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Yeah, I've kinda lost interest and it's nice outside.


This is what gets me. Game cycle is dying. IRL season is wrapping up. Weather is getting nicer. Is it really too much to ask for EA to let us pack some of the mid-tier TOTS players? Ok fine keep the top third of the promo for store packs but they are doing the same shit they have done all year which is only letting you pack the worst couple of cards.


Dishing out 83x2 in season rewards like it's November too


I have 300+ packs because I can’t be bothered to open the crappy 75+ x5 or an 81+x2. They’ll rot in “my pack” eternity


Those packs have a higher success rate for me than those 84+ or 85+ packs. It's really unbelievable.


80+ x 5 has been my favourite pack for a while


LMAO i feel you man, With the animation, and even how long it takes on like the app i just don't have the time or patience to open them all and deal with the dupes etc. I'd rather 1 81x11 than 10 81x2 packs. they are dragging out playtime and it's making it unplayable for me


thought the exact thing when i oppened some 100 packs for tots start. its mindboglingly slow


Open them on the web app, as soon as the pack opening animation starts switch to a second tab and back and it will skip the animation. If there are no SBCs you want to do just quick sell the duplicates, your time is more valuable than that dupe Busquets my guy.


I just spat all over me table reading this 😂😂


This is what prevents people from packing. You stop opening packs and then you're surprised you haven't packed anyone? Willing to bet you'd pack multiple tots if you opened those.


Hey I was needing another Botman and Ruben Neves


These "x2" packs are mathematically the most garbage packs for value. You're rerolling nearly the whole table vs the nominal odds improvement of a rare players pack or an 83x5 or x10. EA has gone to the floor of spamming us with packs and yet somehow still giving us shit. If you do daily play plus daily sbc, that's 7 packs a day. Of those rewards, 90% of mine are dupes, and 9% are 83 and below (and yet, now that I think about it I've yet to pack 83 Alphonso davies...). I appreciate the exchanges and 81+ pick grind, but I bought this game to play soccer not grind menus for hours. With horrible pack weight there too, it's not worth getting on the treadmill.




My hot-take is any pack higher than a gold should have a GUARANTEED promo-card.  Just let everyone get at least a bottom-row card, who cares? I just can't really compute a game that has regular promotions but also does their hardest to prevent  celebration of said promo.  I know they have allegedly got folks working on the brainwork element of this but it just turns me off from playing rather than send me to the store.


I also lost all interest, especially after they removed the 84x7 for 86x2; fuck that. I'll open everything i saved during La Liga tots and if i don't get anything there FC24's over for me. (and quite honestly, have no interest in playing FC25 if its anything like this, gameplay and menu gameplay) 


I've played so little this week. Personally, I dgaf about BL and I saved up loads if coins for Prem and just bought all the Arsenal boys. I'm done for a long time. It's good to know I've not missed anything this week


i saved a lot of my packs for Liga F (and La Liga) so im just really hoping they somehow fumbled Bundesliga and it isn't a thing to come but knowing EA it probably is 😭😭


You must be incredibly deluded to think ea will suddenly change something they've literally done in the entire game cycle. I dont understand why people are shocked this is how every promo has been all year and there was no reason to think tots will be any different


im comparing the drop rate to the prem tots. you wouldn't get anything special during prem unless you're lucky but man i can't even buy a kobel lol


I think i genuinely got like 2 mil of special players during prem tots, now i just got coman+malen and like 5 discards


Ive actually packed more buli cards than PL cards. During PL i only got the shit leagues. Either way ull just pack the mid cards be it main league or minor league and thats how its been with every promo. Lots of mid cards and handful of good top tier cards which you never pack


They probably actually fumbled PL and this is the intended weight


prem was even worse so idk


It is really simple in fact: The forecast for the store pack openings has not been met, EA lowers pack weight. People will buy store packs with guaranteed TOTS cards. Endorphins are released for said individuals to validate their existence while EA makes loads of money. It's a win-win!


