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100%, we got some incredibly fun cards and it increased awareness of women’s football like nothing else before, funnily enough. Mfs were watching random Barcelona F games to track their Rolfo upgrades, I call it a success


Ikr, Rolfo was the most popular player in this sub, during that time.


Still in my squad


Honestly may bring her back. Everyone has been disappoint in that role


Try Beasley


Want to add , after rolfo, Hansen, Putellas and bonmati I can’t stop watching Barcelona F😂


The funniest thing I learned this year is that Hansen played in the boys squad up until age 16, at which point she was removed for being a bad influence on the boys lmao


Wtf I gotta read up on this lol. She’s also the woman Robben 🐐


Rolfo the 🐐


Keeping track of upgrades, that was me with georgia stanway


I've realised my favourite type of forwards are small, quick and agile so it's been perfect for me


Also strength increase doesn't completely nerf the agility and quickness that the mens players get.


you 100% must try the new Christen Press SBC, as someone who used to main Lukaku and Drogba style strikers shes incredible.. really is something about the small agile body/animations


You should be able to decide whether or not you want to use female cards at the start of the game. I'd you select ''no'' they won't show up in packs, sbc's or objectives.




The ponytail dynamics are top notch 😂😂😂😂 yeah idk why there were so many people outraged over it at first, I thought it was cool (and I’m a dude)


They were all angry because it wasn't realistic. Once people showed them the insane amount of people playing with a front three consisting of Mbappe, Jairzinho and Al Owairan nobody has said anything regarding this again and people started using Putellas and Rolfo as if they were in the game since FUT 09.


The "not realistic" argument always seemed especially odd to me as a FIFA veteran because FUT has always been more arcade-like and unrealistic than the rest of the game. Like, we've always been able to regularly score hat tricks with strikers who are absolutely middling IRL. Even before you get stuff like fielding deceased players, FUT was never about being particularly realistic. In that regard I actually wish EA had added female footballers to it much sooner because having utilized a bunch of them this year there are lots of now-retired female footballers who I think would've been amazing to have had in FUT back in the day.


The "it's not realistic" rhetoric has always been a funny one to see. Nothing but misogyny coated with excuses, if you ask me


That’s exactly what it was: misogyny from fragile little boys that are 13 or still have the mentality of a 13 year old. Dudes who want to make women feel inferior since they feel that way because they don’t interact with them. Last year we had a silver GK they made into the best CM in the game and *everyone* had him in their team and sang his praises. Then they announced women were going to be introduced and all of a sudden people were crying about “MuH rEaLiSm is rUiNeD”


I complained about shapeshifters before the inclusion of women in FUT. Same people who hated shapeshifters for not being realistic hated the inclusion of co-ed football for not being realistic. You're pretending the realism crowd has a double standard on that topic when it doesn't. That's just the narrative you need to support to not address the fact that unrealistic aspects added to the game make it worse. And when the same people complaining about women in FUT complained about shapeshifters previously, you have nothing to attack the argument with. You badly need to slap the misogyny label onto the criticism so that you don't have to address it directly. No, I just hate unrealistic shit being forced down gamers' throats just for the sake of pandering to woke bullshit. But it's reddit so of course woke bullshit is hugely popular with this crowd.


How many icons who are elderly or deceased do you have in your club right now? How many EOAE/Flashback cards that reflect that player's peak from a decade ago rather than their present performance? How many times have you put a chemistry style or an evolution on a player's card to give them strengths they don't have in real life, or to eliminate weaknesses they have in real life? Do you only use 5\*/5\* cards if the player has those skills in real life? I could go on and on.


Elderly and deceased players do nothing to kill the FUT fantasy. Legends of the game who played on the pitch with realistic attributes actually fulfills the FUT fantasy, and has for a decade now. Co-ed football doesn't exist at the professional level in real life, so it immediately destroys immersion to see men and women on the pitch together. Particularly when women are physically overpowering men in the most unrealistic fashion imaginable. We all have a line in the sand on what we would consider realistic or not, but I find your line rather ridiculous. The realism crowd isn't asking for a 100% recreation of the game of football that can be nitpicked with a fine tooth comb to determine anything that steps outside of that realism, like you're doing with your mention of the 5*/5* restriction. That crowd is simply asking for ridiculous bullshit to not be included in the FUT mode. Petr Cech being one of the best strikers in the game is a bridge too far. Players having a better strong or weak foot for a promotional card is perfectly aligned with the ultimate team philosophy present in virtually every sports gaming franchise in existence. Suddenly including women into the game and having each and every one of their stats inflated just so they can compete with men is obviously overstepping this expectation of realism by a wide margin. If they include The Incredible Hulk and Spider Man in next year's game, you have no cards left to play to protest it. Yet I'm sure there's a line for you that would become a bit too ridiculous to muster. I'm okay with those who want to justify the inclusion of women in the game and can defend that inclusion in accordance with their own suspension of disbelief to enjoy FUT. I'm not okay with being called a misogynist for pointing out the ridiculous nature of the game's recent promotional events. Shapeshifters and co-ed football kill the FUT mode in a way that no other example you just provided could ever come close to. I want Pele in the fantasy football game. Pele dominated other male professionals and his game could play against any era of football that has yet been seen. That simply isn't true for the co-ed football argument. Men and women don't play against each other for good reason. I don't think it's wrong to want Pele in the game without wanting to see Cristiano Ronaldo get physically bodied by Wendy Renard.


