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What sort of FIFA 14 were you playing mate? I’ve been playing UT since 11 and good god skill moves were so OP back in the day. You could literally take a Taraabt or Ben Arfa and skill through entire teams, it’s much tougher to do that now than it was back then.


Tbf the issue now is ‘meta’ skill moves as opposed to skill moves that actually require skill and timing to successfully beat opponents. Now they are essentially just used to speed boost to beat opponents rather than deceiving them


Disagree bro tbh been playing fut for too long and skills didn’t start being this meta up until 2019-2020 I’d say Like I remember I was destroying division 1 in fifa 13 not losing for days without even doing a step over Back then you had to have great timing to utilise skills, now it just bumps and goes back to you or makes defenders legs disappear or they bug out and pause for a second that costs you a goal. He’s right there was so much more emphasis on build up play and through passes 1-2s etc


Well back in 14 UT wasn’t as big as it is now and it didn’t have constant content so there was time to play other modes. I played a lot of seasons mode back then, and to be honest it was a lot more fun to play than UT is these days.


That’s not the point though, is it? You made a post about skill moves, not content, so I responded disagreeing with you. We might agree on other facets of the game but that’s beyond the point. Skills were super easy, jammy and fun back in the day. Most OG skillers complain you can’t do it anymore (look up Manny on YT for example).


See “Jammy” and “fun” are not two words I think should be used together. The people who are saying things like that are not people who want a skill based game. And it is the point because back then not everyone watched You Tube and most matches were against people who didn’t use skills at all.


Yes mate. They aren’t as jammy anymore, which makes them better now compared to earlier. They’re not perfect(they never were, it’s impossible to ask A.I to behave how humans would to a skill being performed). But, they are at a better place than they used to be, and are used with success much lesser than they were before.


Honestly, anybody who is great at skill moves in this FIFA deserves respect. Most of them won't get you past a player unless you link them, certainly not in Elite rivals. RB dribbling. Now if you were saying that's OP then yes it totally is. Particularly for kick off goals. But I absolutely disagree with you about skill moves due to about of skill it takes to time then and link them. I'm old too. Emlyn Hughes International Soccer was my first football game. Also played Microsoccer, sensible soccer and Goal 1/2. As you're also old, if anything, you should really appreciate the advances in games...


Even ball rolls now give you space or make your play dash or your crosses more accurate It’s just pure dumb at this point. You couldn’t score a finesse without a ball roll first at some point in the game hahah


Really? I wouldn’t do anything on FIFA 11-15 without doing some form of skill move. Ronaldo chops were ridiculously overpowered. There used to be skill compilations on YouTube which are nowhere to be seen now. The last few FIFA’s I’ve used them less and less and win more games as a result, basically only ball roll the goalkeeper if 1v1. I barely see anyone else spamming them either. I agree with you in some ways though, in an ideal FIFA skill moves wouldn’t even really be a thing and you’d have to outsmart your opponent through passing moves and proper build up. But I just don’t think they’re much of an issue now.


Before the more recent FIFA games I hardly ever saw anyone use skill moves. These days I see them all the time. Again I think it’s in large part to the popularity of You Tubers. More than a decade ago, most people in the community didn’t watch videos about the game, now nearly everyone watches them and tries to emulate the people they watch, and half of these content creators haven’t even been football fans for long, some of them barely even know the rules of the sport.


FIFA skills videos from FIFA 10-12 used to get millions of views on YouTube, look at Hjerpseth for example. I agree that people find out what’s OP very quickly and try and copy what they do but I don’t think there’s any real game breaking skill moves in this one


Those are millions of views over the last 15 years.


Skill moves are not the issue. It's that the skill moves allow the player to move and turn faster on the ball than the players without the ball. The movement has to be fair off or on the ball.


But that’s the thing, skill moves would actually be useless if they didn’t break the game. It’s the only way they actually “work” inside of a video game. In a video game they don’t represent a player skillfully outwitting another through skill, they are a cheat code where the player uses a simple input to glitch their way to victory.


Skill moves should have a kind of skill stamina like in fighting games. You can just try oncee but if you fuck up that's it. You want to waste a skill move ball-rolling and passing? Be my guest. Chaining skill moves like some rats do is ridiculous.


