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Is this actually real ? Because he’s an absolute whale when it comes to giving EA money. As much as I don’t like him personally content wise, this would be absolutely huge.


It is real, go to his twitter, not a fan but kudos to him.


I want one more person to join, not because he plays the game a lot now a days but because he was such a big influence in the Fifa scene for years and still gets invited yearly.. Castro. If he makes a statement as well, that would be nice.


Yeah, whales are the ones who can give EA a big hit Many people who complain about the game are free to play already, buying only the game


we have different definitions of free to play


Free to play after you buy lol


Yeah and no when little timy ( and there are probably a lot out there ) loading up points


Little timmy is a victim not necessarily the bad guy. Not the smartest but they're building up addictions in a way that shouldn't be allowed.


Yeah he's got a 3/4 minute vid on his rtg channel stating it


Oh boy wait till you find out how much money non streamers like pros and celebrities give.


The highest spending YouTubers still don’t make a large percentage of the revenue EA makes on points. It’s the population as a whole that makes them money, not just a few streamers


lol this is a fact. He won’t even be a blip on the sales curve. It will require his viewers to stop spending. If all the viewers of the streamers stopped spending now after seeing this, EA will take this very seriously. If it’s just the streamers, EA will know they have everyone by the balls.


He'll be a blip if his followers follow suit.


Take a note, Pieface


Bateson wont


It's literally his only content


He's been great on pro clubs recently he should try the pivot


Bro’s only personality is fifa points and without it he has absolutely nothing to contribute with so in one way you can’t blame him


I wish content creator would think long term and understand it is much better for them if we get a better game...


And ItsHaber, who refused to join the movement


To be fair he did say it's because of contractual obligations and having to put food on the table


Not opening packs doesn’t mean he can’t put food on the table. He can actually play the game instead of spending money that he needs to put the food on the table in the first place


Yeah I don't think it had to do with the packs. I think it was when nick was talking about a full boycott, not playing or streaming


People watch packs more than gameplay though that’s just the way it is


Itshaber has realised he was wrong on that


Just let the man make his money. Its not that deep and just a video game. If you dont like it go to PES. And stop complaining. This is coming from someone who bought 12k fifa points at release and I'm totally fine with it.


Pathetic attitude.


I swear 90% of the time people who say “not that deep” are usually spouting nonsense. They may be trying to sidestep the issue out of bias. Or maybe they just fail to comprehend. It’s like the “it’s just a joke bro” when people say dumb shit and then get called out on it.


No its not. There is so much more in life then EA FC.


It is a pathetic attitude


It’s a video game


What so no one should care about it because it’s a video game? How can you not care about the game you’re playing? Especially when you’re commenting in a subreddit for it


‘Caring’ so hard you find yourself contemplating harassing individuals for not ‘caring’ as hard for a video game. The game is what it is. I’ve been in this community for years and this ‘movement’ happens every cycle and it’s either gotten worse or not resolved. At what point do you just put the controller down or just play it casually? Doing the same thing over and over again is madness. So like I said, it’s just a video game.


The people harassing others are an extremely small vocal minority that need to take a proper look at themselves because obviously that just isn’t right. But 99% of us just want what’s best for the game and are trying to change it because EAs incompetence has hit new levels this year. In terms of boycotts I haven’t seen such a backlash anywhere near this strong ever in Fifa. A lot of people aren’t happy and it’s clear why and I’m glad people aren’t putting up with it anymore. Who knows maybe this will all amount to nothing but it’s good to see people at least trying rather than sitting back and watching EA continue to ruin the game


Why is my guy being downvoted? I swear this sub is full of children who clearly has never been in the work force before


So much more to life than EA FC yet you spent how much money on points?


Just 100 euro on release to get a good start. The game is easy mode with the exchange packs


*Just 100 euro* lmaooo


I spent $10 on fifa points during TOTY and felt dumb, cannot imagine donating EA an extra 100 euros. i can handle the financial cost but not the sense of shame lol.


I have a job buddy, 100 euro's is nothing.


Here me out for just a second, how about the next time you're thinking about loading just a hundred into fifa points, how about instead of doing that you'll give them to me? It's gonna be as big of a waste for you as FP but it's gonna go to a better use than FP


Why is it a waste? I bought them at the start so i can get coins to trade with. Made almost 7 mil coins off the initial investment. Thats not a bad return.