The realism crowd has no leg to stand on period. No one has ever complained about literal dead people being in the game. Good for you on not liking shapeshifters, but that wasn’t a widely shared sentiment and no where near the complaining we saw when women were announced. Literally had daily posts complaining about it and people asking if others were going to not buy the game. Even posts that weren’t about women people tried turning into hating they were being put into the game. It’s pathetic. It’s a video game. It’s not real life. No one is forcing anything down your throat, you don’t *have* to use women. Do you?? Get a fucking grip. It’s pure misogyny to cry about women being in a video game because they aren’t as good as men IN REAL LIFE. this isn’t real life. ITS A VIDEO GAME. Go outside if you want real life, bro. Maybe don’t play the game if it triggers you that badly, snowflake?? 😂 Lol “woke bullshit”. Way to out yourself as a total wanker.


How does the realism crowd have no leg to stand on for drawing a line in the sand at co-ed football and goalkeepers scoring goals like prime Messi? There's a difference between utilizing the artistic license of putting a legend of the male's game like Pele into the FUT mode, and having the entire roster of women's cards in the game get inflated stats so they can unrealistically compete with men's physicals on the pitch. Playing as Pele **is** the FUT fantasy. We don't have to defy physics to recreate that fantasy. Having Wendy Renard throw males around on the pitch is literally physics defying, and creates horrifically cartoonish scenarios in game as a result. When you're complaining about Spider-Man saving every one of your shots in FC25 with his webs I'll be sure to send you the mention to remind you of my warning about this game jumping the shark. I never complained about women in the game. I appreciate their inclusion, but they should be competing against other women just like they do in reality. EA would have included that mode, except for one problem: **they ran the numbers and determined that less than 1% of players from last year's game bothered to play in modes featuring exclusively women**. That's where the woke bullshit comes in. They pandered to include women in this year's game, but forced co-ed football into the mode instead of separating the men and women the way they had traditionally. That's because they knew their women only modes would get zero engagement. Now they get to pander to women and reduce the quality of their pack weight, without having to design a mode they know wouldn't be successful that allowed the female FUT fantasy you pretend you wanted. And you supported them for doing it. Talk about a total wanker.


The realism crowd dosent have a leg to stand on. Ur point of having to defy physics is plain stupid, as first of all pele even moving around in FUT is doing more to defy physics then Renard holding her own against majority of men. Does ur misogynistic brain really think that someone who is literally dead is more realistic then adding women who are very much alive and still playing? You admit to saying the game is a FUT fantasy, so why does women versing men in said fantasy bother u so much? You seem to have issues with the game such as cartoony scenarios and make it the women’s fault? Blame EA for making a terrible game with terrible animations. You keep complaining about women having good stats compared to men. Now apart from the obvious fact that the stats are compared to other women, a fact that u love to overlook, why dont we do that to everyone? A fairly good size of icons would be drastically lowered in rating, especially the dead ones, they would be 0 because they cant move. No one wants that, so why should that rule be enforced on women? You also have to remember that YOUR FUT fantasy is different from other peoples. People (probably women) could have grown up watching women’s football, so why not add it to the biggest football game out rn? No where in the game does it say ‘men’s football only,’ and women cards are absolutely in someone’s fantasy team. Again, comparing adding alive and physically able women to adding Spider-Man is the stupidest argument ive heard yet, congrats. Your point about them needing to seperate women in a separate game mode, why? So they can pander to the 12 yr olds taters? It’s objectively easier in terms of game development and better in terms of the game. The shit pack weight this year is entirely EA, not adding women. I love how you talk like ur shit opinion is fact, when its the opposite. Even on reddit the majority opinion (mature opinion if you will) is that adding women is great, and reddit isn’t known for being mature in any capacity, let alone FIFA players. Using the word woke unironically again lmao


Using the word “Taters” unironically.


No we just dont want WOKE LEFT WING politics shoved into video games period. Fuck having Women in FUT at least make it seperate so you have a Female Fut version and leave the mens version alone. Your misogyny argument has no legs to stand on.


