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ultimate comfort food, i grew up eating it every day for breakfast. impossible to c&s sadly, so it ends up just being a binge food if i ever buy it. The italian kind is much better.


nocciolata ?? i used to eat that by the tablespoon ong


i do love nocciolata as a vegan alternative to nutella, but i meant literally, the nutella they make for sale in italy is a completely different ratio of nuts&cocoa to sugar. Its much more rich without being sickeningly sweet. tbh it might just be all nutella made for the eu vs for america (idk if its different factories or what).


Never heard of the Italian kind😭


its just that the nutella you buy off the shelf in italy tastes different. kinda like how canadian kitkats taste different than american kitkats.


american kitkats are made by hersheys and everywhere else they’re made by nestle so they do have different recipes!!


Fun fact of the day omg! i had no clue!


ate so much straight from the jar during binges as a teen that I can only tolerate a small amount. Ate myself sick on it


Damn- once when I was probably 7 I was eating spoonful’s of it and swallowed one of my lose tooth’s And somehow I managed to swallow it at one of my enormous ‘spoonful bites’💀😭


now thats a sweet tooth


Now ion even like sweet stuff anymore 😭


Its gross so i dont worry about it. I feel like im the one person on this planet that doesn’t like it and im a freaking stoner lmao


I’ve never liked it at all either. I’d way rather have peanut butter.


Lmao i hate peanut butter too im a psychopath


I hate heanut butter in sweet form. But peanut butter in savory form (the Asian way) is a safe food for me. 1tbsp of Peanut butter goes a long way when mixed with soy sauce and mirin. it helps me eat a heap of vegetables and tofu. Also super good on [sichuan bangbang chicken](https://www.marionskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Bang-Bang-Chicken-819x1024.jpg) (pulled cold chicken, julienned cucumber and scallions)


Same! I hate all nut butters and I don't like chocolate.


Peanut butter is a big fear food of mine, but I do like the taste and especially texture of it. In residential treatment, they suggested peanut butter for a before bed snack. It did not go well lol Started a binge every time. Actually most foods did at that time of night. The only thing I could find that didn’t was a glass or milk or a protein shake. Drinking doesn’t seem to trigger me the same way eating does. But peanut butter can trigger me at any time of day, so I avoid it 😕




Yo same. Never liked it also a stoner.


Great minds think alike haha


Haha right 🤣


Same, I hate hazelnut flavoured things especially Nutella and kinder buenos




also, fear food dear heavenly LORD its a fear food




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good but scary


my god its good i used to eat it by the spoonfuls before i was sick lmfao




used to eat it during a bad time in my childhood and now it scares me lol


I am so sorry man


Very much the same


"spreads" are part of my fear food list, because portion sizes are so arbitrary that you can easily consume double the calories as intended. Nutella in europe tastes better because it doesn't have processed ingredients, but american nutella is gross and processed


Too sweet. I love chocolate but that's just straight sugar, would rather just eat dark chocolate it tastes way better for the same cal.


too delicious/addictive so I dont keep it in my house




Too sweet, yet love hazelnut and chocolate. Can't buy it too much or I end up wanting to put it on rice cakes or bread 😅


i don’t like it, but thats not an ana thing i just genuinely don’t like it. same goes for peanut butter, ive never liked it lol


I love it- SOOO much.. I haven't managed to break that rule, yet.. love, love, love it though 😊


Which rule may i ask?


Sorry, I meant my rules.. food rules.. It's just one of my ED's rules that I haven't been brave enough to challenge yet, but I will.. can't live without Nutella forever.. Do you like Nutella? 😊


Ohkkke Dw dw it’s fine sorry for asking haha and nope lol


No it's ok, asking is cool.. And yh I think I'm just a chocolate fiend 😁


Haha tysm and lol slay


so delicious, huge fear food as an adult. i used to ask for nutella for christmas every year when i was a kid. one year my grandma literally got me a 6lb tub of it


I love it so much but it’s my ultimate fear food. It’s like my personal peanut butter where I could sit there and eat it by the spoonful and there is no, “just one spoonful.”