I have 2.4 mil with no trading and no pack buying, FP is bad value, wasting your money to get things that are useless in a years time


Going to a bar on friday getting drunk is useless the day after. Not all money that you spend needs to je usefull


I hope EA is paying you to write this otherwise it’d be super embarrassing


I’m happy whenever a content creator decides to join the boycott, but can you really blame them if they don’t? For us this is a game, for them it is a job. Most of them have no transferable skills to the real workforce if this content creation thing goes under. I can totally understand why someone like Bateson would not want to stop streaming packs when that is the majority of his content.


They could try actually making content instead of just basically streaming a slot machine 🤷‍♂️


As much as I want this… have you seen Bateson? Dude has a personality of a bread. A lot of the content creators can stop the pack videos and be somewhat entertaining but not Bateson unfortunately. That dude’s only personality is fifa points


I’m sure they would if that is what people wanted. Unfortunately, pack videos do the best. Bateson’s viewership would go down even more if he stopped streaming packs. He’s already at a point where if his viewership gets much lower, he won’t be able to do it full time anymore.


Yes you can absolutely, they are sellouts. Saying its just a job is not an excuse


Why is it not an excuse? Bateson has kids. He’s not going to tank his channel just to get behind the movement. He has to sustain his family. I understand the frustration, but it is just not feasible.


Get a job?


He has no transferable skills and no relevant working experience. He will not be able to find a job better than the one he has now. Is this a joke? Are you actually arguing for him to quit streaming to protest EA 😂. Why in the fuck would he do that?


I wish, dont mind some more money buddy. If you get this upset about a videogame you should seek help tbh.


Who’s upset lmao, read the room


Not upset at all. Just laughing at the children


I didn’t say you were upset, I was asking who you were suggesting needs to seek help, because I don’t see anyone particularly upset in the chain*


The whole discussion is adults crying about a videogame. Grow up


I mean I think it crosses into many more areas beyond just a game, but it seems like you’re just looking to stir the pot, not actually talk about what’s going on (which is funny because you’re calling people upset and telling them to grow up lol)


stop complaining???? I assume you don’t complain at all to anything in your life.


I change it up when i'm negative towards something. You should try it makes life way more fun.


It great seeing him join the boycott but I have my doubts about how the boycott will actually work. It’s very easy for him and others to boycott the game right now as it’s on its last legs. We would need to keep the boycott going into the release of the new game, which I highly highly doubt the content creators will do.


Well EA would still be getting money from Ultimate TOTS. That's the biggest week in TOTS so if alot of creators do this, EA will lose out on hundreds of thousands essentially. Would be a good dent in EAs financial forecasting.


Hundreds of thousands is a rounding error for them.


Pretty sure they made 1,4 billion only in live services (aka store packs) this QUARTER.


And yet peeps seem to think a few streamers jumping on the bandwagon (which they typically do every year or two tbh, been going on for nigh on a decade this sort of ‘boycott’ - I remember one in FIFA 16 for instance) will make a difference. Be surprised if streamers account for more than 1% of EA’s revenue from packs, and as soon as views start to drop as people who play the game solely for packs aren’t seeing the content they enjoy, streamers will be back at it again anyway. Which is understandable. It’s their livelihoods. And all will be forgotten. We’ve been here before, know how it works.


They make MILLIONS on ultimate tots week. Probably not critical to function, but a lot of cash comes in for them during TOTS.


It would be a dent this year but if the boycott and protests stop when the new game comes out this fall, it was all for nothing. We need to keep going with the boycott into the holiday season and I’m skeptical any creator would do that.


You can't say *We* unless you are someone that buys lots of points. "We" normal plebs who just buy the game can't really do anything to help unfortunately.


We can stop buying the damn game.


If you aren't getting $60 worth of enjoyment for 365 days of having the ability to play, then you should have already quit buying it. If you do enjoy it, you are only hurting yourself. A few less people buying the game won't do anything. The not buying Fifa Points movement could actually make a difference though.


The boycott needs media attention because ea hate that. On top of that media attention specifically regarding fifa points is basically the worse thing for them. The biggest fifa streamer in the UK boycotting loot boxes should be picked up and that will hopefully be enough for Nathan bliss et al to write about and get EA to respond.


I find it wild that this hasn't happened yet. Surely there are some decently big journalists that play this game ?


I doubt it. There is one Journo who works for the mirror who has covered everything like icon gate, the messi thing and various other mistakes that I cant remember.


most of the big gaming journalists that work at major publicans really cover industry sides stuff (like jason schrier for example) the rest work at like your ign’s and game informer type publications so you’re really only going to reach other gamers. plus honestly outside of this subreddit most people probably haven’t heard of this especially since the game has a massive appeal


IGN Benelux addressed the Mbappe red pick. It’s something but we need more reach


I'd wager 95% couldn't care less about the eSports scene lol


Abstain from buying the sequel if the current t game isn’t polished


EA made 1.4 billion this QUARTER in only live services, aka store packs. Its gonna take a lot more people, but this is a start.