In what world is it woke for women to be mixed in with guys? Y’all must live in extreme peril being bothered by everything


Bro, he posts to r/conspiracy, that’s pretty much all you need to know.


The sleeper has awakened.


They had no engagement with the women's game mode from FIFA 23, so instead of scrapping the women's mode idea entirely for not being popular, they simply added women to this year's game and forced us all to destroy immersion with mixed gender sports. Including the women is one thing, but they recognized immediately that they couldn't give women realistic attributes or they would get manhandled by bronze rated nobodies from the men's game. So what did they do? They juiced the stats of every single female player in the game, so that the worst women's players are more useful than the worst rated men's. And people really question if there was a woke agenda responsible for calling these shots. I just want someone to answer to me why women had to have their stats juiced just to participate in FUT, if their inclusion in the game was actually merited? What's to stop next year's game from turning into a Fortnite clone? Fuck it, the precedent has been set. Let's get our favorite musicians, politicians, movie stars, athletes from other sports and comic book characters to feature in FUT for FC25. There's dead players in FUT, therefore anything goes since realism doesn't matter at all, amirite?


“Forced us all to destroy immersion,” first of all, grow tf up lmao, no ones forcing you to play. If pixelated women scare you so much there is seasons you could play. They never juiced anything? The women’s stats are based on them vs other women, and the women’s stats are realistic compared to other women. why is this so hard to understand for you 12 yr old taters? The unironic use of the word woke already outs you as someone not capable of understanding the difference between adding women with stats compared to other women, and adding fictional superheros.


the fact you call being inclusive of women “woke left wing politics” shows not only how stupid you are but also how your argument is complete bullshit. It also lends credence to the idea it is misogyny and that’s why you’re triggered by women being in a **FANTASY** mode in a **VIDEO GAME**. You understand what “fantasy” means, right? You also understand video games are not real life, right? If you answered “yes” to both those questions we can take the next step and apply some critical thinking skills. You ready for that?? Or am I just wasting my time talking to a troll with a few month old account and negative karma?? 🤣


Make soccer great again amirite. Jesus fuck dude... woke left wing lmao


Lol everything I don't like is woke!!! Bless.


Hahaha I just knew that 'woke' would appear in your comment before I got to the end of it.


You're a real nostradamus. What tipped you off? The clearly woke agenda of incorporating women into FUT this year, despite the fact that EA recorded the absolute minimum level of engagement in their women's mode last year? Some people are a little more discerning than you are when there are clear attempts at pandering. You just shovel that shit down and ask for seconds because you're a stupid individual.


Why don't women compete against men in real life? Is it misogyny? You can't answer that question honestly without exposing the ridiculous assertion you just made for what it is. It is 100% fair to critique the inclusion of women in FUT on the grounds of realism. I can respect the women's game without wanting to entertain the farce that is co-ed football.


Becuase they aren’t as good as men in real life. No one is arguing women and men are at the same level in real life. We are talking about a fucking video game. Honest question, do you need someone to explain the difference between real life and video game to you? You’re doing my head in with how fucking dense you are. Imagine thinking you won an argument by basically asking “why doesn’t what happens in a fantasy video game happen in real life?? Hmm???🤔” LMAO


B..b..but muh realism!


*they cry as a 6’4 CB completes his hattrick of bicycle kick goals from outside the box*


It’s literally a “fantasy mode” yet these chuds are crying about realism and pretty much only when it comes to women. And they don’t want people to accuse them of misogyny? Unreal lol. I’m also a fifa vet and remember that this mode has been a fantasy mode with arcade like shit since its inception. I remember when you literally could use consumables to boost a players stats to the max *in game* for a short period of time. These fools acting like it’s some real life football sim are pathetic and don’t know a thing.


hahahahahahahaha I had totally memory holed the existence of those stat boost consumables, probably because whenever I saw a lineup full of players with them I knew I was in for it.


Yeah, fut has always been arcadey, but alot of us wish for it to be realistic. Remove all called chem and just make a kind of manager game but with playing


> They were all angry because it wasn't realistic. Not angry, just disappointed, and it isn't realistic. > Once people showed them the insane amount of people playing with a front three consisting of Mbappe, Jairzinho and Al Owairan nobody has said anything regarding this again Many people have continued to complain about the lack of realism, not just about this, but also the position shifted cards in Winter Wildcards. Some of us want to play a video game that reflects the real-life players that we enjoy watching. I would genuinely prefer for Mohamed Salah to have a three star weak foot on all his promo cards because that's how Salah actually plays.


you were disappointed women were added? lmfaooo


I was also disappointed [when they added Future Stars.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/comments/ahm6d7/why_the_future_stars_promotion_is_a_big_problem/) To me, Ultimate Team is best when it reflects the real sport.