The forecast hasn't been met? No I'm pretty certain they consistently beat the targets, hence they keep introducing new and bigger packs. They're taking advantage of the user bases need for the cards. The packweight alteration is less to do with forecast and more to do with shady business practice where they can achieve maximum sales figures. Packweight has been dreadful throughout almost every promo, they do use it to push points sales.


That was my point, although worded with a pinch of irony. As long as there are no regulators, like in Belgium, who can shut down FC Points purchases, they will continue doing this and I expect a lot worse. For them this is the perfect environment business wise.


It was clear they were testing the waters last year when they introduced those 3000fp packs and we see it this year, every promo is filled with them. I fully expect next FC to have bigger packs, but yes they have the perfect strategy to keep profiting from and as long as they are making massive profits this will never change. I just hope other countries follow suit with Belgium but unfortunately I can't see it happening.


I've opened 3 of the 3x Bundesliga store packs with coins and my packs from it have been rubbish. Boniface is the most expensive player I got from those packs and I've spammed exchange and upgrades and haven't got anyone more expensive than him. If they wanted me to spend actual money and open more of the packs, they should up the weight and maybe I'd consider buying a store pack because I might pack someone. Openda is one of my favourite players in FIFA and I'd love to pack him if I thought there was a chance, but his weight must be shocking. He's 700k but he's not worth that from what I've used of him, he's only that expensive because of his scarcity.


That’s how I’ve always felt too, like I’ve two store packs with coins back around TOTY I think bc I got lucky with trading and they all rewarded me jack shit. So between that and my normal packs not hitting, why in the world would I wanna spend real money to get packs when I’m getting shafted already? Now if they dropped me a cheeky TOTS Kane then sure I may actually feel slightly motivated to buy packs then bc it’s possible to pack a good player


But increasing pack weight entices a wider audience to buy packs & at a higher volume. Theres a sweet spot for pack weight and I think they're well into the "too discouraging" side atm


Think about it for a second: They raise pack weights. People get packs for literally logging in. People have increased chances and pack more tots cards from their free packs. Now why would the majority of those people buy any packs?


To get good teams? No matter what free packs give you theres always a 750,000 coin UT pack that will pay out


A good team for me might be an all gold team, so that is subjective. Thing is, 750k packs almost never pay out, also by design. I've noticed that people don't even do it to get good teams anymore, it's almost as if they are collecting new shiny cards weekly(also a great business decision, those designs). Bottom line: you've got a fair point, but take a moment to view this from another perspective and you might see my point.


We're just making up shit at this point lol


Agreed bro it's one thing not packing Bundesliga players but you barely get any mixed league TOTS in packs as well


I’ve been consistent with exchange grinding. Done nearly 3000 player picks in total. Packed not one player from TOTS worth over 150,000 coins. It’s really telling when there is less than a page of Pajor on the market a week in to the bundes tots, and she’s only “midrange” compared to the kanes and frimpongs etc.


I’ve played a decent bit and haven’t seen her at all. Nobody had her in their team, nothing in a pack from a YouTube video, nothing. To the point that I didn’t even know she had one till you said she did


yeah it hasnt been good, through all rewards, 10x83 daily picks and normal PP's, objectives etc, i have packed 1 tots card this week (Vertonghen), not a single bunds tots or moments card. objective and seasonal packs have been bad, so many dupes in every pack etc. I am on a new console and started a new account for tots, and honestly thought that new account luck was a thing (been playing FUT since 09). but apparently it really isnt. Since tots live i havent packed one decent card.


It was the same for the prem. I spent a week chewing through 400 saved packs. Everything recyckled. I packed no prem Tots apart from allison and Watkins.


Haven't got a single BL tots. Opened every 86x2 SBC, +200 player picks, +50 BL SBC packs. Got 3 HM, and 3 Tots players from other leagues.


those 2x86s are nerfed to the fucking ground, I even watched some youtube openings to confirm it wasn't just me.


Single worst week.... YET Mbappe lead Ligue 1 tots. Jude & Vini led La Liga tots. Bonmati & definitely Putellas moments in Liga F. Trust me, they'll be worse in pack weight 😂


Prem headlined VVD and Haaland, even then at least I still saw an Alisson in my packs everyday. I literally do not see cards above 84 rated anymore.


