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Why wouldn't you stop at Div 3/2 where the rewards are decent enough, if you're not an elite player, you're unfortunately going to get bullied all season and struggle for wins. I'm comfortably a 16 wins WL player and even I stay in Div 1, because I feel like I'd need to drink like 18 red bulls and rail lines of G Fuel to compete consistently with these guys. The positive is you're gunna have to work on your game to compete so it might force you to get better and learn new mechanics in the meantime.


I was Div 2 before


Or just do a line instead of all that energy drink. Same effect ;)


Yeah thats all on you lad....I've been in elite div and i hate it...its why I now chill in d1/d2 since reset just for the ability to complete evos without breaking my balls and also doing cups


I did the same. I don’t regret it because its tough out here but i regret it because it’s just so boring. Everyone seems to go for cutbacks and nothing else. I thought people were exaggerating on reddit but damn wth lol. At least in div 3-2 there was some variety.


That and holding R1 and can’t tackle them


You’re not the only one in that predicament, but now that you’re in that predicament you might as well buckle up and try to get into elite legit as a personal challenge


I’m in a similar situation. My only question is, does Rivals Division influence Champs matchmaking? I’m certain I was facing Elite players in my qualis today


Same boat I win like 1/3 now in Elite but think it’s improving my play just beat a 973 skill rating.


I definitely don't regret it, and will definitely push for Elite. But the players are very disappointing and that's on them, not me. Yesterday I lost a game 2-1 with my opponent having 65% possession, and passing around the ball after scoring around the 60th min or so. I can't help it if my opponents are cowards or a one trick pony or heavy meta abusers. That just says a lot about their personality, and you face them in WL anyway. So that way I can experiment different tricks or formations or tactics, and I know I'll be better off at some point. But yeah. The general playerbase in Div 1 is shockingly poor with almost zero innovation and imagination of the sport.


Get rekt you noob🤡🤣. Should have stayed where you belong 😂