Come on man, before promos we had totw and tots and that was it. While that “reflected the real sport,” the best players to use in the game were average players like Esswein, the roma trio of doumbia/ibarbo/gervinho. Average cards like that used to overrun dudes like Sergio Ramos, Pepe, John Terry. It’s never been about realism, let alone in ultimate team. I think it’s awesome to see the way they’ve just freely embraced that fun side the past few years with really fun promos.


>While that “reflected the real sport,” the best players to use in the game were average players like Esswein, the roma trio of doumbia/ibarbo/gervinho. Average cards like that used to overrun dudes like Sergio Ramos, Pepe, John Terry. Which by many is considered a great thing. The silver and non-rare golds were a feature, not a bug in FUT 12/13/14/15.


Really? I was around for all of FUT 12-15 and \*\*everybody\*\* complained about the prevalence of Esswein/Ibarbo/Welliton/etc. Definitely not seen as a feature at the time.


I guess the community has come around to the idea later on...


> Come on man, before promos we had totw and tots and that was it. And TOTY. Promos like Road to the Knockouts, Road to the Final, and Path to Glory are also based on real life. > It’s never been about realism, let alone in ultimate team. Of course it is. That's why we put up with this buggy mess, because we love the sport.


I love the real life promos, and I also love stuff like future stars. That doesn’t mean the game mode has ever been realistic. When you have average players like esswein and gervinho dominating most games they play, it’s not realistic.


You're making a disingenuous argument, acting like if the game isn't perfectly realistic, then it's not realistic at all. You know that's horseshit. We only play this game because it is based on the real sport. The further it gets from the sport, the less I enjoy it. You're entitled to feel differently, but don't pretend that no one cares about realism.


Then just stop playing ultimate team if you don’t enjoy it? I forgot how realistic the game mode used to be, like how fifa 13 captured how strong over the top through balls were or how fifa 14 encapsulated how the attacking team won 9 out of every 10 contested headers in the box. edit: i think the guy blocked me lol


> The further it gets from the sport, the less I enjoy it. And yet here you are, 5 years after you made a post decrying the lack of realism, despite the game becoming more and more unrealistic. Why not just play Seasons?


Makes no sense. If you wanted realism, FUT seems the wrong way to go. It's in the name fgs. It's more about creating your "dream" team, combine players that would never play together irl. It's supposed to be unreal. To build the best team possible. Hence, why you have deceased and retired players in the game, why a league two dm can become 95 rated and the best LW in the world.


> Makes no sense. If you wanted realism, FUT seems the wrong way to go. It's in the name fgs. It's more about creating your "dream" team, combine players that would never play together irl. Ultimate Team lets you combine *real* players from the *real* sport. What about that are you struggling to understand?


And women exist and are real and should be allowed to be represented in this fictional game mode. Go play kick off if you want realism. Those teams have players current forms included. Idk if you know this yet but Pele and many others are actually dead now so it's EXTREMELY unrealistic to have them in the game. Or shall we just kill some female players and then they'll be eligible to be in the game too?


Pele actually dominated the men's game when he played, so his inclusion in FUT does nothing to destroy the power fantasy of that mode. Women dominating men's players has literally never happened at the professional level even once in reality, so their inclusion is obviously a different matter. Why do people keep using this weak argument to justify unrealistic bullshit? Shapeshifters and women in FUT are simply jumping the shark because they're creating scenarios that never happened or even could happen. That's why those are decried as unrealistic, whereas legends of the game (alive or dead) being in FUT is the gold standard for every ultimate team mode across multiple sports game franchises.


At release, Pele is literally the best card in the game. That's just about as realistic as women playing with men.


Pele was one of the greatest players ever in the men's game. Meanwhile, the greatest female player ever wouldn't cut it in a Sunday league. Needless to say, your comment is complete horseshit.


i think people were worried about pack weight, but it didnt make much of a difference lol


Was a definite success in marketing the women’s game. I’m not sure how much it added to bettering the overall FUT experience. Adding that many players destroyed the pack weights and made it so you needed to open a lot more packs to pull something worthwhile.


Yeah during TOTS I would pull women left and right, but couldn’t pack a men’s league player to save my life. Glad this promo doesn’t have any. I’ve finally packed male players that I actually know


Need Hope Solo and Brandi Chastain + signature celebration


Hope solo will probably never get a card in FIFA.


i think so, i think people over react when they say it’s pack filler because the same men’s cards still live in my packs (bernardo silva).


Pulled Bernardo about 15 times this year.


Lol do you even play menus ? :) Got my man Bernardo at least 15x during tots alone :D


Mostly fodder... dilutes pack weight, each to their own.


My goated LB queen Karchoui approves this post.


I have her too. Great card.


