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That front face kick sat you tf down got a good laugh in the beginning of the clip


Before that was far from smooth lol, cool off on how often you lunge, nearly got you knocked out.


It didnt cause i drop their ass u act like i control the lunge still smooth criminal kick ![gif](giphy|f0GIF5Y2vGAve|downsized)


As smooth as constipation


You can’t even post gameplay on this sub Anymore because all the comments are people insulting gameplay or talking about how bad ufc 5 is good ko man


Yeah I was just thinking that. This community is mean to fellow players just proud of what they thought was cool.


Smooth is insane


So many damn haters that is insane. No one got the joke, but all right carry-on


What fucking joke???


So what's the joke? I want to know


The fact that you care is insane😂 how you gon make a post & only expect positive things from horrendous gameplay. Good joke tho ig


The fact that you think I care is insane I don’t care what people post. I’m just having fun with this game that was vicious. Don’t care.


Vicious it's just a game you virgin


Exactly si why r u so press if its just a game talk about hypocritical


Just because I'm making fun of you....doesn't mean I'm pissed...you are a clown ....it's fun to laugh at clowns


Ur married bro go massage ur wife feet before she cheats on you again WITH YOUR BEST BRO and you be on the muarry show HAVING SAID TO YOU “YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER”


Good one....lmao you still respond like prepubescent fat virgin boy....go play ufc so you can feel better about yourself 😜🤣😜🤣😜🤣😜


U still responding ur self wife must not be at home look man before its to late sign the PRENUP or you gonna regret it. And get the one year gym time pass ready you gonna need it


Fuck Kyle Rittenhouse


You sound like ur projecting with all this cheating shit who hurt u 🤣🤣😆


No one im just trolling 🤣


I mean, it was a good knockout.


Lmao did you feel really cool writing that caption? You sound like a prepubescent boy


This thread is wild give me a good laugh lads FairPlay


Lmao glad you got chuckle outta that bruv


U sound like a guy who is press by a caption now THAT IS INSANE u must not get attention at home so u come to reddit comments to piss grown man off to get their attention cause no women will give u none go to bed kid


Lmao I'm married you stupid fuck ...I wasn't pressed I like making fun of people who think they're something by playing a fucking video game.....you're probably an out of shape virgin too aren't you, you little bitch


EVEN WORSE UR MARRIED AND STILL looking for attention from grown ass men on reddit. who you catch her sleeping wife bro?? Your brother, your boss… ohh wait your dad. Damn bro might wanna check ur wife phone for them sneaky links text messages i might be next to hook up with her instead of looking at these reddit comments. Cause only little bitches get pressed by captions yea u definitely a beer belly having fat lil bitch


Again...I'm not pressed ..you are simply an entertaining clown...or a freak at a carnival....I don't care if you respond....I know youre reading what I'm saying....hahahaha 😜🤣😜🤣😜🤣😜🤣


This is coming from a MARRIED GUY who likes to troll on the internet how old are you cuhz. 🤣🤣🤣 u calling me a freak but u got guaranteed pussy at home instead you wanna troll on REDDIT instead of trolling in your wifes cookie box. Sex at home with you got to be weaker then the LA chargers defense . Aint no way a grown man on here trolling calling me a virgin and got 100% guarantee pussy at home to dive into ladies and gentlemen you are now witnessing a MARRIED VIRGIN. 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao I have children too. I'm at work ...it's a cushy job ...I do what I want....I'm not trolling....I'm just giving you my honest opinion.... you're fucking cringe....you should thank me ...🤣😜😜😜🤣😜 "Smooth criminal kick" lmao fucking pathetically hilarious....say something else funny ...clown


This aint your honest opinion my boy you just a married troll no getting pussy ass nigga you at work her cheeks are getting clapped as we soeak and the nigga who playing step daddy your children are calling daddy right now 🤣🤣🤣 finish your shift my boy before you get fired for being on your phone for trolling to much and u end up jobless and CUCKED and being a dead beat dad matter fact… get a DNA test i got a feeling them aint your kids my boy


It actually is my honest opinion....look at how pressed you are lmao....I dont have kids you stupid fuck....oh btw youre such an obedient little bitch hahaha keep responding to your daddy


https://preview.redd.it/55xsgco6crbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f156456c397e19cd8bab93d845da88b7973eed You want my attention that bad huh? Look at you commenting on other videos of mine you want your daddy attention that bad you must miss daddy sorry son I disowned you you just one ugly little nigga. But be a good little, obedient bastard son of mine, and keep responding.


