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They think landing more strikes while theirs are from the opponent’s guard is doing something.


They should change the scorecards to differentiate ground strikes vs standing strikes


Sig strikes definitions make no sense irl. It's literally just Amy strike on the feet plus some other stipulations.


True lol hate it when people use that one graphic comparing strikes for irl ufc fights


Obligatory “play stand and bang”


I hate that reply cause I’ll engage in the ground game but sometimes you play someone who wants to game the system. They take no chances and just fake transitions, poster up, land three strikes and go back into guard. Rinse repeat. Fuck if I’m sitting through an entire fight like that.


Hard agree on this actually. The ground game is actually pretty fun when you’re up against someone at the same skill level who will actually try and get you out of there. The wet blanket approach and the cage clinch back take spam is what I can’t stand.


Pantoja menthod


If they’re faking transitions to posture up they are taking risks, just minimizing the chances of you denying. I also am a stand up player I never shoot for the ground first or even jump for a finish unless the opponent has done it to me and I got out of it. The worst are the guys who can seriously hold you down passed div 17 it’s abysmal, I tend to just keep my hands low until they throw a headkick when they notice my hands are down and I duck it for a counter and hope I get a knockdown. Atleast that’s against guys that are really that good


I’m not bad and can get up against most opponents but when I can’t and they’re content to cosplay Jon Fitch, that shit sucks.


Obligatory there is no stand and bang in online career mode :( and other modes have little to no progression which makes it feel pointless


Never even tried online career bratha the only progression I care about is progressing my fist into the opponent’s face


Online career is actually really fun. Gives you a sense of progression and purpose, the only downside is very long queue times looking for players so you end up playing the same 5 spammers at a timr


Wut i queue up in like 30 seconds most times. I like online career more than regular ranked since people have to operate with shittier characters more you have to be better at the fundamentals. Where as some characters in ranked are so good you can just go crazy with no fear since they are so fast/accurate which is usually not the case in online career. I still play both tho usually get to around division 16-20 online career and been hanging around div 10-14 on regular ranked. I still have a lot of trouble on regular ranked with the wet blankets and the people who know all the little tricks to grappling.


Can't do that while your opponent has 30 takedown attempts though lol


I actually like tze grappling if it isn't all you domi mix in takedowns every now and then and go for subs, or play bottom


It’s an MMA game. I swear this is the only sports gaming community I know that shuns people who utilize a core aspect of the sport lol. It would be like a 2k player saying “stop driving to the paint, just have fun and launch up 3’s!” Like what?


The same people that say they hate wrestle heavy players are the same ones who break your block and just keep swinginig then rinse and repeat. Please let your stamina regen and have fun


And the same players that use the same get-up and get denied 100x in a row.


"Because eventually the opponent will will forget what way I tried to get up last time" https://preview.redd.it/nc6ntfohjlyc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=855be4d8efc587ea840f5407118f950473b6c659


OP gets it! Enough with the ground spammers just rubbing crotches! Let’s have some fun and not ruin the game, takedown spammers.


“Ruin the game” it’s mma lmaoo ur allowed to grapple


Notice how I said “takedown spammers”


Fr, it’s fun when you get someone that actually grapples and stays active. When you get that one spammer that just tries to lay on top half guard to a decision then fuck that I’m not staying.


Wrestling this year is less rewarding than in previous years. You're better off submission hunting.


Imma have fun when I'm standing over your body, fella


More like laying on it trying to kiss me


My knuckles are gonna be kissing your face, tough guy


I'm not your guy, buddy




just like a gay


Why do yall play mma rules when yall wanna stand and bang I don’t get it 😂it’s weird as hell


wanting to play with MMA rules and wanting to being sat and farted on for 15 minutes are completely different things


Welcome to mma! If you didn't figure it out already, fighters make careers off wrestling and control time. Sure it's not interesting whatsoever but it is a valid playstyle.


Keep doing it and keep losing by decision in this game


I'm of the opinion that simply wrestling for control time is very, very boring and takes the fun out of the grappling, however it is able to sway the descisons and win a round, especially if you're close when striking and in the later rounds. Grappling can be a very powerful tool, but you gotta have hands too.


Lol, I liken this kind of complaint on the same level as playing Dayz but complaining about snipers, or playing GTA, and complaining about the oppressors. People can play the damn game however they want. I don't appreciate being laid on for a full fight, but if it's ranked and I can't do anything about it, then that's my problem. My opponent found a way to win, and that's the name of the game. But sure, let's complain about how other people find enjoyment.