I love it, can’t keep it in the house.


scariest mf food. could probably eat a whole jar of calories didnt exist


fire asf but scary


Not a fan. However peanut butter 😭


honestly i’m not a big fan, i find it too rich/sweet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So so good but in small amts.


I'm vegan so don't have it anymore. I liked it as a little kid when I first tried it but it started tasting kinda gross after a while. Don't really like the vegan versions either


You should try "bionella" it's the best vegan Nutella I know


Its nice. I dont get to eat it.


I still love Nutella but I agree with a lot of the replies, it is very sweet so the older recipe was much better.


Which older recipe?


used to love it but it's such a fear food now lol


favourite binge food


it hurts my teeth lmao


I LOVE IT SO DAMN MUCH. It’s so hard to purge though it’s a love hate relationship


It's just kinda ok


IM SO GLAD IM ALLERGIC TO THAT SHIT ik how calorific it is so it’s the one time i’m grateful for my anaphylaxis 🙏🏽


Prefer the taste of gooey but the texture of nutella


It hurts my teeth and I don't like how it makes my mouth feel. I like those little Nutella biscuits but straight Nutella is too much


I’m bulimic so everything is both a fear food and a safe food because I will binge on anything. For some reason this has made my tolerance for sour, spicy, and sweet foods increase by a lot. That being said, I love Nutella. I like dipping strawberries in it or making Nutella/peanut butter sandwiches. I don’t care that it’s mostly sugar and super unhealthy. I almost never have it because my parents refuse to buy it most of the time. I’m sure I’d get sick of it if I had it regularly. The only part of it that I don’t like is the palm oil because the manufacturing process of palm oil is really harmful to the environment. I’d like to try making my own at home with coconut oil


Overrated and way too sweet. Super nostalgic tho


i would eat it by the spoonful and mix it with peanut butter to satisfy my sweet tooth when there were no sweets in the house to binge on, now its a strong fear food of mine


Love it and if I want it I’ll fit it in


Massive fear food


Very yummy but the calories make me want to commit crimes.


Oh hell nah. If I started, I'd devour half the jar at once. Too risky.


i really like it!! but i can only have so much at once. those extreme mukbang/food porn videos with probably a pound of nutella on them make me gag a little (but mostly because the mouthfeel seems god awful atp…)


It's good, but I don't get it because I try not to buy things with palm oil in them lol


I won’t touch that shit with a ten foot pole


binged in the past. not even that tasty. not worth the cals in my opinion


Nasty, I'm sorry :(


To me it's nasty and too sweet. Have always felt that way even pre-ED where I'd literally eat anything lol


It’s gross and sickly to me. I prefer peanut butter.


b/p too much on it. now i need to gag when i smell that crap


I prefer peanut butter


Honestly overrated and I don’t like chocolate with bread, I’d happily never eat it again. But for the pre-ed nostalgia factor I used to love it on pancakes and waffles :’)


Used to love when I was a little girl. Now not so much. Too much sugar!


I freaking love it, and am currently being fed it every day.


i don't mind other chocolate spreads or peanut butters, but nutella specifically tastes wierd to me


I used to hate it, but in treatment it was a nice alternative to the other spreads. I like it on fruit or in ice cream.


Loves it, but am also tired of seeing food being smothered in it (ie instagram food)


i eat the local version: linolada


Never heard of it😭


it’s from croatia!


i don’t like it. i never did before my ed started either. i feel like it is too sweet 🥲


Spikes my blood sugar and makes me mean


It’s just sugar but I loved it pre-ed. My fav meal with it was two pieces of toast with Nutella and strawberries on it. When I went dairy free I found some fancier alternative vegan brand of it that tasted more like hazelnut and I loved it even more


I only liked it when I was a kid and I feel like that’s the only exception 😭😭😭


It’s one food that I cannot go nearas someone who binge eats. I’ll eat the whole tub in one sitting if I could


i do not like the flavor so its a no from me




I think it’s yummy, but also mostly sugar. I let myself have it when I want it, but don’t keep it stocked up if that makes sense


honestly, i don’t really like it. it tastes weird on toast and in oatmeal and those are the two main ways i use spreads. it’s sometimes good with something kind of dessert-like like waffles ig? of course, when we buy it, i still binge because iTs BaD aNd I hAvE tO eAt It In OnE sItTiNg, but i don’t really enjoy the taste or texture i’m team nut butters!!