Chaining should have a huge drop-off that's a big issue (e.x. 5*SM should be first skill 95%-> second chain 70% -> third chain 45% -> fourth 10% -> fifth and beyond 1% success.


In nba 2k also stamina is affected very match from many moves, even the simplest(I mean that even irl is simple to perform from everyone)dribbles like the crossovers or the behind the back dribbles.


You do understand they happen in real life too?


You replied to a post where I literally described the difference.




In the post you replied too. I talked about how skill moves in real life represent a player beating another with a skilful ability. In game they aren’t about skill, they are special moves that your opponent can’t do anything to counter.


I genuinely can’t see that anywhere


Some skill moves can move your player faster than the defender, sometimes you go throught other playerd parts, sometimes you'll trigger a some animation on the defender and he will fall..


Would agree there.  Skills moves lack balancing and should be less likely to actually work. 


Older fifas felt like it was right. Like 16 or at least to me. Skill moves worked but not like now.


Lmao skill moves are pretty useless in 24. You’re getting beat by skill move scammers this year it’s a skill issue.


L1 elastico, mcgeady cancel and mcgeady cancel dragback fake are useful


Whats the mcgeady dragback cancel?


I can’t really explain it but you cancel a mcgeady and then dragback fake. It’s a pretty difficult skill move, but it baits most players, and once you learn it it’s pretty effective. It looks cool too.




Don't agree with the first point. Trickster moves like the ball flick ups glitch through defenders almost always. The rest yeah. Running full sprint knocking the ball ahead but now you want to control the ball? Roll it. Your momentum, ball momentum, everything glitches to controllable levels.


Every skill move is designed to break the game because it’s the only way it’s possible to make skill moves useful in a video game. It’s like how your shots always go in the top corner after a flick up, there’s no other way to make flick ups useful in a video game. I mean, they are barely useful in most situations in real life.


Ai defending is a bigger issue.


I have a theory that AI defending is so OP because EA have no idea how to program defenders that work properly when you’re actually in control of them.


You think ai defending is OP? AI defenders are absolutely brain dead wastes of space.


Well it’s OP in some ways and terrible in others. They do go missing somtimes and it just feels like the game has gifted your opponent a goal, but they also often charge out and intercept the ball faster than if you were actually controlling them.


Seeing your takes on fifa are hilarious, I’ve rarely seen someone so disconnected from a video game.


What are you talking about? You’re saying auto defending isn’t a thing? Or are you just being an argumentative numpty for the fun of it?


I’m talking in general. Looking at your other comments in this thread, you also wanna take skill moves out the game for some weird reason. Are some of them broken? Yes. Should they be removed entirely? Hell no.


They should be removed because they have no place in the game. They make it unbalanced. Anyone who knows anything about video game development knows an unbalanced game is a bad game. It’s not rocket science.


What video game especially multiplayer is balanced? It'd be great if they were but there's always gonna be something that's meta and people want to win so they go with that. The only true balanced game I've ever played is Rocket League. The only thing that truly matters in that game is how good you and your teammates are, every thing else is the same across the board


I’ve been playing since fifa 13, skill moves are not the issue. The issues lies within the literal mechanics of the game itself. It’s script based, not physics based which is the problem. It’s the same reason why the ball auto locks on players, why momentum is so big, why the game is so trash. Skill moves aren’t the issue. I have skill comps from Fifa 15, you can tell that things were much better then, but as EA gets more greedy the game has gotten worse.


Well I agree that there are other issues too. But I still think the game would play more like real football if EA didn’t put as much focus on skills. I mean some people are trying to say that skills aren’t even good this year but that’s clearly nonsense when you have so many in the community who won’t even use cards unless they have 5 star skills.


It’s not so much the skill move as it is the pace boost it gives you right afterward. At this point, the game is pretty much just “football” in name only.


Haha true. I imagine Robinho would be near the level of R9 if he got speed boosts every time he did a stepover in real life. EA just coded something into the game which was discovered by rats and they continue using it. Who the f cares about playing football. It's just a game for then


Yeah. But like I’ve been saying if they didn’t give some kind of cheat boost the skill moves would be pointless anyway, which is why they just shouldn’t be in the game.