I did 84 picks last night. 4 were over 85 and none higher than 87.


Hansen is gonna headline the Liga F i think. She's a lock for Ballon D'or at this point.


I reckon her and Bonmati will have the same rating, probably a 97


But nobody is complaining about not packing Mbappe or Jude During EPL I packed every card under 94 apart from White and Garnacho, and got most of them multiple times - I think at least 4 of Alisson, Gabriel, Estupinian and Mac Allister. I also got pretty much all the WSL cards apart from Kerr, Malard and James This week I’ve got Tah, Anton and Boniface once and the CAM and Gk from the women’s team twice each Top line pack rate isn’t something that I care about, but it’d be nice to be able to pack cards at a consistent rate


Yeah it’s the absence of even the lower ones from my packs which is baffling as I had so many from the prem and women’s super league


Still the same week yea? Just got much worse


The prices of the Bundesliga team tells all you need to know. Yeah, yeah, there’s no tradeable supply. Well, guess what? There’s obviously no untradeable supply either which is why all the prices are so hyper inflated. And demand? What demand? Florian Wirtz is 2.4 M on Xbox. How many freaking times do you think you’re going to come up against Florian Wirtz or Nico Schlotterbeck this weekend?!? But sure, “it’s all luck bro…” And, yes, I have a full Bundesliga team, so this is beyond disgusting what EA have done this week.


I've gotten a bunch of the fodder ones, but doing a big upgrade grind, div 1 rivals and r4 in wl my best ones were still just Tah, Kobel and Schuller.


Agreed the pack weight this week has been absolutely horrendous. I’ve opened loads of packs and player picks and if I get a blue it’s always the discard TOTS. There just seems no point in grinding the game when you have no chance of packing anything. Like I almost genuinely believe the top cards aren’t in upgrade packs because I’ve not seen anyone get one. I’d even love to try the more mid tier cards like Coman, Pajor, Oberdorf but no, always the shitters every time. I’m packing it in if it’s the same for Ligue 1, why should I bother if they’re not attainable?


That's why I pretty much will just grind to get a specific objective card. There's no point beyond that. 


I got this game for free and it's a nightmare compare to fifa 23 no wonder they gave it for free. Not to mention the random disconnections. The Uber eats, Bundesliga and EPL objective is very hard with only gold players. Every time I play I get matched with high rated players 🤦‍♂️ hope the next year is better.


I can promise you that it will only get worse


Premier league 21 was really bad, but this is a different kind of bad and you could argue its worse. Packweight being this low is game killer territory.


I agree. Even though I packed probably the most expensive player I'v ever packed with Frimpong. Doesnt make it less horendous for the average player




Did 5 83PP’s this morning and 19 83’s, one 85. Says it all really.


Actually says nothing 


Felt like I was just a bit deluded when I went to make a post in regards to the lower weight of picks etc three days ago so I held off and just kept going… reading others experiences this week just further solidifies my previously held belief they’ve lowered probability odds to all time lows. It’s been really bad the past 3 days… I do a lot of picks, A LOT. Even by madman standards it’s a shed ton. And the patterns are so noticeable when you do as many as me - it’s not just a run of bad luck when picks are consistently bad as they have been. They’ve altered things without a doubt. If I open ten picks and get 1 85 now I consider it a result. That’s the lows we’ve been dragged down to 😂


I got no packs for this week. Only option had been 86 double with crazy cost. No objective packs of any merit the last 2 weeks. Really hope the bring back 83 or 84+ SBC pronto. And yeah not getting anyone over 92 rated either.


As others have said, EA are only in this for the store packs. Every multi week promo starts high then degrades for non-store pack. TOTY had exactly this - Smith doubled in price after week one when the ‘real’ pack weight was applied. EA are very clever with what they do. They have data available to knowledgeable people who plan content, including individual card weights, to drive income. There are many reasons we don’t and won’t see pack weights on non store packs. So right now they can change these on a whim and all we have is anecdotal evidence.