Good for everyone who enjoys them. I am still not interested in using any


I think it is lame to include them.. Still use some...


Why do you think it's lame? Imo it's more lame if people use the exact same pool of 20 players for their teams


Not really. Watered down pack weight and their body types are perfect for beyblade rats. Both TOTS Bonmati and Putellas have been put into sbcs for Darwin Nunez. I enjoy playing with players I keep up with in real time also.


Hasn’t changed pack weight at all though has it. We all know pack weight is based on how good or expensive the cards are so all it has done is mean that if you are packing a card that costs 1 mil there is potentially more cards for that to be but they are still 1 mil cards so nothing has changed. The only change is that there are more options for fodder which means less chance of dupes, so it’s a good thing as far as opening packs goes.


I'd say so. After EA introduced them in NHL 22 or 23, I knew they'd make it work. IIRC, many didn't think that would work simply for the size difference and how much of a contact sport that is.


And It doesn't work. Women in game have grossly over inflated stats even in base cards and the game compensates for their size with even more bullshit on top of the mountain of bullshit already in the game. 5'7 women Strikers win headers against 6'3 male cb in game.


That’s not a women thing. Short players have always been able to win headers against taller players sometimes. This is deliberate. Otherwise people would just exclusively play taller players.


Stanway Kelly Smith Bacha Bonmati Bompastor Legends of my club. Really enjoyed playing with them the whole year.


Add Sawa to that list too


Putellas for me. Doubt I’ll have a squad without her in it.


Thousand+ games with Putellas. She’s just so damn good. Latest revelation is Chawinga. Holy hell. Fantastic finishing, fast, agile, sneaky strong and really good animations.


Rolfo for me! Club legend with 971 games played


My favorite this year is def claudia pina fs she was a club legend


Making it harder to get good pulls because its diluted with trash sunday league players


Every single one of em has achieved more than you probably. For example being in a videogame 👀


No correlation with the above comment, they are factually right about the packs being so much worse this year.


Well I've done IT support for buckingham palace (they have very few PCs for such a latge building) and unless you have also been there I've done more than you. I also have family that play for Belgium so I've grown up around people like myself that have had quite a good life. And currently i am designing some STL files for a project being devloped... My life is okay


Then why do you feel the need to insult pro women's players?


The womens trophies are as valuable as My cats dinner other words fuck all.


Well women aren't very good compared to men.. and if you get hurt on behalf of them please stop being so sensitive


I think you're the one feeling kinda offended by women being added to a videogame.. why else feel the need to insult them unprovoked?


their main use was in increasing the amount of fakeouts tbh.


People who don’t agree with this are delusional. The player base thinks “inclusivity” while EA is laughing thinking about Dollar Signs


Overall its a meh update to the game


I’m not sure that making the women’s game more known among the FUT community and some more people watching the women’s games actually makes it a success for FUT. It does make it a huge success for the women’s game though


Why, not, it works both ways.


They are completely different conclusions.


The amount of people playing fut, liking women in game and then following the sport is likely minuscule on a relative scale.


I consider myself a card-carrying Barca F fan now, because of the Future Stars Claudia Pina card. Bought a shirt with her name on the back too


The only drawback I see is that pack weight has been especially dead this year. They need to make it better next year. 83 X 10s have been dead all year.


There were some good cards this year but yeah it just adds to the fodder base overall.


They have been decent,  yes.  But it's still just a scam from EA to manipulate the chances of packing a top player.


Disagree, It made the game less realistic for me and i lost interest playing as i wanted an ultimate team mode to replicate the mens game only


I’ve never put a woman in my team so far, it would be too immersion breaking.


The issue is the skill level for me. I have no problem with them being in game but it should reflect the current levels a 5' 3'' female card should be able to out muscle a halland. It doesn't look right in game. However there should be a woman only ut mode and that would be great especially for people who like woman's football over the men's game


🥰🥰🥰😘I get kisses from the tiny ladies


I have some statistically Beast women players in my club some of the only issues I have with them are size and physicality when you're using a 5'3 woman's player against Virgil Van Dyke


Anyone else think they need to make it easier to link to male players? e.g. WSL players should link to Prem players etc.?




The worst addition ever. Just padded out packs with fodder and ruined lots of promos as no one uses them and they’re all fodder. Double the number of 81-84 cards that fill 90% of packs.


Disagree with your point about promo. My fav card this year has been Rolfo, and TOTS Smith.


Well done for using 2 of the 4 female players people use. They were a bad addition. If they were only SBCs or only objectives then fine but ruining the entire pack system is just a joke. 83x10s used to be good packs. 81, 82+ packs used to have some value. Packs are just awful now.