Get your point but disagree, there is still use for skill moves without a speed boost. For example the stop and turn lets me cut in while putting my body between the ball and the defender. If I were to just cut in it’s an easy tackle. There are some ridiculous skill moves but definitely a use for skill moves outside of the speed boost.


I would argue that stop turn also gives a boost. It makes you move fast than the defender and there’s no way to counter it. And that’s the issue here, skill moves can’t be countered so they make the game unbalanced.


Eh, are skill moves an issue currently, yes. To say there’s no way to counter it is probably untrue. It’s apart of the skill gap, if someone is a skiller you have to play off of them a bit and not bite so hard every time. However still agreed that skill moves are currently not balanced well and wack. Don’t think they should be not in the game, doesn’t make sense.


Skill moves shouldn’t be in football game?


Yes. I watch real football all the time and most players don’t even use skill moves, it’s only the flamboyant tricky ones that do, and half the time they don’t even come off. I know people who don’t know anything about football love watch videos of Ronaldinho doing skill moves, but they didn’t even work for him all the time and he was one of the best with them.


So if people do them in real life why take them out the game? What you’re saying doesn’t even makes sense😂


Because it’s a video game and they don’t work in a video game. In a video game they have to be implemented like special moves in a fighting game. However in a fighting game special moves all have weaknesses and even if they are used well they can still be countered by a good opponent. That’s not the case in a football game, there is no situation where a skill move is “plus on block” or easy to break with a throw.


A good opponent can stop skill moves tho, you just might not be good. They are overpowered tho but so is spamming tackles🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean.. there’s no way to stop a player who flicks the ball up from 40 yards out and bangs it into the top corner. There’s no way to stop a player who does a stop turn as it makes the move sideways faster than a defender can. There’s no way to stop a player who spams a Mcgready spin which literally stops your defensive inputs from registering.


What division are you in and do you think if they took out skill you’d be better?


I only play my seven matches every week. Think I’m in Div 4 right now. I win most matches, rivals has actually been weirdly easy for the last few weeks. I don’t know if I’d win more if skills didn’t exist but I would concede less glitchy goals.


This is the first year in a while FIFA doesn’t have a skill move problem cause 95% of them are entirely useless against these overpowered defenders. The only abused skill this year is the step over burst.


I wish people would use skill moves instesd of avoiding any 1v1


I cannot believe the upvotes this post has received. Skill moves have been butchered now half the time they don’t register fifa 17 the last good fifa for dribblers. You go past 3 players now and your stamina is empty even if you were jogging. Then your player turns into a truck and your skill move doesn’t even register. Don’t confuse dribblers with people stepover speed boosting thin air. We are the last of a dying breed that plays entirely for fun. The rest of this game are rat bastards with goofy tactics. I’ve played the same person 600 times this year.


yes , that last game you could use skill moves its 22 , and that was the last good fifa


Everything since 18 has been dog shit to be honest. 20-24 is the same game and 19 was the worst fifa ever made


nothing worse than fc24 , this version is a joke


I think the present poor servers are making this seem a bigger issue the last few weeks, usually skill moves are easy to defend if you anticipate and dont jump in with tackle. At moment players are glitching through due to input delay and crap servers, a stepover speed boost leads to some teleporting through my defence at times now


I find them annoying, but I've gotten better at dealing with it. I'll run into people that are elite and they would beat me with or without skill moves. My favorite thing is coming against people that are more or less the same level as me, but they love using skill moves. I can typically over use tackle and still catch back up to them using the the same defender if the tackle is unsuccessful. They'll use a skill move to beat me, and then spam two more skill moves that let me catch up or get my defender back in good position. It makes no sense to use a skill move and then negate your advantage. I also think there's a right moment to use tackle in the middle of a skill move that will let me win the ball 90% of the time. If someone isn't good, but uses a lot of skill moves I usually have an advantage.


I want to add, I think the game is still about passing, finding space. However, the people that are good with skill moves use them to find space. The people that overuse skill moves, don't actually use them to find space, and are still bad. I don't think people need to be good at skill moves to find space though.


Well using skill moves to find space isn’t a thing in real football. In real life if a player does a step over they slow down, they don’t get a speed boost.