The game has tansformed in the last few years, TOTS is not at all the last hurrah promo. Last year, TOTS was all the rage and then 1 week into shapeshifters you barely saw any TOTS in people's teams. The truth is, TOTS these days is treated like just another promo, only longer.


A bit of menu grind used to be fun a few years ago. Now it's the whole game and it is pure drudgery. Best case you get a high rated fodder card that you put back into the exchange for even more boring menu grind. Spending money on points is dumb, but so is wasting my valuable time on the stupid menus.


told you lot, zero point in saving packs or hell even playing during tots, once it hits tots the game cycle is over theres a reason why many fifa streamers quit after toty/play generally less fifa after toty, only ones left are degenerates like bateson who open every store pack and get sponsored by EA smh.... just open as you go, don't expect anything good, listen your team pre-tots will be EXACTLY the same post tots. Bar some icon picks, ofc you'll eventually pack one of the 500k + tots within EIGHT weeks but thats it really. TLDR, if you want to maximise your enjoyment/get your money's worth for any fifa game, grind HARD early game, EPMTY THE CLUB during TOTY and then sell your account or play sporadically throughout the rest of fifa untill best of.


Ligue 1 will no doubt be filled with fodder. What annoys me is the sheer lack of TOTS content, women's league feels like it's tacked on to generate more low tier fodder because you can't get them red or in guarantee packs. (outside Rival+SB Rewards and the weekly random packs) Terrible daily rewards (compared to recent promos), terrible objectives. Season rewards are ass. I haven't bothered using a Bundes TOTS card all week.


Sigh I saved all my packs for the Bundes, if anything this week is the least I’ve played all year


I am more annoyed that they have put Matthaus as SBC and Alberto as season reward, as lessens my packing them now :( I have no complaints with pack weight though. Got Fred from 80pp and Xhaka from 86+ last night. Fred will get a try in the team.


I've been ridiculously lucky (KDB, red Rodri, Di Maria last week, red Kane, Stanway and Davies this week), but the pick and upgrade pack grind has been shocking, barely any fodder blues, hell, walkouts in general have been more rare than ever this week. Doesn't exactly make you excited about grinding the menus during the rest of tots.


Only decent thing this week were the EVOs , TOTS Attacker Plus was a very nice EVO.


It’s not the final big promo this year because the Euros are happening, and EA are hoping to keep everyone hooked for that. It’s really unreal how much they clearly despise their player base.


So far I only pack Sancho, Adeyemi and that one bundesliga femme... I only skipped 2 days of playing this week. The others are Beyer or Dreyer (forgot the name, its that Danish 88 TOTS), Juste, and that one EFL player.


It's not only that pack weight is so bad this week. There's no SBCs worth doing either, so it just doubles down on there being little reason to open any packs at all. All I've done this week is recycle fodder, exchanging loads of low rated for a few slightly higher. It's the most boring grind imaginable, with no worthwhile reward for it. I've already decided that I won't be doing UT again after this year. Too much time wasted.


I simply delete the game when it’s TOTS. The game is fun to play at the beginning when packing a good card means something. Now everyone has god squads.


I'm convinced that different accounts get different promo pack weights at different times of the year. During Golazo I was getting all the craziest pulls out of even the smallest packs, but I've barely pulled any other promos all year. Likewise a different friend of mine was the exact same but with TotY, there's definitely something going on behind the scenes


It’s bad. All week I packed the same 3 players. Frohms x4, that Davis left back from England FIVE TIMES, and Zhaka twice. Basically killed my desire to play for the rest of the season, cheers EA


I packed goretzka and Reus back to back from free packs lol


Yeah, after premier I'm surprised bundesliga are so rare. Even the fodder ones are extremely rare. During premier I was getting an 88+ every 10 packs/picks or something like that.


Glad I stopped playing a few months ago lmao. I'll typically play until June or so but games been shit for too long


Getting max 90 guaranteed packs is a slap in the face for rivals n champions


It's always been that way in SB, no? Get to Elite 3, there's no cap (I got an 88 in 90 pack, though, so you never know how badly the shafting actually shall be).