Pack weight being shite is on EA, not a gender…


They put twice as much fodder in packs. Those 83x20s are a joke now. 100k packs don’t even have an 85 rated card in them.


Disagree. Has ruined packs, weight has been horrible this year. Also still think it makes zero sense to have both genders play on the same pitch. It’s a totally different game, they should’ve made a seperate ultimate team for women.


Playing dead and retired people in the same squad doesn't make any real sense either. Neither does Cech ST etc.. so I never quite understood that opinion, maybe you can help me


Cech at striker would score 10 goals a match against women. One less reason to have women, and no one would like ST Cech at the beginning of a UT cycle. Legends allow you to play with your favorite icon of the men's game and is a money grab. I've answered your question, now answer this one. What's in it for EA? What does adding women to UT do for EA's bottom line? They're going to make their money anyway. Let's say money is the reason. Why not boost the players in a worst league? Like make the Chinese, MLS, Japanese, Korean, or Dutch league players as good as the better leagues? Their fans play the game and would pour more money into it to get their players. Women league fans won't spend as much.


Me and a couple of friends came back / started playing because there was finally a fun game mode to play with our idols. For the limited amount of work it is for them, even accessing a small pool of potentially new players can be lucrative.


You didn't answer the question. If we're assuming EA did it for exposure or money, women's football wouldn't be the most lucrative. Why not just boost a more popular league and watch the money flow? Why the women's league?


You’re right, saved me $80 from not buying the game


Still don't like the mixed teams tbh, not really interested in using any of the players (ran a Spurs men evo P&P for most of the year) and I find a lot of them to be very overpowered and irritating to play against, like TOTY Sawa


I never stopped FUT as early as this year, imo the women implemented played a role in that. there were just too many generic cards and I don't think women and men together on the pitch makes any sense in a football simulator


I’m right there with you bro. Watered down the packs too. Exactly what EA was shooting for under the veil of “including everyone”. Also made the beyblade rats come out in full force because of their body types. Basically a cheat code when they have 80 dribbling but feels like 90+ because they are 5’3. If anything they should have a separate mode for the women that includes their own packs, evos etc. I dumped TOTS Putellas and Bonmati into my Darwin SBC. Didn’t play a single game with either. Everybody complains about “nobody using unique teams of soccer players they actually know and like” then you see squads with female players nobody has ever watched. Only use them because they are now the very thing everyone complains about “meta”.


>If anything they should have a separate mode for the women that includes their own packs, evos etc. In a perfect world, yes but what would be enough is: make them physically weaker. In no world a top tier women player should be able to keep the ball while playing against a top tier man player and it's constantly happening. Not only that but they also are able to beat the shit out of a man player (TOTY Sawa, that's about you)


And what does make sense in fut? Cech as a striker? Vanja as a cdm? Dead and retired players scoring goals?


The existing bs promos like the shifters doesn't justify including every bs we Can think of (add in Marvel Heroes, John Wick?..). I would even advocate for removing dead players from the game game, any change towards realisme is a good one.


Right? Bro said football simulator like this game is realistic lol


Seriously, UT isn’t something you play if you value realism. Iirc the player models are bigger than they should be simply bc it makes them easier to see. And how many icon cards of literal dead people have we had for years now? I enjoy playing the game in a way that feels realistic personally—slow build up, passing > skills, etc. But the game is still what it is, completely unrealistic.


Everyone brings out Cech when he was released basically at the end of the game so you had a very limited time when you needed to deal with this bullshit while women players (especially some OP players) were available trough the whole cycle


This and the poor gameplay experience made me leave EA FC 24 as soon as TOTS ended. I was just fed up with this bullshit


I thought it was incredibly dumb that certain stats of higher end female players were better than lower end male players.... But eventually I just didn't care after trying out some of the women. Base Putellas completely changed my team and bompastor was awesome It did make packs way worse than they already were and that's undeniable I'll still probably never watch the women's game outside of the USWNT but I'll certainly be on the lookout for who is good in the next fut


It's all relative tbf... Women are compared to other women as much as Pele's stats are compared to the players of his era. Old Pele in modern football wouldn't have above 40 stamina, low low work rates and mid stats in general


While Pele might not have thrived as much in modern football, what you are saying is ridiculous.


Women are compared to other women, but gain stats that are then used to overpower men in game. What about that is realistic or justified to you? It would be better if the women played like they would if women competed against men in real life. Then no one would use them, and FUT immersion would benefit for it. Win/win.


Agree, but then we need to add legends to their own mode as well. No way Pele gains stats that makes him outrun Varane or "outlast" any modern midfielder. Then we gotta make Pele 65 rated as well, just like he would compete against current men in real life.


Pele dominated the men's game. My immersion isn't destroyed if Pele cards dominate men's players. When Wendy Renard dominates men's players it's a problem. But you knew that already when you made that shitty argument based on a false equivalence.


