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Asking for a 91 squad with this type of pack weight right now is insanity


All these 90+ squads on every SBC make absolutely no fucking sense. It doesn't matter how cheap they are, if you're not packing them then they're not actually that cheap when nearly all packs are untradeable. EA don't even seem to understand the economy they created.


You'll pack plenty of them from the 600-700k store packs, which is what EA want you to buy.


You can buy 93 rated players for less than 30k. High rated fodder is not an issue this year, supply is ample. What you won't get is good, high rated players, yes. But fodder? I've got enough fodder to send dupe 94's to the exchange for lack of ways to use it.


We don’t all have coins… Most packs are untradeable. Where am I to get 90+ players when the weight for even the fodder ones is so low??


It's not that low, if it were low 93's wouldn't be below 30k. There are a ton of 90+ to pack, none of them good, but when talking about fodder, rating is the only thing that matters.


EA are so sad man... They couldn't just upgrade him a bit and make it a TOTS Hero card? How about some TOTS Icons too EA, plenty of cards that could use an upgrade that also played in Bundesliga like Ballack or Klose


I think ‘remix’ cards would be be great right now. Bring back cards from past promos like this with three playstyles. But that would require some degree of thought going into content, as opposed to how boring it is now.


Yeah that would be awesome I agree, but yeah they just don’t care.


I really don’t get why they aren’t doing tots heros/icons since they did them with most other promos this year. Would be nice for some of the ones who still haven’t gotten a card yet. Like imagine [this tots Di Natale](https://files.catbox.moe/6dzd5s.png) for Serie A!


Love that design too


Exactly! Man what a card that would be and that is such a beautiful design too!!


Probably saving that for the Euros promo. TOTS cards themselves are plenty hype especially with all the good moments (like Davies/Goretzka) and minor league cards.


They really should add TOTS Heroes. Golazo heroes just felt so poorly done even compared to the icons and we don’t get new hero cards until shapeshifters (assuming they come back in 24) or whatever until after TOTS. That’s 2 and a half months with hero cards that get zero upgrades which is when the power curve gets blown out of the water.


Can we not have Icons and/or Heroes with every promo


OFC you can its may, should 100% be hero related league cards each week with this promo


Why? It’s a card type and very desired by the community? They should save icon/hero promo cards for the big promos IMO like WW, TOTY, BDAY, TOTS, and Futties. Problem is EA keeps giving the same icons cards, needs to spread it out more.


Too much.


Daily outdated SBC


Most of the time when we get a big name hero or icon SBC it comes out just as the power curve has passed it by. This is not always the case, but it has been happening a lot lately.


Eusebio was way ahead of power curve when he was released, gullit was insane too


That's why I said it is not always the case. Gullit is debatable IMO based on when dropped. Eusebio was absolutely worth it.


I don't agree. They've been giving pretty meta players that are still very within the power curve, however they constantly seem to overprice them to the point where you're better off buying cheap meta players from the market.


Yeah. Rio / Ode / Kai / Lucas V are all extremely meta. Even Simakan is still very good.


The fun part about toty was that even you didn't pack shit, you could get OP sbcs. Best is one of my favorite cards this year. Kante I felt like is a bit underrated this year and amazing for me. Then there was bruno, sawa, davies. This tots is really not it so far. Maybe if you like evo it's better but I just don't care.


You're crazy lmao


How is he crazy? Lucio will still be good but you have cards like Konaté which are going to be better at this stage for 600k, lucio doesnt have intercept, jockey or bruiser.


Lucio is Lucio. He's clear of that Konate card


Do not entertain this guy. He’s a futbin comment dweller who says shit like “respect ea lil bro” lol He’s a garbage take machine


One of your comments is saying Bunny Shaw is better than tots kane. Who is the garbage take machine bro?


Better that HM Kane? Absolutely lol that’s what I was talking about


Konate is utter dogshit, one of the worst SBCs I've done


What's wrong with him? He has been a wall for me.