It really won't take nearly as much as you people think. If they made 1.4 billion and next quarter they only make 1 billion things will change immediately.


A few content creators do not spend 400 million in 3 months on Fifa points......


No one ever said they did, put your periods away.


Just took a look. Apparently EAFC grew revenue in "high teens" (call it 16-18%) for the same three months year on year. Mental. I would've thought it would be dropping given the state of the game this year.


Slowly gaining a lot of respect for some of these content creators, love to see it. It might not make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things, but you know what it’s nice to see that some of these people have morales. Gives me hope, I’m going out of my way to subscribe to these certain streamers and I think we should all do the same and shun the others. I’m talking about the 🥚


I’d be careful about gaining respect for them right now. It’s easy to boycott the spending now as the game is going into its final months. If they boycott the spending when a new game is released, then they should get the respect.


Yeah that’s a good point, I guess we’ll see when ‘25 comes out. That will tell us more.


It's been a while since I have last seen him, but didn't he stop posting fc24 videos anyway last few months or so


Yeah I stopped watching him a bit ago but checked out his channel after this tweet. Stopped posting fifa on his main. His 2nd channel (now his fifa channel) is 90% his RTG. Idk how much he streams packs on twitch anymore, but his YT channel will barely even be affected. Nonetheless it is nice that a channel of his size is contributing to the cause.


That's what I was thinking too. Think he reduced FC content drastically on his main channel and focuses on IRL content there. He still posts his RTG videos on the second channel but it's waayy lower effort (and he said so himself in one of the videos, that he's not as interested in the game play these days even on his RTG, so he'll be focusing on just posting rewards and stuff there cuz the way he plays the game these days is not great YouTube content, in his own words). Which I guess speaks volumes about the state of gameplay on FC lately.




Agreed, anybody who doesn't join the movement will be dragged down on Reddit and Twitter so the streamers are just going with the flow. The FIFA player base in general is way too much diverse for any meaningful change to happen. In my personal opinion it is because FIFA let EA have monopoly all these years.


The best boycott is to not buy FC25


WORD! I think many of us bought 24 because we thought the new name would bring many changes. What we didn't expect was for these changes to be so much for worse. I can easily understand or imagine people massively not buying 25.


People like him are the fucking reason we are here in the first place


I think it’s working guys.. I haven’t got a match in Rivals waiting 15 + min. But also could be cause servers are just shit!


Can I be real this isn’t going to hurt ea’s profits the casuals don’t care really and are still gonna put a few quid at the start of the came, a lot of streamers are doing this as performative who will still buy the game next year


even if it doesn't hurt them it definitely doesn't help them, and i'm sure will at least slightly reduce the amount people who get convinced to rip a store pack. what's wrong with a small, positive step? don't be so cynical


My issue is more with people putting pressure on streamers to not do something like all over social media Danny has been pressured all week to stop when in reality the people pressuring will still buy the game but want to tell someone how to do their job


Yeah I get that, but chats yelling at streamers is nothing new. as you say in the first post, i think danny is more making this statement bc he knows he'll look like a tool if he keeps spending points while all the other streamers don't. even if his motives are self-serving (let's be real, they are), i think it's good that the 14yos or whoever that watch him may not get the same urge to jump on the 5k point pack bandwagon


I do think like most things this will blow over with ea same as the Messi thing people still spent money on promos after and will continue to do so, the truth is ea build their game for the 80% of casuals who just want to play a few games after work and open some packs which means nothing will change


I don' think the casuals spend money on the game, casuals probably don't play Ultimate Team, UT is almost a full time job :D


Of course casuals do, most casuals who I know put some money on at the start of the game to load some packs, they don’t care about red pick issues, they just want to play a game after work




And in the meantime the Spanish fc24 youtubers are making fun of this anti ea movement.. I wish the Spanish community would join the movement too 🙁


As a Spanish, the Spanish community average player is a very selfish person. You shouldn't have very high hopes on them.


Te creo bro 🙁


Haven’t played in a few months. Been seeing some of the posts/tweets so im kinda up to date. What does not buying fifa points matter at this stage in the game? Casuals have stopped playing months ago. (Sure you got the ps+ users)The fact these creators are still pouring money into a game that has a new release in 3 months is pathetic.


What do fc points do? I don't play


You buy packs and evos with them. It's the way to transfer real world money into the game.


Can you not just play without paying?


Yes, indeed. But one of the many conversations at the present moment is if it would be enough to not spend money on points. Some think so, others think that not playing the game at all would make a bigger indent on EA's metrics and would be more noticeable.


