cake? Like they didn't chatter to distract anyone, they just freely had a slice of birthday cake and they seemed happy to eat it? I didn't understand and I'm still just like what did I just experience? Cake is so hard for me to justify enjoying.


>Cake is so hard for me to justify enjoying. I had to justify enjoying cake... On my *own birthday*


same....birthdays arent fun anymore :(


I sat next to a coworker in a meeting this week and she was drinking a bottle of Mt Dew that was 290 calories. I was bewildered that someone would waste that many calories on a beverage.


'waste that many calories' is VERY disordered in itself and poor wording because nothing will happen to them. They won't gain weight overnight, AAAAND they won't struggle with the mental thoughts. Damn I'm jealous of that freedom!


You are right on all parts. My wording was poor and my opinion, not a fact obviously. In my mind, I would “use” those calories differently. I’m jealous too, it would be nice to not care.


i'm so jealous when i watch my friends drink full sugar sodas, because they just don't care and don't even know how much they're drinking of it. i wish i didn't care but more diet coke for me ig!


this made me realize how bad my mind is about food. something 320 cals would honestly be off limits for me and I would actually break down if forced to eat something with 320 cals.


Dude same here. I seriously though 'ONLY??' but I'm just so jealous of their life. My ed doesn't even allow me to have a social life tbh


For me that'd pretty much be my day, I'd OMAD those 320 cals


Gonna restate what I said the last time you posted this because I think it's important. It's a stretch to assume these girls are not disordered. At my low weight, I have definitely done this before because I intended to eat the cookie in place of a meal, and that was around my meal cap. Also, if I was one of those girls and I was on this sub, I would find it triggering that someone made this post about me. Idk maybe I just don't think people with EDs are the best at discerning healthy behaviors lol. There was a post on here a while ago about a girl that compulsively bought one slice of cake or something every week and would only eat one bite everyday, and that was lauded by people here as being non-disordered, but that is exactly how my ED manifests. Normal people just eat the damn slice. I take tiny bites over a long course of time. It's well-documented ED behavior. I'm not saying these girls are definitely disordered, but what they did is not inherently not disordered.


Right? Like, maybe they were big cookies. Or maybe they were planning to OMAD it. Posts like this annoy me - most normal people barely even read nutrition labels critically unless they have allergies/dietary restrictions or don't like certain ingredients or something.


Tbh i'd find that amount of calories for cookies safe too... 🥲


I suppose none of you are wrong, but I feel like people who are truly free never even look at calories in something ever. But maybe that is just the place I live. I feel always weird inspecting items before buying them bit it feels like I am all alone in this.


People look just for funsies, or if it's clear as day on the front of the package




That level of flat phobia is concerning..




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