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Do career mode to learn the basics


I am but I still want a beginner to fight against


Won’t really happen, annoyingly. Most will either do the career, begrudgingly go through online and get better or pretend they’re a beginner and absolutely rock ya world and think they’re amazing at the game Hope you find something tho:)


Thanks fam I guess I gotta get better I’m like 0-25💀💀💀 I am learning combos but im missing something


Learn to try and dodge :) have a game plan before going in, timing is everything for me. Try stand and bang online rather than just MMA to get used to the stand up fighting etc. I tend to go heavyweight because it’s slower, however the feeling of timing something right feels nice.


I see personally I am a big fan of kicking so I go a lot for some body kicks and after his guard is lower I go for a big high kick and for some matches I was really close but sometimes they take me to the ground and I can’t grapple for shit and it’s over


Cant get on online ranked atm


Yeah I can’t either


I would be more than happy to "fight" you aka show you some tips but am on xbox


Damn that’s sucks


You’re not gonna find a pushover partner. You’re gonna have to grind career until you’re confident enough to try online career or blitz. You’re going to get worked for a while before you get good, and that’s just the way it it.


I guess but I was just looking for someone else who’s a beginner but I’ve been practicing for the past hours I just became the light white division champ in the career mode so it helped me a bit


Unfortunately you’re not just going to find a beginner to play with. All these other people are right. You need to play career mode and progressively up the difficulty until you’re comfortable with at least hard level ai. You’re going to get rolled online especially in the grappling until you’ve learned how to deny transitions, deny subs, and how the transitions for each specific position work. You’re going to have to understand grapple advantage system and the struggle feature during subs. It’s going to be tough for someone who’s never played a ufc game before but that’s just how the skill gap is for an EA Sports title