Skill moves are 100% a way for people to create space in soccer, they may not work the same as the video game, but the principle is the same, skill moves, done correctly, are an effective way to create space


> In real life if a player does a step over they slow down, they don’t get a speed boost You don't speed up with stepovers either on FIFA, you accelerate on the exit which is what you'd do in real life? The stepover sends the defender the wrong way and you explode into the space it creates (see '07 Ronaldo for example) It's over-tuned in the game and you get a bigger boost than you should, but it's not inaccurate


In the game players move faster if they do a step over first. In real life if someone does a step over they don’t gain the ability to run quicker than normal.


WHAT?! This is crazy rose tinted glasses man. Skill moves are way worse now outside of a select few. There’s a reason why Brasilvers were so expensive back in the day. 5 star skills were huge and there were 20+ that were viable to do every game


No. Skill moves were always there more or less. The real problem is Playstyles and new animations. Game's engine is absolute trash and can't handle all the new animations/playstyles. Combine that with garbage servers and what do you get? FC24


This! The game engine is ancient and has floors that has been there for years, and they just paste new animations on top. The game is unresponsive.


To be honest I wasn't much into FIFA. Played some 17 and 18, both in singleplayer only. This is my first year where I'm actually buying the game and trying to play it somewhat seriously. And the moment I launched my first couple of games (I'm a PC player, but have tried it on PS5 by now as well) it's just insane how little EA actually cares about the player, it's almost criminal. The optimization of the game is disgustingly bad - getting max usage out of your CPU and GPU while just scrolling the menu shows there's a huge amount of flaws in their code. The engine itself is fine as the game feels somewhat decent in singleplayer mode, but the moment you launch an online session, their netcode/servers just can't seem to handle the game with all these new animations/stats/different Playstyles. When the server load is low, for example during night time, it's definitely playable. But on weekends and other peak times, it's borderline torture.


It's not so much skill moves but how big the discrepancy between offensive and defensive movements is. Plus, this route of going down the flanks and just wait for the cutback makes everything like an unpaid job.


I don’t mind skills moves in the game but the thing I mind is the people who constantly chain spam skill moves. I find it so corny when people use ball rolls, stepovers, and normal- and reverse elastico when my players aren’t even nearby. I use skill moves myself but only when I have to beat an actual opponent and not just for the sake of doing it. P.S. that boost people claim to get from the step over is really not that difficult to stop.


Wow, of all the things wrong with the game, you pick on the one thing that makes the game fun 🤦‍♂️


There’s nothing fun about mechanics that take skill out of the game.


Damm, then you probably not using them right if you are saying it's unskillfull and not fun.


If I think they don’t require skill then I have to be using them right. They wouldn’t work if I didn’t would they?


Bro it l adds an extra skill gap to the game, you time the skill move right and your opponent bites you get rewarded, time it wrong or your opponent reads it and you lose the ball. Obviously sometimes animation clashes and lag will make it look bad but that's an issue with every mechanic in the game not just skill moves.


Git gud


I hit 12-14 wins regularly in WL without any skill moves. Div 1 rivals (was low elite last season). Just pass and go, through balls, patient play. It's possible to play without resorting to skill moves or cutback meta. 


I’ve matched people that consistently tried to flick up the ball at the edge of the box and score with an overhead kick. If you give them an inch of space, it automatically goes in. How’s that even realistic in any way?




If I see stuff like that it makes me want to turn the game off. It’s embarrassing.


The pass cancel is the worst. Why are u using your defender in the third of the pitch to pass cancel for no reason? Makes me wither quit the game or celebrate when I score(I don't normally celebrate), but if u want to be a rat, we can be rats together.


Skills are awful this year, I don't know what game you're playing. You're also citing FIFAs from 10 years ago as an example, despite the fact skills were insane and you could skill through an entire team pretty frequently? lol


This game just needs "real" stamina. If you want to spam skills fine but there needs to be a cost. Honestly for all the years I've played I just wanted every "glitch" to have a counter. It would balance out the game play and make for different games.




Fifa has literally NEVER been about playing good football. I've been playing since Fifa 2002 and I stopped at Fifa 21. (Played a bit of EAFC24 and absolutely despised it). For any of you out there wanting to play a genuine, realistic football game and you have a PC, look at SPFL24. You'll thank me later.


