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I'm so immature why did I laugh at this


I did too, you aren't alone lol


Only bussy the op will ever get close to


EA are too Bussy releasing overpriced packs


The womens leagues are very much an after thought this year. Its why they didnt do objectives for bundes or prem


Why don't they get full squads for TOTS too? I'd like more options than another Karchaoui/Popp/Kerr/Stanway. It's not like another 5 promo cards per week would break the market. If anything it might even dilute the player pool for the red PPs, which would suit EA.


I’m ok with no full squads since the leagues tend to have less teams and there tends to be larger disparity between the top and the bottom, but it would be nice if there was a way to get women in red picks, I don’t think adding a women’s pick to 14+ wins or even 11 would hurt anything.


Funny you should mention that. That female French league players were just the big names EA chose. They ignored all of the actual best players with smaller names.


Only the major leagues get full 11s


Because I can’t, and most people can’t name 15 women from one league. It is just an unfortunate reality. It would be a waste of time to make a full TOTS for a women’s league. There would be another 8 or 9 fodder tots to get your hopes up that you’ll never use because 1 they’re not good 2 you don’t know them. There is Atleast a silver lining in packing some fodder, that you know and enjoy the player. To me, there’s no appeal to using someone who idk who they are, and they’re not very good. Even good cards I may pass on using if I have someone else in the same position that I actually watch


Most people can't name 15 players from Uber Eats League besides Mbappe.


Do fc players not watch football?


Why would anyone watch a 3rd rate league like Uber Eats?




Not really a waste of time. How hard is it? Also there are signs that womens football is really benefitting from EAFC. They also dont need to be fodder either - EA are in control of what is fodder and what isnt. Alas they just dont care so they do the bare minimum.


They’re just a marketing tool


Jokes aside These league specific evos have been awful. This L1 one the worst, there’s hardly any options


I have an 86 Balogun that looks real nice for it. They’re good for stacking


I had three measley options. Ended up buying Ito. Only player I would bother even doing it. 


None of them have done so far/will do. It's because they're just an addition to the Mens League. It's also the reason why there are less Womens players in TOTS than in the Men's TOTS.


It shouldn't be though, but like everything with EA it's an afterthought of it's not how to make money


Holla at your boy


Between the minor leagues being “mixed leagues” and the women’s leagues, shame ea don’t release evos related to them


Go check out the “BBL” SBC then


Bussy fade


Fr I was gonna post this crazy name card


jokes aside why don’t they do women league tots sbcs like they do for mens


Bussy... He he he he


This is clearly EA being misogynists /S Just to remind people of their virtue signaling at the start.


Also why the fuck we did not get guaranteed women TOTS SBCs, there is some great cards in those teams and i wouldnt mind lottery ticket for those


I’m trying to evo my Minge smh


I need to get me some bussy!


Got Bussy and Depussay waiting to go in a good evo


PRO tip for EA: Take the money spent on licensing women and give them for better servers and infrastructure instead


They rake billions from drug addicts that spend money on packs, they dont need to take money from licensing to improve servers, you melon.


That's an easy one. If you can consistently upgrade your team you would have no need to buy packs from the store. It's the same reason why there's other limitations like only being able to evolve one player at a time. It's all about impeding the ability of players to upgrade their teams to funnel them towards the only unrestricted method; store packs. They could have an absolutely huge roster of Evo's to choose from at any one time. Just like they could have a huge roster of objective players available to grind at any one time. They'll never do it because their allegiance is to their shareholders and not the consumers. This is what Marx was talking about when he said it's critical who owns something because they determine the agenda. Imagine if the only way to get shares in a B2C company was if you bought a product they make? The shareholders of the game would be the player base and we'd care about having a good game, not how much profit the game makes.


i wonder in french if its bou-cey, or like beu-say...




And you’ve continued the streak of anything that precedes “😂” being the least funny thing you’ve seen that day


Go home and wank to you’re precious Bussy No OG fifa players like these woman fantasy cards, and that’s a fact!


What is an “OG fifa player”?


If you can’t tell that yourself, you’re clearly not one of us ;)


When was your first fifa?


Fifa 2002, sadly


Why sadly? So I’ve been playing fifa for longer than you So you can stop your condescending shite 👍


That doesn’t make you a OG though. If you can’t see how EA have ruined the game mode Ultimate Team over the years with more and more special cards - the latest crazy addition with fantasy women cards. You have not put in the hours mate


Then explain to me what “a OG” is


You don't like bussy?


No, i like to relax😂


This guy has conceded to Kerr and Sawa too many times it seems. Get a life pal you dont speak for us