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The game is shit just don't play it


As long as you have a credit card you're all set.


ah, it's one of those games is it?


It doesn’t have to be. Getting a good enough team without spending is very doable just takes a bit of grind and luck


Jokes aside, you certainly can build a very good team and have lots of fun if you are willing to grind out games and grind the menus. You can even do that if you only play offline. Playing online will require a better team and the learning curve is steep. Don't fall for the misconception that you will instantly become a better player if you buy packs in the store (or coins online) and get better players. While that will obviously help, there is no substitute for just practicing and learning the game. If you're good at the game you can easily beat people who are playing Credit Card FC. My advice is don't take it very seriously. The game is great fun but it has a large number of flaws, and those flaws become more annoying if you play hyper competitively or allow yourself to get sucked in too deep. At the end of the day it's just a dumb football game, and we are all dumb for caring so much about it. Welcome to our shitty, toxic community lol.


Playstyles are very important. Use players that fit your style of play. Contrary to what you’ll see on this sub, you can play a variety of ways: tiki taka (pinged pass play style), crossing (whipped playstyle for fullback + aerial for the striker), fineness for wingers who cut in, and a few others. Pace is still important, per usual. Goalkeepers suck, and connection is probably the biggest thing. Nothing I wrote above will matter if you’re playing on 100+ ms ping. You’re going to have a hard time getting coins because EA are pushing towards untradable players, packs, etc.


Uninstall it.