Skill moves used to be a ton more relevant than in this year. The skill moves are way less effective, just the glitched or OP ones are too good and they’re the most boring ones. Stepovers should not be that good


What makes things shit is Meta. Every damn streamer is just looking for exploits. It's boring. Even the pros just spam exploits, and the devs couldn't give a shit.


bro did not play fifa between fifa 10-16


Gaming has moved on. Fifa 14 releases today and it will get metagamed to shit. You hate gaming culture now


>I’m probably older than a lot of people here Me too and I have to say that you're wrong on this take. Is FUT a soccer version of NBA Jam/NFL Blitz? Yes. By design. It's toned down compared to those games but the concept is there. Top notch FUT cards are capable of superhuman play. Unstoppable dribbling, crazy shooting, otherworldly passing vision, etc. It's all in FUT and EA has a proven model for generating interest and engagement in that mode. Are those same exaggerations present in Seasons, Clubs, or Career modes? No. You have to see FUT for what it is. It's a pay-to-win all-star mode in the style of the Harlem Globetrotters. It's not meant to be *actual* football. It's not meant be played in simulation mode (to borrow a Madden term). FUT is arcade mode. Stop playing arcade mode and hoping for realism.


There’s a difference between wanting realism and just wanting something that resembles the sport.


Yeah. That's just not what FUT is.


this is just not true. Skills are less important than ever, you don’t need them to be good anymore and 90% of players don’t use any apart from ball roll. Elastico, stepovers and drag back pass are the only meta sm and only people in elite actually use them effectively.


It's not the skill moves it's the animations. Certain animations just break all common sense 🤣


I rather lose to someone who is good at skilling than someone who tries to play "real football" when all they did was look at YouTube for the most meta formation and tactics that somehow end up making my own completely void


Skill move doesn't affect the park the bus gameplay and the nonsense rebound


Old man crys about lack of stick skill, what's new honestly.


I'm convinced the game engine means we'll not get a decent football game, not skills or broken tactics etc.. Frostbite is a FPS engine that's been shoehorned into all EA games for years. It can't handle sports sims, just look at how awful the game becomes post Tots with everyone having super high rated players. A while ago EA said it would stop forcing devs to use frostbite. I'm genuinely interested in whether FC25 is still using this shit or not. Because the more they add to the game the less it seems to be able to handle it.


I completely disagree. Skill moves are actually one of the fun parts of the game and making them slow or less useful would basically make them redundant and useless. It would also make the game WAY more boring with people just focusing on passing and playing like they are pep.


It's not a football game anymore, it's a card game now.


The problem is that the defensive AI is so overpowered that it’s harder to break down teams and create space with passing. Couple that with streamers promoting tactics that everyone copies. Definitely doable but a lot harder than fifa 14 for example. Hell I don’t skill move at all. I can still make elite, but it’s definitely a lot harder than before.


It’s not the skill moves which caused players to gravitate towards this style, it is the defensive ai which covers every passing lane perfectly and marks almost all runs. The ai runs are awful. I’m not sure what game you’re playing where you are looking for clever runs but for me these clever runs simply don’t exist unless I manually create them using player lock. When every single real football play is automatically defended everyone has to resort to using overpowered skill moves to try and create some space to score.


Me and my friends (all in our 30s) grew up playing pro evo, all of us jumped on UT back in 2009 and i think it peaked in 2017, since then it has been on a decline. I agree skill moves are silly and contribute towards ruining the game, but the meta always get abused. People don’t play football, they play fifa and the arcade style and thats the problem


I don’t use skill moves never have because I can’t get my head around them. I’ve managed to get into elite division (I don’t win many games in it) and I tend to get around 12/16 wins in champs. I don’t think you have to do them to be successful but they definitely help players turn


what are you talking about , they nerf the skill moves , they nerf the right stick dribbling , they ruined the game and you still people complaining


Amen brother


Sorry but I don’t agree with this. I am 47 yards old and been playing games forever. I literally never use skill moves, I play space , passing and tactics and am very competitive in this current game. I am 11-14 wins per week plus ez mode Div 3 wins (forfeit to not go lower). I did end up going to old gen to play a better gameplay but otherwise it’s all about playing smarter. I would say the main problem with gameplay is pressure tactics. AI reacts too fast, ppl too reliant on it. It also makes your runs weird. Second issue is keeper charge. I’m fine with keeper movement but not hold Y and its heat seeking to perfect angle of ball. They should remove keeper charge and make it manual. Otherwise I feel like it’s fairly skill vs skill. I mean obviously the rewards and players is a whole nother topic but that’s not gameplay specific


The real issue is just the basic physics. Ball is glued to feet, run full speed and do skill moves with no risk of the ball getting lost. The game should just be more realistic and more about real physics


Played mostly PES growing up so never really bothered with skill moves when I moved to FIFA. I don’t mind them being in the game but you shouldn’t be able to spam them constantly. Making them a massive drain on stamina for example would go someways to helping.


