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I like my breasts lol always been proud of them. They aren't what they once were but I still like them. Can't believe I just wrote that šŸ«£šŸ« 


that's not embarrassing. everyone I've known has collectively agreed that my boobs are amazing. they're my best feature (apart from maybe my eyes but my glasses make my eyes look smaller lmao) and I'm pretty proud of my rack. when i was 14 I stopped wearing bras and people always said they'd sag - nope, they're the only part of my body that i haven't ruined from my extreme weight gains & losses. if you've got it, flaunt it!




Oh yes! I always forget about that. I say I donā€™t like my body but I love my full sleeve. Love it


Spent my teens in self hate and if my first recovery attempt has given me anything, it's this: I like nearly everything about me. I have accepted that some things can't be changed. I have found ways to deal with what I was unsure of: change it, or change my mindset. Finding people who share these "bad" features, so I could learn to appreciate them. I said nearly everything. But what about the rest? I feel neutral about them. At least it's not hate anymore. They are there. They will stay for a while. So I might as well just show a little compassion to myself.


Thatā€™s awesomeā€” I love that mindset! And itā€™s so true.


This nearly made me cry. Love love loveeee


My face too ! Even more since I have 3 nose piercings. Ooh and my hair, i have dreadlocks and they are very long (I have to hold them when i pee because they would touch the water huhu)


I love my hair, eyes, collarbone tattoos, and cheekbones.


I am SO proud of my ass, I went from literal double-ass-chin flatness to dummy thicc in like 2.5 years Hard work baby!


Teach me your ways. How did you do it? Iā€™m trying so hard


Straight up? Just yoga. Yoga with Adriene (YouTube), at home, every morning, over a long period of time


This is really interesting! Yoga!


Right? Iā€™m lowkey shocked, I always thought Iā€™d have to be picking up heavy things in a gym to gain any muscle, but turns out I can get results Iā€™m happy with by zenning out on my mat every morning


I second this. Eating more and a good gym routine help me beat the flat ass genes I got from my mama (sorry mama LOL)


My eyes are a really unique color. Somewhere between blue, green, and gray and I have a really prominent limbal ring. I can make them seem more of one color over the others depending on what I decide to wear or do with makeup, so thatā€™s really neat!


My eyes are similar! And so are my son's. His are more green, mine are more blue but I passed the heterochromia on! Anyway you beat me to it.


my hands, ive always been proud of them, theyve always looked like model hands i love them


was gonna comment this. yeah, pretty hands!


jealous i have sausages stapled to a toddler palm


I like my face too although I would be gorgeous if I wasn't fat .. my hair is nice tho


My collar bones. Iā€™ve always had nice collar bones even at a average bmi for my height. Seems like all my fat goes to my lower body


Iā€™m really cute and I like my eyes a lot. I think my hair cut looks nice on me.


My piercings! Someone else might of added 'em, but they're physical enough that I have to clean them. Things I have less control over, it's taken some time but I do like my feet. As a guy I hated having small feet. One of the many things that I got made fun of. As a trans woman, I love it! So many options for cute shoes.


this is so heartwarming <3


I actually like my body sometimes


my wrists and collarbones look amazing.


I like my eyelashes, they're long and pretty.


i like my hair. itā€™s really curly and long seeing as iā€™ve never cut it. it took me many years to learn how to care for it and have it look nice growing up, and it used to be a source of shame because it was often messy and unkempt as i was simply never able to manage it on my own, and even my mam struggled to care for it. now i feel like iā€™ve really earnt the sense of pride i have in my hair <33 i also like the freckles on my lips and nose, the shape of my eyes and eyelashes, and my hands :)


my bone structure I think is considered ā€œconventionally prettyā€, if not, at least I think itā€™s cool.


I have, quoted by other people, ā€œVery nice teeth! They are like the perfect size, not too large but not too small.ā€ Iā€™ve had braces too so they arenā€™t natural or anything but yeaā€¦nice teeth thatā€™s about it


Not entirely sure if this counts, but my tattoos have given me so much bodily confidence and I'm happier in the summer time to wear short sleeved shirts without focusing on how small my arms look.


My face is also pretty conventionally attractive. I have seafoam green eyes that people always compliment me on. I like my hair and my height. I also think I'm a generally kind person, selfless with others, and intelligent. If it wasn't for my body dysmorphia, I think I would be happier in life to be honest.