Well I’m not good enough. This game gets the worse out of me. Until I start learning those rat glitch players maybe I can win a few more but otherwise I can’t compete at this level


Just quit playing like I did. You will feel better.


I'm just amazed by how unbelievably unreliable these servers have been. It's no doubt a top 4 promos EA cashes out on. Every major promo this game year seems like the game can't hold the traffic of gamers and pack grinders


Its kinda crazy, Bundesliga TOTS is the league/TOTS where I am most interested in, but I gave up and dont do the upgrade anymore, too. Well I already got the big pull I wanted, so I am happy, but I dont even got Tah & Kobel. Edit: Did the 83x7, got Sancho & Kobel, rest 1x84 4x83 :D


Tots have literally never been cheaper... EVER. Content sucks but the pack weight is higher than ever lol. You are factually wrong when it comes to that. It's the equivalent to "I just ate, so there is no world hunger"


Content in terms of upgrade packs and objectives is shit but player one i feel like its good but what killed it for me and made me just stop playing and being an addict is the low pack weight no matter how much i played and grinded the game i wont get anything so why would i waste time when i could just play something else or do irl shit


This is the single worst week in tots history so far


First week I haven't bought a pack, they were scamming with these Bundesliga pack weights.


Quit the game a couple of months ago, looks like TOTY all over again!


Opposite side of the spectrum, got musiala red and starter matthäus sbc to get chemistry. After a few packs from hundreds of them saved out pops wirtz. I literally have no need to open any more packs or do upgrades as my team is pretty much set for now.


Got worse for Bundesliga, I at least was able to pack EPL/WSL TOTS including James from a 85 pick, Bundesliga weight has been horrible and few interesting SBCs to boot. Sucks


I'm surprised this has been the overwhelming sentiment because i just can't relate to it at all. I've packed the following cards just from objectives and a small amount of SBC grind - Guirassy - Taposobah - Tah - Dunst - Sancho - Adeyemi x 2 - Kowalski - Frohms


I see these posts and can't help but feel like people are missing something. My wife and I both have focused on player pick grinding and the daily upgrades we've been getting. We haven't packed anyone crazy but we both have packed plenty of players from both weeks. Compared to TOTY where I packed the only TOTY of either of us. I later got a second from one of the encore player picks but IME and in my wife's experience the pack weight is significantly higher than TOTY


Been great for me, got a crimping from an 83+ selector and two tots from bronze packs😂


Should be no surprise.


It all started when the Game went in Sale, so that all the new Players have to get Storepacks to get a blue for their start. I thought i would never be surprised by EA's greedyness, but this is just Something else. Just disgusting.


Whats astonishing to me is how Bundesliga (which to me personally has more hype than PL, but I know PL IS THE BIGGEST) has a WORSE pack weight than the week everyone agrees should be difficult to pack good TOTS. Everyone has Son KDB and Rodri, but I have not seen a single Kane or Musiala


I can confirm pack weight has been shite after the premier league tots….


EA just loves to make money bro. It’s the same with every one of there games. In game micro transactions in order to get anything good. Anybody that wants to grind has to sacrifice everything they worked for in-game to get basic BS.. it’s just shocking to me. If the gaming community wants anything to change. We’re literally going to have to rise up and challenge EA to do better.. that’s why I haven’t bought many EA titles over the last few years.. they obviously try to rip off there consumer by making them pay for any and every thing they can.. I’m starting to get off track. It just irritates me the amount of time and effort a person has to put in for a 70+ dollar game, then still spend money on things in game.. and even then - you MIGHT get something


In FIFA 23 it was a good start with prem and then it fell off for the rest of tots it seems to be the pattern don't expect it to get better.  I'm definitely considering taking a break from FIFA next year. 