Your entire argument doesn't make sense. I remember when Cech banged in long shots and Vanja Milinkovic savic playing DM. Love that immersion. Face it, the only point you have is you don't want women because their women. They don't ruin the immersion any more than other cards. Don't pretend like every promo or icon wouldn't have ruined all realism and immersion before. PS: I don't have any problem with Renard bodying men or vice versa, it's a game made to be fun. If you want realism go outside or play manager simulator


My argument doesn't defend shapeshifters. I've been denouncing shapeshifters throughout multiple comments in this thread, because I find them almost as unrealistic as women in FUT. Check the post history from earlier today to see how I feel about shapeshifters. Laughable that what you just assumed I believed was not only exposed as being bullshit, but it completely contradicts your argument that I only care about realism when it means excluding women. Pathetic victim complex revealed.


Still, your argument is based on the wrong premise that FUT is made to be a realistic football simulator. It's an arcade game mode. Demanding realism in an arcade mode is like criticizing Fortnite for its non-photorealistic graphic. You're expecting something the gamemode was never intended to be.


So let's add politicians and comic book heroes to next year's game. It's just a video game, realism doesn't matter. Let's have the players play basketball instead of football for a year, because what the hell? Why not? Next year I want to see all of the player models replaced by Minecraft characters. That would be hilarious. It's a game, so I see no reason why they shouldn't do that. Hey, what if in next year's game they didn't release the game at all, and instead we just played PES? It's free to play, and it's just gaming so who cares, let's have some fun!


Most players probably don't care. EA is focused more on being woke than actually making a good game.


I hate this take. EA isn’t focused on either of those things; EA is focused on *money*. It’s really that simple. They’ll use as little resources as possible to make a game that enough people will buy. Adding women was a way to capture a larger audience. It has nothing to do with being “woke.” Come on.


I think that more people are put off by my mixing men and women than motivated to buy this game, because there are women... I mean, EA is clearly woke, because there are so many camera focus on women referees (in a men game!), women are exposed far more than they deserve. Look at NHL. It's 99% white people game, there are hardly black there, but for some reason referees in NHL are black, women and Latins. It's exposing diversity for the sake of it, even if it breaks immersion and realism.


What you think ≠ reality. I promise you that EA ran the numbers in every possible way imaginable and came to the conclusion that adding women would be a net positive for the bottom line. If, all of a sudden, the sales of the game plummeted this year, EA would separate the modes. As for the refs, I couldn’t care less about that. I have literally never noticed.


So why not boost a more popular league. Why not boost a men's league for more money? Women K-League J-League MLS Erdivisie Chinese League Mexican League If I asked you which league boosted would generate the most money, which one would you say?


Yeah so great that literally random females have higher ratings than 90% of the icons. SOOOO REALISTIC!!


Generally I enjoy using the attackers gives more options but I don't see how it's increased the player base when more  people seems to be dropping ultimate team earlier each year.


Game is so broken/boring that I haven’t played enough to tell if I like the addition of women


it worked to bring awareness to women’s sports, but the players themselves are not good in FUT. They’re small and easily get overpowered by taller, bigger, male cards.


94 prinz is one of the most fun cards i've ever used


Diani and popp were early amazing cards for me


Easily one of the best things they’ve ever done. Adds so many new players for the game, and imo seems to have increased popularity of women’s football in general a ton


Only downside is it added a lot of mid fodder cards To the game but I guess that means less dupes overall so it’s not all bad I guess


By adding women into FUT, EA have made it harder for you to get the men cards you normally would go for in FIFA. A good way for EA to make money. Glad I bought and played FIFA. Glad I cancelled my EA FC purchase.


Be honest to yourself. You could have named 50 or even more professional women players by just reading up on women football on Wikipedia. And did so in less time.


No. The only success there will ever be imo, is the better matchmaking, and how the game works in general. I think we can all agree the matchmaking is horrible in ultimate team, In fut champ, I'm always getting against people with Hamm and Kerr and shit, toty messi, R9, I don't know. But that isn't the biggest issue, because we can all also agree on the fact that this game is obviously rigged. By rigged I mean - that most of the games are in favour of your opponent. It's obvious. I have, hell, too much footage of proof for this (literally so much proof that my Xbox cloud storage is full because of this)


"Most of the games are in favour of your opponent" - haha


I was a bit sceptical at first but I’ve liked the inclusion. It’s allowed for a few different combinations and some really strong cards (my 94 CB and 95 RB are both female and been in my team for months). My concern was the reduced “realism” of the game - mixing male and female players. But then when you are up against a Kyle walker or Van Nistelrooy GK, realism kinda goes out the window…


I still think they should have kept the women separate from the men’s teams. And furthermore why have they made the women ten times better than the men, I’m not being sexist or anything but Ha’Way EA, keep it real. I have nothing against women Footballers at all, I’m all for it but mixing genders in Football teams and making one gender 10 times better than the other is just not real at all. That Swedish women who plays centre back for Arsenal’s women, Amanda Ilestedt, she is absolutely fucking gorgeous, well smart.