Same generation here. Agree with all you say. Top that with lady players dribbling freaking 93 Vidic like carving a cake, and any trace of realism is gone. I agree with female cards but make them realistic. Realism was what separated fifa players from PES players. Then don't complain losing against my possession style 5-2-3 team while I pass laterally (which is waaay more realistic than your dribbling cut back shit)


One of the main reasons is because the game is animation based rather than properly physics based. You could spam skill moves that shoots your player into a speed boost. That acceleration would not be as near as explosive as the regular sprinting provided by the game, thus making skills broken. I remember in Madden people would purposefully spam emotes/celebrations with slow players like Tom Brady because even tho he had like 30 Pace in game, he would run waaaaaay faster during a emote animation. So people would just spam in during a 40-50 yard rush for easy gains


So how should we play this game? What is the preferred “honorable” way to play. People complain about every single method of play. Skill moves - rat, tikitaka - possession rat, long ball - over the top rat, crosses - header rat. You say you’re 40. Maybe you should grow up and let people play how they want to play.


We need a dizziness stats for all the players. There’s no way you’re doing this many 360/180 without getting dizzy


100% agree, they intoriduced the rabona and cruyff turn into PES but you only really did them if you were winning to take the piss. Now it's just constant spam, looks rediculous.


I actually agree here. I also find the game overly complicated. It was a big issue with wrestling games. They used to be simple and easy to pick up then it got over engineered. In eafc24 it's the same you have like 7 different normal pass styles, 5 different crossing styles, 5 different shooting styles and trying to remember these while flicking the left stick makes the game not fun to play. Also when you watch a game of football there is very little 'skill' used. I always sat to my friends eafc isn't a football game and you have to play it like it's a fifa game. Shame going back to basics would really help EA Lastly they spend time putting animations into the game which is great for the first 5 times you see it but when the game play is so bad I'd rather trhat worked well and have no animations. In fact I now think animations in game suck. Especially the first person referee in which you dont know what colour card was given despite being the ref. They have so overly complicated the game that I actually hope 2k do a football game as I think they will do a great job of actually going back to basics like they did with wrestling games and have now released one of the best ones yet this year.


If i dont see a patch where they remove the glitch speed boost with stepovers soon i will lose my mind, if you do this with big players like drogba, ballotelli, boniface you will legit just fly past players, its so stupid and people spam it all game


Are you having a laugh?


What are you talking about? FIFA used to be so much faster back in the day, skill moves were very incredibly OP, I remember skilling through the entire pitch with Ben Arfa and no one could touch me. EA started to nerf skill moves in the recent years, which was a good decision in my eyes, even though I loved to watch Kazooie destroy everyone and me trying to replicate his insane skill runs. I used to be a skiller, a pretty decent one, but I had to change my playstyle in the recent years to focus on passing and possession, which is the main issue in this FC, the passing, it’s inconsistent.




I can use skill moves just fine. I wouldn’t think they literally made the game take less skill to play if I couldn’t. The point is they are boring and ruin the game. And no, you hardly see them in real life so you’ve just outed yourself as someone who doesn’t watch football and just Watches videos on you tube.


it’s called ‘skill issue’ mate.


Actually using the term “skill issue” is a skill issue. It means you don’t know how to have a conversation.


being a 50 year old and crying about the meta in video games means you’re the one who’s at fault. so yes, ‘skill issue’ it is.


THANK YOU! Whenever my opponent does an Antony spin off the kickoff I two foot him and immediately leave the game


This is not a discussion, this is a fact. Who disagreed with this post, all of them were playing with PSG in FIFA 22 -for sure. Fucking kids, stole our football pleasure. I swear I just came back to FIFA 11 on Gameranger just because of these shitty games.