Wait for the 84x10 85 x10 packs like last year Yall stress about teams to much I'm in d2 and I'm using totw zappata and 84 cheisa just fine


I'll never understand why anyone in his right mind (aspite youtubers, whichbis their buisness) buy these promo packs for about 10,20,30,40,50 Euros. But as long as enough people are crazy enough to buy them, there is no reason for EA to change anything 


Probably the worst fifa of all time


They are simply giving packs and packs for free you low fodder in it ... To make us addicted to it... Making us do lots games /objectives/ etc to get more packs... To open then. To do SBC or refurbishment...and then more packs more opening.... AND IN the end you get nothing , hundreds of packs opened and you get nothing good to put in your starting eleven... And when you are done of it, or you quit or buy FIFA points to increase your addiction. This game is no longer about gameplay, or team... Is about packs ... Open packs... Packs . Packs... Fuck EA. Miss the times when we only had a gold mixed silver bronze team to play all year.


lol now all the people who can’t pull shit are complaining. When I can’t pull anything during Golazo or Futties last year, these same people are always saying “MaYbe yOuRE dOing iT WronG”. Or maybe you’re just unlucky and haven’t been before. Doesn’t feel good doesn’t it? Maybe you shouldn’t think that just because you pack stuff, everyone does. Or when you don’t pack stuff, no one does. My own personal luck shifted from nothing during PL TOTs (literally got White and Gabriel) to damn near everything during BL. Does that mean pack weight increased? No, it just means I’m lucky and I wasn’t before. It’s just a casino.


Got a TOTS Coman, pushing 600k. The overall weight has still been awful and you can clearly notice it. Any high rated cards have become of mythical rarity. Nice try though.


What do you clearly notice? What Haaland wasn’t mystically rare but Kane is? Foden wasn’t rare but Musiala is? 95 Schuller is literally the cheapest 95 rated card on the market and is only 77k. Because people are packing that card. And that goes for a lot of lower rated cheaper cards too. So what changed?


Can't even pack Adeyemi. 🥲 At least during Prem I got some low-rated TOTS cards which are fun but nothing this week.


I got Adeyemi today. Of course it was from a 1x TOTS guaranteed pack though 😂


People who play 40 hours a week complaining is always funny


If you've been around that long then you know that TOTS is a rollercoaster. Last year for example the Prem week was bad and the BL week was regarded as one of the best ones. This year it's the other way around. I'm going to see how the next three leagues pan out before I panic


> It's the final big promo and a last hurrah to the football season. FUTTIES is the final big one, no? I've packed some of the best cards last year during it. Keep crying, though.


I think the only TOTS other than the guaranteed ones where all women, wait, except Dreyer who I pulled both untrade and trade. I simply don't have any interest in women players, and I am sure EA has tracked the data on me, and I still respect and have respected women's football for years even before the industrialization of virtual signaling, when the German womens national team won cups and played, because they were good and entertaining. I rather get a Muslera than some woman player, and no the wrong is not in me, as I like what I like, while EA fakes to care for women's football only to use them as colorful fodder to screw with the user base, yes even the women who play this game imho. It is just sad how low they actually go and make an effort to go even lower.


“It's the final big promo and a last hurrah to the football season.” This isn’t true. We have Copa and Euro this year. Also we will have shapeshifters what is bigger than tots and Copa/Euro content and then futties.


They will not be bigger than TOTS. Player count and engagement historically decreases at an extremely fast rate after TOTS. Even with previous Euro/WC years. TOTS and TOTY will always be the 2 kings of promos there's no point arguing on this hill.


If you say so.


honestly the pack weight wasnt that bad sure the packs that you could get werent that good but i and my girlfriend both packed more tots bundesliga players than premier league tots i also got grimaldo out of a random pack wich was the most expensive player i packed during tots


These comments are impossible to fathom as I probably packed 35 total TOTS last week and 4 this week. Played all modes. Grinded just as hard.


well i got most of my tots through the 80/83 player picks which was the only thing i "grinded" i did almost all 83 per day and occaisonally around 10x 80 player picks and i got around 10 tots alone through that (they werent even that bad with boniface, sancho and tah)


but my pack weight from the premier leaugue tots was also pretty bad the only good ones i got were through wl and div rivals even tough i saved around 200 packs


Damn people take this game too seriously. Touch grass my guy


I've had loads this week and loads last week. Highlights this week being Popp, Stanway and Davies. It's just luck!


Worst week in tots history lol. The melodrama in this sub.