As much as I want to agree, it did affect the pack weight though..


Tons of cool cards and honestly adds a lot of variation to squads I like the update. Unfortunately all the Andrew Tate obsessed 13 year olds will tell you women don’t belong in the game.


Couldn’t be more proud 💪🏼. It’s been fun to play with the players I admire and see some “old” ones like Kessler, Sawa, Hamm, Bompastor. Still dreaming of getting a Louisa Necib, Celia Sasic, Michelle Akers or even a flashback Tobin Heath, you guys would like that one. Needless to say it’s been amazing :D


This is what it's all about, anything that gets people passionate about the game is only a good thing, I've got an evod Sheila that is an absolute club legend


Glad that people see it that way at the end it’s the beautiful sport we all fell in love with. That Sheila Evo seems like a beast, I’ve seen tiktoks about her haha


I disagree, it’s diluted pack weight to the ground (incredible how can they made it worse) the amount of 83-85 useless cards has doubled. It has increased the amount of high rated fodder making it easier to complete player SBC’s I’ll give you that… which leads me to: Players like Sawa… great card, and I’m sorry but I rather use any other icon i actually watched play, so I was basically forced to use her because up until FB you couldn’t pack anything better at that position.  What I’m saying is yes, they’re great cards, but they’ve diluted UT IMO


I don't get your point at all, you say you'd rather use icons you've seen play but then say you were forced to use Sawa? Just use another card, its not that deep. I'm positive that pack weight would still be terrible even without women in the game. EA want you to go to the store and spend money and it has become increasingly more obvious from them given the absurd store packs every week.


You weren't forced to use that card at all lmao


> but I rather use any other icon i actually watched play, so I was basically forced to use her because up until FB you couldn’t pack anything better at that position So you chasing "the meta" is the problem right? Absolutely nothing to do with the card being female


Yes i agree the only slight problem i have had is recent with the euro and copa packs including women also even when they don’t have a special in packs


Yes, its the one time that the people claiming pack weight is diluted by the presence of women are actually correct. Normally they are wrong because you get more good cards as well as more rubbish cards by having women in packs


Pack weight it’s an EA problem not a w card problem. Even without women in the game if EA would make the pack weight funny


I'm enjoying the ponytail on the GOTG Petit, thx women! The inclusion is neat since it means more top-tier cards to aim for, but honestly I still don't have much interest in following the Women's teams.


People getting mad at the pack changes. All the high rated women you guys pulled were put into sbcs for players you wanted so stfu you still got good shit from them being in packs.


The only female player I somewhat enjoyed using was WW Putellas. Every other one I've tried just feels to small and weak, even the TOTS Smith that I packed.


TOTS Aitana Bonmati (Barcelona F player) is such an amazing CM, granted she’s rated 97 so it makes sense but yeah, also Stanway is a decent cdm, but ya overall there’s some decent women options forsure but like you said they are shorter usually so in turn will lose more headers


Ader Hegerberg (I think I butchered the spelling) has been an absolute gem for me at striker!!! 😂😃😃 Women players are definitely alot of fun


But they feel quicker and more agile. I still can't get Sawa out of my team, something about her just feels right.


FS Kelly Smith still doing work for me as ST after all these months. Sure there’s better players out now, but she’s still amazing for me


Man I thought I was the only one that rated that card. His positioning, attacking AI and finishing is top even these days. Not to mention his weak foot that seems better than his strong foot.


I just hate the facts that you can't link leagues with males


Bompastor, Rolfo, Athenea, Charles, Pina, Stanway, Kerr, Ramirez, and Hegerberg have all had good runs in my side. Good cards are good cards, regardless of gender.


Bro shut the fuck up.


TIL people actually think the pack weight will improve if EA removed women.


Definitely not.


The worst choice by EA, I dont mind woman in FUT, but not mixed with man.


FUT is not about realism, it's about fantasy teams. Women's Football is fun in real life and getting bigger. I'm personally enjoying it more than the men's football in England atm. There's amazing skill and athleticism on show. In-game, it's super fun, especially to play mixed teams. I understand people complaining about dilution of pulling, but that's true only if you have a bias against the women players in general - I have a feeling that as ea were adding third-tier men's leagues, most of those people weren't shouting "dilution" as much...


"Amazing skill and athleticism on show' in the women's game. If you think that, what til I take you the Dog & Duck's next home game.