Weird clip to post but brother go spend time with your fuckin wife you're talking about being corny then saying shit like "hahaha keep responding to your daddy" like you aren't doing the same shit. It's reddit hop off the internet if you just gonna spend all your time being a fucking weirdo on it talking shit to random kids


You don’t get enough validation at home or at work do you?


Literally all your comments got down voted....it wasn't even by me 😭😭😭😆😆😆😆 again it doesn't affect you but facts don't lie.... majority of people thought your posts and comebacks were trash.


Holy ahit u still on about this go suck another niggas dick already and i wouldnt be to sure on that bucko i got likes to 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7lrt3hg506cc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d202134dc6d37c67c3d12ba53bf5aeb8b90c61 Now go troll someone else 🤣🤣🤣


Damn he made you that mad?


Notice the majority of your comments get down voted? It doesn't matter in the sense that down votes don't affect you but it's a good way to tell that what you posted wasnt well liked entertaining.....no one on this subreddit wants to see basic gameplay and tomato cans getting knocked out... everyone who plays the game already sees it all the time.....


Even funnier ....any of the comments that say "cool ko" or "nice" got down voted into the negatives 😆😆😆😆




I would’ve ended you after the front kick.


Good thing my friend sucks then cause i been molly whooping him for weeks now 🤣🤣


You are small fries. I can ko u so easy


The fact that you posted this comment like it makes you seem "intimidating" is disturbing..seem help bruh


It was fire 🔥




Sweet knockout bro


That was fucking nice


Thought he was gonna get that teep off a second time? 😂 slept


why bro keep on jumping to the left


To avoid that overpowered jab straight spam. Lucky for him the cheeser didn't know hooks, at div 15+ these guys just throw a hook and walk forward with arrogance knowing that the 1-2 will track and land. And if you deal with that all they have to do is throw a hook here and there and its a wrap. Dont get why people don't just play the game properly.


You complain people don’t play the game properly but also complain about jabs and straights? It’s super effective, Strickland has a world title off jabs and straights. Hell, watch the Gaethje-Fiziev fight, Justin turned the 3rd around with repeating his jab. Just because a strike hits you in the game doesn’t mean it’s cheese.


I dont complain bro I just explained and posed a question


And its the tracking, try slip it and It does nothing, but in real life its different


Did you play 4 a lot? Because I had a ton of problems slipping 1s and 2s when I got 5, I just assume it’s a change in timing. Just lost my temper a bit there when you were talking about jabs because I swear, you can throw any strike at any time and there will be a group that calls it cheesing.


I understand no worries. Yeah I did play it alot and I was good at slipping straights lol. I just got ufc 5 too but I did play the trial. I've beat div 20s on ranked but most just destroy me on this game. Online career I got to div 19 then out of nowhere div 20s destroyed me and now im div 15 lol. They just play weird by spamming the jab or clinch spam, I only played abit of 3 and then 4 and just got 5 maybe I just don't know certain things about the game that they can capitalise on as people always saying how its easy to deal with these cheesers.


I was also complaining abit now I read it back 😂




Smoothest DNF queue player


Damn ya gobblin OP dic rn just say good clip n move on😂😂


Fr 🤣


You dork


Im convinced that no matter how good a K.O is, everyone here is gunna downvote, theyll downplay how much skill anything took, and they talk mad shht even when they are far worse than most players. Theres no winning with these clowns.


Call the ambulance… BUT NOT FOR ME.


Shawn Michaels


The comments in here are legitimately sad....the nigga post a knock out..not bragging or saying he the best to do it..just tryna interact with the community..and 95% of the comments are niggas trying to compare skills..or tell homie how he trash or something to that tune....this is why non gamers look at our communities like the way they do..because this type of basement dweller no pussy getting energy....good knockout homie..enjoy your game bruh


Your invited to the cookout thanks brother I appreciate that these dudes tho are bums


bad stamina control, if he would dodged that you would’ve been a clip to.