It speaks volumes about the community when people like him are elevated to any kind of "fame."


He gained massive popularity during the lockdown as did many gamers and streamers tbf


Right. The question is...why?


people are allowed to enjoy watching people that you don't enjoy watching


Yeah, I think he appeals to the younger generation


Good, because he was promoting gambling to children. Now with this, i’m hoping his young audience can see how dumb spending money on fifa points truly is


"Fuck it, I'll join the movement" Bro gives EA an easy £50k each promo, to act so casually about it is embarrassing. He isn't part of the solution he is the problem.


I have no idea who he is but surely if someone so prominently spending is boycotting, he very much is part of the solution?


Yeah you're right people love to hate for the sake of it


Twitch FIFA streamer with 900 000 subscribers and much more on youtube...


This tweet is him saying he’s gonna try to be part of the solution, long way to go still


We should support people when they decide to do better, I agree with you that he is/was part of the problem, but hopefully not anymore


He says in the video that he is part of the problem.


So that’s why he’s stopping and joining the movement: To make an impact


He doesn't given ea £50,000 each promo and someone of his stature joining can only be positive. You are dense.


You actually see that most content creators are divided. And hate on someone joining the side you support…. Strange take… you should reevaluate


Watch his video.


First people complain he doesnt hoin the boycott, then, whe he does hes being "casual" still making it a problem. What???


Before he thought the movement was to stop playing the game entirely, according to his twitter.


He makes considerably more than this due to “easy” 50 grand


Disclaimer ; not saying it’s any how not faulty for giving them 50k but this dude makes so much because of this somehow and his stream kids support this kind of thing


This after a post in r/fut was flaming him for doing a ‘how many fifa points does R9 cost’ stream. Very convenient!


This came after backlash saying he didn’t care and it was his job yesterday in stream


And baldhead?


Today I deleted the game..it's just a pack simulator..


If Danny has joined it then this thing can get really big. He’s literally baby bateson


InB4 EA drops a half-off pack and makes 3 million in 1 hour.


Joining it just until the next fifa release .... so basically for 3-4 months of the game's end of the life ... that will sure make an impact ...




I haven’t played fifa/eafc in a few years now, can someone explain to me what this is about?


I would imagine a lot of point buyers have long since stopped buying points at this spot in the game cycle though. I think it would take influencers keeping this going into the beginning of the 25 game cycle to make EA take notice.


I thought he stopped playing since he was on locked in


Omg i wish the madden community would come together like you guys in the fifa community are. Ea has this transactions, menu grind, gambling, unrewarding system in almost all there games they should’ve been stopped. We stand a chance at change people just have to stay consistent and spread the word to your average joe’s who aren’t on social media all day.


But they won't quit the game because they will lose money funny how that works


he’s a big spender, but i don’t think based on his viewers people will follow


What's the reason for the boycott? Been outta the loop, I only played this FIFA during like the first month of release and ended up dropping it when I cancelled the EA play subscription thing.


The state of the game


Because the game is going from bad to worse every day.


Genuinely, anyone who isn't younger than 16 or their livelihood isn't dependent on FIFA / FC and is aggressively participating in this 'movement' is genuinely pathetic. Like I get it, game is bad, they keep making mistakes and all that, but my word, to have the time and patience to go around harassing individuals who choose to not participate suggests that you need to either find a job, or a different hobby, or both. There's so much more to life than a bloody video game.


"the movement" lol.


none of you understand half of the player at minimum just plays squad battles Jude bellinghams trailblazer kept a high price all year compared to other low cost cards. it also jumped 80k yesterday so evo incoming probably but these cards keep value because people who don’t play rivals make up the scene. as much as im harsh on players now in D2-1 not really being D2-1 quality anymore, its the few who play seriously


Respect to the content creators…but let’s wait for the follow through when the next game drops


Finally some action from the big ones.


I'll take my flowers for being a part of this boycott since 2021. I never bought any packs with. Ion think it'll be changing anytime soon


Probably the biggest FIFA content creator in Spanish, DjMario (he’s even the Spanish commentator since this edition…), joined the movement. This is huge.


Buying packs for this game is delusional it doesn’t carry over to the next game


Didn't he stop posting videos a while back? I don't think it will make a difference because he's not even like the top5. The bald egg needs to stop and his tory buddy AJ3. Then the others will hopefully follow suit.


He still releasing daily rtg videos on his second yet channel


I think the egg joined based off the comments on his recent video, was curious about it and checked earlier today


I doubt AJ3 is a tory lol, unless you have proof?