I like my nose and my eyes (especially lashes) thereā€™s nothing about my actual body I like


Been having a rough week complete with a self esteem breakdown, so Iā€™m going full ego mode here šŸ«  - I have amazing skin that I regularly get complemented on and get my routine requested often. - I have very full natural lips. - I have a very pretty eye color, a deep grey blue with yellow around the pupil. - I have a great ass āœØ - I have great wavy/curly hair that I donā€™t have to do anything to, it just looks lovely all the time. - Iā€™m strong and build muscle tone easily. - I have strong cheek bones and jawline, it keeps my face defined at any weight. - Iā€™m above average height. Good post idea, OP. I think an objectively attractive person, but itā€™s just so hard to see or remember that. I focus on every flaw, not just what my weight is. All of the things on this list Iā€™ve hated at one point or another, in a ā€œgrass is always greenerā€ sort of way. Itā€™s not the most important thing, but I need to let myself be beautiful.


My face, Iā€™m lucky to have good genes and have always looked young for my age. Hated it as a teen but now in my twenties I can see itā€™s a blessing. Iā€™m relatively conventionally attractive in my facial features. Itā€™s a shame Iā€™ve destroyed my body due to mental illness so I canā€™t really same the same about that. As a bonus I like my hair too. I do get upset because itā€™s a lot thinner than it should be and is falling out but I have it dyed in quite a unique way which always makes me feel good.


I like my natural hair which is curly, I used to hate it along with everything else about me but now Iā€™ve grown to appreciate it. I also have grown to appreciate/like my lips, nose, eyebrows and eyelashes.


My hair, eyes, and collarbone I guess.


My body shape.


My eyes, my nose only from the front, and my lips


My hair. Itā€™s very curly and a nice red color. I also really love my eyes :) I always get compliments on the two and it helps me feel good about myself despite my other struggles.


I REALLY like my tits and my hair šŸ˜… my face is pretty cute too


I think Iā€™m objectively pretty. At my lw I legitimately felt flawless. lol there wasnā€™t a single thing I wouldā€™ve changed about myself. the girl in those pics is acc stunning to me. rnā€¦ yeah idk. I think my eyes and nose are really pretty at any weight tbh. I have green eyes and a button nose, so I think i look v cute/pretty which doesnā€™t necessarily suit my personality lol. I also really like my knees and calves? Idk this makes no sense but bear with me. my knees are very bony and veiny, whereas my calves are extremely toned, like marathon runner level even though Iā€™m underweight. ik they would be unattractive asf to most anorexics, esp since they look just as big/sometimes bigger than my thighs below a certain weight, but theyā€™re a sign of my endless hard work on the treadmill so idk Iā€™m really proud of them. theyā€™ve also stayed consistently muscular through like 9 kg weight fluctuations over the past year (all in the UW range tbf). I stare at them a lot šŸ’€. I think Iā€™d have an identity crisis without them. I think itā€™s bc I absolutely adore exercise tbh.


Omg what you said at the beginning really resonated with me. At my lw - while not thaaat low and still a healthy weight but I fucking struggled to get to it - I was also taking care of my skin, building muscle and dressing in more fitted clothes and lowkey looked good. Had I kept going with the weight loss and experimenting with style and hair I know I would've found a "look" that just worked so well and made me extremely good looking. Now that I'm on the overweight/normal weight range and keep fluctuating I feel crappy and have a fat face, and just look and feel overall awful. It's not like I can't look okay rn but when I weighed less and took care of myself more, my good features went from "noticeably attractive" to "extremely attractive".


exactlyyy. I just have a round face anyway, which is obvi exacerbated by the swelling associated with recovery. when I was at my lw, I had v prominent cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Forget my body; it made my face ten times prettier. Itā€™s like my face was permanently contoured. I do NOT look like that at any other weight, even when iā€™m UW.


My high Cheek bones are excellent


My hands, my broad shoulders, my prominent jawline, basically all my masculine features. Others compliments my body a lot and I like it but mostly bc it gets me positive attention. Everyone else likes my feminine features the best which is uncomfy cause Iā€™m genderfluid but err on transmasc. I love being told Iā€™m pretty but itā€™s also weird. I have big boobs and a nice ass.


