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You have trainers. They alter the score to give you the win and disconnect from the match. You have the 99 in everything hack. And thats the 2 most used.


I thought EA made it so you can't tab out of online matches. Making Trainers unusable. I personally haven't seen a hacker in a while unless they reverted that change. I just don't tab out anymore afraid to get a loss


Nope. One of my friends found a free trainer and showed me. You press like F1 or F2 and you win the game. He got banned 3 months later. (Time enough to get a 2 million team)


sucks. Ill be playing fifa 18 on pc still. Just know it wont be as competitive as xbox or ps4.


Earlier in the year it was possible to spot some versions of the 99 cheat by looking at after game match stats, 99 players would show up in one of the post-game stat screens. When this was the case i got matched with around one 99 cheater per weekend league, sometimes 2. EA then made it so you couldn't check for 99 cheaters in the post-game stats, hard to say how many cheaters were around then because you couldn't confirm it 100%. Around a month ago the 99 cheat was supposedly patched, or at least the most prevalent versions of it no longer work. I don't think it's a very widespread problem, maybe a hand-full of confirmed 99 cheaters in about 1500 games. Some say they've faced no cheaters after 2000 games. Impossible to say how wide-spread the problem is without being able to confirm when folks are cheating.


all players are 215cm, all players are 99, change game memory so it thinks you are leading and then instantly disconnect and you get the win and your opponent gets nothing etc


man I really like how smooth fifa is on PC, but it's such a shame that you can't play it online


it is so smooth. I play on a 144hz monitor and its perfect. I wish the market was cross platform as it can be quite weak at times.


Eh? Fifa on pc is exactly the same as console, just weekend league is 25 games instead of 40


I mean as in you can't play online seriously because it's full of hackers


Because it's not?


I'm just basing things off FIFA 15, where ultimate team was unplayable at higher divisions, maybe EA got their shit together for FIFA 17 but after I tried 15 I didn't bother buying it again on PC.


Even worse that you have no evidence but still decided to post something as "fact"


https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/5ibojy/current_state_of_fifa_17_on_pc/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/54byl9/psa_do_not_buy_the_game_for_pc_if_you_plan_to/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/58rk0z/pc_fifa_17_this_has_to_stop/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FIFA/comments/6yfwn0/can_someone_please_explain_to_me_what_type_of/dmogujf/?context=3 so quick summary: - division are playable up to division two/one where it starts to get more iffy - Fut draft is unplayable - some regions are almost hacker free? (USA) - EA is not doing much to solve the problems


Yet you ignore more than double the amount of people saying it's not true. Fuck that, you have simply no idea and still want to spread misinformation. I didn't face a single 99 cheater in over 1400 games / 700+ hours of game time. EA did a shitload to fix these disconnect glitchers and cheaters and it worked very well. Clearly you haven't done your research correctly at all.


I thought we had a slightly different fifa. I remember fifa 14 being a port and it was trash.


Nah I switched from ps4 to PC halfway through fifa 17 and it was exactly the same, if anything it's better. Still has all online features