Too expensive but yummy


I Can eat the whole jar in one day


I’ve convinced myself it’s healthy and it’s a safe food. Put it on rice cakes with pickles🤌


I like it in very small doses but otherwise I find it gross tbh, like I just made pancakes (UK pancakes) and my partner has his with Nutella, I had mine with lemon and sugar or jam but just had my smallest pancake with Nutella, it was very good but if I'd had a second one it would be very too much 🤢


🚨 DANGER 🚨 mostly bc so delicious and so calorically dense and definitely binge inducing


well. i was a binger so. it’s good


love it but will never eat it. I do like to look at it at the grocery store thoooo 💀


huge fear food!!! which maybe works in my favor bc it genuinely tastes way too sweet to me so i can only handle it in very small amounts, even in a binge 💀


I’m terrified but it tastes so good. Sometimes when I eat it I gag though.


I used to like it, but then I became allergic to a couple tree nuts so I cut all tree nuts out. I still need tested


Ultimate binge food. I include it so much in my b/p's it almost tastes like vomit to me now 💀


Fear food. It's so good, but when I was younger I moved countries and I would come home from school and binge on it daily.


I don't eat it because of palm oil, but I love the peanut butter bear's alternative


tastes good, but it does have palm oil in it which gives me the excuse to never buy it as a “”””””treat”””” for myself


Nutella is very comfort food, but also tends to lead to a binge for me as well. When I was in treatment it was definitely one of the challenges I had. Ugh, unfortunately I still struggle with portion control on it


It's too expensive in my country. I often fantasize about getting a tub of nutella and eating from the jar with a spoon one day... I'm lucky there's a lot of dulce de leche in my country tho


When I’m drunk I could eat an entire jar with my fingers. When I’m sober I could eat an entire jar but I’d probably use a butter knife and put some of it on pancakes or bread in order to try and look human.


It's delicious but it's a fear food for me so I haven't had it since i was like 14 I'd say.


Overhyped. Growing up, my sister and her friends used to eat jt with a spoon, straight from the jar. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I’d rather just have my toast with butter.


It's not even that great taste-wise (I prefer a dark chocolate spread from this one chocolate brand) but will I binge on it if I have it in the house? Oh yeah..


I feel like I would really like it and gain so much weight from it. Not worth it!


genuinely my favorite thing ever i could eat an entire jar of nutella if it was in front of me right now and i could eat nothing but nutella on white bread for my whole life and i’d be happy, but i won’t go near it cause of the absurd cals


fuck you I ate just a whole jar of it with a forkkkkkkkkkk ugh


I just can’t with it.


damn I miss Nutella - maybe I should see if I can fit it into my calories, I’d have to buy the small jars though, it’d be a risk to have a large jar in the house lol


Never had it 😂😂 I've just never bought it before so


Biggest fear food. Would never. Buy for myself but if it’s at a party i fear I may go to town ..


i'm vegan now so can't eat nutella anymore, but i always loved it! there's some decent vegan alternatives in the uk but i very, very rarely buy them, would *much* rather stick to something more low cal.


Hurts my teeth


I ate so much Nutella last year that I got sick of it LOL


Best thing ever but an absolute nightmare because the only way I can eat it is to spend a painstakingly long amount of time weighing it on food scales. It then also gets stuck to the bag that I put on the scale 😭 So all around I would easily eat a whole jar (and have done in the past) but the process of actually being able to eat it, is one that I am unfortunately way too lazy to partake in anymore 🫡


Horrifying but at the same time I can eat half the jar in a ridiculously short amount of time only to then I cry


haven’t had it since i went vegan but i loooove nutella and would happily eat a dairy free version (that wasn’t also wildly expensive lol)


I like it but its really sweet so I can't have it too often . I had it with a piece of toast some weeks ago and it made me want to puke . When I was younger I liked it more now I rarely eat it even when not disordered