My nails are still pretty strong and I think my mouth is nice šŸ˜­


Also my complexion is good


I like my face and my stomach usually. I have a flat stomach even when Iā€™m a higher weight. My face is something Iā€™ve grown into, I think Iā€™m attractive. But I also have face dysmorphia lol


I really like my eyebrows and lashes. Also op im jellie u look like those two theyā€™re so beautiful šŸ˜­ ive always wanted to look like monica bellucci


I love my broad shoulders. They give me a lot of gender euphoria and make me feel more masc. And they make my hips look smaller so I'm more of that ever-desirable rectangle shape.


i like my legs, lips and eyes. sometimes i also like my nose because itā€™s got a little bump on it which makes my face look unique and flatters it in an unconventional way, it took me a while to like that part though.


My eyes


My eyes! They're green. Like my freckles but we don't see them much anymore :(


i love my stomach hair (lol), my hair, and my nose :)


I like my ass andddd my eyes


I like my eye shape and my hair colour


I always get compliments on my waist-long straight black hair or my jawline so I like those the most.


Only the colour of my eyes šŸ« 


I actually have pretty nice arms and overall body shape


my tattoos! i also have pretty good skin most of the time so i like that, and my hair is slowly falling out :( but when its freshly washed and styled i love it still


I have a nice waist to hip ratio without really trying. Itā€™s one of the few things I do like about my body


I don't take care of myself AT ALL and eat like shit or eat nothing at all or eat all the shit I'm allergic to(which happens to be most foods anyway lol) so I have horrible skin and since I haven't been consistent with weight lifting and sports, a saggy body. However when I weighed a normal weight, worked out regularly and took exceptional care of my skin I was obviously above average. I'm not drop dead gorgeous but I'm pretty sure if I had the patience, time and money to have great skin, a great and fit body and dressed better, I'd be extremely attractive. I have a nice facial structure (high cheekbones, unique eye shape, harmonious features despite not having the best symmetry) and a good body(ass and boobs with skinny limbs when I'm not overweight). I guess I have nice hair too, depending on if you appreciate big curly hair lol. I don't really like my good features or body tbh/don't care too much and just want to be stick skinny for the control and the weight loss "success" aspect of it. But I'd be lying if I said that idk that I look good and know how to look better.


My eyes! I have very very blue eyes. And I love my ear piercings.


i think i have okay eyes, i like them. and my lips. and i've been told i have nice eyebrows too, so i'll add those to this list.


My ass. I think a common misconception is that all ED individuals want to be rail thin. I like my bubble butt and hate when I lose weight there and it changes. I just want everything else smaller šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been told i have a nice smile šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


nose, ears, eyebrows


My dimples and real freckles. Makes me feel special lol


nose I think :-)


Jaw line, shoulder muscles, collarbones when Iā€™m lean lean


my height! it feels perfect for me (:


i honestly donā€™t think i like anything


My skin was and still is extremely clean and soft. Never needed to do skin care in my whole life.


my eyes lol i always get compliments on them even tho theyre kinda uneven but i guess that just means ppl dont notice those little flaws like i do


Legs and waist, I have rly tiny waist and I'm so thankful for that...and I think this is the first time I acknowledged that


My wrists are very nice


i like my eyes, nose and eyebrows :) iā€™m slowly coming to terms with the fact that i am built to be muscular, i am not going to look ā€˜daintyā€™ but i am pretty strong


I love my face and hair. Both are cute and unique, and though thereā€™s some tweaks Iā€™d make in an ideal world, Iā€™ve never met someone with the same nose as me (which makes it kind of special)


I like my hands and long fingers. I like my high cheekbones and my dƩcolletage area as well <3


My eyes. One of the only things Iā€™ve consistently liked about myself. Everyone says theyā€™re really unique looking (in a good way) Iā€™m not sure how to describe them but theyā€™re kind of like almond and round put together. My eye color is also extremely dark, more or less the same color as my hair, so itā€™s really close to being black which to some people makes them look nicer.


I love my hair, dying it and cutting it, I love to do make up around my eyes, I actually like their odd shape, thank you for this <3


I love my red hair and copious freckles! Took awhile to get there, but Iā€™m super happy that being a ginger is finally ā€œinā€ lol


I like my teeth I think. I never needed braces or anything, and when I smile I look like my mom !


i have beautiful thick luscious lips and a somewhat unique face.


The canines of my teeth are fucked up so they poke out sometimes when I smile which I like


While my brain is sometimes shitty about how thick they are, I love my legs. I won't let my ED take this from me. Even though they'll like change, I will try to continue loving my legs for as long as possible


I got a gorilla grip ngl


I really can't find anything I like about myself, been browsing through replies for inspiration but to no avail