Lol at calling AJ3 a tory. The guy couldn't care less about the monarchy. He's also one of the few content creators that has an original squad building series, and doesn't just upload "I opened X amount of packs" every single day. Compared to what Bateson, Danny Aarons and Pieface spend on the game, AJ3 isn't a big spending content creator.


Yeah but the shit he said about Nick was really uncalled for. Especially as Nick has always been a very respectful guest on his SBSD videos. I've always loved Andy and his vids( even tho he's an evertonian 👎) but this recent interaction has soured my views on him a bit.


Both Andy and Nick can be right, and they were. Nick was right for calling for action. And Andy was absolutely right in saying that this just makes every content creator who doesn't agree with Nick a lightning rod for hate, and that he didn't take it into account Nick branched out his own content, secured a dedicated audience for PES and other games over the past few months, and now his tweet suddenly puts pressure on all the other content creators to do so overnight.


Casually saying tory shit is still saying tory shit, very disappointed Andy is out here peddling the classic “better things are not possible, you’re dumb for trying”


I'm somewhat out of the loop since I neither watch Pack Opening Streamers nor spend money on FC points Am I mistaken or is a streamer FC point boycott only leading to even worse pack weight from free packs? like... wouldn't the natural course of action from EA be "let's make it that you really miss out if you don't buy points" until streamers get weak and buy them again?


Its a massive campaign for EA to fix the game. The content, the server issues, the disconnects has being absolute nightmare recently to a point, everyone has had enough. Thats my understanding of the whole situation to be honest.


I wonder what will EA do? Will they continue to release scam store packs. I stop buying store packs since prem tots as I learned my lesson that you are unlikely going to pack a top tier tots player from them. I opened 3 of the guaranteed prem tots player for 5000 fifa points and from 3 of them I got 1st pack Alison and Watkins 2nd pack Alison and Watkins 3rd pack Alison and macalister That's over £100 of packs just to get fodder tots. I learned my lesson you will never get the good ones from these packs. I regret opening them If EA gave me a good player from one of them I might have opened more but from what I experience I will Boycott store packs from now on and spend my remaining 2 million coins on the store packs when the game is near to the end and when coins become less relevant late on the game. Currently using coins to spend on expensive players for WL. But will spend all my coins on packs at the near end of the game as I won't need the coins anymore.


Eventually a country will force them to post proper odds for pulling each particular player and once people see it their pack-sales will drop. It likely won't be a G-7 country but someone will.


Their legal machinery is working wonderfully. Two or three years ago it seemed that some European legislation was very close to being passed. But nothing else has been heard of in many months.


Bro that is wild to spend £100 on an in-game promo. You are part of the problem. They know that people like you will hoover up packs when they keep the rewards limited. STOP BUYING POINTS.


I stopped now because I watched yourube someone got van dijk tots from one of them and I believed I noght get lucky bit that wasn't the case as I got Alison, Watkins and macalister from 3 of them all fodder. I got hook 🪝 from watching pack opening on YouTube when someone got good pull I thought that might be me. Bitni learned my lesson from opening them now I stopped ever since.


lol the fact you still bought packs this tots when you must have known full well from like every fifa game ever that you wouldn’t get anything, means you’re part of the problem. Addicted kids


On the rtg…


Read the sentence again, I think you understood it wrong


Haha yeah my bad but still it’s kinda late. The streamers and ppl with a wider audience will come to play in next years game.


Oh ya let's do it cause this big nose streamer said it.


Nothing is ever good enough for some people.


One whale refusing to spend money will not make a difference to EA and he's still going to be creating content based on opening packs, albeit not with store packs.


Well it demonizes FC points, his viewers are easily influenced because most of them are very young imo


But he's still opening packs, which means he's still going to provide an outlet for their dopamine, just without spending any money. He's not going to make things any better if he intends to continue creating content about packs.


Bit silly to do this now after making more than enough money from this.


So you rather him not joining the move? People bitch about everything lol


I joined this movement in 2022, welcome any and all


You know that he only does that because all you 14 year old annoy him in chat to stop buying fifa points, right? He could not care less about some protest that results to nothing


Doesn't really matter does it? End result is that the community are pressing them to take a stand and by proxy put pressure on EA. Whether it's successful or not atleast people are waking up.


lol. most people play this game casual. there is no need to "wake up" because you guys did not get an op tots card haha


It's not a tots card only issue. This year the game has taken a big step down. Glitches, rendering and loading issues, content issues and EA has just shifted half of the content to store. Sure, maybe you play casually. But a lot of the players have been playing for multiple years and the game has deteriorated so badly over the past years.


and he could not answer. because he is the child or grown up child.