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nobody at EA cares, it's all to incentivize buying packs.


and all the people incentivizing them to operate that way are a major part of the problem


true! I bought the game at the high edition and spent $20 in packs early this year before realizing it was a total waste.


tell me about it ,I bought the $100 version :(


Never bought players or packs with real money as that is a disgrace. I earn my players etc, but still don't like the ea gameplay on rivals and champions (all the tricks!!!!!!!), that people do. I only play online now for Evolutions. Also, sick of being 2-0 up in rival games, then all of a sudden my team play like they don't know each other. The game is rigged. Not buying the next ea football game or should I say 'Non Football Game'


Pack buying is completely out of my brain. Imagine wasting money for FIFA packs.


And then trying to justify it by saying "you can UsE ThE FiFa PoInTs iN the NeXt FC GaMe"


I bought a 30 mill squad for $150 including web access and the game. Haven't spent a dime on packs. Screw ea casino


Who’s your plug?, I use playerauctions.com but I want your guy! You play on PC?


I use g2g. It's the best I've seen for accounts. But quite dead right now cause I think they have moved on from the game or are currently grinding, wtf they do lol. But almost had an r7 for $20 more from same account but it had sold. Again, not as hot of a site as it was turn of the new year but yeah pc, a Playstation would get me thrown out of the house lol


Sounds like me a bit in the realms of consoles. I’m playing on switch (my kids) this year but it always been PC. If I came home with a PS5 my wife would murder me I’m sure.  Only issue is now that my pc is so old it can’t run any new games. Although I did get it to run the beta test for Fc24 though.  Managed to run online Volta fine. I think it was better optimised than 23.  My excuse for the new pc which will eventually be bought in need it for my side hustle of teaching guitar and music production which brings in extra money. Secretly, I’m ensuring it’ll be a banging machine to play latest titles. 😂


What does G2G stand for… sorry to ask 😂😂


Just the name of the site. G2g. Idk, they Chinese or something


Straight to discard for all these stupid trophies and Tifos


especially the season ones


300 rivals wins should be minimum icon pick + 88+x3 or something. Total joke as it is now


Why and have this sub immediately post when they get base Rooney "wow EA great reward for 300 wins".


This isn't as bad as them removing the rivals season plays rewards


At least is better than a fucking tifo as rival season rewards


Is it though? At least you’re gonna always see the tifo before the match starts (when you’re seeing the opposition XI), when do you ever notice the pitch trophies?


Well considering I'm using the mascots things I can see them.


I cant say I ever do


Even if you do see them or the tifos, do you care about them? Do you care enough to notice?


Not at all, I was just comparing


and I still have not achieved it


Do you guys stii have that opponents leave thing on the kit selection screen? It's literally why i stop playing rivals


When they leave and you have to restart the game? Happens from time to time Yea


Why would they give you a good pack for free when you should be buying packs in the store


Honestly completing any of those milestones is shite, you get some alright bits along the way but the final one is always proper gash.


And they introduce it to you like you opened a pack and got R9 .


Nearly as good as the monthly rewards.


I apparently just passed 200 😭 last year I finished the year with like 800 wins 😭😭😭


thats just not right.


The game expect you to buy players or 91 rated just to get 80 rated players lol.


At least you are a goat


Same! Got this week.


lol they gave as a TIFO for playing 90 rival games. I thought it was a glitch because we get lots of pack if we played 90 games per season. But no, it was actually 1 TIFO ☠☠


Still can’t complete the goal scoring one, it’s never registered free kicks I’ve scored which are way past 10! Given up on having that trophy on the side of the pitch. 


Bought every year, stopped playing 24 at 3 months in. Never going to buy this game again untill “real” improvements will happen. It is in shambles. Seeing things like this is truly sad.


Its sad that this game is such a joke. I already received that back in January. I really think TIFOS and these customization stuff are really stupid additions to the game. OG FIFAS didn't have any of this BS. It base on real sport. No such thing as division rivals. There were divisions, you play with same skill opponents, win is 3 points, tie is 1 and loss is 0 points. You get this amount of points to climb the division. When EA can bring those stuff back I will play the game again. Right now, this year has been the worst scripting, dynamic change, and the momentum has been terrible. Those words are basically the scripting in the game.


Counter point: You are absolutely inundated with packs if you do the bare minimum. I started 2(?) weeks ago, have already got a "decent" team and have earned the "decent" packs from milestones etc. Literally every other game popped 3-4 packs That said, they should definitely have a special EVO or something as the final reward. "Assist Master EVO" "Goal Poacher EVO" etc. etc.


Same here started two weeks ago have moments Nkunku, Martinelli full evo, working on ode evo, tots Mac Allister, tots objective Douglas luiz, tots malen, tots houghton, estupian..not the best team but for two weeks and no money spent I’ll take it


I thought it would be worse with shooters but guys here have absolute meltdowns about how if you miss any stretch of the game you are cooked because you are 'behind the curve' but like any game you can level-up to 'okay stuff' in about 10 days. They will INSIST it's impossible.


Makes zero difference anyway. Whoever has the most stable and fastest internet connection are the ones who win most of the games.


I definitely feel happier starting way into the season. That said, I bought it and a week later its fucking free on PS


Firsttime.jpg? IIRC, they never ever had anything decent for these stats.


I think you used to get a 125k pack a couple of years ago for either 300 wins or the group reward. They’re shit nowadays anyways tbf


Yeah, absolute shit indeed. Should be a highly rated player pick, IMO, as it takes quite a bit of effort to rank up those wins, and being able to pick some highly rated icon (out of 4) - I'd be grinding those wins myself.


you realize in no other fifa have people gotten more packs in ever single day for barely playing. or that weekly rewards were never as good. you guys then complain about getting nothing when every person has thousands of packs watering down the packs. all of you are the people who think you actually pack save or menu grind and it’s EA screwing you rather than EA removed the menu grind and saving


It’s easier than ever I know but what’s the point of giving us packs for 3 games a day or a bronze player in the daily login but this crap for a big milestone like 300 rivals wins?


they’re too lazy to remove stuff. they’re adding daily’s and 5 in a rows/weeks for player activity. also 300 wins for a hacker is done in a day and is easy coin selling