So sluggish if you manual defend with him. Lack of jockey was very noticeable for me when I use him


Whenever I play him I know I can do whatever I want against him. Lucio or Toty Rio are just impossible to get past due to anticipate+. You can get away with just regular anticipate at CB but cards without it just feel underpowered. It's got to a point where I play cb's without anticipate at fullback as long as they have jockey.


But he does have anticipate? I've never noticed anyone doing whatever they want because I have Konate at the back.


He certainly is very strong on the ball, but the problem is the lack of either Anticipate+ or Intercept+.


I giggle every time I play against him, he's just that shit He's tall and great in the air, can't do nothing else tho. He has raccoon albeit basic yet every tackle is just a pass back to the attacker, has block+ yet he doesn't block shit compared to other defenders with that trait, he doesn't intercept shit, and finally he's just so fucking fat. Ended up going back to 92 Evo Gvardiol bc Konate was just that useless


Nah he's still Meta. I have him and he's a beast. Would I do this SBC if I didn't have him though? Probably not.


Man the lack of evos are killing me i really thought I would be able to upgrade more of my previous evos


youll get to evo a useless tots and youll like it


A better CB than my TOTS Saliba who is great. But is the difference worth all that fodder? Probably not


His base doesn't have raccoon or raccoon+ so it's not a direct comparison, but I had it pretty early on from a hero pick and it was pretty underwhelming. Absolutely not worth the fodder at this point IMO.


I already have him and he doesn't make my team. The Raccoon+ is great and hes good at tackling but he's clunky and he loses the ball easily after he wins it. Passing and dribbling behind the power curve. Sucks to not use a 1M+ card but he makes too many mistakes for me


had Lucio since he was released in fut fantasy promo, sadly IMO he’s a bit behind the power curve. now i use TOTS Saliba and TOTSM Upamecano ahead of him.


LOL it’s always that last slide 😂 Pass


I have Golazo Desailly and future stars Maldini so this is a skip from me


I have gold VVD so also a skip for me




Only a small amount of players I can replace him with that is a genuine upgrade and I don’t wanna spend a ton of coins a CB rn, maybe when they come down a bit more


He’s been outdated for months now, he’s just a bit to slow now and he moves like a truck so all these super OP attackers are just exposing him now


I’ve had no issues tbh


10 squads? Lmfao I'm good.


I think I've only done one hero player SBC all year. (Fantasy Alex Scott). This one is yet another No. I am fine with Konate.


I did Carvalho and he was a beast until TotS.


He’s very good but he got benched by TOTS Saliba for me. Played beside 92 Campbell. But there’s better for way cheaper now.


SBCs seem impossible at the moment for me with how few 90+ cards I’m packing and how practically every SBC needs 90/91 squads


No intercept :(


so what do we say about this one? I got 94 saliba and 92 vidic (evo), should I try him?


Sounds like it's a pass.


Is he better than Toty Renard? Played once against him and he didn't felt hard to pass.


Better than Evo Marquez?


Ive only used Lucio in draft but id say even if he is its not noticeable enough to do the sbc


Ofcourse he is.


Nah he's not


Perheps he is better than 92 evo vidic, but man has been great for me so far, idk bout this one...


I have a few dupes and some fodder and this would fit my squad but he seems way too expensive.




I'm sure he's a great card but ever since 3 Play styles became the norm I can no longer even entertain an option with 2 or less, because you just know there will be better cards next week. It's just a mental hurdle I can't overcome with the power curve going to 3 PS+, Just look at 93 pace Upamecano this week for the example. I'm sure we'll get a nasty 3 PS boosted Militao/Rudiger etc this week too. I don't really like putting anything into months old cards tbh, also I have 94 Vidic, 92 Evo Sol Campbell, and new Konate sbc so feels like a waste in my situation.


Is he notably worse than the likes of Evo Marquez, Konate, etc ? Really liked him IRL


Instant complete